Table of Contents - EESE 2002

William Golding and the State of Nature
Hans Werner Breunig (Madeburg)

William Blake and the Emblem Tradition
Karl Josef Höltgen (Erlangen)

The Wonderful World of the Dead:
A Typology of the Posthumous Narrative
Herbert Klein (Berlin)

"If I raise my voice ... / then I will be considered another emotional native":
Roma Potiki's embracing the other from a modernnewzealandmaoriwoman's perspective.
Claudia Duppé (Freiburg)

Patriotic Islands: The Politics of the English Landscape Garden
Marie-Luise Egbert (Chemnitz)

The Problems of Xenophobia and the Teaching of English at Japanese Universities
Alex Shishin (Kobe)

Fictions of Empire: Imperial Vision in George Gissing's Later Fiction,
with special regard to Henry Ryecroft (1903)
Ralph Pordzik (Essen)

The Anti-Discrimination Fiction and Non-Fiction of Sumii Sue:
A New Perspective and Challenge to English Literatures
Sawako Taniyama (Kobe)

Erving Goffman's Theatrical Grammar and
the Emergence of the Politician King in Shakespeare's Tetralogies
Roland Weidle (Hamburg)