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Back Up Data

One of the first mistakes any computer user does is lose their work from a or some other mishap. This isn't limited to new computer users however. Many veteran users have spent hours redoing work that should have been backed up. By backing up your files often you will prevent having to redo work in case the original files are damaged, stolen, or there is a computer failure.

  • Back Up Work - You really should only need to back up work and important files. You shouldn't need to back up programs because you can use the original disks to re-install the programs. Make sure, however, you keep the original disks in a place that is safe.

  • BACK UP FREQUENTLY!! - This point cannot be stressed enough. You should create and strictly follow a back up schedule. Hard drive mishaps have a notorious tendency to occur right after a scheduled back up. Many people back up important files daily or weekly (depending on how much work you do on your computer).


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