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Books can provide a good overview of a topic, as well as in-depth information. A book often includes a bibliography or list of additional resources (other books, articles, films, etc.). Always note the date of a book. More current information may be available in periodical articles.

Sample Books

Finding Books:
  1. To find books on your topic within the Library use Polycat
  2. Once relevant books have been found, copy the record and paste into the windows below.

To Learn how to copy and paste click here

1st Book Record

Evaluate this book
  • Is the information relevant to your topic?
    Is the information comprehensive enough?
    Does the information express a particular point of view?
    Is the information directed toward a general audience?
    Is the information directed toward a specialized audience?
  • Is the information timely?
    Is the information current enough for your project?
  • Is the information reliable?
    Is the author/producer of the information given?
    Are the credentials of the author/producer of the information given?
  • Is the information accurate?
    Is the information biased?

Cite this book properly in the window below.
To learn what citing is and how to cite properly click here.
