- Source: Timothy W Stanley, American Defense and National Security
(Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1956), p. 81.
- D. Eisenhower commented a decade later: "In the battle over reorganization
in 1947 the lessons of World War II were lost. Tradition won. The resulting
National Military Establishment was little more than a weak confederacy of
sovereign military units . . . a loose aggregation that was unmanageable."
- Congress also did not make any provision for integrating military budgets
with military strategy. Supervising the military budgets was the responsibility
of the several civilian secretaries, and Congress continued to provide funds
according to an increasingly archaic appropriations structure. As a result
- [166]
- the gap was to widen between military strategies developed by the JCS and
the military budgets appropriated by Congress.5
- The immediate impact of the National Security Act on the Army was the final
separation and independence of the Army Air Forces. The Chief of Staff of
the Army and the Chief of Staff-designate of the Air Force signed an agreement
on 15 September 1947, known as the Eisenhower-Spaatz agreement, which provided
the framework within which men, money, and resources were to be transferred
from the Army to the new Department of the Air Force. Among other things it
said "Each Department shall make use of the means and facilities of the
other departments in all cases where economy consistent with operational efficiency
will result." The last phrase was a deliberately oracular expression
allowing the Air Force to justify creating its own supply system despite the
fact that it would duplicate and overlap facilities and services provided
by the Army in many cases.6
- The National Security Act made one minor change affecting the Army by redesignating
the War Department as the Department of the Army.
- While the Air Forces and the Navy struggled with each other over unification,
the Army sought to solve several internal problems created by the Eisenhower
reorganization. At a conference with General Eisenhower on 13 November 1946,
the Army staff proposed a radical reorganization of both the headquarters
and field establishment. General Eisenhower vetoed this plan. "Nothing
should be done," he said, "to disrupt
- [167]
- the relationships which have already been established until the outcome
of unification has been decided upon.7
- In the field, relations among the Army staff, the technical and administrative
services, AGF headquarters, and the ZI armies were confused. The problem was
aggravated by the constant referral of petty local disputes all the way up
the line to the General Staff and the Chief of Staff. Decentralization was
not working in this area.
- The Directorate of Organization and Training (DOT), responsible for implementing
and interpreting the Eisenhower reorganization, outlined the problem in a
staff study of 15 August 1947. Confusion, it said, existed at all levels of
command: at the installation level, in the ZI Army headquarters, in AGF headquarters,
and within the Army staff. In the field the greatest number of complaints
arose over the ZI Army commanders' responsibility for some sixty housekeeping
activities at Class II installations,8
those directly under the command of
chiefs of technical or administrative services in Washington.
- The Directorate of Organization and Training estimated an average of one
dispute a day was being referred to them by ZI Army commanders involving these
housekeeping functions, the number of people performing them, or the funds
required. The most important functions were repairs and utilities, including
custodial services, fixed communications services such as long-distance telephone
lines, and transportation services, particularly administrative motor pools.
The Army commanders, for instance, found it difficult to control the expenditure
of limited funds for long-distance calls between technical service installations
and their Washington headquarters. Differ-
- [168]
- ing ZI Army and technical service personnel systems and wage scales created
additional problems.
- A second problem concerned the divided loyalties of Army commanders reporting
to the War Department on administrative matters and to the Commanding General,
Army Ground Forces, on tactics and training. Headquarters, Army Ground Forces,
often intervened in primarily administrative matters.
- To solve these problems the Director of Organization and Training recommended
a detailed survey of Class II installations to determine which could be reclassified
and brought directly under the control of ZI Army commanders. It also recommended
removing Headquarters, Army Ground Forces, from the administrative chain of
command and restricting it to tactical and training functions.9
- A similar proposal discussed by Lt. Gen. J. Lawton Collins, the Deputy Chief
of Staff, with Lt. Gen. Raymond A. Wheeler, the Chief of Engineers, and Maj.
Gen. Thomas B. Larkin, the Quartermaster General, would have transferred responsibility
for all training, schools, and boards from the technical services to the Army
Ground Forces. Generals Wheeler and Larkin opposed this scheme because it
would deprive the technical services of a vital command function. The proposal
in their opinion was not only undesirable. It would not work. Only their own
personnel possessed the specialized knowledge and experience needed for proper
- General Jonathan M. Wainwright, Commanding General, Fourth Army, supported
the diagnosis and views of Lt. Gen. Charles P. Hall, Director of Organization
and Training, in a personal letter to General Eisenhower. He complained of
having to plan expenditures and account for funds spent by agencies over which
he had no control. The solution he recommended would place ZI Army commanders
in charge of all posts and installations in their areas. General Jacob L.
Devers, Commanding General, Army Ground Forces, agreed with General Hall and
proposed to reduce the number of Class II installations by limiting them to
those serving more than one
- [169]
- Army area, such as Ordnance arsenals and Quartermaster depots.11
- General Lutes, Director of Service, Supply, and Procurement, pointed out
that General Wainwright, in urging unity of command for the ZI armies, assumed
falsely that such armies were like overseas theaters. They were not, Lutes
said, because arsenals and depots within the United States served the entire
Army, not just the installations under a particular Army commander. Placing
them under local Army commanders would be impractical.12
- General Eisenhower referred the problem to an Advisory Group he had set
up in June 1946 under Lt. Gen. Wade H. Haislip to study Army organization
and management problems. In its final report, submitted on 29 December 1947,
known as the Cook report after its principal author, Maj. Gen. Gilbert R.
Cook, the Advisory Group recommended that Army Ground Forces should be eliminated
as such and become a special staff agency in Army headquarters with responsibility
for schools, combat arms boards, organization and training of
- [170]
- units and individuals, and combat doctrine. The field armies would command
all military installations in their areas including Class II installations
and report directly to the Chief of Staff. Each Army area would then be organized
and would function like an overseas theater of operations.
- Realizing the proposed changes could not be made overnight, the Advisory
Group recommended selecting a specific ZI army as a theater of operations
and giving its commander complete control over every Army installation, facility,
and activity in his army's assigned area for about six months in order to
give the idea a fair trial.13
- After studying these recommendations General Collins instructed General
Hall to prepare a revision of War Department Circular 138 that would redesignate
Headquarters, Army Ground Forces, as Headquarters, Army Field Forces, and
limit its functions to staff supervision over all Army training, "including
training of technical and administrative troops," to supervision of all
service schools and former Army Ground Forces boards and to responsibility
for the development of tactical doctrine. Army Field Forces was to be "removed
from the chain of command and administration" except for specified training
functions. Collins also tentatively decided to war game the theater of operations
proposal of the Advisory Group for a three to six months period to determine
its practicality.14
- After consideration and amendment by the Army
staff General Collins' plan emerged as Department of the Army Circular 64
of 10 March 1948. Army Ground Forces, stripped of its command functions, became
the Office, Chief of Army Field Forces, the field operating agency for the
Department of the Army within the continental United States, for the general
supervision, co-ordination, and inspection of all matters pertaining to the
training of all individuals utilized in a field army.15
It was responsible
for supervising training, preparing training literature, developing
tactical doctrine, and supervising the activities of Army Ground Forces boards
in developing military equipment. Because the technical and administrative
services commanded personnel and schools not "utilized in a
- [171]
- field army" the circular urged "the closest collaboration and
coordination between the Chief, Army Field Forces, and the heads of the Administrative
and Technical Services in all matters of joint interest." Exempting Class
II activities and installations from control by the ZI Army commanders was
a major departure from the recommendations of General Collins and the Advisory
Group and another victory for the technical services.
- There were minor changes under Circular 64 in Army headquarters. The Secretary
of the General Staff appears for the first time on the official organization
chart of Department of the Army headquarters, and the Director of Service,
Supply, and Procurement was redesignated as Director of Logistics. (Chart
16) One major change, the abolition of the Directorate of Research and Development
as a separate staff agency and its absorption by the Directorate of Service,
Supply, and Procurement, had taken place earlier under Department of the Army
Circular 73 of 19 December 1947. The ostensible reason for this change was
to limit the number of agencies reporting to the Chief of Staff. A more practical
reason was the lack of funds for research and development activities.
- The next step was to carry out General Collins' decision to war game the
theater of operations concept. The Third Army area was chosen and the project
was designated as the Third Army Territorial Command Test (TACT). In October
1948 the Director of Logistics placed all production, supply, and training
activities and installations in that area, including control over their operating
funds, under the Third Army commander for six months. Later the experiment
was extended to 1 November 1949.
- The technical service chiefs remained opposed to transferring their Class
II functions and to Operation TACT. The substantive issue was control over
those installations and related activities with Army-wide responsibilities,
arsenals, Quartermaster depots, and ports of embarkation. The Chief of Ordnance
complained that placing control over such operations under an Army commander
removed from the agency responsible for such functions the authority necessary
to do the job. Such a move was a clear violation of the principle of unity
of command which asserted that a commander assigned a task
- [172]
- Source: DA Circular 64, 10 Mar 48.
- [173]
- should be given control over the means to perform it. This was, of course,
the very reason the ZI Army commanders wished control over Class II installations.
Unity of command was not the clear-cut principle envisaged by the Patch-Simpson
Board, but rather a misleading expression which simply fueled factional disputes.
- The Third Army commander considered the test a success and recommended that
Class II installations remain under his control. General Wade H. Haislip,
as the new Vice Chief of Staff, decided in favor of the technical services
and directed that the test be discontinued on 1 November 1949. The only changes
made were to assign a few additional administrative or housekeeping duties
to the Army commanders.16
- Operation TACT was a minor skirmish in the continuing battle over the role
of the technical and administrative services as independent commands. At the
time Operation TACT was first being considered, a more important battle took
place over a proposal to resurrect Army Service Forces in some form as an
Army logistics command. This conflict had begun on 15 February 1947 when General
Eisenhower appointed General Haislip president of a Board of Officers to Review
War Department Policies and Programs, a board composed of representatives
from the Army staff, the Air Forces, and the Ground Forces. The Haislip Board,
as it was known, made two reportsa preliminary one on 25 April 1947 and a
final one on 11 August 1947. Like the Chief of Staff's Advisory Board the
Haislip Board was interested in attaining greater unity within the Army and
greater efficiency and economy of operation. This policy meant greater executive
control over the department's operations than the Eisenhower reorganization
had provided. As one means of accomplishing this goal, both boards recom-
- [174]
- mended limiting the number of staff agencies reporting to the Chief of Staff
directly. This recommendation was one factor in eliminating the Research and
Development Division in December 1947. The Haislip Board suggested expanding
the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff by adding an assistant for planning
and another for operations in order to keep these functions separate. The
Cook report suggested a deputy for ZI administration and one for field operations.
Once these agencies were operational "authority to issue orders to the
field [should] be withdrawn from levels below the Deputy Chiefs of Staff."
- An obvious means of limiting the number of agencies reporting directly to
the Chief of Staff was to resurrect ASF. General Eisenhower had kept the issue
alive after the demise of ASF in a hurried penciled note in December 1946
to the Deputy Chief of Staff, stating: "My own belief is that if war
should come, ASF should be immediately reestablished. Should not our plans
so state?" 18
- Sometime later he directed General Lutes, the Director of Service, Supply,
and Procurement, to develop an organization capable of expansion as the headquarters
for such a materiel command. General Lutes himself believed the best solution
was to create a materiel command similar to that of the newly created Department
of the Air Force in peacetime, if only to train its personnel to operate as
a team in war.
- The subject came up at a meeting attended by General Eisenhower, General
Omar N. Bradley, who was shortly to succeed him as Chief of Staff, General
Collins, the Deputy Chief of Staff, and Lt. Gen. Henry S. Aurand, General
Lutes' successor as Director of Service, Supply, and Procurement, on 21 January
1948. General Eisenhower said the Directorate of Service, Supply, and Procurement
should remain as a staff division in peace "under the concept of Circular
188, but provide the nuclear organization for an ASF as an operating command
in war." This command would also absorb the lo-
- [175]
- gistic functions of the Army staff but not the administrative services as
ASF had done in World War II,19
- General Collins then instructed General Aurand on 2 February 1948 to develop
an "outline plan for a wartime ASF" in co-operation with the other
General Staff directorates. An informal ad hoc committee headed by an officer
from General Aurand's office considered several alternative methods. The committee
considered first three parallel commands, personnel, training, and logistics,
each under a General Staff director. The training command would include the
training of technical and administrative service personnel. These three commands
would function under a "Deputy Chief of Staff for Mobilization"
and ZI administration. A "Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations"
would be responsible for overseas commands and any ZI combat operations. Within
the continental United States the Army commanders would control housekeeping
functions in their areas along the lines suggested in Operation TACT.
- Such a plan would have stripped the technical and administrative services
of their training and personnel functions, subordinating them to the Deputy
Chief of Staff for Mobilization. In the field the services would be subordinate
to the Army commanders. Those services performing such unique functions as
medicine, communications, construction, and transportation would become Army
staff directorates. The Chemical Warfare Service would be eliminated.
- A less drastic alternative proposed to adopt the ASF Post-War Organization
Plan of 1944, retaining the technical and administrative services as such.
The final proposal suggested a Logistics Command similar to that recommended
in the Somervell Plan of 1943. Under a "Director of Logistics" and
five functional directorates, plans, requirements and resources, operations,
administration, and control, the technical services would be reorganized into
functional groups-research and
- [176]
- GENERAL BRADLEY. (Photograph taken in 1945.)
- development, procurement, supply, fiscal, construction, communications,
medical, and transportation.20
- General Aurand wanted to present these proposals to the General Staff for
comment first and, after obtaining agreement within the General Staff on what
position to take, to consult the technical services. Learning that General
Aurand was to brief the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Gordon Gray, on The
Pros and Cons of a Logistics Command, the Chief of Engineers, General Wheeler,
acting as spokesman for all the technical service chiefs, requested permission
to present their case to Mr. Gray at the same time. At this point General
Eisenhower revised his earlier position. In a letter to General Bradley written
after he had resigned as Chief of Staff and retired he said his 1946 note
did not "imply any thought that the technical and procurement services
should be abolished." To this he was "violently" opposed. He
simply meant that "in war, a single command, responsible only to the
Chief of Staff should
- [177]
- be established over all this type of activity and organization." This
system was not "desirable in peace." 21
- Armed with a copy of this letter General Wheeler and the other technical
service chiefs confronted General Aurand on 13 April 1948 in Mr. Gray's office.
Speaking for his colleagues, General Wheeler attacked the proposed logistics
command. He cited the Patch-Simpson Board recommendation that ASF be abolished,
General Eisenhower's letter, and the current organization of the Army staff
outlined in Department of the Army Circular 64, 10 March 1948. He referred
to the contributions made by the technical services in two world wars and
emphasized the undesirability of introducing an additional staff layer between
the technical services and the Chief of Staff which would require additional
scarce technical specialists. He claimed that industry favored the Army's
present "technical procedures."
- Eliminating the technical services, he said, would require reorganization
and re-education of all the armed forces and war industries. Further, the
proposed logistics command did not deal with other important technical service
problems like training and intelligence. In conclusion, General Wheeler stated
that the chiefs of the technical services believed a logistics command would
result in confusion and conflict in command and "in conspicuous extravagance
in the utilization of critical personnel." In substance they opposed
creating another ASF or logistics command whether in peace or in war.22
- Faced with this opposition Assistant Secretary Gray suggested continued
planning for a wartime ASF but designated the project more euphemistically
as a proposal rather than a plan since it had not yet been approved. General
Aurand, concluding that the decision earlier agreed upon in favor of formal
planning for a wartime ASF had been practically abandoned, asked that his
office be relieved of responsibility in the matter. General Collins agreed
and ordered responsibility
- [178]
- for studying the issue of a logistics command transferred to the Management
Division of the new Army Comptroller's Office.23
- Both the Advisory (or Cook) and Haislip Board reports had recommended establishment
of a management planning or comptroller's office at the General Staff level.
On 8 September 1947 Secretary of War Kenneth C. Royall, who had served under
General Somervell in ASF headquarters during the war, appointed Edwin W. Pauley
as his special assistant to study the Army's various logistics programs and
"business practices" and to recommend improvements "in the
interest of economy and efficiency as contemplated by unification legislation."
- Mr. Pauley in investigating Army fiscal procedures found that no one from
the Secretary on down, including the chiefs of the technical services, knew
the real dollar costs of the operations for which they were responsible. The
principal reason was that each technical service employed its own unique accounting
system which did not cover all its functions and missions. Pauley recommended
organizing an office of "Comptroller" for the Army to correct these
deficiencies through the development of sound business management and cost
accounting practices which would cover the total costs of the Army's major
missions, programs, and activities, including the operating costs of each
Army installation by major activity. These revolutionary proposals required
a degree of control by the Secretary and the Chief of Staff over the Army's
budget which traditional Congressional methods of appropriating funds would
hardly permit 25
- [179]
- The Haislip Board had also criticized the Army's financial management in
the context of its broad review of the Army's missions and the resources needed
to fulfill them. Noting the inadequacy of the Army's current budget, it warned,
"Either the War Department must revise its programs downward to come
within the means which the country seems willing to furnish in men and dollars,
or the country must revise upward its estimate of the imminence of the threat
to its security and increase the means to meet the War Department's requirements."
- Inadequate funds made economy of operations all the more essential, but
in the board's opinion ". . . neither the organization, the procedures,
nor the general attitude of the Army is conducive to maximum economy."
It did not see how substantial economies could be made within the existing
fiscal structure of the Army "which largely divides fiscal authority
from command responsibility." It urged employment of improved management
techniques in "organization, procedures, statistical reporting, budgeting,
cost accounting," and similar activities. As a first step in this direction
it recommended establishing in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff "an
agency similar to the Navy's Management Engineer or the Air Force's Comptroller
to attack this problem on a specialized and continuing basis." 26
- Similarly General Cook had recommended that Congress enact legislation freeing
the Army from an archaic budget structure where the tail wagged the dog. The
existing appropriations structure recognized only the technical services.
New legislation should provide that money be appropriated for the Department
of the Army and not to individual technical services and that budget categories
be related to the Army's missions. The Army itself net-ded an agency where
organizational, management, and financial problems would be treated together
as one problem. A staff division concerned with "organization and training"
was not such an agency. The least the Army could do would be to set up a management
planning branch within the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff. The Cook report
recommended placing such functions under a Deputy Chief of
- [180]
- Staff for Zone of Interior Administration along with responsibility for
Army logistics and personnel.27
- After considering these reports, both Secretary Royall and General Eisenhower
agreed on the need for an agency at the General Staff level which would be
responsible for the Army's budget and fiscal programs as well as organization
and management. Secretary Royall favored appointment of a civilian as comptroller
who would work directly under the Secretary, while General Eisenhower preferred
that the comptroller be part of his military staff.28
- General Eisenhower's view prevailed. Department of the Army Circular 2 of
2 January 1948 provided for a military comptroller with a civilian as deputy
within the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff. The directive transferred
to this office the functions and personnel of those staff agencies principally
concerned with the Army's financial management, the Budget Office, the War
Department Manpower Board, the Central Statistical Office, and the Chief of
Staff's Management Office. As the department's fiscal director the Comptroller
was to supervise also the operations of the Office of the Chief of Finance.
Department of the Army Circular 394 of 21 December 1948 additionally transferred
supervision of the Army Audit Agency to his office from the Assistant Secretary
of the Army. As the Army's management engineer the Comptroller would play
a major role in the Army management and organization in the next decade.
- The functions and responsibilities of the Army Comptroller lacked statutory
authority until the passage of the National Security Act amendments of 10
August 1949, which emphasized the Comptroller's fiscal responsibilities.29
- [181]
- Col. Kilbourne Johnston, the son of Brig. Gen. Hugh S. Johnson of World
War I and NRA fame, was the first Chief of the Management Division of the
Comptroller's Office. Like his father before him he was an aggressive promoter
of the concept of a functionally organized Army staff. Like his father he
also encountered bitter opposition from the chiefs of the technical services.
- Among his first assignments was the development of a plan for reorganizing
the Army staff under a proposed "Army Bill of 1949," including a
re-examination of the question of resurrecting Army Service Forces in some
form or other. The result was a lengthy two-volume interim staff study on
The Organization of the Department of the Army,
submitted on 15 July 1948. Known as the Johnston plan, it was the first detailed
analysis of Army organization in the postwar period and the predecessor of
several more to come.30
- In the Johnston plan the Management Division noted that previous studies
by the Organization and Training Division, the Haislip and Cook Boards, and
the Logistics Division had raised two basic questions: "Are the Technical
Services to be functionalized?" and "Are Departmental functions
to be decentralized to area commands through a single command channel?"
- Echoing General Somervell's views, it asserted that in both world wars the
Army had had to abandon its "permanent statutory structure" and
create an emergency organization for two major reasons: the lack of a genuinely
functional staff with single staff agencies responsible to the Chief of Staff
for each of the department's major functions, and "an unwieldy span of
control" with too many agencies responsible and reporting directly to
the Chief of Staff.
- After both wars the emergency organization had been abandoned because it
had placed single-function operating agencies like ASF on top of permanent
multifunction bureaus.
- [182]
- A tremendous headquarters staff and much duplication of effort was the result.
Another reason was overcentralized control by wartime agencies which had created
friction, delay, and difficulties in co-ordination. On top of this most military
personnel misunderstood or misinterpreted the reasons which led to creating
wartime organizations and their emergency procedures.31
- The Management Division next surveyed current departmental operations and
concluded that there were eight major weaknesses. Too many agencies were reporting
directly to the Chief. of Staff, a situation duplicated in the internal structure
of the various staff agencies themselves. Army staff functions, such as training
and supply, were fragmented among several agencies and staff levels, producing
conflict and duplication. There was too much centralization within each agency.
There were multicommand channels including the technical and administrative
services and various special staff agencies in addition to the General Staff.
There was a gap between strategic and logistical functions within the General
Staff and the technical services, little integration and control, continual
duplication, and a waste of manpower and money which still failed to produce
any "authoritative, integrated logistical-strategical plans." The
General Staff neglected its planning functions because it was involved in
daily operational details. The staff's complicated organizational structure
caused delays through excessive staff-layering and too much attention to minor
activities. The survey counted 294 divisions, 884 branches, and 638 sections
in Army headquarters plus 86 standing committees and boards, not to mention
many temporary committees. Last, rigid compartmentalization created situations
in which the left hand did not know what the right hand was doing, and intramural
disputes, even on minor matters, continued to go all the way up the chain
of command to the top. Consequently the Army staff and individual agencies
could not act promptly and effectively.
- All these were age-old problems dating back at least to Mr. Root's day,
but there were others. On the basis of the Haislip Board's study of the Army
fiscal year 1949 budget requests, the Management Division agreed there were
no effective procedures for integrating and balancing requirements with resources.
- [183]
- General Staff's logistics planning bore little relation to the Congressional
archaic appropriation structure based on the technical services. Additionally,
appropriations failed to follow recognized channels of command. No adequate
machinery existed for readjusting budgets after the Bureau of the Budget and
Congress had altered the Army's initial budget request. Finally, diffusion
and fragmentation of manpower controls among many agencies made integrated,
rational control over manpower impossible.32
- The current organization of the Army, the study said, was bad enough, but
when the President's authority under the First War Powers Act of 1941, which
Congress had extended several times, expired things would be worse because
the department would have to return to its even more chaotic prewar organization.
- Permanent legislation was necessary to provide a sound organization that
would not require drastic changes in order to fight a war, would improve efficiency,
and reduce overhead in Washington. As the basis for such legislation the Johnston
plan suggested a number of guiding principles, repeating many familiar ASF
- The Army should have a functional staff where single agencies were responsible
to the Chief of Staff for each major functional program. "Traditional
service organization is neither functionally nor professionally constituted
in the light of modern warfare even though originally so conceived. Evolution
has rendered the Technical Services bureaucratic to the point of obsolescence."
There should be a reduction in the number of agencies reporting to the Chief
of Staff, a single staff layer in the General Staff, and genuine decentralization
of operations to the field. A properly organized staff should provide a simple,
easily understood structure, divorce operations from planning, integrate current
program planning with war and mobilization planning, integrate logistical
operations and planning, provide a single command channel to the field,
reduce the size of Army headquarters by limiting such activities in Washington
to those which had to be performed there, and
- [184]
- provide "self-contained" continental Army areas capable of independent
action in case of a national emergency.33
- The three principal features of the Johnston plan designed to achieve these
objectives were (1) to reduce the number of agencies reporting to the Chief
of Staff by creating a Vice Chief of Staff and two Deputy Chiefs of Staff
who would supervise the General Staff; (2) to functionalize the Army staff,
meaning the technical and administrative services, along lines similar to
the old Somervell-Robinson proposals; and (8) to place all ZI field installations
and activities under the Army commanders, including those Class II installations
commanded by the chiefs of the technical and administrative services. In summary,
the principal aim of the Johnston plan, like its predecessors, was to abolish
the technical services as independent commands, making them purely staff agencies.
- The Johnston plan provided the Secretary with two new assistant secretaries,
one for politico-military matters and the other under the Under Secretary
for resources and administration. The Chief of Staff would have a vice chief
and two deputy chiefs, one for plans and another for operations, which would
keep these functions separate. Other agencies reporting directly to the Chief
of Staff would be the Army Comptroller, the Chief of Information, and the
Inspector General. Under the two deputy chiefs the plan proposed ten functional
directorates Personnel and Administration which would supervise The Adjutant
General's Office; Intelligence; Training, which would supervise the Chief
of Army Field Forces; the Quartermaster General for Supply and Maintenance;
the Chief of Transportation; the Chief Chemical Officer for Research and Development;
the Chief of Ordnance for Procurement; the Chief of Engineers for Construction;
the Chief Signal Officer for Communications; and the Surgeon General. As alternatives,
it suggested placing the Chief of Transportation under the Quartermaster General,
reverting to the pre-World War II pattern, or placing the Chief Chemical Officer
as Director for Research and Development under the Chief of Ordnance.34
- Since all these changes could not be made overnight the Johnston plan suggested
reorganizing the General Staff itself
- [185]
- as "Phase I." Functionalizing the technical and administrative
services would come later. Under Phase I the vice chief and two deputy chiefs
would be appointed to carry out the reorganization. The existing Plans and
Operations Directorate would be transferred to the Deputy Chief of Staff level
to assist them, along with four reorganization "command posts,"
one each within the secretariat, in Plans and Operations for the zone of interior,
in the Director of Logistics Office to reorganize the technical services,
and one under the Director of Personnel and Administration for the administrative
- Colonel Johnston thought transferring personnel, administrative, and training
functions to appropriate staff divisions could be done with little difficulty
as a second phase of the reorganization. The last phase, transferring logistical
functions, would be much more difficult because it involved many field installations.35
- To reduce the number of agencies reporting to the Chief of Staff the Johnston
plan proposed to place the Office of the Chief of Finance under the Comptroller
and the Historical Division under The Adjutant General, the Inspector General
in the Office of the Vice Chief of Staff, and the Legislative and Liaison
Division, the Public Information Division, and the Troop Information and Education
Division under the Office of the Chief of Information. The technical
and administrative services would "normally report" to the Chief
of Staff "through" either the Director of Logistics or the Director
of Personnel and Administration.36
- Colonel Johnston submitted his study and recommendations on 15 June 1948
to the Deputy Chief of Staff, General Collins, to the Chief of Staff, General
Bradley, on 20 July, and to the General Staff and technical services for comment
in August.37
Most of the General Staff agreed with the general
- [186]
- principles of the Johnston plan. Maj. Gen. Harold R. Bull, Acting Director
of Organization and Training, however, proposed an alternative solution that
was closer to the organization finally adopted. Separating plans and operations,
he said, would create an awkward span of control for the Deputy Chief for
Operations. Instead there should be three deputy chiefs, one for plans, another
for operations, and a third for administration, including logistics. He would
also replace the existing directorates with four functional Assistant Chiefs
of Staff. He would not functionalize the technical services, but he would
relegate them to a purely advisory role by removing from them control over
personnel, intelligence, training, and logistics operations and taking away
their command over field installations and activities.38
- Maj. Gen. Daniel Noce, the Deputy Director of Logistics, told General Aurand
the technical services might oppose the Johnston plan. He recalled their successful
opposition to General Somervell's earlier proposals. Unless they were "brought
into the picture" and "sold . . . as partners in the new reorganization,"
their opposition would wreck the Johnston plan. Its chief defect, he thought,
was the concept of functionalization itself which would divide responsibility
for commodities among several agencies.39
- Brig. Gen. John K. Christmas, an Ordnance officer serving as Chief of the
Logistics Directorate's Procurement Group, recommended retaining the technical
and administrative services. He would go no further than placing them solely
under the supervision of the Directors of Personnel and Administration and
of Logistics. His Ordnance background was apparent when he asserted functionalization was unworkable in any organization which produced, procured, and used
as many and as wide a variety of products as the Army did. Functionalization
would divide responsibility for producing, procuring, and supplying commodities
instead of placing responsibility for them properly in one agency "from
factory to firing line." 40
- [187]
- Except for Maj. Gen. Frank A. Heileman, the Chief of Transportation, the
technical service chiefs opposed the Johnston plan in principle and in detail,
both individually and collectively, in writing and in person. Collectively,
on 31 August 1948, they signed a joint round robin protest to the Chief of
Staff. As their appointed spokesman Maj. Gen. Everett S. Hughes, the Chief
of Ordnance, expressed in person their opposition on 15 September 1948 to
the Chief of Staff, General Bradley, and the Army staff.
- General Hughes said the basic proposition of the Johnston plan was to abolish
the technical services through functionalization. The Army had debated this
issue before. The Patch-Simpson Board had rejected it, and General Eisenhower
himself was on record as "violently" opposed to the concept. Industrial
leaders whom he had consulted opposed functionalization. He would agree to
the control over the technical services but not to their abolition or consolidation.
The question he did not consider was how a functionally oriented organization
like the General Staff could effectively control the operations of commands
with multiple functions like the technical services.
- General Hughes then presented another round robin letter signed by himself
and six other technical service chiefs opposing the Johnston plan. In an organization
the size of the Army which had developed through "generations of experience,"
it stated, major changes should not be made unless they were "conclusively
advantageous." The proposed reorganization was not. It was unsound. It
would break up the technical services which had proven themselves in all American
wars and had a right to continue serving the country. It would destroy "their
team spirit, their team knowledge, their team power for action and their team
contacts with each other and with the industrial and professional world."
Instead of the Johnston plan, they proposed:
- to continue the present responsibility and statutory authority of the various
Technical Services, which means they should continue to render specialized
services, to train personnel, to do research and develop, to design procure,
store, issue and maintain the closely related family groups of commodities
with which they are charged.
- Additionally they asked that the technical services continue to
- [188]
- command their own field installations, personnel, and operations.
- After General Hughes' talk, General Bradley said no firm decision had yet
been made. It would not be easy to reach one, but he and others felt something
had to be done. It was not enough to say that because we have always "done
it this way" that we should continue doing it. General Collins urged
the technical service chiefs to consider at least reducing the procurement
services to Ordnance, Quartermaster, and Signal.41
- Colonel Johnston then revised his plan after conferences with the General
Staff. The principal change, reflecting the views of the Director of Organization
and Training, involved the functions of the two new Deputy Chiefs of Staff.
Instead of one for plans and another for operations, there was one for plans
and operations and another for administration. Phase I would also place the
technical and administrative services directly under the authority of the
Directors of Personnel and Administration and of Logistics.
- General Bradley urged approval of Phase I of the Johnston plan at least
because "We are every day convinced that the present organization here
at the top will break down. We just can't handle it." Secretary Royall
still hoped to restrict procurement to Ordnance and Quartermaster. General
Lutes also reminded him there was no provision for effective control over
the technical services because their supervision was divided among the Army
staff. General Eisenhower, who was also present warned against rejecting the
technical service chiefs' views as "hopeless" and "bureaucratic."
They sincerely believed they could perform properly under the existing system.
But he did wonder what had become of his earlier suggestion to limit the number
of technical services involved in procurement.
- General Aurand and his staff also opposed the Johnston plan proposal to
divide responsibility for commodities along, functional lines. He did criticize
the Ordnance Department for continuing to base its field organization on Ordnance
- [189]
- which handled all commodities in their areas, a system abandoned by the
other technical services in favor of single national procurement offices for
individual commodities or groups of commodities.42
- Following conferences with Generals Bradley and Collins, and with Colonel
Johnston, Secretary Royall on 20 September said he enthusiastically agreed
with the ultimate goals of the Johnston plan as well as the detailed proposals
for Phase I. He agreed to place the technical services under the control of
the Director of Logistics but wanted a parallel link to the Assistant Secretary
of the Army in charge of procurement. Secretary Royall asked that the concept
of a single personnel and administrative agency be explored further. Finally,
he selected General Collins as the new Vice Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Albert
C. Wedemeyer as Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Operations, and General
Haislip as Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration.43
- A General Staff working committee revised Colonel Johnston's amended plan
further. The knottiest problem remained the relations between the General
Staff directorates and the technical services now that they were to be placed
under the control of the Director of Logistics. The Acting Director of Organization
and Training pointed out that "All General Staff Divisions have a vital
interest in both budget and manpower requirements of the Technical Services
in carrying out their assigned missions." The Director of Logistics,
he said, should review rather than control these operations. General Aurand,
on the other hand, while agreeing to allow direct communications between the
Director of Personnel and Administration or the Director of Intelligence and
the technical services, strongly opposed direct dealings between the technical
services and the Director of Organization and Training on manpower allocations
or the Comptroller on budget requests. He insisted that the Director of Logistics
should be responsible for allocating manpower and appropriations among the
several technical services. The services objected to being cut off
from direct
- [190]
- contact with other General Staff agencies because of the tremendous amount
of daily business they had to conduct with them.44
- On 18 October 1948 Secretary Royall approved the revised Phase I proposals
with one more major change. He thought there was insufficient civilian control
over the business and financial side of the Department of the Army and requested
amending the draft circular to stress the civilian secretariat's supervisory
role over Army logistics.45
- Phase I of the Johnston plan was announced in Department of the Army Circular
342, 1 November 1948, effective 14 November 1948. (Chart 17) The three principal
changes from the Johnston plan were (1) the creation of two Deputy Chiefs
of Staff, one for plans and combat operations and another for administration,
(2) spelling out in greater detail the role of the Assistant Secretary of
the Army in procurement and industrial relations in accordance with Secretary
Royall's request, and (3) an attempt to delineate more precisely the authority
of the Director of Logistics over the technical services in their relations
other Army staff agencies.
- Minor changes resulted in retaining both the judge Advocate General and
the Historical Division as independent special staff agencies reporting directly
to the Chief of Staff instead of placing the former under the Director of
Personnel and Administration and the latter under The Adjutant General.
- Circular 342 stressed the temporary nature of the reorganization, pending
development of a "more effective organization." At the same time
it stressed that the only changes being made concerning the technical and
administrative services were to place them "under the direction and control"
of the Directors of Logistics and of Personnel and Administration so far as
their relations with the rest of the Army staff were concerned. "The
- [191]
- Source: DA Circular 342, 11 Nov 48.
- [192]
- Directors of Personnel and Administration and Logistics," it said,
were "placed in the direct channel of communication" between the
services, and other Army staff agencies. The two directors would direct and
control the services' operations and activities, while other General Staff
directorates would supervise their functions through them. The Assistant Secretary
of the Army would also exercise some supervision over the services, contacting
them normally through the Directors of Personnel and Administration and of
- The precise nature of the control to be exercised by the Directors of Logistics
and Personnel and Administration over the still powerful technical services
remained unclear. They still retained their own personnel, intelligence, and
training functions and their own budgets even if under supervision by the
General Staff. They still continued to command their own field installations.
The question remained how a staff agency like the Directorate of Logistics,
responsible for a single function, could effectively control all the activities
of such multifunctional staff agencies and military commands. As General Larkin
explained it to General Collins some months later: "My first act as Director
of Logistics was to tell the Service Chiefs that, despite their appearing
under me on the chart, I expected them to deal with any appropriate Director
without coming through me." In practice the control of the Director of
Logistics over the technical services was limited to those logistical matters
he had formerly controlled and no more. Under Department of the Army Circular
342 there was no change in the traditional status of the technical services
so far as their supervision and control were concerned.46
- The Management Division continued to urge action on the later phases of
the reorganization supposedly initiated by Department of the Army Circular
342. After additional investigation Maj. Gen. Edmond H. Leavey, the Comptroller,
recommended in March 1949 the consolidation of training functions under the
Army Field Forces and personnel functions under the Directorate of Personnel
and Administration as
- [193]
- "Phase II" of the Johnston plan. He also wanted further planning
on development of a new system for "program review and analysis,"
the consolidation of materiel functions, and transforming the technical services
into functional staff agencies.
- The existing organization, he said, was unsatisfactory because it was "neither
a true functional staff nor a true integrating staff," both of which
Secretary Royall had approved as organizational objectives. Department of
the Army Circular 342 was only a step in the right direction. Revising the
National Defense Act of 1916, as amended, would be another.47
- A six-month independent staff study by the management advisory firm of Cresap,
McCormick and Paget, requested by Assistant Secretary Gordon Gray in October
1948, also demonstrated the need for improving further the organization of
the department. Cresap, McCormick and Paget formally submitted its study to
Secretary Royall on 15 April 1949. This and General Leavey's proposals for
further reorganizing the Army staff provoked an angry outburst from Lt. Gen.
Thomas B. Larkin, the new Director of Logistics. As Quartermaster General
he had strongly opposed the Johnston plan, and his new position gave the technical
services a much stronger voice on the Army staff. He complained to General
Leavey that the latter's apparent objective was "a functional organization,
naively assumed as a panacea for all ills real or imaginary." His own
experiences overseas during the war contradicted this idea. "Concrete
results [in improving the operation of the Army's logistics system] will appear
soon if I am not forced to waste the time of my staff probing abstruse theories
as desired by Col. Johnston." The plans of Colonel Johnston's he had
seen "would make top organization still more complex. Much is beyond
my comprehension." As for the Cresap, McCormick and Paget Survey, he
added, "I do not see where it helps to pay outside firms large sums to
tell the Army how to organize." Instead he recommended reducing the Army
staff 30 percent across the board and giving "the organization a chance
to work without constantly proposing changes to try out new theories.
- I do not understand why the Army should persist in harassing
- [194]
- itself with unproved theories instead of devoting full time and attention
to the job in hand." 48
- The principal reason for his antagonism toward the Cresap, McCormick and
Paget survey was evident. Like the Johnston plan it recommended functionalizing
the Army staff. Its final report identified several familiar problem areas
in the Department of the Army. The department's activities cost too much money
and required too many people to perform them. Departmental personnel lacked
"cost consciousness." It took too long and was too difficult to
get action or decisions. There was too much duplication and red tape, inadequate
co-ordination, inadequate planning, and too much centralization. The department
had poor procedures for planning, programing, and controlling its operations.
Its organizational structure was weak because its headquarters was divided
into too many separate agencies. At the same time some important functions
were not being performed at all, and responsibility in some instances was
assigned to the wrong agency. Finally, organizational relations between Army
headquarters and field installations were too complicated and confusing.
- To economize on manpower and money, to get prompt action, to cut down red
tape and eliminate confusion, to create an organization more nearly like those
of the Navy and Air Force and one suitable for wartime expansion, Cresap,
McCormick and Paget proposed a number of objectives. The Army should integrate
responsibility for long-range, basic planning and separate it from operational
planning and operations themselves which should remain integrated. The Army's
budget structure should parallel its organizational responsibility. The Army
staff should be functionalized by concentrating responsibility for basic functions
in single agencies, reducing the number of independent and autonomous agencies,
and in general grouping related activities. Finally, departmental relations
with the field should follow a single staff and line command channel.
- The Cresap, McCormick and Paget proposals were similar to those of General
Somervell and to the Johnston plan. The organization Cresap, McCormick and
Paget proposed for the
- [195]
- top level of the Army staff was similar to those established under Department
of the Army Circular 342, with one important difference. Instead of a Deputy
Chief of Staff for Plans and Combat Operations and one for Administration,
it proposed a functional realignment with plans and programs, including programing
and budgeting, under one deputy and operations and administration under another.
The Army Comptroller would become in effect a third deputy. This
concept, as it later became known in the Army staff, essentially provided
for broad, across the board planning, execution, and control or review and
analysis of performance. It was the type of centralized executive control
engineered earlier at DuPont and General Motors and adopted in the Marshall
reorganization. Following World War II an increasing number of major industries
adopted this approach, notably the Ford Motor Company.49
- The Cresap, McCormick and Paget study proposed that the only other Army
staff agencies reporting directly to the Chief of Staff would be The Adjutant
General, Judge Advocate General, the National Guard Bureau, the Executive
for Reserve and ROTC Affairs, the Chief of Information, and the Inspector
- The Army's functional staff would consist of nine directorates under the
Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration: War Plans and Operations, Personnel,
Security, Training, the Surgeon General, the Chief Signal Officer, the Chief
of Engineers, Procurement (Ordnance), and Supply (Quartermaster). Finally
the Cresap, McCormick and Paget proposals would make all Army headquarters
agencies purely staff advisers to the Chief of Staff with operating responsibilities
decentralized to the field. The continental armies and other regional commands
would direct all field operations under the staff supervision of the Department
of the Army. 50
- Representatives from Cresap, McCormick and Paget explained their proposals
to the Army staff and the technical
- [196]
- service chiefs at two conferences in May and June 1949. The Management Division
also prepared a review of the proposals. The principal objections came from
General Larkin and the technical service chiefs. For the third time in less
than a year they presented united opposition to any proposals for functionalizing
their agencies out of existence. In yet another round robin letter, dated
19 May 1949, the chiefs complained to the Chief of Staff:
- The recommendations made in the report revolve about the theory that a functional
breakdown of the Army's mission is a more suitable basis for primary organization
than is a product-technical division. Nowhere in the report is this statement
proven, and nobody has even been able to present to us an example where such
a type of organization has proven effective when applied to an operation of
the magnitude, diversity, and scope of the United States Army.51
- The Chief of Ordnance, General Hughes, sent a memorandum to the Comptroller,
General Leavey, wondering whether $25,000 paid to some other firm instead
of the $75,000 paid to Cresap "would not have elicited a more reasoned
- The report is basically unsound in its reasoning. It follows the line that
any error in a huge organization can be cured only by a reorganization. I
have been in the Army since 1908 and in the Ordnance Department since 1912.
During that time I have participated in n + 1 reorganizations and have observed
that always afterward the ignorant, the undisciplined, the empire-builders,
the lazy, and the indecisive continued to make the same mistakes they made
prior to the reorganization.
- Hughes denied that the "buck-passing" and "red-tape,"
which Cresap, McCormick and Paget asserted were endemic in Army administration,
were caused by faulty organization. The proposals to functionalize procurement
and supply at the level of the Army staff were "both unwise and dangerous."
- [197]
- The only proponents of such a scheme whom I have known to date have been
theorists who have not lived and worked in a Technical Service and have not
become familiar with the complete and absolute necessity for an organization
established on a product basis from research and development through to final
disposition of the end item . . . . I conclude that the report is biased and
unscientific and prepared not to reach a conclusion but to support a conclusion
already in mind.52
- In another, more detailed memorandum General Hughes said:
- The proposed reorganization would prove thoroughly unsatisfactory at the
management level, the operational level, and the field level. The cost of
the change would be exorbitant in time, money, personnel, efficiency, and
morale. The present approach to merge the Technical Services and the General
Staff into one Army Staff can only result in failure of the Army to accomplish
its mission in a time of emergency . . . .53
- All of Cresap's arguments were founded, he said, on the erroneous idea that
a functional organization was more suitable than the existing product-technical
organization of the technical services. The National Defense Act recognized
that the Army had two radically different missions, military operations on
the one hand and procurement and industrial mobilization on the other. Recognizing
this difference the National Defense Act kept them separate by statute. The
Cresap proposal to "scramble" these two different missions was unsupported
by anything but opinion. He saw no need for any basic change in the technical
services currently assigned responsibilities for co-ordination, operation
and direction of research, development, procurement, and supply or for their
command over their own field installations and activities.54
- Similar comments came from other technical service chiefs. General Larkin,
on 13 June 1949, endorsed the views of his former colleagues. Based on "a
preconceived idea of functional organization advanced a year ago by the Army
Comptroller," the Cresap, McCormick and Paget plan would abolish the
technical services in all but name. "With them would go
- [198]
- decades of sterling service in peace and war." It would discard proven
ability to perform specialized services for "an entirely unproved theory."
It would diffuse responsibility for individual commodities or services instead
of concentrating them as the existing system did in the technical services.
Larkin questioned the so-called economies to be obtained from adopting the
Cresap, McCormick and Paget recommendations. He objected to the fact that
a civilian organization was prescribing for a purely military organization
instead of the "best professional Army minds." He doubted that any
major reorganization was necessary other than to reduce the size of the Army
staff and improve its quality.
- Among General Larkin's specific objections was the proposal to align the
Army budget along organizational or functional lines. Co-ordinating a functional
budget program would be at least as difficult as co-ordinating the existing
budget, he thought, and might result in creating "a more severe financial
strait-jacket." In a final criticism he denied that the technical services
were "autonomous" or independent agencies. They were not. Their
budgets and personnel ceilings were established by higher authority "just
as any other Army agency." In the field their operating agencies were
responsible to the regional Army commanders on a great many matters. The Organization
and Training Division approved their organization, equipment, and functions.
The Director of Personnel and Administration supervised the career management
of their military personnel and Army Field Forces their schools and
- The Management Division in its Final Recommendation to the Chief of Staff
for Action on the Report of the Cresap, McCormick and Paget Survey of the
Department of the Army asserted that the crux of the issue lay in the difficulty
the Army's functionally organized General Staff had in controlling the operations
of the technical services, which individually performed all General Staff
functions for themselves as independent field commands. The Cresap, McCormick
and Paget report, said the Management Division, had firmly asserted that
- [199]
- ...if the parallel, duplicating, and overlapping product-technical or "bureau"
organization is adhered to multiple command channels are unavoidable. If there
are multiple command channels at the top of each there must be a Commanding
General-not a staff officer. It is thus necessary to organize a complex of
headquarters and over this complex to superimpose another headquarters staff.
That is why there is so much "red-tape" and "layering."
. . . If a single command channel is provided and operating functions decentralized
down that chain, all that need remain in Washington is the pure staff coordinating
function and the necessary central control function appropriate to a supreme
headquarters. This is the fundamental argument on which the CMP recommendations
are based. The [other] deficiencies . . . were largely found to stem from
this basic deficiency. It is the main root of the trouble. Any definitive
organizational solution must correct this root evil. CMP recommends a single
command chain.56
- The Management Division prepared a synthesis of all comments and criticisms
on the Cresap report with summaries of previous Army staff surveys and the
current reports of the Hoover Commission on Organization of the Executive
Branch of the Government. It concluded that the CMP report and its recommendations
were sound although it suggested some changes. Instead of eliminating Class
II installations, it suggested retaining them until the entire Army supply
system could be reorganized and integrated. In the department it recommended
retaining instead of abolishing the traditional General and Special Staff
system. It would retain rather than eliminate the Director of Logistics to
direct the Ordnance Department, Quartermaster Corps, and Chemical Warfare
Service as the nucleus of a reorganized Army supply system. The Transportation
Corps would retain its current special staff status instead of being merged
with the Quartermaster Corps again. Finally, the Management Division would
leave The Adjutant General's Office within the Directorate of Personnel and
Administration instead of separating its administrative from its personnel
- The Cresap, McCormick and Paget recommendations the Management Division
approved were the consolidation of all personnel offices under the Director
of Personnel and Administration, including the Civilian Personnel Division
in the Under Secretary's Office and the Army's manpower ceiling and
- [200]
- bulk allocation functions; consolidation of all Army staff training functions
under the Director of Organization and Training and all training operations
under the Office, Chief of Army Field Forces; and transfer of the troop basis
and mobilization planning functions to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans
and Operations. After consolidating the Army's supply system under the Director
of Logistics it would change the Corps of Engineers on military matters, Signal,
Medical, and Transportation Corps into advisory staff agencies. It would place
the Historical Division under the Chief of Information and retain the civilian
component, National Guard and the Reserve, offices as special staff agencies.
Concerning the Army's financial affairs it recommended that the Army adopt
the Hoover Commission's concept of a "performance budget" reorganized
along regular command lines. The Army Comptroller should be responsible for
integrating the Army's "program review and analysis" functions with
the rank of a third Deputy Chief of Staff. 57
- General Haislip, the Vice Chief of Staff and a strong wartime critic of
the Army Service Forces, made the principal decisions to accept, modify, or
reject the Management Division's recommendations. On 23 December the new Chief
of Staff, General J. Lawton Collins, forwarded his recommendations based largely
on those made by General Haislip, to Secretary of the Army Gordon Gray, who
had replaced Mr. Royall, accompanied by a lengthy memorandum of explanation.58
- "Reorganization itself," General Collins said, "was not a
panacea for all ills." Economy and efficiency depended more on capable
administration than on organization as such. Many
- [201]
- of the proposals made by Cresap, McCormick and Paget and the Management
Division did not analyze problems in sufficient detail to determine whether
the troubles were those of administration or organization, and where they
lacked sufficient detail or analysis Collins had rejected them. Where he had
to reach decisions arbitrarily or "unilaterally," he said he had
relied heavily upon his own experience and judgment which had taught him that
a proper organization should be based on the sound principles of Field Manual
101-5, the staff officer's handbook.
- The internal self-analysis of Army organization over the past two years
had been useful, he said, but there had to be some organizational stability
if the Army was to operate effectively. "The Army can ill afford the
loss of day to day operating efficiency which arises from spasmodic, major
organizational change. Since the termination of World War II, our Army organization
has been in a state of flux. I believe that the time has now come when a measure
of stability must be assured."
- General Collins' major recommendations dealt with the number of ZI armies,
the relations between Class II installations and the Army commands, the degree
of centralized control over the Army supply system, the role of the Army Comptroller,
the suitability of the General and Special Staff system for directing the
Army, the assignment of personnel to the General Staff, and the further decentralization
of operations from the General Staff to Army Field Forces, the Army commanders,
and the chiefs of the technical and administrative services.
- Collins recommended retaining the existing number of six ZI armies and the
Military District of Washington and rejected any substantial changes in the
existing Class II command structure. Based on the results of Operation TACT,
he suggested adding further housekeeping functions for Class II installations
to the responsibilities of the ZI Army commanders. He would also increase
their responsibilities for local operations and activities confined to a single
Army area. In continuing to exempt Class II functions from ZI Army control,
General Collins had followed the judgment of General Larkin and the chiefs
of the technical services.
- He thought the existing Directorate of Logistics could be
- [202]
- expanded in the event of war into a consolidated service force or materiel
command without any major reorganization. He asserted the technical and administrative
services had functioned successfully and effectively during two world wars,
and he could see no reason for any major change in their structure or missions.
The Director of Logistics was directed to study the possibility, however,
of reducing the number of procurement agencies to three: Quartermaster, Ordnance,
and Signal. He recommended that The Adjutant General's Office absorb the functions
of the Chief of Special Services except for procurement, which the Quartermaster
General should perform. He recommended giving the Comptroller the status and
authority of a Deputy Chief of Staff but not the title.
- Collins would retain the General and Special Staff system on the grounds
"that our departmental staff organization should be as analogous as possible"
to Field Manual 101-5, "with which the entire Army is familiar and which
has proven itself so often." This meant returning to a four-division
General Staff with each division headed by an Assistant Chief of Staff. He
recommended consolidating the Organization and Training and the Plans and
Operations Divisions into one staff agency and transferring manpower controls
from Organization and Training to G-1 and Army Field Forces. He would initiate
programs for improving the quality of officers assigned to the General Staff
while reducing its numbers by decentralizing more operating responsibilities
to the Chief of Army Field Forces, Army commanders, and the chiefs of the
technical and administrative services.
- He rejected the recommendations for consolidating all personnel functions
in a single agency, removing personnel functions from The Adjutant General's
Office, and consolidating all Army training, including the technical services,
into a single agency.59
- General Collins' recommendations were another clear vic-
- [203]
- tory for the technical services over functional reformers. A memorandum
of 14 November 1949 from General Larkin to General Haislip shows how much
influence he had on the Chief of Staff's final recommendations. General Larkin,
reviewing once more the history of recent organizational developments affecting
Army logistics, repeated arguments he had made earlier against the Johnston
plan and the Cresap, McCormick and Paget report. The technical services had
performed their missions effectively during war and in peace time. They had
"an esprit de corps, a professional focus and internal and external relationships"
impossible in the "indistinctive," "nebulous" functional
organization proposed to replace them.60
- Secretary Gray replied to General
Collins on 9 January 1950, accepting with minor exceptions his recommendations.
He had serious reservations, however, about General Collins' preference for
adhering as closely as possible to the principles of Field Manual 101-5.
- The organizational arrangements envisaged by Field Manual 101-5 have indeed
admirably met the exacting demands of combat operations and I do not question
their suitability. But we are here concerned with different problems and different
requirements. To me the differences are striking, and it does not seem logical
that the organizational design of the headquarters of an Army Group, an Army
Corps or Division should closely resemble the organizational design of the
- He listed dissimilarities, such as public and Congressional relations, relations
with other defense and governmental agencies, industrial mobilization, the
military implications of foreign policies, and relations with the Army's civilian
- A field army, corps or division, etc. it [sic] is not required to provide
for most of these responsibilities, except in unusual circumstances. And when
such circumstances arise, as for example, during occupation, the organization
of the field headquarters concerned undergoes many changes. There are perhaps,
therefore, persuasive reasons for supposing that the influences which have
twice compelled major reorganizations at the Seat of Government when war was
upon us, flow from the inclination to conform our organization here to that
of a field army and the like.
- Gray had a number of other questions he thought needed answers. What steps
could be taken to provide the Secretary
- [204]
- "with knowledge commensurate with the responsibilities for the Army's
budget?" What steps should be taken to minimize the number of instances
in which important decisions had to be made under the most extreme pressure
without adequate background information. Perhaps consolidating his own office
and those of his civilian staff with the General Staff into "a single
Executive Office" would produce greater teamwork and more informed participation.
- Secretary Gray did not think that General Collins' preference for maintaining
organizational stability and the status quo was necessarily sound. "I
am at a loss to know how we can meet new challenges or deal with old ones
if we are to limit ourselves to what has already been tried. I feel we should
all continuously maintain inquiring, open, and receptive minds respecting
these matters." 61
- General Collins assigned the Management Division and the Organization Branch
of the Directorate of Organization and Training responsibility for monitoring
the changes Secretary Gray and he had agreed upon, for co-ordinating their
details with the Army staff, and for preparing their publication. The results
of this struggle between the functionalists in the Management Division and
the traditionalists on the General Staff appeared in two Department of the
Army special regulations, SR 10-5-1, Organization and Functions of the Department
of the Army, of 11 April 1950, effective at once, and SR 10-500-1, Organization
and Functions, Continental Armies and Army Areas (Including the Military District
of Washington), of the same date, but effective 1 July 1950. Over the next
several years additional regulations in the SR-10 series appeared, prescribing
the organization and functions of all Department of the Army agencies, including
the technical services and special staff agencies.62
- [205]
- SR 10-500-1 listed the new or increased responsibilities of Army commanders
over Class II installations and activities including inspection of personnel
and administration, intelligence, training, and logistics. Most of the functions
assigned were still of a local administrative or housekeeping nature, ranging
from Quartermaster laundries to administrative motor pools. These details
remained a constant source of irritation between post commanders and the commanders
of Class II installations, particularly where the funds involved were limited.
- SR 10-5-1 began with a summary of Army organization history since 1789.
Pending Congressional action on a new Army organization act, the legal basis
for the current organization of the Department of the Army remained the First
War Powers Act of December 1941, the National Security Act of 1947, and the
Constitutional powers of the President as Commander in Chief of the armed
forces. It listed thirteen major military and civil functions of the Army
based on a series of program definitions prepared in the Office of the Deputy
Chief of Staff for Plans and designed to assist the Army in controlling its
operations through the program review and analysis techniques recommended
by Cresap, McCormick and Paget. Besides traditional Army staff functions there
were programs for command and management, construction, joint projects with
other services, and civil works. These programs were functional in nature,
and few of them coincided with the missions or budgets of the several technical
- The new organization adopted the three-deputy concept recommended by Cresap,
McCormick and Paget and Colonel Johnston. (Chart 18) It provided for a Secretary,
Under Secretary, two assistant secretaries, one for General Management and
another for Materiel, and a Counsel as the Secretary's special legal adviser.
The Chief of Staff and Vice Chief of Staff had three deputies, one for Administration,
another for Plans, and the Comptroller as a third. The Deputy Chief of Staff
for Plans
- [206]
- 1 Under direct supervision and control of the Comptroller of the Army on
Comptroller Statutory functions
- --- Supervision over Procurement procedures and contracts (see AR 5-5).
- Source: SR 10-5-1, 11 Apr 50.
- no longer was responsible for combat operations on the principle that planning
and operations should be separated. The Comptroller gained the status of Deputy
Chief of Staff but not the title because, unlike his colleagues, he was directly
responsible to the Secretary as well as to the Chief of Staff. Following the
Cresap, McCormick and Paget report the Comptroller's functions included responsibility
for "integrating program review and analysis," but not "management
engineering" because this was not a "statutory" responsibility
of the Comptroller. Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, the Deputy Chief of Staff
for Administration, believed this function ought to be assigned to his agency.
The particular agency involved, Colonel Johnston's Management Division, remained
in the Comptroller's Office.64
- At the General Staff level, instead of the previous five directorates, the
Army returned to the familiar Pershing pattern of four Assistant Chiefs of
Staff as General Collins had recommended. The Directorate of Organization
and Training was eliminated with its personnel functions transferred to G-1
and most of its training functions transferred to the Chief, Army Field Forces.
Responsibility for training policies and mobilization planning remained with
- Along with the General Staff were five familiar special staff agencies,
the Inspector General, Judge Advocate General, the Chief of Military History,
the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, and the Executive for Reserve and
ROTC Affairs. Also at the special staff level there was one change separating
the Office of the Chief of Legislative Liaison from the Office of the Chief
of Information. The Civil Affairs Division and its functions had been taken
over by G-3, as recommended by Cresap, McCormick and Paget. The Office of
the Chief of Finance was made a special staff agency under the Comptroller.
- Among the administrative services, the Chief of Special Services and his
functions had been absorbed by The Adjutant General's Office. There were no
changes in the number of technical services or their major functions. Among
the Department of the Army field agencies the principal change was to
- [207]
- delegate to the Chief of Army Field Forces responsibility for supervising
schools and staff responsibility for the supervision, co-ordination, and inspection
of training.
- The increased status of the Comptroller, the return to the Pershing pattern
with Assistant Chiefs of Staff, and the elimination of the Office of the Chief
of Special Services as a separate agency were not substantial changes. The
only important one was the adoption of the three-deputy principle, which required
transferring responsibility for supervising combat operations from the Deputy
Chief of Staff for Plans to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration and
eliminating the Directorate of Organization and Training.
- The technical services had been successful, in the reorganization just described,
in defending their independence and integrity against the functionalists.
They were less successful in defending their statutory base in the Army Organization
Act of 1950. Lt. Col. George E. Baya of the Comptroller's Management Division
on 1 December 1948 prepared a 114page compilation of laws of a permanent and
general nature affecting the organization of the Army which listed nearly
four hundred provisions governing the Army passed piecemeal by Congress since
1916. Many involved picayune details of administration. Some provisions conflicted
with others. The total effect was to hamstring the Secretary and the General
Staff in carrying out their responsibilities of managing and directing the
department and the Army. In Colonel Baya's words, ". . . the laws governing
the organization of the Army and the Department of the Army were in a mess."
- In a separate study Colonel Baya concluded that the Secretary of the Army
with the approval of the President had sufficient authority to reorganize
the Army staff along functional lines provided he did not abolish statutory
offices, such as the technical service chiefs. There were forty-seven
agencies re-
- [208]
- quiring an act of Congress to abolish and eighteen which could be abolished
by executive action, but there were no provisions of law requiring any specific
organization of the General Staff. If he wished, the Secretary could probably
transfer responsibility for procurement to the Chief of Ordnance, for supply
to the Quartermaster General, and for research and development to the Chief
Chemical Officer.
- Colonel Baya also prepared a Plan for a Bill which Colonel Johnston submitted
at this time to the Army staff for comment. The object was "to provide
for the Organization of the Army and Department of the Army." It was
not a reorganization bill but only a legislative study proposing to place
the Army "on a sound statutory basis" with greater authority granted
to the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of Defense, and the President
to adapt the Army's organization, to changing conditions than existing legislation
permitted. It did not assign specified functions, duties, or powers to any
particular agency within the Army, leaving this up to the Secretary's discretion,
except for the civil functions of the Engineers and the duties of the judge
Advocate General, Surgeon General, and Chief of Chaplains.66
- The Baya bill led to another battle with the technical service chiefs concerning
their assigned statutory responsibilities. While the bill proposed to continue
the offices of the chiefs as statutory agencies, it granted the Secretary
authority to change their duties and functions as he saw fit. Individually
and collectively the technical service chiefs attacked this provision. In
another round robin they objected to this grant of authority to the Secretary.
They believed the "soundest statutory basis" for organizing the
Army was still the National Defense Act of 1916, in particular Section 5 which
recognized them and their authority and restricted the General Staff to
- [209]
- duties "of a general nature," forbidding it "to assume or
engage in work of an administrative nature that pertain to established bureaus
or offices of the War Department."
- The Baya bill placed "unrestricted power," they said, in the hands
of the Secretary.
- The traditional system of necessary checks and balances and the protection
against weaknesses in the human element, to which even the greatest minds
are susceptible, have not been insured. The broad peacetime powers requested
are like a two-edged sword in that the Secretary of the Army could be subjected
to pressures from all echelons to reassign duties and functions in order to
increase their prestige and power. Experience shows that the Army is safeguarded
against ill-conceived changes only as long as organization and functions are
prescribed by statutes.
- Proper legislation ought also to prescribe a commodity-type organization
"from factory to firing line" for the technical services.
- The chiefs objected that the bill would undermine morale. It did not provide
the same status in law for all the technical services, granting professional
recognition only to lawyers, doctors, clergymen, and civil engineers, but
not to others. By eliminating those provisions guaranteeing the services their
independent status, the bill left the impression that they might one day be
liquidated. Otherwise why remove these provisions? Finally there was the question
of esprit de corps.
- In the proposed organization military and civilian personnel of the Army
are members, perhaps very temporarily, of some nebulous organization called
a service, a service without functions, without permanence, without stability.
There can be no esprit de corps since there is no corps in which to have any
esprit. In order to maintain the high standards of morale and insure its everlasting
continuance, currently designated names and appropriate functions of the Technical
Services should be retained.
- In conclusion the chiefs wanted the Baya bill referred back for redrafting
to a committee on which they were represented.67
- The chiefs' statements about morale and esprit de corps were questionable
because, as Colonel Baya's compilation of
- [210]
- existing legislation demonstrated, nowhere in the National Defense Act of
1916 or its amendments was legal recognition or status granted to the several
technical services, corps, or departments as such. The law designated and
assigned specific functions to the offices of the chiefs of these services
only. The question was not one of unrestricted power and authority but where
and at what level such power and authority should be exercised. Traditionally
and in law it lay with the chiefs rather than the secretaries.
- While the technical services chiefs opposed the Baya draft, the rest of
the Army staff agreed in general with its provisions. The Management Division
revised the Baya draft in the next six months as the result of specific criticisms
and suggestions from the Army staff, the Navy, the Air Force, the Secretary
of Defense, and the Bureau of the Budget before sending it in July 1949 to
the Secretary of the Army for submission to Congress.68
- The bill, finally submitted to Congress on 21 July, followed the general
outlines of the Baya draft. Secretary Gray in a covering letter pointed out
that "the desired flexibility in organization in the Department of the
Army is in part accomplished by the repeal of laws specifying the duties of
various officers in the Department, and by providing that the Secretary of
the Army under the direction of the President and the Secretary of Defense,
be authorized to describe the duties of these offices." Hereafter, various
duties and functions could be performed by whatever office or branch of the
Army the Secretary might designate. Among other provisions specifically proposed
for repeal were the first twenty sections of the National Defense Act of 1916,
which the technicaf services regarded as their "Magna Carta." 69
- The bill was submitted too late in the session for action, and it was not
until March 1950 that the House Armed Services Committee held hearings on
it. General Collins and Colonel
- [211]
- Baya testified at great length. The Army Organization Act of 1950 passed
by Congress basically followed the Baya draft. It contained only three substantive
changes. To control the number of Army officers serving in Washington it provided
that "not more than 3,000 officers of the Army shall be detailed or assigned
to permanent duty in the Department of the Army, and of this number, not more
than 1,000 may be detailed or assigned to duty on or with the Army General
Staff, unless the President finds that an increase in the number of such officers
is in the national interest." Second, the law protected the medical and
legal professional staffs by stating that "Nothing in this Act shall
be construed as reducing or eliminating the professional qualifications required
by existing laws or regulations of officers of the several different branches
of the Army." Finally, it added that "nothing in the Act shall be
construed as changing existing laws pertaining to the civil functions of the
Chief of Engineers or the Engineers Corps of the Army." This prevented
assigning the civil functions of the Engineers to any other Army agency. Other
provisions continued unchanged concerned the military functions of the Engineers,
the functions of the judge Advocate General and
the administration of military justice, and the National Guard and Organized
- The new law marked the end of a five-year period of continual organizational
change within the department and the Army. The technical services were the
victors in several campaigns designed by their opponents to functionalize
them out of existence. The Army Organization Act of 1950 left this issue open
by providing that the Secretary of the Army could legally reassign the duties
of any technical service, except the Corps of Engineers, along functional
lines. To this limited extent Congress had now granted the Secretary executive
authority previously denied him under the National Defense Act of 1916.
- One issue the Army Organization Act of 1950 and parallel
- [212]
- Army Special Regulation 10-5-1 settled, presumably for good, was the question
of the "command" of the Army. According to existing law and the
Constitution the President was Commander in Chief of the Army, a function
he normally exercised through the Secretary of War. The Chief of Staff acted
under the direction of the Secretary of War and, after 1947, the Secretary
of the Army, except as otherwise directed by the President.
- Congress had abolished the Office of Commanding General to eliminate the
friction between that office and the War Department under the Secretary. Unfortunately
Secretary Baker ignored this and resurrected the problem by making General
Pershing commander of the American Expeditionary Forces independent of the
War Department General Staff. The subsequent antagonism between General March
and General Pershing was almost inevitable.71
- The Pershing reorganization tried to eliminate this friction by providing
that the Chief of Staff in the event of war would command the "field
forces," leaving the Deputy Chief of Staff behind and subordinate to
him as Acting Chief of Staff. Army Regulation 10-5 of 18 August 1936 went
further, stating that the Chief of Staff was also "in peace, by direction
of the President, the Commanding General of the Field Forces." 72
- President Roosevelt at the outset of World War II chose to exercise his
role as Commander in Chief actively by dealing directly with General Marshall
on strategy and military operations, bypassing the Secretary of War. He repeated
his intention to deal directly with Marshall in his executive order of 28
February 1942, approving the Marshall reorganization. As a result General
Marshall in reality did command the Army throughout the war under the President's
- War Department Circular 138 of 14 May 1946 actually had gone much further
than previous regulations in stating that the Chief of Staff "had command
of all components of the Army" within the continental United States and
- There was no legal or constitutional basis for such a statement. This was
the conclusion of a study undertaken by the Management Division of
the Comptroller's Office as part of its
- [213]
- over-all investigation of the organization of the Department of the Army.
Lt. Col. Archibald King, ASC, submitted to the Management Division a memorandum
on the Command of the Army, accompanied by a short legal history of the relationships
among the Presidents, Secretaries of War, Commanding Generals, and Chiefs
of Staff. Both documents were widely distributed throughout the Army as part
of the recommendations on Army reorganization prepared by the Management Division
and Cresap, McCormick and Paget.74
- As a consequence of these criticisms the Army Organization Act of 1950 and
the parallel Army regulations eliminated all references to the Chief of Staff's
"command" role. The Army Organization Act clearly stated that the
Chief of Staff should supervise the operations of the Department of the Army
and the Army, preside over the Army staff, and, in general, "perform
his duties under the direction of the Secretary of the Army," except
when otherwise directed by the President or the Secretary of Defense. Army
regulations stated:
- Command of the Army and all components thereof is exercised by the President
through the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army, who directly
represent him; and, as the personal representatives of the President, their
acts are the President's acts, and their directions and orders are the President's
directions and orders.
- The language followed historical precedent as far back as Secretary of War
John C. Calhoun.
- In these regulations the Chief of Staff was the "principal adviser"
to the Secretary of the Army, responsible to him for planning, developing,
and executing Army policies. He supervised the activities and operations of
the department and the Army, performing these duties and others prescribed
by law or assigned him by the President and the Secretary of the Army. Unless
directed otherwise, the Chief of Staff normally performed his duties "under
the direction of the Secretary of the Army." The principal exceptions
to this rule were the statutory functions assigned him under the National
Security Act of 1947 as a member of the joint Chiefs of Staff. Finally,
- [214]
- he presided over the Army staff, forwarding their plans and recommendations
along with his own to the Secretary and acted as the Secretary's agent in
carrying out plans and policies approved by the latter.
- The key phrases in the law and regulations are "advise," "supervise,"
"preside," and "perform" his duties under the direction
of the Secretary of the Army. The word "command" and similar words
such as "direct" and "control" are absent. Whether the
Chief of Staff would ever "command" the Army in a practical sense
depended on whether the President or Secretary of Defense chose to act as
President Roosevelt did in dealing with General Marshall. Since World War
II, Presidents have not done so, dealing with Army Chiefs of Staff through
the Secretaries of Defense and Army or as members of the joint Chiefs of Staff.
- In any case, after 1947 the Chief of Staff occupied a dual role as the executive
manager of the Department of the Army for the Secretary and as one of the
several military advisers to the Secretary of Defense and the President as
a member of the joint Chiefs of Staff. The Army staff served him in both these
- [215]
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