Dinsmore Documentation presents Classics of American Colonial History
Author: | Wright, Thomas Goddard. |
Title: | Literary Culture in Early New England, 1620-1730. |
Citation: | New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press; London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1920. |
Subdivision: | Appendix |
HTML by Dinsmore Documentation * Added January 8, 2005 | |
◄ Chapter XIV Directory of Files Back Matter (to be digitized) ► |
THE Appendix had not been completed by the author and as it stands now does not include, by any means, all of the material which he had gathered for possible publication in this volume. Owing to lack of space the editor has omitted the catalogues of libraries belonging to William Bradford, Thomas Dudley, Samuel Eaton, Cotton Mather, Increase Mather, Thomas Prince, Miles Standish, William Tyng, John Winthrop, Jr. These lists may be found in Mr. Wright’s manuscript at the Yale University Library.
HERE is the Young Clerks Guide, with the Banquet of Jests.1 Nov. 30. I was at Boston, bought Diodati’s Annotations.2 Also I have desired & obtained of Major Bradford, a Booke in folio written by his father, which I shall send by the first opportunity by water; if I cannot send it by land. The Journall of Plimouth beginnings3 I could send you, but I thinke it needs not, for you told me some passages in it; whence I conclude you have that booke. Major Bradford hath another printed Booke, which he thinks would well contribute to you. Its title is Good Newes from P. in N: E:4 But he cannot finde it.5 [A postscript reports it found.]
I can only tell you that I have sent yor book (this being the first since I wrote to you last) & returne you a thousand thancks for ye use of ye same.6
Mr. Shove was this day at my house; as he passed along to Barnstable, (for your booke he thankes you) . . . . [7]
Yours I received & the bookes, 7 of those which came first are sold at Bridgewater; I will endeavour to sell as fast as I can.8
1 Thomas Johnson of London to Marmaduke Johnson, the printer, April 23, t663. Littlefield, Early Massachusetts Press, i. 225.
2 Diary of Rev. William Adams of Dedham, 1670. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 4th Series, i. 15.
3 The Journall is probably the so-called Mourt’s Relation.The “Booke in folio” is Bradford’s famous History of Plymouth. Mather is borrowing these as material for his own history of New England.
4 Good News from New England, 1624, by Edward Winslow.
5 John Cotton to Increase Mather, from Plymouth, November 24, 1676. Mather Papers, p. 229.
6 Giles Sylvester, Jr., of Southton, to Fitz-John Winthrop, March 9, 1677. Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, 2d Series, iv. 286. In another letter (August 19, 1677) he refers to a book, evidently on heraldry, by Gwillim, which he has had and returned.
7 John Cotton to Increase Mather, June 25, 1677. Mather Papers, p. 239.
8 John Cotton to Increase Mather, October 20, 1677. Ibid.,p. 239. The books referred to are probably Mather’s account of the troubles with the Indians (1677),
If you have Gorsius works by you, doe so much as send out a discours which is as I remember about a quarter or 3 part of the book in containing Exhortations to young people . . . .9
Tell him wee thanke him heartily for our Almanacks.10
I perceive you have come in the way of sundry pieces of the Virtuosi.11 . . . I would earnestly entreat you, out of a pitty to a famished man, to send me such treatises historical or philosophical as you have by you, especially that concerning the designes of a French Government in England. I shall carefully return you. And as a pledge of my care, at last I now send you your Hudson. I have kept it long . . . . I did some years agone see papers of weekly edition after the manner of the Gazets, under the name of Philosophical Observations by John12 Oldenburgh, Felow of the Society. Those of them that I saw contained relations and pas-sages exceeding worthy the knowledge.13 . . . I have latly seen a smal treatise in verse, such as it is, not over Heliconian, yet honest, printed at Boston, against the Quakers, by one B. K. whose name I cannot unridle. . . .14
I also haueing lately recd from Mr Whiteing’s hand another booke & token of respect, viz: Diatriba de Signo ffilii Hominis:I know not what further returne to make, but thanks, &c., unlesse to adde some Apology for my owne indesert of a Lattin booke, being growne so rusty in that lingua,with wishing it might be reprinted in English for the benefit of N: E: Towards the charge whereof I shall willingly be a subscriber; haueing had a tast of what you so printed about the Calling of the Jewes; which I borrowed & red, tho: I haue it not by me now:15
Yours I received, what sent by Capt. Selleck to myself & freinds, Mr Wakeman & Mr Chauncey, of your own & Mr
9 Joseph Eliot to Increase Mather. 1678. Ibid.,p. 377.
10 John Cotton to Increase Mather, March 12, 1679. Ibid.,p. 251.
11 Probably the Philosophical Conferences of the Virtuosi of France.
12 Really Henry Oldenburg.
13 Joseph Eliot of Guilford, Conn., to Increase Mather, July 17, 1678. Mather Papers, p. 376. He goes on to urge Mather to send for these collections, not knowing that the Mathers had many volumes of them. See p. 143, below.
14 B. K. was Benjamin Keach, an English Non-Conformist, whose “The Grand Impostor Discovered: or, the Quakers Doctrine weighed in the Ballance and found wanting” was printed in Boston by John Foster, 1678.
15 William Leete of Guilford to Increase Mather, July 5, 1682. Mather Papers, pp. 621-623.
Hookes good labors. What was belonging to me I kindly accept; & what to others, I have conveyed according to your mind.16
I unfeynedly thank you for your kindnes to my wife,—sending her one of your last books . . . . 17
Yours I have received, with that further expression of your love to me, the book of Remarkable Providences,18 for which I thank you . . . . The booke you sent me last before this was Mr. Torrey his sermon, with your epistle before it. I received three of them; one for Mr. Hanford, one for Mr. Chauncey, . . . . & the other to myself . . . . 19
I Received the Booke you sent, which is profitable & of very good use, for which I return you hearty thankes . . . .20
Mr. Saltonstall hath a printed book in vindication of the Protestants, and Captain Thomas hath many printed pieces of news. Could I obtain them, I would soon transmit them to your honor.21
Sr, I return you many thanks, as for the many good books which you have sent me, so I giue many thanks to you & to good Mr Willard . . . . for this booke.22
Yours of the 2d of this instant I received, & with it your good booke upon occasion of the sore persecution of the Saints in France . . . .23
Mr. Willard here, I returned Alsop of Scandal.24
To the Revnd & his estemed ffriend Mr Increase Mather, at his house in Boston, in New England, these, together with a booke.
16 John Bishop of Stamford, Conn., to Increase Mather, August 3, 1682. Mather Papers, p. 309. Mr. Wakeman was pastor at Fairfield, and Mr. Chauncey at Stratford.
17 John Higginson to Increase Mather, February 5, 1683. Mather Papers, p. 283.
18 By Increase Mather, published 1684.
19 John Bishop to Increase Mather, June 10, 1684. Mather Papers, p. 312. Mr. Hanford, or Hunford, was pastor at Norwalk.
20 Solomon Stoddard of Northampton to Increase Mather. Mather Papers, p. 586. Undated; probably about 1680.
21 John Cotton to Governor Hinckley, January 13, 1681. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 4th Series, v. 57.
22 Thomas Cobbet of Ipswich to Increase Mather, December 13, 1681. Mather Papers, p. 292.
23 Thomas Cobbet of Ipswich to Increase Mather, May 18, 1682. Mather Papers, p. 293.
24 Sewall, Diary, i. 109. About 1685.
. . . . Be pleased to lend the litle book to my brother to [peruse] if he desires it.25
I received your letter in winter, with an almanack and some verses, for all which I thank you.26
I received the verses & Almanacks you sent . . . .27
I take the freedom to present thee with a Book.28
Sr, I dare beg no more books, but if you have any newes . . . .29
Cous. Greenleaf sups with Mother. I give him the Catechise, Day of Doom, &c bound together in a good Cover . . . .30
[Mr. Noyce] greatly desires to see Potter on the number 666. It lyes on my study Table. I should bee glad if you would bee pleased to send it by Mr Grafton.31
I must again desire of you to send mee a Book, viz. my Ames’ Medulla. It stands in my second shelfe. . . . . Dr. Swinnerton desires to read that volume of the Transactions that treats of Volatile Alcalies. The Book, as I remember, had on it, before the Title, those words Laudanum Helmontii Junioris, written by yourselfe. It is about the 100th No. Mr Higginson earnestly desires to see Knoxes History of the Island Ceylon (which lyes on my Father’s Table) and Taverniers Travels. Now as for the former of them, If you will send it you will oblige him. Butt as for the latter, it being so Choice a Book and so well bound, that I should bee almost sorry to have it exposed to any Dam¯ages. Butt if you will send it, I’le take what Care I can about it.32
There is also som gazetts in the pocket.33
25 Ichabod Chauncy of Bristol, England, to Increase Mather, February 17, 1681-2. Mather Papers, pp. 617-619.
26 Joseph Eliot to Increase Mather, 1683. Ibid., p. 378.
27 Simon Bradstreet of Medford to Increase Mather, 1683. Ibid., p. 479.
28 William Penn of Pennsylvania to Governor Hinckley, 1683. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 2d Series, vii. 185, 186.
29 Timothy Woodbridge of Hartford to Cotton Mather, April 14, 1684. Mather Papers, p. 639.
30 Sewall’s Diary, i. 223. August 14, 1688.
31 Nathaniel Mather to his brother Cotton, August, 1688, from Salem, whither he had gone for medical treatment at the home of Dr. Swinerton. He died there in October. Mr. Noyes (Noyce) was one of the Salem preachers. Mather Papers, p. 672.
32 Nathaniel Mather to his brother Cotton, August 31, 1688. Mather Papers, p. 673. Mr. Higginson was a preacher in Salem.
33 Wait Winthrop to Fitz-John Winthrop, July 7, 1682. Winthrop Papers, iv. 427.
Pray send or bring 50 lb of very fine salt peter; and Glaubers Works translated, and reprinted since the first edition in English.34 I haue som of his works in Latin, but not halfe, I think.35
Pray send ye Gazets, &c., to Mr Saltonstall, & then to Hartford.36
Send me by the next post a little booke bound called the Devout Soul’s dayly Exercise, in prayers, . . . . etc: by R. P: D. D. for a friend, as also the verses made about the queenes death.37
If you haue not Mr Josh. Moodyes Artillery Election Sermon, June, 1674, I would advise your Honour as a Christian & good souldier to give a look vpon my Annalls of God’s Blessing of N. E. in ye yeare 1674, where you’l finde som passages of it recorded. I suppose if you haue never seen those my scripts Mr Cotton Mather may accommodate your Honour wth ym. Those my Chronilogicall Decads haue rings or loops by wch they may be fastened together or hang’d vp, to preserve from mice or rats.38
For ye gentm of the Council at Hartford I have sent a Gazet, wch I desire you to returne.39
I carryed home to Mr. Pierpont 2 books, and borrowed Ward on Mathew.40
The Obligations under which you lay me are many and lasting. And these Books, with which you last favoured me, have heaped Pelion upon Ossa.
For so many fatt Birds, I now return you a Feather; and I pray you to Accept one of the Enclosed, and convey the other.41
34 The same to the same, then in London. November 1, 1694. Ibid., iv. 503.
35 The same to the same, October 28, 1695. Ibid., iv. 511.
36 Fitz-John Winthrop, then in London, to Wait Winthrop, July 13, 1695. Ibid., iv. 325.
37 John Tulley of Saybrook to Mr. Harris, the printer, of Boston, July 17, 1695. He also orders a London “Ephemeris,” complaining that the Boston one sent him is poorer than he himself can work out unaided. Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, 1. 76.
38 Samuel Stow of Middletown to Wait Winthrop, 1696. Winthrop Papers, vi. 35. The last sentence may explain the disappearance of many valued colonial books!
39 Fitz-John Winthrop to the Council at Hartford, February 15,1700. Winthrop Papers, iv. 374.
40 Diary of Rev. Joseph Green of Danvers, April 10, 1700. Historical Collections of Essex Institute.
41 Cotton Mather to Major Stephen Sewall, October 15, 1701. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xxiv. 110.
Send me Psalmanaazaar again in a month. I think that is time enough,—if not, six weeks.42
A Certain Person has Lent Fuller’s Holy War, his name is on the Frontice Leaf of it: Whosoever has borrowed the said Book, or into whose hands it may come, are desired to return it unto John Campbell . . . . that the true Owner may have it again.43 Stolen or Lost in September last, out of Samuel Dogger of Marshfield his Sloop then in Boston, the first part of Purchasses Pilgrims a History in Folio . . . . 44
A Certain Person some time since, Lent Dryden’s Virgil in Folio with Cuts, but has forgot to whom . . . . 45
A Valuable Collection of Books & Pamphlets, Consisting of Divinity, History, Classicks, Physick, Poetry, Mathematicks, &c., in several Languages: To be sold by Public Vendue or Auction at the House of Mr. Rowland Dyke at the Sign of the Royal Exchange in King-Street, Boston: Beginning on Tuesday the 29th Instant . . . . Printed Catalogues may be had gratis.46
The Books and other Things of Mr. Edward Weaver, Deceas’d, is to be Sold on Thursday the 18th of this Instant February . . . . at the Crown Coffee house in King Street.47
BOOKS sent to John Usher of Boston without order by Robert Boulter of London.48
12 | Terrences |
38 | Bonds horrace |
13 | erasmus Colloquies |
42 Cotton Mather to Major Stephen Sewall, May 2, 1706. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, xxiv. 111.
43 Advertisement in the Boston News-Letter, September 2-9, 1706.
44 Ibid., December 30-January 6, 1706-7.
45 Ibid., March 12-19, 1715-6.
46 Ibid., May 7-14, 1716.
47 Ibid., February 18-25, 1717.
48 Sent about 1682. Ford, Boston Book Market, pp. 12, 88-107. The collection was valued at £75.2.9.
13 | dyers worcks |
22 | apples of Gould |
3 | Calamys ark |
6 | meads almost a Christian |
10 | foxes end of tyme |
3 | faramond |
4 | brooks ark |
9 | norwoods epitomy |
15 | bybles |
12 | Cocker Cockers tutours |
4 | Glasson of law |
2 | last part of the english rogue |
22 | turky skins |
2 | parismus |
1 | destruction of troy |
1 | Valentyn and orson |
4 | Goulmans dictionarys |
15 | dugarts Rhetorique |
10 | Complete modelist |
4 | Johnson arithmatick |
4 | ovid metamorphosis |
4 | esops in english |
2 | burroughs on matthew |
5 | Carmicheal on mortification |
5 | mitchells sermons |
8 | alleins allarm |
3 | remains [of Joseph Alleine] |
2 | lyfe and death [of Joseph Alleine] |
5 | sincere Convert |
9 | sound beleevers |
1 | owen on the spent |
1 | ——— on the hebrews |
4 | person of Christ |
16 | boatswains art |
2 | felthams resolves |
1 | Cooks marrow [of chirurgery] |
8 | Cotton on the Covenant |
3 | queens Closet |
4 | winchester phrasis |
16 | Cap of gray haires |
2 | rarlerys remains |
2 | Clelias |
13 | sellers navigation |
12 | seamans Companion |
6 | brooks remedies |
9 | argalus and parthenia |
1 | Assemblys annotations |
7 | Clarks tutours |
2 | Compleat Clark |
6 | burrougs Contentment |
2 | Collins on providence |
2 | Everards workes |
6 | Baxters Call |
6 | Doctrin of the byble |
10 | Wills Commonwealth |
2 | reynolds on Murther |
1 | pembrooks arcadia |
3 | Colliers divinity |
2 | Flavell on providence |
3 | touchstones [by John Flavell] |
12 | smiths narrative |
12 | Clarks formula |
24 | testaments |
6 | senecas |
3 | Doolitles Catechis |
2 | Coles soveranity |
3 | Januas works |
5 | Culpepers dispensatory |
6 | phisitian |
2 | perfect politician |
6 | ashwoods trade |
3 | rythers plat [for mariners] |
1 | baxter of Concord |
1 | tanners art of physick |
2 | temples miscellanea |
6 | pearse of death |
3 | douting Christian |
2 | Vertuous woman |
4 | help to discours |
18 | flavell on the sacrement |
24 | vincents Catechis |
6 | alleins Catt |
6 | leis Catt |
6 | Janewais life |
4 | Johnsons Deus Nobiscum |
3 | watsons Contentment |
6 | pooles nullity [of the Romish Faith] |
12 | ——— Dialogues |
100 | testaments |
1 | Bacons works |
1 | Cloud witnesses |
1 | phillips dictionary |
1 | Caesars Commentary |
2 | leighs Caesars |
6 | wise masters |
2 | Erastus |
2 | Vnlucky Citicen |
2 | Rich Cabinet |
1 | Senecas moralls |
9 | Gentle Craft |
1 | Cambdens Elizabeth |
1 | Miltons history |
6 | Guy of Warwick |
6 | Reynard fox |
3 | war with the Jews |
1 | Parys Narative |
12 | dr Faustus |
6 | tom reading |
6 | [Tom A] Lincolns |
12 | Joviall Garland |
12 | Crown Garland |
6 | Jack Newberry |
4 | absolute accoumpt |
6 | Garland of delight |
6 | fortunatus |
6 | royall arbours |
8 | S[c]oggins jests |
6 | history of Joseph |
6 | Devill & Dives |
6 | Booke of knowledg |
4 | Mandevills travells |
6 | wise masters |
3 | wakemans tryalls |
2 | Langhams |
3 | dugdalls |
12 | Processions |
4 | pack cards |
BOOKS delivered by Richard Chiswell of London to Mr. John Ive, September 5, 1683, for shipment to New England.49
1 | Poolls Critticks 5 vol. |
1 | Carryl on Job. 2 vol. |
1 | Hacklutes Uoyages |
1 | Mori Utopia |
1 | Zanchii Opera 2 vol |
1 | Boltons Instructions |
1 | Greenhill on Ezekiel Compl in 3 vol |
1 | Culpepers English Physitian |
1 | Wilson’s Christian Dictionary |
4 | Markhams Works |
2 | Sure Guide to Justices |
8 | Aliens Allarme |
3 | Bridges Remaines |
7 | Gouges Young mans guide with word to Sts and Sinners and Xtian Housholder |
12 | Doz of White Clasps |
10 | Hodders Arithmetick |
5 | Janeways Heauen on Earth |
49 Ibid., pp. 108-120. Value about £50.
1 | Uenns Military Discipline |
3 | Barriffs Military Discipline |
4 | Little peace Maker |
4 | Baxters family book |
20 | Flauells Saint Indeed |
20 | ——— Token for Mourners |
10 | ——— on the Sacrement |
8 | ——— Touchstone |
5 | ——— on Providence |
10 | ——— Seamans Compas |
4 | ——— Husbandry |
20 | ——— 2 Treatises |
20 | Baxters Call |
10 | ——— Now or Neuer |
5 | Brooks String of Perles |
6 | ——— Apples of gold |
4 | ——— Ark for Gods Noah |
1 | Baxters Saints Rest |
10 | Brooks Mute Xtian |
12 | Ayres Copy books |
1 | Flauells Fountaine Life |
12 | Cockers Tutor to Writing and Arithmetick |
30 | Strongs Spelling book |
6 | Uernons Compting house |
1 | Felthams Resolues |
20 | Fox of Time |
10 | Dyers workes |
10 | Norwoods Epittomy |
10 | Oxford Bibles |
50 | Oxford Testaments |
4 | Skins of Blew Turkey Leather |
7 | Janeways Life |
6 | Julian |
6 | Allens Remaines |
5 | ——— Life. |
7 | Accademy Compliments |
3 | Chamberlins Geography |
1 | Haworth of Consumption |
1 | Bens Sermons. |
1 | Baxters how to doe good to many. |
1 | Womans Aduocate |
1 | Miracles no uiolat. Laws Nature. |
1 | Shaftsburys Life |
2 | London gilt. |
1 | Mordens Geography |
1 | Piety the best Rule of Orthodoxie |
1 | Poeticall History |
1 | Owen on the Hebrews. |
2 | ——— of the Person of Christ |
2 | ——— on the 130th psalme |
10 | Burtons Wonderful Prodogies |
20 | Doolittle on the Sacriment 1st p[art] |
15 | ——— on the Lds Sufferings |
50 | New England psalms |
50 | Idem |
30 | History of Dr. Faustus |
1 | Teats Map of the Wilderness Sin |
Terme cattallouge No. 11. 12 | |
. . . . . . . | |
7 | Accademy Compliments, another sorte. |
. . . . . . . |
The order not mentioning which Accademy of Compliments you would haue, both sorts are sentt.
Hookers doubting Christian | } out of print and not to be had |
Allens Rebuke | |
Owen of Comunion | |
Burtons Wares of England | } out of print and doing againe. |
——— Amicable Curiositys | |
Eltons Military Discipline—uery scarce and sold for 12s. | |
Moxons Monthly Exercises—Not to be had compl. |
BOOKS sold by Richard Chiswell of London to Mr. John Ive for John Usher of Boston, March 3, 1683-4.50
3 | Virtuous Woman found. |
2 | Erle of Rochesters Poems. |
30 | Hoolls Corderius. |
6 | Greek Testaments. |
3 | Rauerius Practice of Physick. |
6 | Sellers Epittomie of Astronomical Systems. |
4 | Miltons Paradise Lost. |
40 | Strongs Spelling booke. |
5 | Sheppards Sincere Conuert. |
50 | New England Psalmes. |
1 | Bible 4o Oxon with Common prayer and Apockchryphia. |
100 | Sententiae Pueriles. |
50 | Latine Catos. |
40 | Ouid de Tristibus. |
6 | Meads Almost Christian. |
12 | Erasmus Colloquies Latin. |
6 | Lestranges Erasmus in English. |
1 | Baker’s Chronicle. |
3 | Doz. Brass Compasses largest sorte |
3 | Wilsons Christian Dictionary. |
20 | Foxes End of Time. |
8 | Pounds of Vermillion with Box. |
1 | Dutch Annotations in 2 Vol. |
2 | Supplement to the Morning Exercise. |
1 | Pembrooks Arcadia. |
1 | Keebles Statutes last Edit. |
2 | Queuedos Visions Compl. both parts. |
3 | Cambridge Concordance. |
30 | Nomen Claturas |
10 | Dugards Rhetorick. |
10 | Smiths Rhetorick. |
4 | Ames Cases of Contience in Lat. |
10 | Hookers Doubting Christian. |
1 | Gutberleths Physick. |
50 Ibid., pp. 121-132. The entire collection was valued at £61.5.6.
10 | Lattine Testaments. |
18 | Greek Grammars. |
3 | Wollebeus Compendium in Lat. |
30 | Token for Children Compl. |
2 | Burroughs Gospel worship. |
12 | Norwoods Epittomy. |
12 | Gouges Youngmans Guide with Safe way of Thriueing. |
12 | ——— Directions. |
3 | Accademy of Compliments. |
5 | Janeways Life. |
6 | Nuga Uenales. |
3 | Cotton on the Couenant. |
12 | Warr with the Deuill. |
2 | Burroughs Gospel worship. |
3 | Present State of England. Comp. all parts |
4 | Jure Maritimo. |
2 | Clarks Liues of the Fathers. |
2 | Sturmies Mariners Magazine. |
18 | Dr. Faustus. 1st and 2d pt. |
18 | Calamys Godlymans Arke |
6 | Brookes Arke. |
6 | Wilds Poems. |
6 | Argulus and Parthenia. |
3 | Tanners Art of Physick. |
4 | Littletons Dictionary. |
2 | Gassendus Astronimy. |
12 | Sturmies Epistles. |
2 | Bythner on the Psalmes. |
2 | Leusdens Hol. Bible. |
6 | Oxford Grammars. |
5 | Oxford Jests. |
13 | Rami Logica. |
16 | Culpepers English Physitian. |
16 | ——— Dispensatorys. |
4 | Dauenports Saints Anchorhold |
2 | Zouche Jurisdiction of Courts of Admiralty. |
10 | Englishmens Liberties. |
1 | Hebrew Bible of Mannasseth Ben Israel |
1 | Idem of Uenice Edition. |
1 | Idem of Plantins Edition. |
Terme Catalogue No. 13. 14 |
BOOKS sold by Richard Chiswell of London to Mr. John Ive for John Usher of Boston, May 29, 1684.51
2 | Bibles 24 Ruled Turkey gilt back |
30 | Greek Grammers |
3 | Bythner on the Psalms |
6 | Sincere Convert |
10 | Flauel on the Sacriment |
10 | Cattechise |
2 | Cambridge Concordance |
2 | Sellers Practical Nauigation |
2 | Wilsons Christian Dictionary |
5 | Clarks Tutor |
4 | Burroughs Gospel Remission |
4 | State of England in 2 vol both parts |
3 | Markhams way to get wealth |
2 | Eltons Military Discipline |
6 | Oxon Bibles large |
5 | Hesiod |
2 | Blounts Law Dictionary |
2 | Daltons Iustice |
50 | Lattine Grammers. |
50 | Construing books |
20 | Smiths Great Assize |
2 | History of Parismus |
20 | Gentle Craft |
10 | Gentlemans Jockey |
5 | Uernons Compting House. |
2 | Flauels Fountaine of Life |
2 | ——— Method of Peace. |
51 Ibid., pp. 133-139. Value, £25.6.10.
7 | ——— Treaty of Sufferings. |
3 | Norwoods Doctrine of Triangles. |
6 | ——— Epittomy. |
8 | Gellibrands Epittomy. |
2 | Erly Religion a Sermon. |
1 | Showers Ser[mon] at Mrs. Ann Barnardiston funl. |
1 | Dorringtons Ser[mon] of the Right use of an Estate. |
1 | Demaris Pearses Remaines. |
1 | Memoires of the Fam. of the Stuarts. |
2 | Wonders of the Femall world. |
1 | Her and His. |
10 | Second Part of the Pilgrims Progress. |
2 | Two Journeys to Jerusalem |
200 | Pare of Clasps for writeing books |
2 | London Bully 1st and 2d p[art] |
3 | A Ramble to Hackney. |
1 | Popes Life. |
2 | Informers Doome. |
2 | Melius Inquirendum. |
2 | Sherlocismus Eneruatus. |
3 | Uenus in the Cloyster. |
2 | Womans Aduocate. |
London Gilt is out of print and not to be had. |
BOOKS sold by Richard Chiswell to Mr. John Ive for John Usher, April 13, 1685.52
1 | Goodwins Works in 2 vol. |
1 | Rogers on Peter |
1 | ——— Parable of the Prodigal |
20 | Smith’s Great Assize |
20 | Flauels Compas |
15 | ——— Token for Mourners |
30 | ——— Saint Indeed |
10 | Erasmus Colloquies 8o English Lestrange |
52 Ibid., pp. 140-151. Value, £61.19.01/2.
20 | Doolittle on the Sacrament |
15 | Hookers Doubting Christian |
100 | Hoolls Sententia |
60 | ——— Cases |
30 | Fox of Time |
20 | Baxters Call |
10 | ——— Now or Neuer |
22 | Farnabys Ouid |
12 | Hoolls Terrence |
6 | Booke of Rates |
30 | Warr with the Deuill |
4 | Duty of Man |
12 | Aristotle’s Problems |
8 | Hebrew Psalters |
30 | Token for Children Complt. |
10 | Flauel on the Sacrement |
2 | Norton’s Orthodox Euangelist |
3 | Office of Executors |
30 | Lillys Rules |
10 | Calamys Godlymans Arke |
12 | Lattine Justins |
18 | Tullys Offices |
1 | Dutch Annotations in 2 vol |
10 | Gollibrands Epittomy |
6 | Woollebius Compend: Lat. |
4 | Lattine Bible |
8 | Flauels Touchstone |
8 | Winchester Phrases |
2 | Glissons Common Law Epitomized |
8 | Jure Maritimo. |
2 | Eltons Millitary Discipline. |
3 | Barriffs Millit. Discipline with Horse. |
40 | Marriners New Kallender |
4 | Ittallian Conuert |
1 | Dells Sermons. |
2 | Terms of the Law |
3 | Daltons Justice |
2 | Keebles Statutes. |
2 | Cooks Reports Engl. |
3 | Blounts Law Dictionary. |
1 | Sheppards Grand Abridgement |
1 | Hobbarts Reports. |
3 | Culpepers English Physitian. |
3 | ——— Dispensatory. |
5 | Midwifery per Culpeper. |
10 | Greek Gramers |
20 | New England Psalmes |
3 | Miltons Logick. |
2 | Wingates Arithmattick. |
2 | Records Arithmattick. |
4 | Johnsons Arithmattick. |
3 | Hodders Arithmattick. |
10 | Strongs Spelling book. |
6 | History of Dr. Faustus. |
2 | Rochesters Life. |
2 | Owen on the 3d p[ar]t [of Hebrews] |
12 | Lattine Terrence. |
3 | Amesii Medulla. |
3 | ——— de Conscientia. |
3 | Littletons Dictionary. |
2 | Pulton of the Common Pleas Engls. |
5 | Sheppards Sure Guide. |
10 | Wonderful Prodogies. |
20 | Accidencies. |
10 | Dugards Rhetorick. |
15 | Nomen Claturas. |
6 | Bonds Horrace. |
3 | Greek Testaments |
20 | Protestant Tutors. |
3 | Clarkes Phrases. |
2 | Poolls Annotations on the Bible in English. |
6 | Siluanus his Theocritus. |
1 | ——— Lucian. |
1 | ——— Isocratis. |
1 | ——— Essopi Fabula. |
1 | ——— Plutarck. |
Term Cattalouge No. 15. 16. 17. 18. |
. . . . The 4 books of Syluanus are sent as a present to the Chief
Schoolmaster in New England being a New Praxis upon some Greek Authors which is well entertained in our Schooles here and much used.
Author | Title |
—————— |
The History of Sham Plotts |
—————— |
Acta Eruditorum, Leipsic |
Adam, Melchior |
Vita Melancthonis |
Adam, Melchior |
Vita Myconii Agricola, Georg |
Agrippa, C. |
de Occulta Philosophia |
Agrippa, C. |
The Vanity of Sciences |
Alting |
Loci Communes |
Ambrose |
Treatise of Angels |
Ames |
Cases of Conscience |
Augustine |
de Civitate Dei |
Avicenna |
Balduinus |
Cases of Conscience |
Baldusius |
In 2 Corinthians |
Bartholinus |
Baxter, R. |
Book about Witchcrafts |
Baxter, R. |
Church History |
Beard |
Theater of Gods Judgements |
Bernard |
66 Sermones in Cantica |
Bernard |
A Guide to Grand Jurymen in Cases of Witchcraft |
Beza |
Life of Calvin |
Beza |
Commentaries |
53 These are in addition to those mentioned in Chapter VIII. Where no title is given, the reference in Mather was to the author only.
Binsfield |
de Confessionibus sagarum |
Bodin |
Dæmonomania |
Boissardus |
de Secretis Mag. |
Bootius |
de Gemmis |
Bovet |
Pandemonium |
Brockmand |
Theol. de Angelis |
Bromhall |
History of Apparitions |
—————— |
The Bucuneers of America |
Burnet |
Life of Rochester |
Burroughs |
On Matthew 11, 28 |
Burton |
Miracles of Nature54 |
Burton |
Prodigies of Mercies |
Burton |
History of Dæmons |
Cambden |
Britannia |
Camerarius |
Horæ Subsecivæ |
Camerarius |
Centuriæ Quattuor Symbolorum |
Cardano |
de Rerum Varietate |
Cardano |
de Subtilitate |
Casaubon |
Of Spirits |
Childrey |
Britannia Baconica |
Chiverius |
Historiarum totius Mundi Epitome |
Chytræus |
Clark, Samuel |
Examples |
Clark, Samuel |
Lives of English Worthies |
Clark, Samuel |
Martyrology |
Clark, William |
Natural History of Nitre |
Cooper, Thomas |
Mystery of Witchcraft |
Cotta |
The Tryal of Witchcraft |
Darrel |
Seven Possessed Persons in Lancashire |
Delrio |
Disquis. Magicarum |
Dubravius |
Historia Bohemiæ |
Eusebius |
in Vita Constantii |
Fernelius |
de Abditis Rerum Causis |
Forestus |
Gaul |
Select Cases of Conscience concerning Witches and Witch-craft |
Gerhard |
Loci Communes |
Gesner |
54 See note 4, p. 138, above.
Gnaccius |
Compend. Malefic. |
Godelmannus |
de Lamiis |
Goodwin |
Doctrine of Saints Perseverance |
Gorges, F. |
Narration |
Goulartius |
Select History |
Hale, Matthew |
The Account of Tryals of Witches at Bury, Suffolk |
Hall, Bishop |
Autobiography |
Hall, Bishop |
“Psalm 82” |
Heinsius |
in Matthew viii, 16 |
Hemming |
de Superstitione Magica |
Henkelius |
de Obsessis |
——— |
History of Lapland |
Holder |
“book about the natural production of letters”55 |
Honsdorsius |
Historical Theater |
Horace |
Various |
Horneck, A. |
History of the Witches in Sweden |
Horstius |
Inst. Med. |
Javellus |
Medicinæ Compendium |
King James |
Discourse of Witchcraft |
Janeway |
Remarkable Sea Deliverances |
Johnston |
Thaumatograph |
Josephus |
History of Wars with the Jews |
Josephus |
Antiquities |
Jovius, P. |
History |
deLaet, J. |
Description of America |
deLaet, J. |
de Gemmis |
Lavater |
de Spectris |
Lecus |
Compend. Hist. |
Lemnius |
Lewiston |
Of Fulfilling the Scriptures |
Malderus |
de Magia |
Mandelslo |
Travels |
Martinii |
Lexicon Philologico-Etymologicum |
Martyr, P. |
Commentary of 1 Samuel |
Mede |
Works |
55 This book was a treatise on lip-reading; a very modern seeming book for the company it is in!
Mede |
Discourse on John x, 20 |
Melanchthon |
Consilia |
Menna |
de Purgatione Vulgari |
Merden |
Geographia Physica |
Meurerius |
Comment. Meteorolog. |
Meurtius |
Athenæ Batavæ |
Morland |
Hist. Waldenses |
Munster |
Notes on Leviticus xvii |
Owen |
Work of the Spirit in Prayer |
Pensingius |
de Pulvere Sympathetico |
Perkins |
Discourse of Witchcraft |
Polydore, Vergil |
Pontano, G. |
Porta, Bapt. |
Proclus |
de Sacrificio et Magia |
Rainolds |
de Libris Apocryphis |
Remigius |
Ricaut |
History of the Present State of the Ottoman Empire |
Roberts |
Narrative of Witches in Suffolk |
Rulandus |
Schotten |
Physic. Curios. |
Selden |
de Diis Syriis |
Sennertus |
Practica Medicinæ |
Sennertus |
Med. Precl. |
Sinclare, G. |
Satan’s Visible World Discovered |
Smetius |
Miscellanies |
Socrate |
History |
Spotswood |
History of Scotland |
Sprenger |
Malleo Malleficarum |
Sympson |
Ecclesiastical History |
de Thou |
Historiarum sui Temporis |
Thyræus |
de Obsessis |
Thyræus |
de Apparitionibus Spirituum |
Thyræus |
Disput. de Dæmoniacis |
laTorr |
Disputationes |
Tostatus |
in Matthew 8 |
Vairus de Fascino |
Valerius Maximus |
Verstegan |
Antiquities |
Voetius |
de Emergumenis |
Voetius |
de Spectris |
Voetius |
de Operationibus Dæmonum |
Voetius |
de Magia |
Voetius |
Disputat. Select. |
Wanly |
Of the Wonders of the Worldous, 1680 |
Webster |
Book of Witchcraft |
——— |
Weekly Memorials for the Ingeni |
White |
Relation |
Wierus |
de Praestigiis Daemonum |
Willet |
Commentaries Wm. of Malmsbury Lib. ii |
Zacchias, P. |
Questionibus Medicis |
Zanchy |
Epistol. 2 |
Zuinger |
Theatrum Vit. Human. |
Bannosius |
Life of Ramus |
Burgensis |
Cabeus |
On the Loadstone |
Caussin |
Holy Court |
Chassalion |
Histories of the Judgements of God |
Codronchus |
Conring |
Cornelius à Lapide |
Cumanus |
Lucerna Inquisitorium |
Epiphanius |
Freherus, Paulus |
Theatrum Vivorum Eruditione Claru |
Gassendi |
Essays |
Gennadius |
Gilbert |
De Magnete |
Hakluyt |
Voyages |
Henningus Witten |
Memoria Theologorum nostri seculi |
Isidore |
Jerome |
Kepler |
On the Loadstone |
Kircher |
On the Loadstone |
Kommannus |
Linschoten |
Voyages |
Mendozo |
Molianus |
Pomponatius |
Prochorus |
Schopfius |
Academia Christi |
Serrarius |
Spineus |
Sulpitius Severus |
In Vita Martini |
Verheiden |
Elogia Theologorum |
Ward |
On the Loadstone |
Windet |
Aben Ezra |
Acosta, J. |
History of the Indies |
Adam, Mel. |
Lives |
Ady, T. |
Perfect Discovery of Witches |
Agapetus |
Agathius |
Algazel |
Alphonsus of Arragon |
Alsted, J. H. |
Altenburg |
Ambrose |
Amyraldus |
Angellius |
Anselm |
Antiochus Syracusanus |
56 These are in addition to those mentioned in Chapter VIII. A few quotations which really belong to the third period (after 1700) are included here in order to give a complete list of Mather’s borrowings.
Antoninus |
——— |
Aphor. Polit. |
Aquinas |
Aristotle |
Arnobius |
Arrianus |
Arrowsmith |
Athanasius |
Life of Antonius |
Athenæus |
Augustine |
Several |
Avril |
Travels |
Baily, R. |
Baker, R. |
Bartholinus |
Barton, W. |
(quotes a hymn) |
Basil |
Bates, W. |
Baxter, R. |
Several |
Bede |
Ecclesiastical History of England |
Bellarmine |
Bernard |
Beroaldus |
Besoldus |
Axiomatæ Philosophiæ Christianæ |
Bethel, S. |
The Interest of Euroipe |
Beverly |
Beverovicius |
Beza |
Life of Calvin, Psalms |
Blackerby |
Blahoslius |
History of Johannes Cronu |
Boccalini |
Bodin |
Bolsecus |
Life of Calvin, etc. |
Borellus |
Brahe, Tycho |
Bradwardine |
Brownrig |
Bucer |
Scripta Anglicana and others |
Bucholtzer |
Bullinger |
Burnett |
History of his Times Burroughs, J. |
R. B.[urton] |
History of Dæmons |
Calamy |
Sermon on Earl of Warwick, etc. |
Calvin |
Camerarius |
Canus. Melch. |
Carthagena |
Carthusian |
Caryl |
Casaubon |
Cassianus |
Castel |
Cato |
Chamier Chemnitius |
Chrysostom |
De Deo Orando and others |
Cicero |
De Natura Return |
Cicero |
Orat. pro Plancio, De Senectute, & others |
Clark, S. |
Examples, etc. |
Claude |
Claudian |
Clemens Alexandrinus |
Clemens Romanus |
Cocceius |
Colerus |
Contzen |
Coryat |
Cranmer |
Cranzius |
Crespin |
Histoire des Martyrs |
Cudworth |
Intellectual System |
Curtius |
History of Alexander the Great Cyprian |
Demosthenes |
Denys, N. |
Description of Coasts of North America |
Diodorus Siculus |
History |
Dionysius Halic. |
Eccles, S. |
The Quaker’s Challenge |
——— |
Ephemerides Medico-physicae |
Epiphanius |
Erasmus |
Epistolæ, and other works Eusebius |
Eutyches |
History of Nicene Synod |
Festus |
de Verborum Significatione |
Firmin |
The Real Christian |
Fisher the Quaker |
Pamphlets Flavel |
Fox, George |
Great Mystery |
Fox, J. |
Book of Martyrs, Acts and Monuments |
Fuller, Nich. |
Fuller, T. |
Church History |
Gaule, J. |
Select Cases . . . . Touching Witches |
Gerhard |
Meditationes Sacræ, etc. |
Gerson |
Gesner |
Gildas |
Glanvil |
Collections of Sundry Trials |
Gregory the Great |
Gregory Nazienzen |
Gregory of Nyssa |
Grotius, H. |
Grynæus |
Guitton |
Gulielmus Parisiensis |
Gustavus Adolphus |
Hale, Matthew |
Tryal of Witches |
Hall, J. |
Heinsius |
Helvicus |
Epitaph |
Helwigius |
Hemming, N. |
Admonitio de Superstitionibus Magicis |
Hesychias |
Heylin |
Holland |
Homer |
Iliad |
Horace |
Various |
Horneck |
Hornius |
Hottinger |
Hoyl, J. |
Ignatius |
Various |
Inghiramius |
Isidore |
Isocrates |
Jermyn |
Jerome |
Josephus |
Junius |
Jurieu |
Traite de L’Unite de L’Eglise |
Justin |
Justin Martyr |
Keeble |
Common Law |
Kimchi, Rabbi |
Lactantius |
LeClerk |
Leigh |
Critica Sacra |
Libingus |
Lipsius |
Livy |
Lucian |
Lucretius |
Ludovicus Molinæus |
Lupichius |
Luther |
Various |
Lysimachus |
Machiavelli |
Madgeburgensian Centuriators |
Maimonides |
Manethon |
Marbeck |
Concordance |
Martin of Tours |
Martyr, Peter |
Commonplaces, etc. |
Maurier |
Mede, J. |
Melanchthon |
Mersennus |
Mohammed |
Alcoran |
More, Henry |
Glanvil’s Sadducismus, etc. |
Morland |
History of Waldenses |
Murtadi |
Egyptian History |
Musculus |
(verse) |
Musonius |
Myconius |
Newton |
Nieremberg |
Norton |
Answer to the Sylloge Quæstionum Oecolampadius |
Origen |
Various |
Osiander |
Ovid |
Metamorphoses |
Owen, J. |
Various Panormitan |
Parker |
Parliamentary |
Speeches |
Patin |
Travels |
Penn |
Perkins |
Witchcraft, etc. |
Philo Judaeus |
Philostratus |
Philpot |
Photius |
Plato |
Plautus |
Amphitruo, etc. |
Pliny |
Plot, R. |
Natural History of Oxfordshire |
Plutarch |
Pœdianus |
Poiret |
L’Œconomy Divine57 |
Polybius |
Polycarp |
Polydore Vergil |
Porphyrius |
Portugal, King of |
Translation of Psalm |
57 English translation not published until 1773; therefore read in the original.
Posidonius |
Life of Augustine |
Potts, T. |
Discoverie of Witches in Lancashire Powel, V. |
Prudentius |
Purchas |
Pilgrims |
Quercetanus |
——— |
Quest. et Resp. |
Quintilian |
Raleigh |
Ramus |
Randolph, N. |
Letters |
Rivet, A. |
Rodiginus |
Romanus |
——— |
Roman Law, XII Tables of |
Row |
Ruffinus |
Rushworth |
Collections, 1629 |
Rushworth |
Collections, 1640 |
Rycaut |
History of Turks |
Ryther |
A Plot for Mariners |
Sadoletus |
Salmasius |
Salomon, Rabbi |
Salvian |
Sanbert |
Sarracius |
Saumer |
Scaliger |
Scribonius |
Physiologia Sagarum |
Seneca |
Sigonius |
Simeon Metaphrast |
Sobinus |
Soulinge |
Stenius |
Strabo |
Streitbergerus |
Stupius |
Suidas |
Symmachus |
Symons, E. |
Discourse, 1637 Synesius |
——— |
The Taanith |
Tacitus |
——— |
The Talmud |
Tertullian |
Apology, etc. |
Theodoret |
Theophylact |
deThou |
Tillotson |
On Family Worship |
Tolner |
Turretin |
VanHeer |
Observations |
Vegetius |
Vincent |
True Touchstone |
Virgil |
Various |
Voetius |
Vossius |
Waller, W. |
Meditations |
Weinrichius |
Wendover |
Whitaker |
Widerus |
Wierus |
de Præstigiis Dæmonum |
Wigandus |
Wilkinson |
Conciones Sex ad Academicos Oxon. |
Wotton |
Zanchy |
Zeira, Rabbi |
Zepperus |
Abericus |
Alting |
Ames, William |
Medulla Theologiæ, etc. |
Archilochus |
Archimelus |
——— |
Life of J. Angier |
Arndt |
Verus Christianismus |
Bacon |
Advancement of Learning |
Baldwin |
Bannosius |
Life of Ramus |
Baronius |
Barrow, I. |
Basnagian |
Bekker |
Bennet |
Concordance |
Bernard |
Guide to Grandjurymen |
Bilson |
Binsfield |
Blondel |
Bochart |
Curiosities |
Boehm |
Recapitulation, etc. |
Bolton |
Sermons |
Bovet |
Boyle |
Brombal |
Bucan |
Burnett |
Essay on Scripture Prophecies |
Cambden |
Carbilius |
Æneidomastix |
Castalio |
Sacred Dialogues Cochlæus |
Cole, T. |
Discourse of Regeneration |
Corbet |
Self-Employment |
Corinna |
Cornelius à Lapide |
Cotton |
Concordance |
Davenport, C. |
Defoe |
The Storm |
Delrio |
Descartes |
Didymus |
Dietericus |
Antiquitates Biblicæ |
Diodati |
Dorney |
Divine Contemplations |
Dorotheus |
Collections |
Downham |
Concordance |
Edwards |
Preacher |
Empress Eudocia |
Poems |
Eunapius |
Fabius |
Life of Beza |
Faustinus |
Fenner |
Treatise on Impenitency |
Ficinus, Marcil. |
Several |
Florus, Luc. |
Franke |
Manuductio, etc. |
Gassendi |
Genebard |
Gennes |
Relation of Voyage |
Godefridus de Valle |
De Arte Nihil Credendi |
Gualteb |
Guicciardine |
Hardy |
Guide to Heaven |
Hevelius |
Selenography |
Herennius |
Herodian |
Herodotus |
Hilary |
Hildersham |
Hobbes |
Hooker, R. |
Hornius |
De Origine Gentium Americanarum |
Hortensius |
Hospinian |
Howe, J. |
On Blessedness of Righteousness |
Irenæus |
Janeway |
Treatises; Token for Children |
——— |
The Oxford Jests; Cambridge Jests |
Juvian |
La Placette |
La Morale Chrétienne Abregée |
Laertius |
Langius |
Medecina Mentis |
Leontius |
Lightfoot |
Curiosities |
Lubbertus |
Lukins |
Interest in Spirit of Prayer |
Lycophron |
Lyra |
Maccovius |
Macrobius |
Marot, C. |
Psalms in Metre |
Marshall |
Gospel Mystery of Sanctification |
——— |
Mass-books |
Mathesius |
Meddendorpius |
Mendoza |
Nathans, Rabbi |
Concordance |
Neal |
History of New England |
Neander |
Norcott |
Oldmixon |
English Empire in America |
Oppian |
Pagius |
Palladius |
Dialogus de Vita Chrysostomi |
Pamphilia |
Pancirollus |
Res Deperditte |
Paterculus |
Peter Crinitus |
Pezelius |
Pictet, B. |
Saintes Conversationes |
Platerus |
Pocock |
Pole, M. |
Annotations |
Posselius |
Ravanellus |
Reynolds |
Ricciolus |
Almagestum Novum |
Roswitha |
Chronicles |
Rowe, J. |
Saints’ Temptation |
Saleius |
Sallust |
Sandford |
De Descensu Christi |
Sarocchia |
Schlusselbergius |
Schurman |
Scribanius, C. |
Selden |
Servius |
——— |
The Seven Champions |
Simeon Metaph. |
Simplicius Verinus |
Sleidan |
Socrates |
Spencer |
Discourse Concerning Prodigies |
Stapelton |
De Tribus Thomis |
Stegmannus |
Studii Pietatis Icon; De Vero Christianismo |
Strato |
Suetonius |
Swinnock |
Discourses |
Theophylact |
Thucydides |
Torniellus |
Tympius |
Usher |
Body of Divinity |
Victor |
Wallis |
Weigel |
Whiston |
Apostolical Constitutions |
White |
The Power of Godliness |
Wickens |
Wilkins |
Wise, J. |
Vindication |
Witten |
Memorise Theologorum |
Woodward |
Natural History of the Earth |
Xenophon |
Hellenica |
Xenophon |
Cyropaedia |
Zosimus |
Zuinglius |
58 Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, 2d Series, v. 37 ff. Explanatory notes in brackets are condensed from Dr. H. M. Dexter’s.
59 Identified by Dexter as a book which he owned containing: L. Chaderton: A Godly Sermon vpon . . . . 12. chapter of . . . . Romanes. A True, Modest, and just Defence of the Petition for Reformation. J. Robinson: The Peop!es P!ea for the exercise of Prophesie. R. Harrison: A Little Treatise vpon . . . . 122 Psalm. T. Dighton: Certain Reasons . . . . against Conformitie . . . . T. Dighton: The Second Part of a Plain discourse . . . . W. Euring: An Answer to the Ten Covnter Demands . . . .
60 Harvard Library, Bib!iographical Contributions, No. 27, p. 7 ff. Explanations in brackets are from the same source. It should be noted that under one name several titles are sometimes given, often run together as one title. [This list has been revised from “Catalogue of John Harvard’s Library” by Alfred C. Potter, Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, xxi. 190-230. Ed.]
Folio | |
Aristophanis | Comediæ |
Bacon | History of the Reign of K. Henry VII |
Bacon | Instauratio Magna |
Bacon | Natural History |
Bacon | 9 Books of the Advancement of Learning |
Browne, Sir T. | Pseudodoxia Epidemica |
Brahe, Tychonis | Historia Cælestis |
Bertii | Theatri Geographiæ Veteris |
Bullialdi | Astronomia Philolaica |
Bauidoin | Mythologic |
Bochas | Tragedies translated into Englishe by John Lidgate, Monk of Burye |
Burnet, Tho. | Theory of the Earth |
Clarendon | History of the Rebellion |
Chaucer | Works [title page missing] |
Chapman, Geo. | English Homer |
Cambden | Britannia |
Cambden | History of Q. Elizabeth |
Clark, Sam. | Lives of sundry eminent Persons |
Collier, Jer. | Great Historical and Chronological Dictionary, and Supplement to same. |
Cowley, Abrah. | Works |
Danyel | Collection of the History of England |
Demosthenes | Orationes |
Dalton | Country Justice |
Eadmeri | Historia Novorum |
Euclid | Elements translated by H. Billingsley |
Euripidis | Tragediæ |
Fuller, Tho. | Church History of Britain |
Fuller, Tho. | Pisgah sight of Palestine |
Fuller, Tho. | History of the Holy War |
Fuller, Tho. | Holy and Profane State |
Fougasses, Tho. de | General History of Venice |
Godwini | Rerum Anglican. Hen. 8. Edvar.6. et Maria regantibus Annales |
Guicciardines | History of the Wars of Italy, English’d by Fenton |
Guicciardi. | La Description de tous les pais bas |
Grymestone | Imperial History |
Godfrey of Bollogn [sic] or the Recovery of Jerusalem |
Gassendi | Operum omnium, 6 vols. |
Gassendi | Astronomia |
Galeni | Opera |
Gerhard | Herbal |
Grew | Catalogue and Description of the Rarities of the Royal Society |
Guillims | Display of Heraldry |
Hackluit | Voyages |
Hyde, Tho. | Catalogus Librorum impressorum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ in Academia Oxoniensi |
Heylin | Cosmography |
Hugo | Seige [sic] of Breda |
Holingshed | Chronicle of England, Scotland, Ireland History of K. Charles |
Harrington | Common-wealth of Oceana |
Harris | Collection of Voyages & Travels |
Hendy | Historia Mundi, or Mercator’s Atlas rectified |
Hormi | Geographia vetus Sacra et Profana |
Hevellii | Machinæ Cœlestis |
Hevellii | Cometographia |
Hevellii | Selenographia |
Hayes | Treatise of Fluxions |
Hugenii | Horologium oscillatorum |
Hill | Account of the Ottoman Empire |
Harris | Lexicon Technicum |
Herbert, Lord | Life of K. Henry VIII |
Herbert, Lord | Compleat History of England |
Hondius | Atlas |
Howel | Institution of the General History of World |
Josephus | Antiquities and Wars of the Jews, English’d by Lodge |
Jonstoni | Hist. Naturalis de Piscibus, de Insectis, de Serpent., etc. |
Introductorium Astronomicum |
Huygen | Itinerario, Voyage ofte Schipvært |
Kircheri | Edipus Ægyptiacus |
Kircheri | De Arte magnetica opus tripart |
A Kalendar of the Statutes of England |
Keeble | Statutes at large, 1684 |
Kersey | Algebra |
Keckermann | Operum omnium |
Lessii | Opuscula |
Lessii | De Justitia et Jure |
Liceti | De Intellectu |
Liceti | De spontaneo viventium ortu |
The Lighting Colomne or Sea-Mirror |
Logarithmical Arithmetick |
Longomontani |
Astronomia Danica |
Matchiavel |
Florentine History |
Montanus |
Atlas Japannensis, English’d by Ogilby |
Munsteri, Seb. | Cosmographiæ |
Majoris, Joh. | Opera in Artes quas liberales vocant |
More, Henry | Philosophical Writings |
More, Henry | Operum omnium |
Minshei | Ductor in Linguas |
Minshei | Spanish and English Dictionary |
Montaigne | Essays, London 1613 Massachusett-Law-Book |
Newton | Trigonometry |
Ortelii |
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum |
Ortus Sanitatis |
Petiti | Leges Atticæ |
Prideauxii | Marmora Oxoniensia; ex Arundelianis, etc. |
Plutarch | North’s Translation |
Prynne | History of K. John, K. Henry 3. & K. Ed. 1. |
Prynne | Canterbury’s Doom |
Purchase | Pilgrimes |
Pulton | Collection of Statutes |
Piccolominei | Universa Philosophia de moribus |
Plinii | Historiæ Mundi |
Plinii | Natural History, translated by Holland |
Ptolomæi | Liber Geographiæ cum Tabulis |
Pappi Alexandrini | Mathematicæ Collectiones, cum interpretatione et illustratione F. Commandini |
Parkinson | Theatre of Plants |
Parkinson | Garden of Flowers |
Perrault | Treatise of the 5 Orders of Columns in Architecture |
Riccioli | Chronologia Reformata |
Riccioli | Astronomia Reformata |
Riccioli | Almagestum Novum |
Riccioli | Geograph. et Hydrograph. Reformatae |
Rushworth | Historical Collections 1618-1629 |
Richardson | State of Europe |
Raleigh |
History of World |
Roberts |
Map of Commerce |
Rudolphinæ |
Tabulæ, ex Editione Joan. Kepleri |
Ricettario |
Medicinale Fiorentino |
Riolanus |
Surest Guide to Physick and Surgery, English’d by Culpeper |
A Soto |
De Justitia et Jure Libri |
De Serres |
History of France, translated by Grymeston |
Stuckii |
Antiquitatum Convivialium |
Schedel |
De Historiis Ætatum Mundi ac Descriptione Urbium Collect. |
Speed |
History of Great Britain |
Statutes at large from the 35 of Q. Elizabeth to 4 of K. Charles |
Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to the 29th of Queen Elizabeth |
Sandys, G. |
His Travels |
Socinatis |
Quæstiones Metaphysicales |
Seldeni |
Liber de Successionibus in bona defuncti ad Leges Hebræorum |
Seldeni |
de Jure natural. et Gentium juxta Disciplinam Hebræorum |
Scaligeri |
Opus de Emendatione Temporum |
Stephani, Carol |
Dictionarium Historic. Geograph. Poetic. |
Stapylton |
English Juvenal |
Suarez |
Metaphysicarum Disputationum |
Scharpii |
Methodus Philosophiæ Peripateticæ |
Spelmanni |
Archæologus |
Seller, J. |
Sea Atlas |
Seller, J. |
Atlas Terrestris |
Speed |
Prospect of the most famous parts of the World |
Schotii |
Cursus Mathematicus |
Sempilii Craigbataei de Disciplinis Mathematicis |
Sylvatici |
Opus Pandectarum Medicinæ |
Strype |
Memorials of A.Bp. Cranmer Dr. Sacheverel’s Tryal |
Spotswood |
History of the Church of Scotland |
Thuani |
Historiarum Sui Temporis |
Tacqueti |
Opera Mathematica |
Tarvernier |
Travels |
Usserii |
Annales |
Virgilii, Poly. |
Historic Anglicæ |
Vincentio |
Opus Geometricum Quadraturæ Circuli et Sectionum Coni |
Victae |
Opera Mathematica |
Wing |
Astronomia Brittanica |
Wallis |
Treatise of Algebra |
Wirtzung |
General Practice of Physic in English |
Willis |
Remaining Physical Works |
Xenophon |
Opera omnia |
Xenophon |
History of the Ascent of Cyrus English’d by Bingham |
Yearbook under K. Henry V. and K. Henry VI. From the 40 to the 50 of Edw. III. |
Young Students Library by the Athenian Society, 1692 |
Zuingeri |
Theatri Humana Vitæ |
Zabarella |
Comment. in Aristot. Libros Physicorum |
Zabarella |
Opera Logica |
Zabarella |
De Rebus naturalibus |
Zabarella |
Comment. in Aristot. Libros de animâ |
Quarto | |
Althusii |
Politica |
Alphonsinae |
Tabula, edente Paschasio Hamellio |
Anderson |
Of the Genuine use of the Gunne |
Acta Eruditorum Publicata Lipsiæ, from 1682 to 1698 inc. |
Ibid., Supplements for 1692 and 1696 |
Balduini |
Tractat. de Casibus Conscientiæ |
Butler |
History of Bees |
Boetii, Anselm |
Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia |
Brittain’s Busse, with a Discovery of Newfoundland and a Discovery of Trade |
Boyle |
Philosophical Essays |
Boyle |
Tracts of the Admirable Rarefaction of the Air, &c. |
Boyle |
Experiments Physico-Mechanical touching the Air |
Boyle |
Natural Philosophy |
Boyle |
Of forms & Qualities |
Bannes |
Quæstiones et Comment. in Duos Lib. Aristot. de Generatione et Corruptione |
Brathwait |
English Gentleman |
Brerewoodi |
Tractatus quidam Logici |
Buridani |
Quæstiones in 10 libros Ethicorum Arist. |
Balfourii |
Comment. in Organum Logicum Aristot. |
Balfourii |
In Aristotelis Philosophiam |
Brinsly |
Ludus literarius; or the Grammar School |
Brahe, Tychon |
Astronomiæ instauratæ |
Brahe, Tycho |
Operum omnium |
Brahe, Tycho |
De Mundi Ætherei recentioribus Phanomenis |
Bariffe |
Military Discipline |
Barrow |
Lectionis Opticæ et Geomet. |
Barrow |
Illustrat. in opera Archimedis, in Libros Conicorum Apollonii & in Spherica Theodosii |
Brown’s & Wottons |
Mirror & Rules of Architecture |
Branker |
Introduction to Algebra |
Bond |
Longitude found |
Blackborrow |
Longitude not found |
Binning |
Light to the Art of Gunnery |
Balloni |
Conciliorum medicinalium |
DuBartas |
Poems |
Cawdry |
Storehouse of Similies |
Cambden |
Remains |
Cambden |
Britannia |
Cambden |
Britannia abridged |
Cominoei |
De Rebus Gestis Ludov. XI. Galliarum Regis |
Contareno |
Common-Wealth and Government of Venice |
Contareno |
Commentaries concerning Religion and the Common-Wealth of France |
Carew |
Survey of Cornwal |
Camerarii |
Meditationes Historicæ |
Champlain |
Voyages de la nouvelle France |
Cognet |
Politick Discourses of Truth & lying |
Cartesii |
Meditationes de Primâ Philosophiâ |
Cartesii |
Principia Philosophiæ |
Cartesii |
Epistolæ Lat. |
Cavallerii |
Directorium Generale Uranometricum |
Carpenter |
Geography |
Campanella |
Medicinalium |
Carpi |
Anatomia |
Cartesii |
Geometria |
Calovii |
Encyclopædiæ Mathematicæ |
Craig |
Religions Christianæ princip. Mathemat. |
Chokieri |
Thesaurus Aphorismorum Politicorum |
Digby, K. |
Treatise of Bodies |
Digbei, E. |
Theoria Analytica viam ad monarchiam |
Dufortii |
Gnomologia Homerica |
Donelli |
in Titulum de Usuris in Pandectis |
Everarti |
Ephemerides Novæ et Exactæ |
Essays of Natural Experiments made in the Academy del Cimento, translated by Waller |
Fuente |
Questiones Dialecticæ et Physicæ |
Florio |
First Fruits |
Feltham |
Resolves |
Goodwin |
Select Cases of Conscience |
Gainsford |
Glory of England |
Gregorii XIII |
Corpus Juris Canonici |
Guicciardini |
Historia d’Italia |
Giles |
Hist. Ecclesiastique des Eglises reformées |
Godwyn |
Jewish and Roman Antiquities |
Guevara |
Dial of Princes. English’d by North |
Guevara |
Familiar Epistles |
le Grand |
Institutio Philosophiæ secundum Principia Renat. des Cartes |
Golding |
Translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses |
Glanvil |
Scepsis Scientifica |
Galilæi |
Dialogus de Systemate Mundi |
Goclenii |
Apologeticus pro astromantia Discursus |
Gadbury |
Ephemerides from 1672 to 1681 |
Hales |
Golden Remains |
History of Italy |
History of Life of Philip de Mornay |
Hottingeri |
Historia Orientalis |
Hanmer |
View of Antiquity |
Hackluit |
History of the West Indies |
Herodian of Alex. |
History of the Roman Caesars |
Husband |
Exact Collections of Remarkables between the King and Parliament from 1641 to 1643 |
History of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland |
Hayward |
Lives of the 3 Norman Kings of England |
Heylin |
Little Description of the Great World |
Hugenii |
Systema Saturnium |
Hopton |
Geodetical Staffe |
Heurnii |
Praxis Medicinæ |
Hawksbee |
Physico-Mechanical Experiments |
Harry |
Genealogy of K. James I |
Jamesii |
Catalogus Librorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana |
Lucy |
Observations of Notorious Errors in Hobb’s Leviatha |
Lithgow |
Voyages |
Lorhardi |
Theatrum Philosophicum |
Lowthorp |
Abridgement of the Philosophical Transactions & Collections to the end of 1700 |
Liceti |
Controversiæ de Cometis |
Lansbergii, P. |
Commentationes in motum Terræ |
Lansbergii, J. |
Apologia pro Comment. Philip. Lansberg. in Motum Terræ, adversus Libert. |
Leyburn |
Geometrical Exercises for young Seamen |
Langham |
Garden of Health |
Luytsii |
Introduction ad Geographiam |
Luytsii |
Introd. ad Astronomiam |
H. Mercurio Overo |
Historia de’ correnti tempi |
Miltoni |
Defensio pro populo Anglicano cont. Salmasium |
Mash |
In universam Aristotelis Philosophiam Comment. |
M. Meurisse Royen. |
Rerum Metaphysicarum |
Martialis |
Epigrammatum Libri Comment. Remirez de Prædo illustrati |
Macchiavel. |
Discours de L’Estat de paix et de Guerre |
Macchiavel. |
Art of War. English’d by P. Withorne |
Moore |
System of the Mathematicks |
Molerii |
Accurata descriptio Ecleipsium Solis et Luna 1505 & 1607 |
Moxon |
Tutor to Astronomy & Geography |
Moxon |
Use of the Copernican Sphæres |
Markham, G. |
Masterpiece |
Morisani |
Apotelesma in Aristot. Logic. Physi. Ethic. |
Miscellanea Curiosa: sive Ephemeridum |
Medico-Physicarum Germanicarum, 1670 to 1694, inc., with Index, 1693 |
Nomenclator autorum omnium quorum Libri extant in Bibliotheca Academ. Lugd. Batav. |
Newton, Isaac |
Opticks |
Norwoods |
Trigonometry |
Origani, D. |
Ephemerides Brandenburgica, 1595-1655 inc. |
Oates, Titus |
Picture of K. James |
Pitsei, J. |
de Rebus Anglicis |
Pezelii |
Mellificium Historicum |
Perrin |
History of the Waldenses & Albigenses |
Prelates Tyranny |
. . . . Prosecution of Prynne, Bastwick and Burton |
Parliaments Diurnal Occurrences, Nov. 1640-Nov. 1641 |
[Langland] |
The Vision of Pierce Plowman, 1650 |
Platinæ |
Historia de Vitis Pontificum |
Prideaux |
Introduction for Reading Histories |
Prynne |
Antipathy of Prelacy to Regal Monarchy and Civil Unity |
Prynne |
Sovereign Power of Parliaments and Kingdoms |
Prynne |
Histrio-mastix |
Prolomæi, A. |
Geographia, Interprete Pirckheimherio |
Philosophical Transactions, Savoy. 1665-1678, and Philosophical Collections to No. 7 |
Primaudaye |
French Academy |
Polluce |
Onomasticon |
Petisci |
Trigonometria |
Palmer |
Catholick Planisphaere |
Philai, sive de vero Systemate Mundi |
Plateri |
Praxeos Mediae |
Phrygii |
Comment. in Dist. Epidemicas Hippocratis |
Paaw |
De Ossibus Human. Corporis primitiae Anatomicae |
Poeton |
Chirurgeon’s Closet |
Puffendorfii |
De Jure Natures & Gentium |
Pisis |
Pantheologia |
Placaei |
Opuscula Nonnulla |
Robinson |
Essays Moral and Divine |
Of Resisting the Lawful Magistrate Robinson |
Robinson |
Justification of the separation |
Reasons of the Necessity of the Reformation in England |
Reineccii |
Chronici Hierosolymitani |
Ruvii |
In 8 Lib. Aristot. de Physico Auditu Commen t. |
Ruvii |
In universam Aristot. Dialectiam Comment. |
Regii |
Philosophia Naturalis |
Raci |
Clavis Philosophia . . seu introductio ad natures Contemplationem Aristotelico-Cartesiana |
Rami |
Arithmet.-Geometr. |
Rami |
Scholarum Mathemat. |
Reinoldi |
Prutenica Tabula calestium motuum |
Rossini |
Commentum de motu Terrae circulari refutatum |
Smith |
Essex Dove |
Swinnock |
Of the Dignity & Beauty of Magistracy and the Duty of the Magistrates |
Seldeni |
De Synedriis & Praefecturis Juridicis Vet. Hebra. |
Stow |
Annals of England |
Simanca |
Dc Republica Lib. XI. |
Soto |
Quast. in 8 Lib. Physicorum Aristot. |
Sabatecii |
Logica Pet. Rami florens |
Scoti, J. Duns |
in Isagogen Porphyrii et in Aristot. |
Scoti, J. Duns |
in 8 Lib. Physicorum Aristotelis |
Suarez |
Metaphysicarum Disputationum Syllabus |
Sophoclis |
Tragedies 7 |
Sylvayn’s |
Orator in English |
Street |
Astronomia Carolina |
Schooten |
Exercitationes Mathematicae |
Scheineri |
Fundamentum Opticum |
Sennerti |
De febribus |
Senguerdii |
Philosophia naturalis |
Schroderi |
Thesaurus Lingua Aremenicae |
Tarich |
Series Regum Persia cum Comment. |
Toleti |
Introductio in Universam Aristot. Logicam Comment. una cum Quast. in 3 libros Aristotelis de Animâ |
Terrence |
Andria Latin & English |
Usserii |
Veterum Epistolarum Hybernicarum Sylloge |
Usserii |
Brittanic. Ecclesiarum Antiquitates |
Usserii |
Quastionis de Ecclesiarum Successione Historica Explicatio |
Ubaldino |
Vita de Carlo magno imperadore |
Vossii |
De Origine & Progressu Idololatria |
Vossii |
De Historicis Gracis |
Vossii |
De Historicis Latinis |
Velagut |
Practica Canonica Criminalis secund. Juris Communis ac Doctorum antiquorum et recentium Decreta |
Vries |
Exercitationes Rationales |
Wickliff |
Complaint to the King and Parliament |
Waseri |
De Antiquis numis Hebraeorum, Chaldreorum & Syriorum |
Wright |
Errors in Navigation detected |
Wallis |
Mechanica, sive de motu Tractat. Geometric |
Wing |
Ephemerides from 1672 to 1681 |
Wardi |
Idea Trigometriæ |
Zanardi |
Comment. cum Quæst. in Logicam Aristot. |
Zanardi |
Disputatio de Uñiverso Elementari |
Zanardi |
Disputationes de triplici universo |
Octavo, Etc. | |
Appiano |
delle guerre Civili de Romani |
Adami |
Vitæ Germanorum. Theologorum |
Antiquitas Academ. Cantabrigens. & Ox-omens. |
An Abridgement of the Chronicles of Scotland |
Angli |
Euclides Metaphysicus |
Angli |
Euclides Physicus |
Amama |
Dissertationum Marinarum Decas. |
Amyraldi |
De Libero Arbitrio Disputatio |
Alstedii |
Logicæ Systema Harmonicum |
Aristot. |
de Moribus lib. 10 |
Alciati |
Emblemata cum Comment. |
Agrippa, H. C. |
De Incertitudine et Vanitate omnium Scientarum Liber |
Aviani |
Clavis Poeseos Sacræ |
Aristot. |
Artis Rhetorice |
Aesopi |
Fabulæ |
Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian & Minutius Foelix, Englished by Reeves |
Ars Sciendi |
Alchmariani |
Instit. Astronom. |
Annals of King George, Vol. I. |
Boyle, R. |
Of the Style of the Scriptures |
Boyle, R. |
His Seraphic Love |
Boyle, R. |
Occasional Reflections |
Brooke |
Of the Nature of Truth |
Buchanani |
Paraphrasis Poetica Psalmorum |
Batei |
Elenchi motuum nuperorum in Anglia |
Benzonis |
Novae novi orbis Historiæ |
Bembo |
Letters |
Bale, J. |
Of Actes or Unchaste Exemples of the Englyshe Votaries |
Bedæ |
Venerabilis Historia Ecclesiastic. Gentis Anglorum |
Baconis |
Historia Henrici Septimi |
Barclai, J. |
Argenis |
Boyle, R. |
Tracts about Cosmical Qualities |
Boyle, R. |
New Experiments touching the Relation of Air and Flame |
Boyle, R. |
Experiments about Colours |
Boyle, R. |
Cogitationes de Sacræ Scripturæ Stylo |
Boyle, R. |
Paradoxa Hydrostatica |
Boaysteau |
Theatrum mundi translated into English |
Burgersdicii |
Collegium Physicum |
Boehmen |
Aurora, das ist Morgen Rothe |
de Bosnay |
Cosmopolite, ou nouvelle Lumiere de la Physique naturale avec une Traicté du Soulphre |
Butleri |
Rhetoricæ |
Burgersdicii |
Institutionum Logicarum |
Baronii |
Metaphysica |
Baconis |
Historia Ventorum |
Baconis |
Historia Vitæ & Mortis |
Baconis |
Essays, 1668 |
Buscheri |
Harmoniæ Logicæ Philipporaneæ |
Barclai |
Satyricon |
Beroaldi |
Declamationes |
Buchleri |
Thesaurus Poeticus |
Brown |
Description & Use of Triangular Quadrant |
Boehmen |
Opera nonnulla Teutonic |
Boehmen |
De Signatura Rerum |
Boehmen |
Josephus Redivivus |
Brodrick |
Compleat History of the late War in the Netherlands |
Becheri |
Supplementum secundum in Physicam Subterraneam |
Brome |
Travels over England, Scotland, & Wales |
Chroniche Antiche d’ Inglilterra |
Casaubon |
Treatise of Enthusiasm |
Casaubon |
Diatriba de Verborum Usu |
Crantzii |
Metropolis, sive Historia Ecclesiast. Saxoniæ |
Caesar |
Commentarii tradotti [into Italian] per Ortica |
Caesarii, Joan |
Rhetorica |
Camdeni |
Annales Rerum . . . . regnante Elizabethâ |
Constitucyons Provincialles; and of Otho & Octobone translated into English |
Comine |
Ses Memoires |
Comitis |
Mythologiæ |
Casmanni |
Marinarum Quæstionum tractatio Philosophica bipartita |
Cujacii |
Paratila in Libros 50 digestorum seu Pandectarum et in Libros 9. Codicis Justiniani |
Comenii |
Janua Linguar. Gr. & Lat. |
Comenii |
Janua Linguar. Trilinguis |
Comenii |
Janua Linguarum Referata |
Camdeni |
Institutis Grammatices Græcæ |
Ceporini |
Compendium Grammatico Græcæ |
Celestina |
Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea |
Case, M. de la |
Le Galateé ou des facons et maniers louables |
Causini |
Tragediæ Sacræ |
Culpeper |
English Physician enlarged |
Craig |
Scotland’s Sovereignty asserted |
Clarendon |
History of the Rebellion |
Cross |
Taghmical Art |
Donne |
History of the Septuagint |
Delrii |
Disquisitionum Magicarum Doctrina Antiqua de Natura Animæ |
Drax, Tho. |
Calliepeia, or Rich store-house of Phrases |
Donne |
Essayes |
Digby |
Discours touchant la Guerison par la poudre de sympathie |
Disquisitiones Politicæ |
Danaei |
Aphorismorum Politicorum Sylva |
Donaldsoni |
Synopseos Philosoph. Moralis |
Derham |
Astrotheology |
Eitzen |
Ethico Doctrina |
Ebert |
Calendarium Historicum |
Elenchus |
Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia |
Elementa Jurisprudentiæ |
Euripidis |
Tragadiæ |
Erasmi |
Moriæ Encomium, cum Ludo Senecæ de Morte Claudii Cœsaris |
Freigii |
Quæstiones Instinianæ in Institut. Juris Civilis |
Fells |
Life of Dr. H. Hammond |
Fasciculus |
Præceptorum Logicorum, unà cum Crackanthorpii Introductione ad Metaphysicam |
Fabri |
Cursus Physicus et Metaphysicus |
Frommen |
Exercitationes Metaphysicæ |
Fabritii |
Poemata |
Figon |
Discours des Estats & des Offices tant de Gouvernement que de la Justice, & des Finances de France |
Fichet |
Arcana Studiorum Methodus |
Fuchsii |
Opera nonulla |
Fuchsii |
Institutiones Medicinæ |
Fuchsii |
Historia stirpium |
Frambesarii |
Scholæ medicæ Examen practicum |
Fregii |
Pædagogus |
Grotii |
De jure Belli ac Pacis |
Grotii |
In Cassandri Consultationem annotata |
Grotii |
De Imperio summarum Potestatum |
Grotii |
Apologeticus |
Grotii |
Votum pro pace Ecclesiast. |
Grotii |
Defensio fidei Catholicæ |
Grotii |
Animadversiones in Andr. Riveti |
Grotii |
Opera nonnulla Argumenti Theolog. Jurid. Politic |
Grotii |
Et Aliorum Dissertationes |
Grotii |
Epistolæ ad Gallos |
Gaule |
Distractions |
Gaule |
Practique Theories |
Gale |
Theophilie |
Grotest |
Tractatus de Cessatione Legalium |
Greaves |
Pyramidographia |
Goodwin |
Mystery of Dreams |
Gumble |
Life of General Monck |
Guicciardini |
Historiarum sui Temporis |
Guicciardini |
Fragmentum |
Golii |
Epitome Doctrinæ moralis ex 10 Lib. Ethic. Aristot. |
Galei |
Philosophia Generalis |
The Gentleman’s Calling |
Guillet, Dame du |
Rithmes & Poesies |
Galilæi |
Nuncius Sydereus |
Gilfusii |
Opusculum Politicum |
Great Treaty of Peace |
Hammond |
Of Fundamentals in a Notion referring to Practise |
Herodoti |
Historiæ |
Hayward |
Life of K. Edw. 6. & Q. Elizabeth |
Historia Ecclesiastica del Scisma del Reyno de Inglaterra |
Historia Persecutionum Ecclesiæ Bohemicæ |
Heerebordi |
Collegium Ethicum |
Harvei |
Exercitationes de Generatione Animalium |
Hotomani |
J. C. Quæstionum illustrium |
Hotomani |
Partitiones Juris Civilis |
Hesselbein |
Theoria Logica |
Hewis |
Survey of English Tongue & Phrases |
Horatii Flac. |
Poemata |
Hieroclis |
Philosop. Comment. in Aurea Pythagoreorum Carmina |
Holliband |
Campo de Fior—flowery Field of four Languages |
Herbert |
Temple, or Sacred Poems |
Jovii |
Historiarum sui Temporis |
Jure |
Life of M. de Reuty Nobleman of France |
Jamblicus |
de Mysteriis Ægyptiorum |
Jacchei |
Primæ Philosophiæ Institutiones |
Jacobi Regis |
Dæmonologia |
Index Expurgatorius |
King James |
Apology for the Oath of Allegiance |
Juvenalis et Persii |
Satyræ |
Junii |
Vindiciæ contra Tyrannos |
Johnson |
Lexicon Chymicum |
Josephus |
Works |
Johnstoni |
Idea Universæ Medicinæ Practicæ |
Kempisii |
De Imitatione Christi |
Keckermanni |
Systema Logicæ |
Keppleri |
Epitomes Astron. Copernicanæ |
Lawson |
Examination of Hobbs Leviathan |
Lettre Escrite a Monsieur le Coq. Charenton |
Lucani |
de Bello Civili |
Lightfoot |
Miscellanies |
Letters between the Ld. George and Sr. Kenelme Digby |
Laurentii |
Historia Anatomica |
Leoni |
Ars Medendi |
Langii |
Elementare Mathematicum |
Liddelii |
Ars Medica |
Lydii |
Waldensia |
Meisneri |
Dissertatio de Legibus |
Meisneri |
Anthropologiæ Sacræ |
Meisneri |
Disputationes quinque |
More |
Chronology |
Matchiavelli |
Disputat. de Republica |
Magiri |
Physiologiæ Peripateticæ |
Martini |
Exercitationum Metaphysic. |
Martini |
Logicarum Institut. |
Martini |
Prælectiones extemporaneæ in Systema Logicum Keekermanni |
Molinæi |
Elementa Logica |
Melanchthon |
Epitomes Philosoph. moralis |
Meurier |
Magazin de Plante en Francoises & Flameng. |
Moore |
Modern Fortification |
Mercatoris |
Institut. Astronomicarum |
Mead |
De Imperio Solis ac Lunæ in Corpora humana |
Moroni |
Directorium medico-practicum |
Manuiti |
Epistolarum Lib. XII. |
Mather, Inc. |
Angelographia |
Mather, Inc. |
Remarkable Providences |
Mather, Inc. |
Cases of Conscience |
Mather, Inc. |
[Many more] |
Mather, C. |
Decennium Luctuosum |
Mather, C. |
[Many more] |
Niem |
Historiarum sui Temporis |
Neandri |
Physice |
Neperi |
Rabdologia |
Nepair |
Description of the Table of Logarithms Orationes ex historicis Latinis Excerptæ in Usum Scholarum Hollandiæ |
Oughtred |
Opuscula Mathematica |
Pseaumes mis en Rime Francoise par Marot & Beze |
Psalmi Davidis Hispanicè |
Patavini |
Defensor Pacis |
Pleix |
De L’Ethique, ou Philosophic Morale |
Pavonii |
Summa Ethicæ |
Petrarchæ |
de remediis utriusque Fortunæ |
Petrarcha |
nuovamente ridotto alla vera Lettione |
Porta |
Magia naturalis |
Patricii |
de Regno & Regis Institutione |
Pelegromii |
Synonymorum Silva |
Politiani |
Epistolæ |
Proverbs Espagnols traduit en Francois |
Platti |
Manuale, seu Flores Petrarchæ |
Porphyrii |
Philosophi Pythagorici de Abstinentia |
Plinii |
Secund. Epistolarum Lib. 9 |
Plauti |
Comædiæ |
Pisonis |
de Cognoscendis & Curandis humani Corporis morbis |
Pharmacopæia Londinens. Colleg. |
Phocylidis |
Dissertatio Astronomica |
Puteani |
Statera Belli & Pacis |
Purbachii |
Dispositiones motuum Cælestium. |
Purbachii |
Theoriæ novæ Planetarum |
Quinti Curtii |
Historiarum Libri |
Quinti Calabri |
Poetæ derelictorum ab Homero |
Rutherfoord |
Letters |
Robinson |
Apology for the Brownists |
Romani |
Commentationes Physicæ & Metaphysicæ |
Rami |
Scholia in 3 primas liberales Artes |
Rami |
Schol. in Aristotelis Libros Acroamaticos |
Rami |
Grammaticæ Lib. 4 |
Richardson |
Logician’s School-master |
[W. Alabaster] |
Roxana Tragædia olim Cantabrig. acta, &c. |
Record |
Arithmetick |
Raii |
Catalogus Plantarum Angliæ |
Rulandi |
Medicinæ Practica |
Remarks on several parts of Italy in 1701, 1702, 1703. |
Raleigh |
History of the World abrig’d |
Sallustii |
Opera omnia |
Stoughtonii |
Fælicitas ultimi seculi |
Stafford |
Niobe |
Stafford |
Female Glory |
Sulpicii Severi |
Opera omnia |
Stradæ |
de Bello Belgico |
Selden |
de Dis Syriis |
Speed |
Abridged Description of Britain & Ireland |
Sleyden |
Key of History |
Scaligeri |
Exotericarum Exercitationum de Subtilitate |
Scaligeri |
Poemata |
Scaligeri |
Epistolæ omnes |
Schookii |
Collegium Physicum |
Sculteti |
Ethicorum Libri |
Sluteri |
Anatomia Logicæ Aristotelicæ |
Snellii |
In Physicam Corn. Valerii Annotationes |
Scheibleri |
Metaphysic |
Senecæ et aliorum |
Tragædiæ |
Senecæ |
Tragediæ |
Senecæ |
Epistolæ qua extant |
Speculum Anglicarum atque Politicarum Observationum |
Schollar’s Companion |
Smetii |
Prosodia |
Sennerti |
Epitome Institut. Medicinæ |
Sylvii |
Methodus Medicamenta Componendi |
Sutholt |
Dissertationes quibus explicatur universum Jus Institutionum |
Suetonius |
Lives of the 12 Caesars |
Shakespear |
Plays, 6 vols. London, 1709 |
Trenchfield |
Christian Chymistry |
Taciti |
Opera |
Taciti |
Annales |
Turselline |
Epitome Historiarum |
Timpleri |
Metaphysicæ Systema Methodicum |
Tesmari |
Exercitationum Rhetoricarum |
Trapezuntii |
Rhetoricarum |
A Treatise of Metalica |
Trieu |
Manuductio ad Logicam |
Tullii |
De Officio Libri Tres |
Turneri |
Orationes & Epistolæ |
Terentii |
Comædiæ Sex |
Tacqueti |
Arithmeticæ Theoria & Praxis |
Tractatus duo Mathematici; primus de Globis, a Rob. Hues |
Timpii |
Cynosura Professorum ac Studiosorum Eloquentiæ |
Temple, Sir Wm. |
Memoirs |
Temple, Sir Wm. |
Letters |
Varenii |
Descriptio Regni Japoniæ & Siam |
Valerii Max. |
De dictis et factis memorabilibus |
Velcurionis |
Comment. in Aristotel, Physicam Lib. 4 |
Verronis |
Physicorum Libri 10 |
Valesii |
de Sacra Philosophia Liber |
Vosii et aliorum |
De Studiorum Ratione opuscula |
Valerii Ultraj |
Grammatic. Institut. |
Vallæ |
Elegantiæ |
Wilkinsoni |
Condones 6 ad Academicos Oxonienses |
Walton |
Lives |
Wotton |
Remains |
Wendilini |
Contemplat. Physicarum |
Wallis |
Grammatica Linguæ Anglicanæ |
Wither |
Abuses stript and whipt |
Wither |
Shepard’s Hunting |
Wardi |
Astronomia Geometrica |
Winshemii |
Quæstiones Sphæricæ |
Witteni |
Memoria Jurisconsultorum justa |
Witteni |
Memoria medicorum semper vivens |
Witteni |
Memoria Philosophorum sempiterna |
Witteni |
Memoria Theologorum |
Zahn |
Ichnographia municipalis |
Zuichemi |
J. C. Comment. in 10 Titulos Institutionum Juris Civilis |
Supplement | |
Grew |
Cosmologia Sacra, or a Discourse of the Universe |
Ortelius |
Theatre de L’Universe |
Milton |
Poetical Works, 2 vols. 1720 |
Cry from the Desert . . . . things lately come to pass in the Cevennes Chamberlayne |
Present State of Gt. Brittain, 1716 |
Lives of the French Philosophers |
Langii |
Medicina Mentis |
Neal |
History of New-England |
Parecbolæ |
Universitatis Oxoniensis |
Strada |
Histoire de la guerre de Flandre |
Folio | |
Bayle |
Dictionaire Historique et Critique |
Brandt |
History of the Reformation in the Low Countries Englished by John Chamberlayne |
Du Pin |
New Ecclesiastical History |
Grævii |
Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum |
Hooker |
Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity |
How, J. |
Works |
Highmori |
Disquisitio Corporis Humani Anatomica |
Lightfoot |
Works |
Lock, J. |
Works, 3 vol. 1722 |
Montfaucon |
Antiquity Explained . . . . in Sculptures; Englished by David Humphreys |
Ogilby |
Translation of Virgil, with Cuts |
Robinsoni |
Annales Mundi Universales |
Papal Usurpation . . . . with History of the old Waldenses |
Sallengre |
Novus Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum |
Tillotson |
Works |
Willughby |
Ornithology with 3 Discourses of Mr. John Ray |
Quarto | |
Rami |
Opticæ Libri quatuor |
Speckhan |
Quaestionum et Decisionum Juris Caesarii, &c. |
Stierii |
Praecepta Logicæ, Ethicæ, &c. |
Octavo, etc. | |
Boemi |
Enchiridion Precum |
Barlow |
Exact Survey of the Tide |
Burnet, T. |
Essay upon Government |
Cheselden |
On the High Operation for the Stone, 1723 |
Clerici |
Opera Philosophica |
Cromwell’s Life, 1724 |
Cheyne |
Essay of the Gout, 1723 |
Cheyne |
Essay of Health & Long Life |
Critical History of England, Ecclesiastical and Civil |
Echard |
Ecclesiastical History |
Fuchsii |
Institutiones Medicinæ |
Gordon |
Geographical Grammar History of Virginia, 1722 |
Miri-Weys, the Persian Cromwell, 1724 |
Mather, C. |
Life of Increase Mather, London, 1724 |
Pliny |
Panegyrick upon the Emperor Trajan, Englished by Geo. Smith |
Potter |
Greek Antiquities |
Strother |
On Sickness and Health, London, 1725 |
Vareni |
Geographia Generalis |
Wendelini |
Institutiones Politicæ |
Whiston |
New Theory of Earth, 1722 |
Watts, I. |
Lyrick Poems |
Watts, I. |
Versions of the Psalms |
Watts, I. |
Art of Reading & Writing English |
Watts, I. |
Songs for Children |
Watts, I. |
Hymns |
Watts, I. |
Logick |
THE following books have been the chief sources of material for this study. Use has also been made of several manuscripts not included in this list.
Almanacs, Colonial. All copies from 1657 to 1722 in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society, including photostat copies of all in existence which belong to the seventeenth century.
Almanacs, English. All between 1599 and 1707 in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
American Antiquarian Society. Proceedings. Worcester, 1812-1880. New Series, 1881-1914. Continued.
American Antiquarian Society. Archæologia Americana. Transactions and Collections. Worcester, 1820-1912. Continued.
Andrews, Charles Mclean, editor. Narratives of the Insurrections. New York, 1915.
Andros Tracts: being a collection of pamphlets and official papers. William Henry Whitmore, editor. Boston, 1868-1874.
Arber, Edward, editor. The story of the Pilgrim Fathers. Boston, 1897.
Baxter, Richard. Poetical Fragments. London, 1699. 3d Edition.
Beers, Henry Augustin. An Outline Sketch of American Literature. New York, 1887.
Bigelow, Francis Hill. Historic Silver of the Colonies and its Makers. New York, 1917.
Blackmore, Sir Richard. Prince Arthur. An Heroick Poem. 2d Edition. London, 1695.
Blake, James. Annals of the Town of Dorchester, 1750. Collections of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. Boston, 1846.
Bradford, William. A Dialogue, or the Sum of a Conference between some Young Men born in New England and sundry ancient men that came out of Holland and Old England. Anno Domini 1648. In Young’s Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers, pp. 414 ff.
——— A Dialogue or 3d Conference, betweene some yonge-men borne in New-England: and some Ancient-men, which came out of Holand, and Old England concerning the church. Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, 1st Series, Vol. II, P. 405 ff.
——— History of Plymouth Plantation 1620-1647. Boston, 1912. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections. 2 vols.
Bradstreet, Anne. The Works of Anne Bradstreet in Prose and Verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. Charlestown, 1867.
Brodrick, G. C. A history of the University of Oxford. 2d Edition. London, 1891.
Buckingham, Thomas. The Journals of Madam Knight, and Rev. Mr. Buckingham. From the Original Manuscripts, written in 1704 & 1710. New York, Wilder and Campbell, 1825.
Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress from this World to that which is to come. Temple Classics. London, 1904.
Burr, George Lincoln, Editor. Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706. New York, 1914.
Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. London, 1907.
Calef, Robert. See Fowler, Samuel P.
Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, America And West Indies. 1661-1668. Edited by W. N. Sainsbury. London, 1880.
Cambridge History of American Literature, The. New York, 1917.
Chaplin, Jeremiah. Life of Henry Dunster. Boston, 1872.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Complete Works of. Edited by Walter W. Skeat. 6 vols. Oxford, 1899.
Clap, Roger, Memoirs of. Collections of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society, Vol. I. Boston, 1844.
Clap, Thomas. The Annals or History of Yale-College. New Haven, 1766.
Clarendon, Edward, Earl of. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. Edited by W. Dunn Macray. Oxford, 1888.
Collier, Jeremy. The Great Historical, Geographical, Genealogical and Poetical Dictionary . . . . 2d Edition. London, 1701.
Colonial Society of Massachusetts. Publications. Boston, 1895-1915. Continued.
Cook, Elizabeth Christine. Literary Influences in Colonial Newspapers, 1704-1750. New York, 1912.
Cunningham, W. English Influence on the United States. Cambridge, 1916.
Danckaerts, Jasper. The Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680. Edited by Bartlett B. James and J. Franklin Jameson. New York, 1913.
De Montmorency, J. E. G. The Progress of Education in England. London, 1904.
Dexter, Franklin Bowditch. Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College with Annals of the College History. October, 1701, to May, 1745. New York, 1885.
——— Documentary History of Yale University under the original charter of the Collegiate School of Connecticut, 1701-1745. New Haven, 1916.
——— Estimates of Population in the American Colonies. Worcester, 1887.
Dexter, Henry Martyn and His Son, Morton. The England and Holland of the Pilgrims. Boston, 1905.
Dictionary of National Biography. Leslie Stephen, editor. New York, 1885-1900.
Drake, Samuel Gardner, Editor. Increase Mather’s The History of King Philip’s War. 1862.
Duniway, Clyde A. The Development of Freedom of the Press in Massachusetts. New York, 1906.
Dunton, John. Letters from New-England. Edited by W. H. Whitmore. Boston,1867.
——— The Life and Errors of John Dunton. London, 1705.
Eggleston, Edward. The Transit of Civilization from England to America in the Seventeenth Century. New York, 1901.
Essex County, Massachusetts. Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts. 4 vols. Salem, 1911-1914.
Essex County, Massachusetts, The Probate Records of. Vol. I. Salem, Mass., 1916.
Evans, Charles. American Bibliography. Chicago, 1903.
Everest, Charles. Poets of Connecticut. Hartford, 1843.
Felt, J. B. Memoir of the Reverend Francis Higginson. Boston, 1852.
Fitz, Reginald H., M.D. Zabdiel Boylston, Inoculator, and the Epidemic of Smallpox in Boston in 1721. Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, xxii. 315.
Ford, Worthington Chauncey. The Boston Book Market, 1679-1700. Boston, 1917.
Fowler, Samuel P. Salem Witchcraft: comprising More Wonders of the Invisible World, collected by Robert Calef; and Wonders of the Invisible World, by Cotton Mather: together with notes and explanations by S. P. Fowler. Salem, 1861.
Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of. New York, no date.
——— Works of. Nurnberg and New York, no date.
Fuller, Thomas. The Church-History of Britain. London, 1655.
——— The History of the University of Cambridge from the Conquest to the year 1634. Cambridge, 1640.
——— The History of the Worthies of England. Edited by P. A. Nuttall. 2d Edition. 3 vols. London, 1840.
Gookin, Daniel. Historical Collections of the Indians in New England. In Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 1st Series, Vol. I, pp. 141-226.
Gookin, Frederick William. Daniel Gookin, 1612-1687. . . . . . . his Life and Letters and some Account of his Ancestry. Chicago, 1912.
Green, Samuel Abbott. John Foster, the earliest American engraver and the first Boston printer. Boston, 1909.
Green, Samuel Abbott. History of Medicine in Massachusetts. Boston, 1881.
Griswold, Rufus W. Female Poets of America.
——— Poets and Poetry of America.
Harvard University. Library of. Bibliographical Contributions, No. 52. The Librarians of Harvard College, 1667-1877. By A. C. Potter and Charles K. Bolton. Cambridge, 1897.
Harvard University. College Books I, III, and IV. Harvard College Records: in manuscript, about to be published and examined in proof sheets.
——— Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecæ Collegij Harvardini Quod est Cantabrigiæ in Nova Anglia. Boston, 1723.
Herbert, George. The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. Facsimile reprint of first edition of 1633. London, 1882.
Hinckley, Thomas. The Hinckley Papers. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 4th Series, Vol. I.
Hull, John. The Diaries of. In Archæologia Americana: Transactions of the American Antiquarian Society, iii. 109-318.
Hutchinson Papers. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 3d Series, Vol. I.
Johnson, Edward. Wonder-Working Providence. Edited by J. Franklin Jameson. New York, 1910.
——— Wonder-Working Providence. Edited by William F. Poole. Andover, 1867.
Josselyn, John. An Account of two Voyages to New-England, etc. The Second Addition [sic.] London, 1675. Reprint in Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 3rd Series, Vol. 3, p. 211 ff.
——— New-England’s Rarities Discovered. With an Introduction and Notes by Edward Tuckerman. In Archæologia Americana, iv. 105-238. Worcester, 1860.
Keep, Austin Baxter. History of the New York Society Library with an Introductory Chapter on Libraries in Colonial New York, 1698-1776. New York, 1908.
Kettell, Samuel. Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices. 3 vols. Boston, 1829.
Kimball, Everett. The Public Life of Joseph Dudley. A Study of the Colonial Policy of the Stuarts in New England 1660-1715. New York, 1911.
Knight, Sarah Kemple. The Private Journal of. Being the Record of a Journey from Boston to New York in the year 1704. Norwich, Conn., 1901.
Lawson, Deodat. Christ’s Fidelity the Only Shield against Satan’s Malignity. Asserted in a Sermon Deliver’d at Salem-Village the 24th of March, 1692. Boston and London, 1704.
Lechford, Thomas. Note-Book kept by Thomas Lechford, Esq., Lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts Bay, from June 27, 1638, to July 29, 1641. Cambridge, 1885.
Lincoln, Charles H., editor. Narratives of the Indian Wars, 1675-1699. New York, 1913.
Littlefield, George Emery. Early Boston Booksellers, 1642-1711. Boston, 1900.
——— The Early Massachusetts Press, 1638-1711. Boston, 1907.
——— Early Schools and School Books of New England. Boston, 1904.
Maine Historical Society. Collections and Proceedings. Portland, 1890-1906.
Marvell, Andrew. Poems of. Muses Library. London, no date.
Massachusetts Bay. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Boston, 1854.
Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections. Boston or Cambridge, 1792-1914. Continued.
——— Lectures delivered in a course before the Lowell Institute, in Boston, by members of the Massachusetts Historical Society on subjects relating to the Early History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1869.
——— Proceedings. Boston, 1879-1916. Continued.
Masson, David. The Life of John Milton. 7 vols. London,1881.
Mather, Cotton. The Accomplished Singer. Boston, 1721.
——— A Brand Pluck’d out of the Burning. In G. L. Burr’s Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, pp. 259-286.
——— Diary. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 7th Series, Vols. 7 and 8.
——— Magnalia Christi Americana; or the Ecclesiastical History of New-England. Edited by Thomas Robbins. 2 vols. Hartford, 1855.
Mather, Cotton. Memorable Providences, Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions. In G. L. Burr’s Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, pp. 93-144.
——— A New Year Well Begun. New London, 1719.
——— Psalterium Americanum. The Book of Psalms. Boston, 1718.
——— Repeated Warnings. Another Essay, to warn young people. Page headings use title of Children of Disobedience. Boston, 1712.
——— The Right Way to Shake off a Viper. Boston, 1720.
——— Speedy Repentance Urged. Boston, 1690.
——— The Wonders of the Invisible World. To which is added A Farther Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches by Increase Mather, D.D. London, 1862.
——— The World Alarm’d. Boston, 1721.
Mather, Increase. Diary. Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, 2d Series, Vol. 13, p. 339 ff.
——— Early History of New England. Together with an Historical Discourse concerning the Prevalency of Prayer. Boston, 1677.
——— A Farther Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches. Published with Cotton Mather’s The Wonders of the Invisible World. London, 1862.
——— Life and Death of that Reverend Man of God Mr. Richard Mather. Cambridge, 1670.
——— Remarkable Providences Illustrative of the Earlier Days of American Colonisation. Edited by George Offor. London, 1890.
Mather, Richard, Journal of. 1635. His Life and Death, 1670. Collections of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. Both in one volume, paged consecutively. Boston, 1850.
Mather Papers, The. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 4th Series, Vol. 8. Boston, 1868.
Mayflower Descendant, The. A Quarterly Magazine of Pilgrim Genealogy and History. Boston, 1899-1916. Continued.
Milton, John, The Poetical Works of. Edited by David Masson. London and New York, 1903.
Milton, John. A Selection from the English Prose Works of. Boston, 1826.
Morton, Nathaniel. New England’s Memorial. Boston, 1855.
Morton, Thomas. The New English Canaan. Edited by Charles Francis Adams, Jr., Boston, 1883.
Mullinger, James Bass. Cambridge Characteristics in the Seventeenth Century. London, 1867.
——— A History of the University of Cambridge. London, 1888.
——— The University of Cambridge. Vol. 3. Cambridge, 1911.
Neal, Daniel. The History of New England. 2d Edition. 2 vols. London, 1747.
New England Historical And Genealogical Register, The. Boston, 1847-1916. Continued.
New Hampshire Historical Society. Collections. Concord, 1824-1915. Continued.
New Haven Colony Historical Society. Papers. New Haven, 1865-1914. Continued.
North American Review. Vol. 107.
Onderdonk, J. L. History of American Verse. 1610-1897. Chicago, 1901.
Otis, William Bradley. American Verse 1625-1807. A History. New York, 1909.
Oviatt, Edwin. The Beginnings of Yale 1701-1726. New Haven, 1916.
Palfrey, John Gorham. History of New England during the Stuart Dynasty. 5 vols. Boston, 1858.
Patterson, S. W. The Spirit of the American Revolution as revealed in the poetry of the period. Boston, 1915.
Penhallow, Samuel. The History of the Wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians . Collections of the New Hampshire Historical Society for the Year 1824. Vol. I of the series.
Plymouth Colony, Records of. Wills. In manuscript.
Prior, Matthew, Selected Poems of. Edited by Austin Dobson. London, 1889.
Quincy, Josiah. The History of Harvard University. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1840.
Richardson, C. F. American Literature. 2 vols. New York, 1887, 1889.
Roden, Robert F. The Cambridge Press 1638-1692. New York, 1905.
Rossiter, William S., editor. Days and Ways in Old Boston. Boston, 1915.
Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions. London, 1666-1916. Continued.
Sandys, George. Ovid’s Metamorphosis Englished, mythologiz’d and represented in figures. London, 1640.
Sewall, Samuel. Diary of, 1674-1729. 3 vols. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 5th Series, Vols. 5-7. Boston, 1878.
——— Letter-Book of. 2 vols. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 6th Series, Vols. 1-2. Boston, 1886.
——— The Selling of Joseph. In George H. Moore’s Notes on the History of Slavery in Massachusetts, pp. 83-87. New York, 1866.
Shepard, Thomas. Autobiography. Manuscript volume in the Harvard Library.
Sibley, John Langdon. Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1873.
Small, Walter Herbert. Early New England Schools. Boston, 1914.
Steiner, Bernard C. A History of the Plantation of Menunkatuck . . . . comprising the present towns of Guilford and Madison. Baltimore, 1897.
Thomas, Isaiah. The History of Printing in America. 2d Edition. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, Vols. 5-6. Albany, 1874.
Thompson, E. N. S. Essays on Milton. New Haven, 1914.
Truebner’s Bibliographical Guide to American Literature. London, 1855.
Turell, Ebenezer. The Life and Character of the Reverend Benjamin Colman, D.D. Boston, 1749.
Tuttle, Julius H. The Mather Libraries. American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings, New Series, Vol. 20, pp. 269-356.
Tyler, Moses Coit. A History of American Literature, 1607?1765. 2 vols. New York, 1879.
Verstegan, Richard. The Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities, concerning the most Noble and Renowned English Nation. London, 1673.
Waters, Thomas Franklin. Ipswich in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Ipswich, 1905.
Weeden, William B. Economic and Social History of New England, 1620-1789. 2 vols. Boston, 1890.
Wegelin, Oscar. Early American Poetry. A Compilation of the Titles of Volumes of Verse and Broadsides, Written by Writers Born or Residing in North America, and Issued during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. New York, 1903.
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Winslow, Edward. Good News from New England. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 1st Series, Vol. 8, pp. 239-276.
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Winsor, Justin, Editor. The Memorial History of Boston, 1630-1880. 4 vols. Boston, 1880.
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