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Create a Hyperlink and E-mail Link

hl_select_anim.gif (17028 bytes)


  1. Select  the text that will become the link to a WWW site or e-mail address

  1. Choose Insert then Hyperlink or click the hyperlink.jpg (4115 bytes)icon on the standard toolbar and the Hyperlink dialog box will appear
hl_box.jpg (32245 bytes)
  1. Hyperlink

    In the URL text box, enter the URL of the Web page you want to link to,  or click the WWW button to browse to the desired Web site

    hl_url.gif (780 bytes)

    E-Mail Link

    In the dialog box click the mailto: mailto_icon.jpg (4482 bytes) icon, a box will appear, enter the e-mail address and then click OK.

    hl_email.gif (2308 bytes)
  1. Click OK in the Hyperlink dialog box.

    To follow your hyperlink choose the Preview view and click the hyperlink or e-mail link.


hl_ok.gif (8540 bytes)


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FrontPage enters the protocol http:// automatically in the URL text box so you don't have to type it yourself. If you need to use a differnet protocol, such as ftp, just delete http:// and type the protocol you need

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