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1pixel2.gif (807 bytes)

Start Menu

mAd cOw Adventure

app_index.jpg (9684 bytes)



excel_appl.jpg (6445 bytes)

Anatomy of a Format Toolbar

The Format Toolbar:
format_toolbar.jpg (5807 bytes)
Commonly Used Buttons on the Toolbar

 $.jpg (2861 bytes)

currency style applies the currency style to selected cells

percent.jpg (3355 bytes)

percent style applies the percent style to selected cells

comma.jpg (2162 bytes)

comma style applies the comma style to selected cells

inc_decimal.JPG (3208 bytes)

increase decimal increases the number of decimal places displayed after the decimal

dec_decimal.JPG (3465 bytes)

decrease decimal decreases the number of decimal places displayed after the decimal

borders.jpg (2738 bytes)

borders adds a border to the selected cell or range

fill_color.JPG (3524 bytes)

fill color adds, modifies, or removes the fill color or effect on the selected cells

font_color.JPG (3327 bytes)

font color formats the selected text with the color you pick

back.gif (366 bytes)next.gif (356 bytes)