
ACofS    Assistant Chief of Staff
ADP    Automatic data processing
ARVN    Army of the Republic of Vietnam
CDEC    Combined Document Exploitation Center
CDIC    Combined Division Interrogation Center
CEDAR FALLS   Joint operation carried out by the 1st and 25th Infantry Divisions, 173d Airborne Brigade, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, and South Vietnamese Army units against Viet Cong Military Region IV headquarters in the Iron Triangle, 8-26 January 1967
CG    Commanding general
CICV    Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam
CIO    Central Intelligence Organization (Republic of Vietnam)
CIS    Combined Intelligence Staff
CMD    Capital Military District
CMEC    Combined Materiel Exploitation Center
CMIC    Combined Military Interrogation Center
COMUSMACV    Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
CONCRETE    Project undertaken in 1965 to obtain imagery interpretation equipment
CTZ    Corps tactical zone
EEI    Essential elements of information
EOD    Explosive ordnance disposal


 Operation initiated 1 December 1966 by three U.S. and three South Vietnamese battalions with the mission of searching out and destroying the Viet Cong main force units, guerrillas, and infrastructure in Viet Cong Military Region IV

G-2    Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence
"Go"    teams Teams of U.S. And Vietnamese interrogators who were always ready to be dispatched from Saigon to support combat units when interrogation requirements exceeded local capabilities



IBM    International Business Machine
II    Imagery interpretation
IOD    Intelligence Operations Division
IPW    Prisoner of war interrogation
J-2    Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence


 U.S.-Vietnamese operation conducted February-May 1967 in War Zone C and bordering provinces

MACV    U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
MI    Military intelligence
MIBARS    Military intelligence battalion (air reconnaissance support)
MSS    Military Security Service (Republic of Vietnam)
OB    Order of battle
PICC    Province Intelligence Coordination Committee
RVN    Republic of Vietnam
RVNAF    Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces
S-2    Intelligence officer
STARLIGHT    Operation by U.S. marines which resulted in the first major encounter between U.S. And Viet Cong forces in Vietnam, late summer 1965
TRAC    Target Research and Analysis Center
USARV    U.S. Army, Vietnam
VCI    Viet Cong infrastructure
WAYSIDE    Project undertaken by the 1st Military Intelligence Battalion (Air Reconnaissance Support) to produce annotated photomaps of U.S. installations and areas in which military operations were planned in South Vietnam


page created 8 January 2003

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