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University of Oregon Library
Procedures for Selecting Internet Resources

  1. Using the collection development guidelines for Internet resources, subject specialists select sites to be cataloged.

  2. Subject specialists should forward the URLs of free Internet site choices directly to the Non-Book Catalog Librarian or others involved in the cataloging of Internet resources. In the case of fee-based Internet choices, subject specialists should forward URLs to the Head of Collection Development for consideration. In both cases, subject specialists should try to provide a brief description of the site, outlining the subject area and the projected audience, with their selected URLs. If possible, subject specialists should send reviews with any fee-based Internet resources that they select.

  3. The Catalog Department will be responsible for cataloging and classifying monographic Internet resources. The Catalog Department will prepare records for these sites for OCLC and for Janus.

  4. The Catalog Department will also be responsible for regularly checking sites to see if they are still being maintained and/or if their URLs have changed. Subject specialists may notify the Catalog Department if they determine that a site is no longer being maintained or if a URL has changed.

  5. When an Internet resource is no longer available, the catalog record for that resource will be suppressed. The record may be unsuppressed if the site becomes available again.

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