- Chapter XIII:
- Cu Chi
- Vietnam was a different war.
It was a conflict where the front line was not a trace on a map but
was rather wherever the opposing combat forces met and fought. The
secure rear areas of past wars that were so necessary for support were
nonexistent in Vietnam. Only the areas that a commander actively
secured could be used for support activities. This situation resulted
in the base camp. The same security problem required convoy operations
in a hostile environment, and better ways to conduct such operations
had to be found. New techniques in automatic data processing were
developed so that the machines could be used to support tactical
activities. Finally, the widespread use of Army aircraft led to new
and more efficient methods of maintaining the planes and helicopters.
- The quiet of the 25th Infantry
Division base camp at Cu Chi was shattered by explosions from incoming
rocket rounds exactly one hour after midnight on 9 May 1968. Thirty
rounds of 122-mm. and 107-mm. rockets, fired without warning from the
surrounding area, rained down on the U.S. camp. The officer on duty at
the 2d Brigade tactical operations center needed no confirmation from
the bunker line as he switched on the base sirens and announced
Condition RED. Forces on the perimeter were doubled, staffs of major
units raced from their tactical operations centers, and troop units
were readied to move to secondary defense positions. Word went out to
a nearby fire support base, the local ARVN headquarters, and II Field
Force headquarters that the base camp was under attack.
- Two Cobra helicopters from
Troop D, 3d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, in the air soon after the last
rocket fell, radioed base camp defense and the artillery net. By this
time the direction of the attack had been estimated, and previously
positioned defense artillery had been fired. The two gunships searched
the suspected enemy launch area and adjusted U.S. artillery
- As the battle quieted down,
each sector of the bunker line called in to report all clear. An ARVN
patrol in Vinh Cu, just south of the base, had had no contact. Nearby
fire support bases, the Cu Chi subsector headquarters, and the units
at Phu Cong and Ba Bep bridges reported that all was quiet. In two
hours the camp commander de-
- cided that no ground attack
was coming, and word went out to go to Condition YELLOW and finally,
at 0300, to return to Condition WHITE.
- The incident was another
standoff attack.
- Intelligence had forecast no
high point of enemy activity, and there had been no indication of
such. The rockets might even have been fired from unattended and
locally fabricated launchers. According to a captured enemy rocket
company commander:
- U.S. forces in Vietnam are
disposed in large fixed installations which always provide our forces
with lucrative targets. Our forces are always certain that as long as
the weapons hit the installation, the U.S. forces will lose equipment
and manpower. Likewise, these large posts do not have sufficient
forces to control the surrounding countryside, which makes our attacks
- The G-3, operations general
staff officer, ordered a reconnaissance in force in the suspected
launch area the next morning; everybody not on duty at the perimeter
or in the various support units and headquarters went back to sleep.
By noon, two slightly wounded mechanics were back on duty, and a
battered five-kilowatt generator was hauled to the salvage yard. (The
above story is a composite account of an actual attack on Cu Chi and
typical results and reactions by the division.)
- These standoff attacks were
designed to destroy allied military assets and weaken morale at
minimum risk to the enemy. Moreover, they demonstrated the enemy's
ability to attack and inflict damage on major U. S. and Republic of
Vietnam installations at a time and place of his own choosing. The
propaganda value was high, and at times the damage was significant. A
considerable part of U.S. military resources was used to protect these
fixed installations.
- Cu Chi was surrounded by a
large cleared area, including a manmade lake backed up by Ann Margaret
Dam, which was built by Lieutenant Colonel Edward C. Gibson's 65th
Engineer Battalion. The bunker line consisted of observation towers,
firing positions with overhead cover, an earth berm, barbed wire
entanglements, spotlights, and minefields. The support battalions
camped at Cu Chi were assigned sectors of the defensive perimeter with
very specific, rehearsed plans for reinforcement and counterattack.
Artillery, countermortar fire, sensors, communications,
reconnaissance, combat patrols, air support, and pacification all
worked together to permit a large logistic and command complex to
survive in no man's land.
- In Vietnam, the base camp was
a place where the individual soldier could train, take care of his
equipment, and get some rest and relaxation. It also provided a
full-time home for the larger tactical headquarters and the support
units. The reason for developing such a facility was given by General
William C. Westmoreland:
- [149]
- Because of the nature of the
war, tactical units had to be scattered throughout the nation at
widespread locations. The lack of a sophisticated transportation
system necessitated major units establishing their own logistic bases
rather than one central depot serving a number of units . . .
- No activity could survive
unless it was protected against ground attack and tied into the
network of combat support. Supplies, maintenance facilities, hospitals
and rest centers, airfields, administrative offices, and artillery
were all located within bases to protect them against the enemy's
assassination squads, local forces, standoff attacks, sappers, and
main force units.
- Being a semipermanent and
vital installation, Cu Chi was selected with an eye to water supply,
drainage, vegetation, and soil composition. Enough land was acquired
to allow expansion of the camp and adequate fields of fire. Like many
such camps, Cu Chi was situated close enough to a local civilian
community to require constant attention to the perimeter's defense.
Finally, supply routes around Cu Chi were such that a base camp could
also be developed and supported administratively and logistically. As
one brigade commander summed it up, "The guiding principle is to
conduct the business of the base camp so that it supports the maximum
of the brigade's needs and detracts the minimum from the brigade's
tactical operations."
- The 25th Division's planning
in preparation for the construction of Cu Chi was unique. At their
vantage point in Hawaii, division personnel received large-scale map
coverage of the future division area from the United States Army
Pacific Mapping and Intelligence Center. These maps enabled the
planners to select and analyze a base camp site. After the division's
advance party arrived in Vietnam and inspected the site, the base
development plans were put into final form. The assistant division
commander for support, Brigadier General Edward H. de Saussure, headed
a base camp development committee that included in its membership the
chief of staff, the G-4 (assistant chief of staff for logistics), the
division engineer, the division signal officer, and representatives
from the major units that would be occupying the camp. The clearing of
fields of fire and the construction of bunkers and wire barriers had
first priority. The various battalion cantonment areas were selected,
and the road and telephone line networks were designed and approved.
Before the division left Hawaii, it obtained precut tent and latrine
kits. The kits were assembled by each unit in the division, packaged
or banded, and shipped with unit cargo to Vietnam. At the site, these
tent frames and latrines were easily erected in the designated unit
areas and "added immeasurably in establishing the living areas
prior to the arrival of the monsoon season." Within a relatively
short time after the division arrived at the Cu Chi base, work began
on semipermanent buildings.
- To improve base camp living
conditions without waiting for an
- overworked supply system to
function, the division had left for Vietnam with ice machine plants,
65-cubic-foot walk-in refrigerators, 10kilowatt generator sets, ice
chests, and folding cots. Also taken along were filing cabinets,
desks, chairs, tables, safes, tools, tentage, and communications
equipment that came under the general heading of "post, camp, and
station" property. Improvements in facilities and living
conditions at Cu Chi progressed steadily. Maintenance shelters, fuel
storage areas, ammunition bunkers, roads, and hardstands were built.
Much of the construction was regulated by formal stateside procedures,
and a great deal was done on a self-help basis because there were not
enough engineers to go around. In the hot wet climate, SEA (Southeast
Asia) huts were far cheaper and better than tents for semipermanent
use. As these wooden huts were erected, Cu Chi took on the look of a
real city.
- Post engineer functions were
performed under a contract administered by the Army headquarters at
Long Binh. The contractor provided central power, certain building and
ground maintenance, fire protection, and supervision of a variety of
hired-labor jobs.
- Although living conditions
were austere, the fixed bases allowed a permanence undreamt of in
World War II and Korea. The costs of operations to enhance morale were
insignificant in comparison with their value. A large PX served the
residents of the camp and frequently the fire bases and the troops in
the field. Cu Chi had virtually all of the facilities found at
permanent military installations outside Vietnam. The list included
small clubs for officers, noncommissioned officers, and enlisted men;
a USO club; barber shops; a MARS (Military Affiliate Radio System)
station; a Red Cross field office and clubmobile unit; sports fields;
miniature golf courses; swimming pools; and chapels. These troop
support facilities, the occasional respites for the fighting units at
division "Holiday Inns," the outstanding medical service,
the one-year tour, and the rest and recuperation program contributed
to the virtual elimination of incapacitating combat fatigue. More than
1,000 men a month left Cu Chi for five-day holidays in Hong Kong,
Bangkok, Tokyo, Manila, Singapore, Penang, Taipei, Australia, or
Hawaii. Additional rest and recuperation facilities were available at
the beach resort in Vang Tau.
- The base camp, at times,
caused considerable consternation to the combat commanders. It tended
to devour their combat resources and become "the tail that wagged
the dog," At Cu Chi the 2d Brigade commander was usually
appointed to run the camp, and he named a full-time deputy to
supervise the administrative details of camp operation, base camp
defense, and personnel overhead. All commanders found that
"semipermanent base camps require manpower, equipment, and
services beyond the organic capabilities of battalions, brigades, and
divisions." By 1968 the Department of the Army had

- approved a personnel increase
for base camps. This measure was a great help to the commander.
The camp at Cu Chi and the two other base camps in the division at
one time had an augmentation of ap-

- proximately 500 officers and
enlisted men. This number was trimmed to around 100 by early 1969.
- Generally, logistic support at
base camps came from divisional and nondivisional units. As a rule the
25th Infantry Division Support
- Command (DISCOM) provided
supply and maintenance support for nearby tactical operations direct
from Cu Chi and the two other division base camps, Tay Ninh and Dau
Tieng. The support command sent along forward support elements for
operations farther away and also supplied all of the various landing
zones, fire support bases, and other tactical unit locations. Forward
support activities and logistic support activities from the 1st
Logistical Command provided additional support. A forward support
activity was a provisional organization set up in the vicinity of the
forward operating base of a tactical unit. As described in one report:
"It is deployed to support a specific tactical operation when the
tactical organic support capability is not sufficient to provide the
support required." By contrast the logistic support activity was
a "continuing activity, generally located in a fixed base camp to
provide direct and general supply, maintenance, and service support to
US and FWMAF (Free World Military Assistance Forces) on an area
basis." By way of illustration, the 29th General Support Group of
the Saigon Support Command was the major nondivisional unit charged
with "across-the-board" logistic support in the 25th
Infantry Division's tactical area of responsibility. The 29th General
Support Group set up forward support areas for the 25th Division on
such operations as MANHATTAN and YELLOWSTONE. Although the 29th did
not establish a logistic support activity as such at Cu Chi,
subordinate units of the group were based there and furnished direct
and general support supply and maintenance and certain services to the
division base camp. A logistic support activity was, organized at the
Tay Ninh base camp in support of the 1st Brigade and other tenant
- The primary means of
resupplying Cu Chi and the other base camps in the area of the 25th
Infantry Division was by road. The 25th Supply and Transport Battalion
and the 1st Logistical Command ran an average of four convoys,
totaling 268 vehicles, a day on the highway between Cu Chi and the
supply complex in the Long Binh Saigon area. Division supply routes
varied, from those strictly in enemy territory to those that were
fairly safe for allied forces during daylight hours. In contested
areas, major military operations were conducted to open roads to
convoy traffic. Usually, effective convoy operations were possible
only because of the mutually supporting artillery fire support bases
along the route. Patrols, ambushes, and local search and destroy
operations were conducted near the road. These techniques allowed
convoys to travel with minimum escort. If the situation warranted,
permanent outposts were provided to secure critical bridges and
defiles. These outposts patrolled the road to prevent mining and
- In August 1968 the 25th
Division developed new, aggressive convoy procedures to reduce losses.
The convoys were divided into smaller,
- self-sufficient march units.
Ammunition and fuel vehicles were placed at the rear to prevent an
entire convoy from being blocked by burning vehicles, and wreckers and
spare tractors were added to keep traffic moving. Military police
elements provided control. A major innovation was having the convoy
commander airborne over each convoy, from where he directed all march
units and security forces. Armored vehicles were outposted at critical
points along the route rather than moving with the convoy, as had been
the practice. Gunship cover was arranged ahead of time over potential
ambush sites. In areas where the road passed through jungles and
plantations, Rome plows were used to clear potential ambush sites well
back from both sides.
- In the fall of 1968, a convoy
operating under the revised procedures began to assemble. Unknown to
the men, the enemy was preparing an ambush in a rubber plantation
seventeen kilometers to the north. This attack was to be the first
test of the new procedures. Before the convoy moved out, the area
commanders flew over the most likely ambush sites. Combat elements
were positioned at several possible sites, and the route was swept for
mines and booby traps.
- The last stretch of road over
which the convoy was to pass was flanked by relatively flat terrain
where a rubber plantation had recently been cleared of vegetation. The
first and half of the second march units had entered the plantation
when mortar rounds began falling all around them. Recoilless rifles,
rocket-propelled grenades, and automatic weapons were fired at the
convoy from both sides of the road. The training and orientation of
convoy personnel quickly paid off. Vehicles short of the ambush halted
and organized local security. Drivers moved damaged vehicles off the
roadway, allowing other vehicles in the killing zone to continue to
their destination.
- The enemy force was
immediately engaged by the convoy's security elements. Previously
positioned reaction forces moved against the enemy's rear while
preplanned artillery fire, gunships, and tactical air strikes took
their toll. When the battle was over, the division counted
seventy-three enemy dead and had captured large quantities of weapons
and equipment. Allied losses were light. The enemy ambushers were
soundly defeated.
- In the following months the
enemy attacked several more convoys. In every instance he failed to
halt the fleeting target because he was overwhelmed by a massive U.S.
reaction. The division had turned a defensive situation into a highly
profitable offensive maneuver.
- The use of convoy operations
as a tool of pacification was a unique innovation. In the 25th
Division the convoy was often used even when aerial resupply would
have been easier. The reason for this maneuver was to open and expand
the road network to strengthen friendly forces in the area. As soon as
it became relatively safe for military
- convoys, civilian commercial
vehicles could also use the route. This action had a direct and often
phenomenal influence on the South Vietnamese people; they flowed back
into the area, repaired their homes, and began to farm the
- The electronic computer as an
increasingly effective management tool was introduced into the combat
headquarters in Vietnam. The Field Artillery Data Computer, already
familiar to the artilleryman, the UNIVAC 1005, and the NCR (National
Cash Register) 500 were used by the Tropic Lightning Division for
routine artillery fire and survey programs and administrative
management; and they were ultimately used to assist the commander in
making decisions. Automatic data processors at Cu Chi became involved
in providing information to many elements within the division as well
as to command elements in Vietnam, Hawaii, and the United States. They
used standardized Army data systems that interfaced with command and
support elements external to the division and with programs developed
by their own personnel for the support of division elements.
- The standard systems provided
support in the areas of personnel, finance, and logistics. The
standard Personnel Management and Accounting Card Processor (PERMACAP)
system linked the division with ASMIS (A)-Major Army Subordinate
Command Management Information System (Armywide personnel reporting
system)-to provide information on the individual 25th Division soldier
through channels to the Pentagon. It also produced recurring reports
and rosters for personnel management within the division. The programs
and procedures for the system were developed and maintained by the
U.S. Army Computer System Command (USACSC). The UNIVAC 1005 computer
equipment was mounted in mobile expansible vans parked outside the
division's tactical operations center. The PERMACAP system provided
timely and accurate data, reduced clerical effort, and eliminated
duplication in the personnel support area.
- Another standard Army system
used at Cu Chi was the direct support unit-general support unit (DSU-GSU)
system operated by the 725th Maintenance Battalion. This system
provided stock control and inventory accounting for repair parts. The
same programs and equipment are used by Army personnel at 150
installations in the United States and five foreign countries. The
DSU-GSU system uses an NCR 500 computer and a variety of components
from other manufacturers. On 29 October 1966 the 25th Division
received its system, which soon began to provide timely, complete, and
accurate spare parts handling as well as increased management reports
to commanders. The system also fed data to higher headquarters and, in
turn, to supply depots in the continental United States.
- The standard system used to
pay the soldiers of the 25th Division was called Military Pay,
Vietnam. It was developed by the U.S. Army
- Finance and Comptroller
Information Systems Command and used the UNIVAC 1005 computer.
- The 25th Division started
early in the war to develop many uses for its automatic data
processing equipment in support of operational planning. By 1970,
Major General Harris W. Hollis had concluded:
- In no other war have we been
so deluged by so many tidbits of information for we have been
accustomed to an orderliness associated with established battle lines.
Here, though, we have had to make our decisions based not upon enemy
regimental courses of action, but rather upon the numerous isolated
communist squad-sized elements. So with the scale down of the level of
operations, we have had to increase our reliance on objective analysis
of logical courses of action.
- The computer reduced the time
required to analyze and interpret information. The commanders obtained
a better picture of the enemy and were able to exploit valuable
information quickly. At Cu Chi all the input for computer analysis was
taken from existing reports, and with the computer working on a
24-hour schedule, no significant interference with other activities
occurred. A typical application was the use of the UNIVAC 1005 to
analyze the threat from deadly mines and booby traps in the division
- The maneuver unit operation
summary program analyzed the date and times of combat operations, size
and type of operations, type of support provided, and, most important,
results obtained in each case. The program identified the most
successful type of operation in each of the twenty-six subdivisions of
the area of operations. A major by-product of the program was an
indication of changes in enemy tactics soon after they occurred.
- The enemy base camp denial
program used dates and time, unit size and designation, type of
terrain, co-ordinates, type of operation, fire support, and results of
contacts. It indicated which types of operations were most successful
in each enemy base camp area. It provided records of these operations
and indicated which areas would most likely contain significant enemy
forces. As a result, scheduling and planning of operations in enemy
base camp areas improved.
- The UNIVAC 1005 was also used
as a file update and printing device, with little computing being
done. Lists of known and suspected Viet Cong were updated and printed
on a recurring basis to provide a ready source of current
intelligence. This form of automation permitted simultaneous and
timely use of division intelligence by several elements of the
division in various operational areas and allowed for rapid updating
of information to be passed to other headquarters.
- In addition to its own computer
effort, the 25th Infantry Division took advantage of many outside
computer operations. A typical example was the division's use of
the computer-generated MACV Hamlet Evaluation System.

- Another major activity at Cu
Chi was the intensive Army aircraft maintenance program. All divisions
in Vietnam required this massive effort, and each division base camp
devoted a major portion of its area and resources to aircraft
maintenance. Lieutenant General Julian J. Ewell in his debriefing
report wrote:
- Aircraft maintenance is the
most important single area in the division, due to the fact that the
tempo of operations is dependent to a large degree on a high aircraft
availability rate. With a fixed base system as in Vietnam, one can
optimize the aircraft maintenance system (hangars, hardstands, lights,
etc.) and achieve peacetime availability rates under combat
conditions. We flew the fleet 90 hours per month per aircraft (and
were edging up to 100 hours) and kept the availability rate over 80 %
. Hueys and Cobras could be kept up in the high 80's. This required a
virtuoso maintenance performance with iron control over every aspect
of both aircraft operations and maintenance.
- The aircraft maintenance
program in Vietnam started at the top with the 34th General Support
Aviation Maintenance and Supply Group, which provided limited
depot-level maintenance, general support, backup direct support
maintenance, and supply support for all Army aircraft in Vietnam.
Support was also given for airframe,
- power-plant, armament, and
avionics repair. From early 1965 the 34th General Support Aviation
Maintenance and Supply Group grew to four aircraft maintenance and
supply battalions with a total of ten direct support and five general
support companies, because the number of aircraft increased from 660
in 1965 to over 4,000 in late 1968. Backup maintenance was given to
both the division maintenance units and the 1st Aviation Brigade. The
brigade, in turn, provided supplemental logistic and tactical airlift
throughout Vietnam.
- Concepts relative to Army
aviation in land warfare had never been thoroughly tested in combat;
therefore, Vietnam was something of a laboratory for the discovery and
development of many innovations in aviation operations. As a report by
the Pacific Command on the war in Vietnam states:
- Several actions were taken to
speed maintenance and repair procedures. Direct support maintenance
detachments were provided to all separate helicopter companies. This
additional maintenance capability was immediately reflected by a
corresponding rise in aircraft availability rates.
- Initially, direct support
aircraft maintenance detachments were attached to nondivisional
aviation units. Next, many detachments were completely consolidated
with the service platoon of the parent aviation company, allowing
better use of supervisory personnel. Responsiveness to the aviation
unit's over-all flying mission was greatly increased. Studies made in
1966 revealed that for divisional units the number of aircraft
available had risen approximately 15 percent. The studies also showed
that the maintenance system of the separate aviation units was capable
of more complete direct support maintenance than was the conventional
divisional maintenance system. The nondivisional units provided, in
effect, a one-step maintenance system by integrating organizational
and direct support aircraft, avionics, and armament maintenance
efforts. A study by the Army Concept Team in Vietnam recommended
approval of decentralized direct support aircraft maintenance for all
standard infantry divisions in Vietnam. Major General George 1.
Forsythe in his debriefing report wrote, "Sufficient advantages
accrue from the decentralized maintenance concept to warrant
implementation at the earliest practical time."
- The recovery of disabled
aircraft was another mission performed daily by aircraft maintenance
units in Vietnam. The 56th Aircraft Direct Support Maintenance Company
recovered over 350 downed aircraft in 1968 alone. The former commander
of the 56th, Lieutenant Colonel Emmett F. Knight, tells how
"Goodnature Six" and many other direct support units
accomplished the mission of recovery.
- The aircraft recovery team is
organized around the UH-1H. It is the rigging ship and carries the
team, tools and equipment required to prepare a downed aircraft for
airlift. The rigging ship provides weapons for fire support while on
the ground and the necessary radios to control the operation.

- A normal mission might begin
with a radio or phone call to the Direct Support Company's operation
officer. This request includes all necessary information: type of
aircraft, location, extent of damage, security situation, etc. The recovery officer (airlift commander) is notified immediately and
begins his planning. He makes a thorough map reconnaissance, does
some rapid time-distance planning and places a call to the unit
supplying the CH-47 (Chinook). He will pass the mission, including time
on station which he has calculated, to the Chinook unit control station.
- Meanwhile, the copilot of the
rigging ship will have the recovery ship wound up. Takeoff is
initiated within minutes after the mission is received . The
flight plan is opened and radar monitoring is requested. Artillery
advice is checked periodically along the route.
- As the flight progresses into
the area where the downed aircraft is located, contact is made with
the ground forces operating in the area. The troops at the site report
on the exact situation as final approach is initiated.
- On the ground the rigging crew
from the UH-1H begins preparing the downed aircraft for the imminent
pickup by the CH-47 which should arrive on the scene momentarily. The
pilot of the Chinook receives advice and assistance from the recovery
officer while on approach, as the rigging crew completes the hook-up,
and during departure from the area, All elements are then notified
that the extraction has been completed.
- Nearly every aircraft which
crashes, is shot down or forced to land in enemy controlled or
contested territory will be recovered for repair or salvage. The
effort will be coordinated by the aircraft maintenance direct support
- Between 1965 and 1971, the
CH-47 (Chinook) rescued downed aircraft worth approximately $2.7
- A related innovation which
helped to sustain the number of division aircraft available was the
development and use of a floating aircraft maintenance facility. This
facility was a Navy seaplane tender converted into a floating depot
for aircraft maintenance. The ship, the USNS Corpus Christi Bay,
arrived on station in Vietnam on 1 April 1966. By July production
reached 34,000 man-hours per month of manufacturing, disassembling,
repairing, and rebuilding operations. During fiscal year 1969, a total
of 37,887 components valued at $51.9 million was processed. Ninety-one
percent were returned to serviceable condition. The 34th General
Support Group reports indicate that the floating aircraft maintenance
facility alone was responsible for an additional 120 aircraft
available daily in Vietnam.
- In the final analysis, the
base camp and its many facilities were many things to many people. It
was a "Holiday Inn" to the soldier in the field and a base
of operations for the logisticians. It represented a drain on
resources of the combat commander, but it permitted the aircraft
mechanic to do his job. It was a phenomenon of the area war.[161]
- page created 15 December 2001
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