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Organize and Synthesize Simulations

Synthesis literally means to place together.  Some of the words associated with synthesis are: arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, manage, organize, plan.

There are two general definitions of synthesis. 

  1. The simpler idea is that information from one document is incorporated into another document.
  2. The more complex definition makes synthesis a critical and creative operation. One way of understanding a critical, creative synthesis is to imagine two opposite terms (the thesis and antithesis) and then a middle term that combines qualities of both (the synthesis). 

Aristotle's work with defining states of mind illustrates: if we place "cowardice" (the thesis) on one end of a continuum and "irrationality" (the antithesis) on the other, we can pull ideas from each end and create a middle term, courage, that combines elements and ideas related to the other terms. 


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