for Chapter IX
- 1 Col Hoisington came from a military family. Her father and three brothers graduated from the US Military Academy; she joined the Army on 6 Nov 42 and served as an enlisted woman for six months before attending WAAC OCS at Fort Des Moines; she was commissioned on 10 May 1943.
2 Harold E. Davis, "The Hoisingtons Have It," Army Magazine, Sep 66, pp. 18-19.
3 SgtMaj Elizabeth J. Burns succeeded SgtMaj Tait in Apr 67; Sgt Maj Mary E. Richmond replaced SgtMaj Burns in Dee 68. Maj Smith was replaced by Maj Agnes Schairer Schriver (19681969), who married and resigned and was replaced by LtCol Pola L. Garrett (1969-1972). Col Garrett, the first black WAC officer to be promoted to full colonel (1973), served as deputy commander WAC Center (1973-1974). She died at age 49 of emphysema.
4 WAC School, May 67, "Statistical Analysis of College Junior Cadet Program 1957-1966," ODWAC Ref File, College Junior Statistics,
CMH. The College Junior Program cost approximately $152,000 a year for an average of 65 cadets to attend the three-week course at WAC School. Recruiting costs were $112,000; all other costs $40,000.
5 Ltr, Cdr, US Army Recruiting Service to DCSPER, 13 Jul 64, sub: WAC Officer Procurement; DF, DWAC to ODCSPER Director of Manpower, 22 Jul 64, same sub; and Comment 2, Director of Manpower to
DWAC, 10 Aug 64. All in ODWAC Ref File, College Junior Program, CMH. On 1 Oct 64, the US Army Recruiting Command superseded the US Army Recruiting Service.
6 DF, DWAC to ODCSPER directorates, 28 Jan 66, sub: Army Student Program for Potential WAC Officers, with comments, 11-15 Feb 66, ODWAC Ref File, College Junior Program,
7 SS, DWAC to DCSPER, CofS, and Under SecArmy, 28 Mar 66, Army Student for Potential WAC Officers; Memo, DWAC to Under
SecArmy, 17 May 66; and DA Cir 601-16, The Army Student Program for Potential WAC Officers, 13 Jul 66. All in ODWAC Ref File, College Junior Program,
8 Ltr, Dep Cdr, HQ, Army Recruiting Command, to DCSPER, sub: Army Student Program for Potential WAC Officers, 21 Jul 66; SS, DWAC to
DCSPER, CofS, and Under SecArmy, sub: Army Student Program for Potential WAC Officers, 13 Oct 66; and DA Cir 601-115, The WAC Student Officer Program, 16 May 67. All in ODWAC Ref File, College Junior Program,
9 Ltr, TAG to USCONARC, 23 Feb 66, sub: FY 1967 College Junior Class, and DA Msg 812802, 2 May 67, ODWAC Ref File, College Junior Program,
10 SS, DWAC through DCSPER, CofS and Acting Asst SecArmy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), 26 Aug 68, sub: Women's Army Corps Student Officer Program, ODWAC Ref File, College Junior Program,
CMH. The position of Under Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) was discontinued on 1 Jan 68; most of the position's functions passed to the Assistant Secretary of the Army, M&RA. Similar changes occurred in the other services.
11 Memo, DWAC to DCSPER, 12 Jan 68, sub: Proposed Revised Officer Grade Structure for the Women's Army Corps; SS, DCSPER to CofS and
SecArmy, 23 Feb 68, sub: Zone of Consideration and Number to be Selected for Promotion to Colonel, AUS,
WAC; Memo, SecArmy to CofS, 18 Mar 68, same subject; DA Msg 859656, 12 Apr 68. All in ODWAC Ref File, Book #2-Elimination of Promotion Restrictions,
CMH. Actual promotion date and (date of rank) of the promoted officers: Woodworth, 2 Dec 68 (10 Jan 68); Branch, 3 Dec 68 (16 Jan 68);
Michl, 4 Dec 68 (16 Jan 68); Kehrer, 5 Dec 68 (17 Jan 68); Carlson, 6 Dec 68 (31 Jan 68); and
Guyette, 9 Dec 68 (27 Feb 68). All were Regular Army officers with over 24 years service. AUS (Army of the United States) in the title denoted a temporary promotion.
12 Interv, Gen Hoisington with the author, 3 Nov 80; "Army Selects 281
for Senior Colleges," Journal of the Armed Forces, Dec.
67, p. 1. Of 281 officers selected to attend the senior colleges, 161
(including the 2 WAC officers) attended Army War College in FY 69. The Armed
Forces Staff College (AFSC), an intermediate college like Command and
General Staff College, divided its student enrollment among the services;
Maj Diane Dicke was the first WAC to graduate (1970) from AFSC.
13 Stremlow, z, p. 73.
14 DOD Inter-Service Working Group, "Study on Utilization of Women in the Armed Services," 31 Aug 66, ODWAC Ref File, Expansion of
WAC, 1966-1969, CMH.
15 Ibid.; Memo, ASD(M), to Dep Under SecArmy (Manpower) [DUSA (M)], 14 May 66, sub: Study of Utilization of Military Women; Memo, DUSA (M) to ASD (M), 7 Dec 66, same sub; Bull 13 for Chief of Naval Personnel for Women (Capt Rita
Lenihan), Apr 67; Memo, Dep Under SecAF (Manpower) to ASD (M), 29 Jun 67, sub: Utilization of Women in the Air Force. All in ODWAC Ref File, Expansion of WAC 1966-1969,
16 The director of Procurement and Distribution, BrigGen Frank M. Izenour, assigned the expansion project to his Procurement Division. The chief of that division, LtCol Levin B. Broughton, and WAC Maj Pola L. Garrett worked on the project. Maj Audrey A. Fisher later replaced Maj Garrett. LtCol Julia A. Ledbetter, chief of WAC Recruiting, was a major contributor to the plan. The Directorate of Procurement and Distribution had been the Directorate of Manpower until 1 Apr 66.
17 DOD Public Information News Release, "Women's Army Corps to be Expanded," 12 May 67, ODWAC Ref File, WAC Expansion 1967-1969,
18 SS, DCSPER to CoFS, 8 Apr 67, sub: Increased Utilization of Military Women, with Tab A, Army Actions, and Tab B, Information Plan, Women's Army Corps, and DA Msg 81169, 20 Apr 67, ODWAC Ref File, Expansion of
WAC, 1966-1969, CMH. The film was converted into a training film, "The Women's Army Corps 1942-1967" (MF 35-5285).
19 Ltrs, MajGen Frank M. Izenour, Directorate of Procurement and Distribution, to BrigGen Frank L.
Gunn, Cdr, US Army Recruiting Command (USAREC), 28 Feb 67, and Gunn to
Izenour, 9 Mar 67; AR 601-270, 18 Mar 67, Armed Forces Examining and Enlistment Stations, par. 4-3b; and CofS Weekly Summary Sheet, 25-31 May 67. All in CIDWAC Ref File, Expansion of
WAC, 19661969, CMH. Administering the women's selection test outside the AFEES resulted in a compromise of the test, and authority was withdrawn in Change 5 to the regulation, 24 Jul 72.
20 Interv, BrigGen Hoisington with the author, 3 Nov 80; Rpts, ODWAC, Enlisted Gains and Losses by FY, and JAG DA, Summary and Special Courts Martial Cases
WAC, RCS JAG 2 (R8), ODWAC Ref File, Expansion of WAC, 1966-1969, CMH. Convictions in FY 65: 195; FY 69: 210; FY 71: 116.
21 SS, DWAC to DCSPER, 20 Mar 69, sub: Policy to Effect Separation of
Enlisted Women on Marriage, ODWAC Ref File, Discharge on Marriage, CMH.
22 Ibid.; DA Msg 903276, 1 Apr 69, ODWAC Ref File, Discharge on Marriage,
CMH. The Navy and Marine Corps continued a policy of allowing discharge on marriage if a joint household could not be established by the couple (Bur of Naval Personnel Manual, Article C-10306, 1959; Marine Corps Bull 1300, Oct 66). Under USAF Regulation 35-20, the WAF eliminated discharge on marriage.
23 ODCSPER, Annual Historical Rpt, FYs 70 and 71, Ref Br, CMH.
24 Strength of the Army Reports (DCSPER 46) Part I, Strength, and Part II, Gains and Losses, 30 Jun 71 and 30 Jun 72. As of 30 Jun 71, the WAF had exceeded its goal (9,000) with a total strength of 11,289; the WAVES fell short of their goal (6,600) with 6,450; the Women Marines were also short of their goal (2,725) with 2,259 (DOD Comptroller,
Selected Manpower Statistics, 15 Apr 72, p. 45).
25 DCSPER (Batelle Institute), "The Army' 75 Personnel Concept Study. 1969," p. 31, ODWAC Ref File, Studies, Army 75 Report,
26 Ibid.; Memo, DWAC to Director of ODCSPER Studies and Research, 18 Nov 68, sub: Army '75 Personnel Concept Study, ODWAC Ref File, Studies, Army 75 Report,
CMH; Comment 2, DF, DWAC to DCSPER Provide Study Group, 9 Jun 69, sub: PROVIDE-Interim Report, 9 June 69. ODWAC Ref File, Studies, PROVIDE,
CMH. The study did not address the question of women entering the US Military Academy.
27 The Report of the Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Forces (Washington, DC: GPO, 1970).
28 Public Papers of Presidents of the United States, Richard Nixon, 1970 (Washington: National Archives and Records Service, 1971), pp. 394-99. Series cited hereafter as Public Papers, with appropriate name and year.
29 Memo, CofS No. 69-113, 17 Mar 69, sub: Study: Project Volunteer in Defense of the Nation (PROVIDE); Interim Rpt,
DCSPER, 15 Jun 69, same subject; and ODCSPER, Executive Summary, Interim Rpt, PROVIDE Study, 15 Sep 69. All in ODWAC Ref File, Studies, PROVIDE,
30 Memo, SecDef to Secretaries of the Military Depts, 4 May 70, sub: Report of the Project Volunteer Committee, p. 12, ODWAC Ref File, Studies, PROVIDE,
31 DF, Director, Study Group PROVIDE, to DWAC, 21 Mar 69, sub: Request for Information, and Comment 2, DWAC to Dir, Study Group PROVIDE, 16 Apr 69, WAC Expansion Plan with 11
incls, ODWAC Ref File, Studies, PROVIDE, CMH.
32 Facts on File, 12 Oct 70.
33 Memo, CofS, memo 70-392, 31 Oct 70, sub: Appointment of Special Assistant for the Modern Volunteer Army
(SAMVA). Maj Diane Dicke was assigned to the SAMVA staff.
34 MFR, SAMVA, 29 Jul 71, with Tab C, Ref Br, CMH.
35 "Army Ups Attractiveness, Downs Irritants," Armed Forces Journal, 21 Dec 70, p. 17; DA, Army Poster No. 600-20, "Haircuts," May 71;
Strength of the Army Report (DCSPER-46), Part 11, Gains and Losses, 30 Jun 71. Adm Elmo R.
Zumwalt, Jr., CNO, and Gen John D. Ryan, USAF CofS, carried out similar programs.
36 DA Msgs 918366, 31 Jul 69, sub: Brigadier General Promotion Selection Board, and 945094, 19 Mar 70, sub: Temporary Brigadier General Selection Board; SS,
DCSPER, DA, 22 Apr 70, sub: General Officer Rank for Chief Army Nurse Corps and Director
WAC. All in ODWAC Ref File, Promotion Restrictions Removed, CMH.
37 The Traveller, Fort Lee, VA, 13 Aug 70.
38 Interv, BrigGen Hoisington with the author, 3 Nov 80.
39 Ltr, Cdr, USAREC, to DCSPER, DA (ATTN: Director, Procurement and Distribution Directorate
[DPD]), 15 May 70, sub: Nonwaivable Moral and Administrative Enlistment Disqualifications for Women, and 1st
Ind, by DCSPER to Cdr, USAREC, 26 May 70, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
40 Ibid.
41 Interv, BrigGen Hoisington with the author, 3 Nov 80; Maj. Gen. Jeanne M. Holm, USAF Ret,
Women in the Military, An Unfinished Revolution (Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1982), pp. 297-301. General Holm notes that the services' judge advocates general agreed that the Air Force should yield rather than risk being forced to change all their discharge policies regarding pregnancy, parenthood, and dependency.
42 Memo, Dep Asst SecDef, M&RA (DASD M&RA), to Asst Service Secretaries, M&RA, 25 Aug 70, sub: Enlistment policies regarding women who have a child out-of-wedlock, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
43 Memo, Dep Asst SecArmy, M&RA (DASA M&RA), to Sec, General Staff, 8 Oct 70, sub: Elimination of Discriminatory Provisions in Army Regulations Pertaining to Standards of Service, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
44 Memo, Acting DCSPER, DA, to DASD M&RA, 21 Oct 70, sub: Elimination of Discriminatory Provisions in Army Regulations Pertaining to Standards of Service, and DF, DCSPER to DWAC and other directorates, 21 Oct 70, same subject, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
45 Memo, Under SecArmy to Vice CofS, 26 Oct 70, sub: Elimination of Discriminatory Provisions of Army Regulations Pertaining to Standards of Service, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
46 Tab H, Comments by the Director WAC, in Memo, DCSPER, through Vice CofS, to Under
SecArmy, 13 Nov 70, sub: Elimination of Discriminatory Provisions of Army Regulations Pertaining to Standards of Service, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
47 Memo, Dir, Military Personnel Policies (DMPP), ODCSPER, to DPD, ODCSPER, 4 Nov 70, sub: Statement of
Nonconcurrence, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards, CMH.
48 Memo, Actg DPD to DCSPER, 5 Nov 70, sub: Consideration of Nonconcurrence, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
49 Memo, DCSPER, through Vice CofS, to Under SecArmy, 13 Nov 70, sub: Elimination of Discriminatory Provisions of Army Regulations Pertaining to Standards of Service, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
50 Ibid., Tab H, Comments from the Director, WAC.
51 Memo, DWAC to Under SecArmy, 24 Nov 70, sub: Elimination of Discriminatory Provisions of Army Regulations Pertaining to Standards of Service, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
52 Interv, BrigGen Hoisington with the author, 3 Nov 80.
53 Memo, DASD M&RA [Kester] to Under SecArmy [Beal], 25 Nov 70, sub: Regulations on
WACs, and Memo, Under SecArmy to Vice CofS, 3 Dee 70, sub: Elimination of Discriminatory Provisions of Army Regulations Pertaining to Standards of Service, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
54 DF, ODCSPER, DMPP, to other ODCSPER directorates and DWAC, 12 Jan 71, sub: Change to Separation Regulations (AR 635-120 and 635-200), ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
55 Ibid., Comment 2 DWAC, 22 Jan 71 and Memo, DWAC to Under SecArmy, 5 Feb 71, Incl 5 to Memo,
DCSPER, through CofS, to Under SecArmy, 5 Feb 71, sub: Elimination of Discriminatory Provisions of Army Regulations Pertaining to Standards of Service, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination I
of WAC Enlistment Standards, CMH.
56 Memo, Vice CofS to Sec, General Staff, 11 Feb 71, no sub, and MFR ODWAC, 29 Mar 71, I sub: Resume of DWAC Conference with Generals Palmer and
Kerwin, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards, CMH.
57 Memo, DASA M&RA to See, General Staff, 25 Mar 71, sub: Elimination of Discriminatory Provisions of Army Regulations Pertaining to Standards of Service, and DA Msgs 0915282 and 2021412 Apr 71 to Maj Corns, sub: Retention on Active Duty in Cases of Pregnancy and Parenthood, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
58 DF, DCSPER to the Surgeon General of the Army (TSG), 9 Oct 70, sub: Separation Policies for Women in the Army, Comment 2, Surgeon General to
DCSPER, 15 Oct 70, ODWAC Ref File, Elimination of WAC Enlistment Standards,
59 US Bureau of Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States for 1978 (Washington, DC: GPO, 1978), p. 65.
60 Memo, Asst SecDef for Health and Environment (ASD H&E) to Surgeons General of the Services, 16 Jul 70, sub: Termination of Pregnancies in Military Facilities, ODWAC Ref File, Abortion and Family Planning,
CMH. Between 1966 and 1973, efforts by the American Civil Liberties Union and women's rights and pro-abortion groups led many states to abolish criminal penalties for abortion operations.
61 DF, TSG to DWAC, 28 Jan 71, sub: Policy for Family Planning Program, and Comment 2, DWAC to
TSG, 12 Feb 71; DF, TJAG to TSG, 18 Feb 71, same sub, and Comment 2, TSG to
DWAC, 23 Feb 71; and DA Msg (TSG) to CG, CONARC (Hospital Cdrs), 16 Feb 71, same sub. All in ODWAC Ref File, Abortion and Family Planning,
62 Public Papers, Nixon, 1971, ,p. 500; DA Msg (TSG) 0719312 Apr 71, ODWAC Ref File, Abortion and Family Planning,
63 DA Msg (TSG) 0415142 Oct 73, sub: Policy for Family Planning Program, ODWAC Ref File, Abortion and Family Planning,
CMH; AR 40-3, 17 Sep 73, Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care, CMH Library.
64 PL 95-485, Defense Appropriations, FY 79.
65 US military personnel assigned to advisory billets with the armed forces of the Republic of Vietnam were known as advisors, with an "o."
66 Ltr, BrigGen Ben Sternberg, J-1, HQ, MACV, to DWAC, 17 Nov 64, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
67 Ltr, Col Gorman to BrigGen Sternberg, 23 Nov 64, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
68 The first WAC to serve in Vietnam, 1962-63, was Maj Anne Marie Doering. The daughter of a French engineer, she was born and raised in Haiphong and was assigned to the Military Assistance Advisory Group
(MAAG) in Saigon as a plans officer. Ltr, Maj Doering to the author, 11 Feb 81.
69 Activity Rpts, Senior WAC advisor to J-1, MACV, 1965-71, and DF, Chief, WAFC Advisory Br, to Chief, Personnel Advisory Div, J-1,
MACV, 9 Nov 71, sub: Advisory Support to WAFC Director, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
CMH; Historical Report, WAC C&S, 1972, Charts of Foreign Students at WAC School, History Collection, WAC Museum. Senior advisors to the WAFC were LtCols Kathleen I. Wilkes, Judith C. Bennett, Frances V. Chaffin, Lorraine A. Rossi, Ann B. Smith, Joyce E.
Eslick. Junior advisors were Majs Charlotte Hall, Rosemary L. Davis, Catherine A.
Brajkovich. NCO advisors were MSgts Betty L. Adams, Jane O. Salzobryt, Mary E. Phillips, Evelyn Ford, Mary J. Hinton, Sylvia R.
70 ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam, CMH. The Hostile Fire Pay Act, 2 Oct 63, amended 23 Aug 65, gave US armed forces in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos additional pay of $65 a month. Stenographers arriving in Saigon early were SP7 Mary L. Curry, SgtlstCl Louise M. Farrell, SP6 Theresa A.
Catano, SP6 Ann S. Frantz, SP5 Rebecca J. Fourth, SP5 Betty E. Reid, SP5 Nana B.
Wathaw, SP6 Florence I. Woolard, and SP6 Pauline Wireman.
71 Interv, SgtlstCl Theresa A. Catano with the author, 27 Feb 81.
72 Monthly Rpt, Senior WAFC Advisor, MACV, to WAC Staff Advisor, HQ USARPAC Hawaii, "Military Women Assigned in Saigon," ODWAC Ref File, WAC Staff Advisor,
CMH; Stremlow, Women Marines, p. 91.
73 Highlights in the History of the Army Nurse Corps, 1775-1980 (Washington, DC:
CMH, 1981), p. 62. Lt Lane died of wounds received during an enemy rocket attack on the 312th Evacuation Hospital, Chu Lai, 8 June 1969.
74 Msg, CGUSARV AVA-MP 09102 090525Z Apr 66 to CINCUSARPAC, sub: WAC
Detachment-USARV, and Msg, CINCUSARPAC GPPE-MD 10344 142100Z May 66 to
ACSFOR, DA, DAIN 424595, same sub, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam, CMH. The commander of MACV commanded both MACV and USARV and had a deputy commanding general for each command.
75 Ltr, LtGen Engler to the author, 11 Apr 81.
76 DA Msg 775146, 25 Jul 66, ACSFOR DA to CINCUSARPAC and CGUSARV, sub: Establishment of HQ, USARV WAC Detachment, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
77 GO 5971, 7 Oct 66, HQ USARV, established the WAC Detachment USARV under par. 03, TD P5-2500-03 (Unit Identification Code
WIZKOIB) HQ Spec Troops, USARV, APO 96307, effective 16 Sep 66.
78 1stSgt Marion C. Crawford, "Another First for WAC," WAC Journal 3 (1972) : 8-11.
79 Ltr, Maj Peggy E. Ready to Capt Constance C. Seidemann, 6 Sep 72, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
80 Ibid.
81 Strength of the Army Reports (DCSPER 46), Part I, 1965-1972.
82 Talking papers, Col Judith C. Bennett, 18 Mar 71, and Col Alice A. Long, 20 Oct 72, ODWAC Ref File, USARPAC
83 Rpt, DWAC Visit to Vietnam, 1967, and Ltr, DWAC to Dep CofS for Personnel and Administration, HQ
USARV, 17 Oct 67, no sub., ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam, CMH. In General Cole's office, Lt Col Shirley R. Heinze and later Maj Mary Jane Grimes worked to increase unit strength, grade, and MOS spread in coordination with ODWAC and Southeast Asia Distribution Branch
(Maj Shirley M. Barnwell) of the Enlisted Personnel Directorate, DA.
84 Rpt, DWAC Visit to Vietnam, 1967; Interv, BrigGen Hoisington with the author, 3 Nov 80.
85 Ibid.
86 Interv, BrigGen Hoisington with the author, 3 Nov 80.
87 Rpt, WAC Detachment, USARV, Jan 68, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam, CMH.
88 Ltrs, Capt Murphy, Cdr, WAC Det USARV (Long Binh), to Col Hoisington, 24 Feb 68, and Col Hoisington to Capt Murphy, 7 Mar 68, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
89 Ltr, LtCol F.V. Chaffin, Senior Advisor, MACV, to DWAC, 21 Apr 68, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
90 DA Msg 910626 to HQ USARV, 28 Mar 69, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam, CMH.
91 Interv, BrigGen Hoisington with the author, 3 Nov 80.
92 Ltr, Capt Nancy J. Jurgevich, Cdr, WAC Det, USARV, to DWAC, 29 Oct 68, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
93 Monthly Rpts, WAC Det, USARV, to WAC Staff Adviser, 1967-1972, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
94 Ltr, Capt N.J. Jurgevich to Florence Land, Nat'l WAC Veterans Assoc, 20 Dec 68, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
95 Monthly Rpts, WAC Det, USARV, to WAC Staff Adviser, Mar 70, Jan 71, Jan 72, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam,
96 Interv, BrigGen Bailey with the author, 12 Aug 80.
97 New York Times, 3, 4, 5, and 10 May 70.
98 Ltr, Capt Constance C. Seidemann to LtCol Alice A. Long, WAC Staff Adviser, HQ
99 WAL` Staff Adviser, USARPAC, Historical Rpts, 1972 and 1973, ODWAC Ref File,
USARPAC, CMH. The last two WAC officers to leave Vietnam (Mar 73) were Maj Georgia A. Wise and Capt Nancy N.
100 GO 4325, HQ 1st Aviation Bde, APO 96384, 3 Jul 68.
101 Awards & Decorations for VN Duty, ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam, CMH; Ltr, Col Gloria
A.S. Olson to author, 10 May 83; GO 6216, HQ MACV, APO 96222, 31 Oct 69; GO 1132, HQ USA Support Command, Qui
Nhon, APO 96238, 8 Aug 69. Cys in ODWAC Ref File, Vietnam, CMH.
102 DA GO 83, 27 Dec 68, Vietnam Campaign Participation Credit and DA GO 54, 8 Aug 69, same sub, CMH Library.
103 Ltr, LtGen Engler to author, I1 Apr 81.
104 Interv, BrigGen Hoisington with the author, 3 Nov 80.
105 strength of the Army Reports (ODCSPER 46), Part I, 30 Jun 66 and 30 Jun 71. 106
Interv, BrigGen Hoisington with the author, 3 Nov 80.
106 Gen Westmoreland, "Remarks upon the Retirement and Award Ceremony for Brigadier General Elizabeth P. Hoisington," 31 Jul 71, ODWAC Ref File, Ceremonies,
107 Gen Westmoreland, "Remarks upon the Retirement and Award Ceremony for Brigadier General Elizabeth P. Hoisington," 31 Jul 71, ODWAC Ref File, Ceremonies,
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