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Creating More Disk Space

If you are running low on disk space there are some things that you might want to think about before you run out and buy a new hard drive. Here are some things you can do:

  • Archive Information - Store old or rarely used files on a zip disk, tape drive, or floppy disks. You can then remove the files from you hard disk. A great program to use when taking files off your disk is WinZip (click on the link to go to the WinZip homepage to download the software). This program the files so more information can be stored on a disk.

  • Delete Files - Delete files and programs you no longer use. If you haven't used it in a long while, you probably don't need it. Don't forget to empty your Recycle Bin, the files in the Recycle Bin still take up disk space until you empty it.

  • Clear Your Browsers Cache - Your internet browser temporarily stores every file displayed on your screen on your hard drive. If you do a lot of web surfing, this can eat up a lot of disk space. In Internet Explorer 4.0 you go to View>Internet Options...>Temporary Internet Files and click on delete files. In Netscape you go to Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Cache>Clear Disk Cache.


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