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Conformational Dynamics: Modelling, Theory, Algorithm, and Application to Biomolecules

SC 99-18 Christof Schuette: Conformational Dynamics: Modelling, Theory, Algorithm, and Application to Biomolecules

Abstract: The function of many important biomolecules comes from their dynamic properties and their ability to switch between different conformations. In a conformation, the large scale geometric structure of the molecule is understood to be conserved, whereas on smaller scales the system may well rotate, oscillate or fluctuate. In a recent article [J. Comp. Phys., 151,1 (1999)], the present author and coworkers demonstrated that (a) conformations can be understood as almost invariant sets of some Markov chain being defined via the Hamiltonian system governing the molecular dynamics and that (b) these sets can efficiently be computed via eigenvectors of the corresponding Markov operator. The persent manuscript reviews the mathematical modelling steps behind the novel concept, includes a rigorous analytical justification of this approach and especially of the numerical details of the algorithm, and illustrates its performance when applied to realistic molecular systems.
Keywords: biochemical conformation, almost invariant set, Markov chain, Hamiltonian system, Markov operator, quasi-compact operator, Perron root, Perron-Frobenius operator, Hybrid Monte Carlo, ribonucleotide, coarse graining
MSC: 82C05, 46B09, 60J27, 34E10, 65C05, 65U05