- Chapter V:
- Coming To Grips With the Enemy
- American intelligence, handicapped
as it was by various circumstances, had not succeeded in ascertaining all
the salient facts regarding the enemy's forces and his plans. It had underestimated
substantially the number of Japanese soldiers on Okinawa, largely through
not taking into account the possibility of conscripting Okinawan natives.
It had also not foreseen the great concentration of Japanese troops in the
Shuri defense line or suspected its array of formidable defenses; these had
not been indicated by the aerial photographs because most of the Shuri area
had been cloud-covered during the photographic missions. But in the course
of the fighting between 4 and 14 April the real nature of the Japanese defense
on Okinawa was to become clear. In particular the 96th Division, grappling
during 9-12 April with one of the strongest enemy positions in Okinawa, was
to experience the full potency of the carefully prepared Japanese defensive
- For General Ushijima and his staff,
this was still a time of watchful waiting as they were not certain that the
pattern of the American attack was yet fully revealed. A new landing in the
Machinato-Oyama area was considered possible. A Japanese field order of 4
April noted that "the tempo of enemy operations in the Minatoga area
is increasing," and that vigilance was necessary against landings in
this sector. Above all, the Japanese were concerned over the possibility of
American operations in the Yonabaru area-either a new landing covered by American
warships already operating in Buckner Bay or, more likely, a vigorous drive
down the eastern flatlands by ground troops heavily supported by tanks and
naval guns.1
Because of these American capabilities, General Ushijima continued to follow
his basic plan of centering his main forces in and around the Shuri defenses,
leaving outposts to slow up the American attack.
- The Japanese braced themselves for
the shock of battle as XXIV Corps, after cutting the island in two, turned
south on 3 April for the drive toward Shuri. "Do your utmost," the
enemy troops were told; "the victory of the century lies
- [103]
- in this battle." 2
Orders went out to hold ground "regardless of whether the communications
are severed or any other unfavorable conditions." 3
- General Hodge ordered both his divisions
to continue the attack southward on 4 April-the 7th on the east and the 96th
on the west. The Corps' objective was the hill mass extending from Urasoe-Mura
to Hill 178 and Ouki. This was a larger assignment than anyone realized at
the time, and much blood was to be shed before it could be carried out. The
objective was not to be gained for three weeks, and then only partially.
- XXIV Corps Drives South, 4-5 April
- The 96th Division made sweeping gains
on 4 April. Its advance carried it through much of the outpost area immediately
north of the Uchitomari-Tsuwa line. In the center of the island, troops of
the 382d Infantry advanced more than two miles south from Nodake along the
division's east boundary. On the west coast, the 96th's right-flank units
swept along the flatlands from Isa to Uchitomari. Progress was only a little
slower in the division's center along Route 5. Enemy resistance, which included
artillery fire from the area to the south, varied from sniper fire to intense
machine-gun and mortar fire directed out of scattered Japanese strong points.
Rapid maneuver by infantry units supported by tanks reduced the enemy positions.
Risks were taken for the sake of rapid advance, with the result that adjacent
units often lost contact with one another, and advance elements occasionally
were cut off by fire from supporting units.4
- The deepest penetration of the Japanese
area was on the west, where the 3d Battalion, 383d Infantry, preceded by elements
of the 96th Reconnaissance Troop, drove rapidly from Isa to Uchitomari during
the morning of 4 April. Between Mashiki and Uchitomari the troops ran into
heavy fire from the south and from the ridges on their left (east). Three
medium tanks from the 763d Tank Battalion ran afoul of a carefully sited and
well-concealed 47-mm. antitank gun. Firing twenty rounds, Japanese gunners
set the three tanks afire. The enemy later described this feat as an illustration
of the effectiveness of 47-mm. guns. "Great results," Japanese combat
instructions stated, "can be
- [104]
- obtained by concealing the guns and
opening surprise fire on the tanks at close range." 5
As a result of continuing Japanese fire in the rough ground east of Mashiki
and Oyama, the 3d Battalion, 383d Infantry, pulled back under smoke to Mashiki,
where the troops dug in under artillery fire. (See Map No. VII)
- For the 96th Division, 5 April marked
the beginning of iron resistance on Okinawa. The 383d estimated at one time
during the day that its forward elements were receiving fire from 20 machine
guns and from 15 to 20 mortars, besides artillery pieces. Driving through
the green, rolling country east of the Ginowan road, the 382d unmasked a series
of fortified positions, many of them protected by mine fields. Each position
caused American casualties and required enveloping movements. Well-camouflaged
Japanese troops, supported by tanks, attacked the 1st Battalion during the
afternoon, but the attack was broken up by artillery, mortar, and machine-gun
fire. During the day, the 382d gained about 400 yards on the left (east) and
900 yards on the right.
- The 383d on the west made little progress
on 5 April. Its efforts centered on Cactus Ridge, 600 yards southeast of Mashiki,
which commanded much of the ground between Uchitomari and Oyama. An infantry
company supported by tanks made a direct assault on Cactus Ridge under heavy
fire. The ridge was protected by a tank ditch, barbed wire, and a long mine
field. When American tanks tried to pass through a gap in the mine field,
they came under 47-mm. fire. Two were hit and had to be abandoned. The infantry
soon came to a halt under almost continuous machine-gun, rifle, and mortar
fire, and were forced to withdraw.
- By the evening of 5 April the 7th
Division had pulled up almost abreast of the 96th. The 7th had fallen about
two miles behind on the preceding day, when its center elements encountered
a high, wooded ridge paralleling the coast line just west of Kuba and defended
by a group of Japanese estimated as of company strength. On this ridge a great
castle had been built in the sixteenth century by a feudal lord who chose
the commanding height as a vantage point from which he could observe movement
through this narrow part of the island. Now there remained only attractive
green terraces encased on several levels within massive stone walls intricately
pieced together by Okinawans of a former day, 10,000 of whom labored for ten
years to build this castle for their lord.6
- [105]
- XXIV CORPS TURNS SOUTH on April and meets
greater opposition. Antitank gunners of the 383d Infantry, 96th Division,
fire at Japanese positions in the Mashiki area, the approaches to Cactus
Ridge. About the same time, on the Ginowan road, men and armor of the
382d Infantry, 96th Division (below), move through a wooded area,
alert for concealed enemy positions.
- [106]
- Whatever its strength in feudal times,
the castle was good now only for one day's defense by the Japanese. On the
morning of 5 April, the 7th Division found that the heights had been deserted
before daylight. The division registered long advances during the day. The
32d Infantry moved more than two miles along the coast to a point east of
Ukuma. The 184th advanced through Arakachi, and then was brought to a standstill
by heavy and accurate fire from a rocky pinnacle located about 1,000 yards
southwest of Arakachi. Company B, 184th Infantry, assaulted the hill on the
5th but was driven back. The reduction of this position-called the Pinnacle
after a thin coral spike that rose 30 feet above the 450-foot ridge and served
as a watchtower for the Japanese-was to be the main task of the 7th Division
on the following day.
- The Pinnacle: Capture of an Outpost
- It was probably on this very hill
that a party of Americans from Commodore Perry's expedition in 1853 raised
the American flag "with hearty cheers" while exploring the island.7
The Japanese had selected the Pinnacle as an important outpost position because
it dominated the adjoining ground and afforded excellent observation in all
directions. Holding the Pinnacle was 1st Lt. Seiji Tanigawa's 1st Company,
24th Independent Infantry Battalion, composed of company headquarters
and two rifle platoons, a total of 110 men. The third platoon was a mile to
the rear in battalion reserve.
- Lieutenant Tanigawa had built his
defenses around eight light and two heavy machine guns sited at the base of
the hill. In trenches and pits riflemen well-supplied with grenades covered
the dead spaces in front of the machine guns. The defenses were connected
by the usual tunnels and trenches, affording underground mobility. On the
top of the ridge were four 50-mm. mortars, and on the reverse slope to the
south were three more. Artillery check points had been established for
62d Division field pieces to the south. Barbed wire and mine fields protected
the major approaches. Lieutenant Tanigawa could hardly have hoped to stop
the Americans, but undoubtedly he expected to make the price of victory high.
(See Map No. VIII.)
- After a 10-minute artillery preparation
on the morning of 6 April, Company B, 184th Infantry, made a frontal assault
on the Pinnacle, supported on the right (west) by Company C. Two platoons
climbed almost to the top of the ridge, but when they started dropping grenades
info caves and underground positions they stirred up a hornet's nest. The
Japanese fought back with grenades,
- [107]
- satchel charges, and mortars. The
troops held on for fifteen minutes, until mounting casualties forced a withdrawal.
An hour later another infantry assault was attempted, supported by 105-mm.
artillery, light tank fire, antitank guns, heavy machine guns, 60-mm. and
81-mm. mortars, 4.2-inch chemical mortars, and bazookas; but the attack was
again stopped by Japanese who hid underground during the heavy fire and then
rushed back to their firing positions to meet the oncoming Americans.
- For the third attack of the morning,
Lt. Col. Daniel G. Maybury, commanding the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry,
decided to push Company C up a draw just beyond the ridge used by Company
B, but the latter was still expected to seize the peak. Company B moved up
the ridge quickly to catch the enemy out of his holes, but again the troops
were driven back. Company C was now working its way up the western approaches
along a difficult but partially covered route. Lieutenant Tanigawa had directed
the repulse of Company B from the Pinnacle watchtower but he did not know
of Company C's approach on his flank. Colonel Maybury directed supporting
fire in front of Company C, which quickly moved to the top without losing
a man. It then proceeded leisurely and methodically to destroy the remaining
Japanese with white phosphorus grenades and flame throwers. Only 20 of the
110 defenders escaped to the south. With the Pinnacle reduced, the entire
7th Division line could move forward.
- The Pinnacle had been a tough position
to crack, yet it was only an outpost. The Pinnacle was undermanned, and no
reinforcements were provided. During the action Lieutenant Tanigawa pleaded
with his superiors for artillery support, but he was provided with neither
the artillery nor an explanation of the refusal. By 6-7 April the XXIV Corps
had unmasked the Shuri fortified zone, composed of many positions as fanatically
defended as Pinnacle outpost and also heavily supported by artillery and fed
by an almost endless stream of reinforcements from local reserve units.
- XXIV Corps Halted on the West,
6-8 April
- Assault units of the XXIV Corps had
by 6 April penetrated the outposts held by the 12th Independent Infantry
Battalion and were in contact with two other battalions of the 63d
Brigade of the 62d Division. In general, the 13th Independent
Infantry Battalion faced the 96th Division; the 14th opposed the
7th Division; and remnants of the 12th, which had suffered heavily in its
outpost actions to the north, straddled the division boundary in the center
of the island. The Japanese Independent Infantry Battalion was well
adapted for outpost action. Each of its five rifle companies was equipped
with nine light machine
- [108]
- EAST COAST BATTLES of the 184th Infantry, 7th Division,
in early April centered about the hill called the Pinnacle. Its western
approaches, over which Company C moved to capture it, are shown above.
At high point on right is watchtower. From the Pinnacle the 2d Battalion,
184th, attacked toward Tomb Hill along the finger ridge shown in the center
of the picture below. A white phosphorus shell had just burst on the hill
- [109]
- guns and nine grenade dischargers;
the machine gun company operated ten heavy machine guns; and the infantry
gun company was furnished with two 75-mm. regimental guns and two 70-mm. howitzers.
Each of the three battalions had originally a strength of about 900, but Okinawan
conscripts and Boeitai swelled the total to approximately 1,200. 8
- On 6 April the strong enemy positions
on Cactus Ridge continued to hold up the Corps' west flank. An air strike
early in the morning put bombs squarely on the ridge, but the assaulting troops
of the g6th Division found enemy fire as intense as ever. The 2d Battalion,
383d Infantry, made frontal assaults through intense mortar fire to gain the
ridge. "We figured," S/Sgt. Francis M. Rall later wrote, "that
the way to get out of that knee mortar fire was to get to where it was coming
from. So we stood up in waves, firing everything we had and throwing hand
grenades by the dozen, and charged the Jap position." 9
By such tactics the 2d Battalion gained the western half of Cactus. On the
next day, 7 April, more American "banzai charges" won the rest of
the ridge.
- The capture of Cactus Ridge brought
the 383d Infantry up against the formidable Japanese positions in the Kakazu
area. On 7 and 8 April the regiment pushed down toward Kakazu Ridge, supported
by planes, light and medium artillery, and naval gunfire from the battleship
New York. Col. E. T. May, commanding the 383d, at this time had no
conception of the enemy's strength on Kakazu. Small-scale attacks along the
approaches to Kakazu by the 1st Battalion on 7 and 8 April failed with heavy
losses. Spigot mortar fire was met on the 8th for the first time. The 320-mm.
shells had little fragmentation effect but a terrific concussion and dug craters
fifteen feet across and eight feet deep. The spigot mortar shells were dubbed
"flying box cars" by the American troops, who claimed that they
were able to see the huge missiles in time to run to safety.
- From 6 to 8 April the 382d Infantry
advanced slowly east of the Ginowan road. The enemy fought stubbornly from
hilly ground north and west of Kaniku and delivered heavy fire from his strong
positions on Tombstone Ridge, just south of Kaniku, and from Nishibaru Ridge,
southwest of Tombstone. Quantities of rifle, machine-gun, mortar, and artillery
fire were poured on the troops as they moved south. Savage hand-to-hand encounters
marked the slow progress of the regiment, which suffered numerous casualties.
By night of 8 April the
- [110]
- regiment was strung out on a wide
front just north of Kaniku and Tombstone Ridge. Heavy fire from the front,
from the Kakazu area on the right (west), and from its exposed left (east)
flank, where the 184th was slowed by strong opposition, had brought the 382d
virtually to a dead stop.
- XXIV Corps Halted on the East,
7-9 April
- After the fall of the Pinnacle, the
184th Infantry continued to move southward over broken eroded ground on its
right (west) and rocky finger ridges on the left. On the flatlands along the
coast the 32d Infantry advanced with little difficulty, keeping contact with
the 184th. Only when forward elements of the 32d tried to push out ahead of
the 184th in force did its assault units encounter aggressive Japanese opposition,
in the form of heavy fire from the heights on the right. Thus the rate of
advance of the 184th governed that of the XXIV Corps' left. By 7 April it
was clear to the 7th Division commander, studying the ground ahead from his
observation post on the Pinnacle, that the 184th was now meeting the main
Japanese defenses.
- The fighting in the 7th Division's
sector on 7 April centered on a low, bare hill 1,000 yards west of the town
of Minami-Uebaru, called Red Hill because of its color. The enemy had made
a fortress of the hill by constructing his usual system of caves and connecting
trenches. A frontal assault on Red Hill by troops of the 3d Battalion, 184th
Infantry, failed in the face of machine-gun and mortar fire. In a second attempt,
three platoons of tanks supported the attack. Ten medium and five light tanks
advanced through a cut toward Red Hill; two tanks were blown up by mines and
one was satchel-charged as the column moved toward the hill and up the sides.
Intense enemy artillery and machine-gun fire drove the infantry back and disabled
more tanks. Japanese swarmed in among the armor and tried to destroy the tanks
with satchel charges and flaming rags. Two medium tanks held off the attackers,
the defending crews resorting to hand grenades, while the rest of the operative
tanks withdrew.10
- The 14th Independent Infantry
Battalion headquarters proudly described this action as a perfect example
of how to separate troops from tanks and thus break up the American infantry-tank
team. The enemy dispatch stated: "The above method of isolating the troops
from the tanks with surprise fire followed by close combat tactics is an example
in the complete destruction of enemy tanks and will be a great factor in deciding
the victories of tank warfare."11
- [111]
- After these two reversals the 3d Battalion,
184th, made a wide enveloping maneuver to the right. Behind fire from artillery
and supporting weapons, the troops drove toward Red Hill from the west and
occupied it, suffering only two casualties in the move. Once more a Japanese
outpost had shown its strength against a frontal attack and its vulnerability
to a flanking maneuver. The capture of Red Hill left another sector of enemy
territory open for the taking. The troops advanced 100 yards south before
digging in. A platoon of tanks conducted a remarkable 4,000-yard foray almost
to Hill 178 and withdrew safely, despite a bombing attack by two single-engined
Japanese planes.
- The 184th continued to make the main
effort on the Corps' east flank during the next two days, 8 and 9 April. Two
formidable enemy positions built around strong points lay between Red Hill
and Hill 178-Tomb Hill, 1,000 yards northwest of Ouki, and Triangulation Hill,
1,000 yards northwest of Tomb Hill. Enemy artillery fire was the heaviest
yet encountered by the 7th Division. Tank-infantry teams were the special
target of the Japanese shells. The heavy enemy fire drove off infantry and
demolished tanks; then the attacking Japanese satchel-charged the exposed
tanks and bayoneted crews when they tried to escape. The enemy reoccupied
abandoned tanks and converted them into pillboxes.
- Triangulation Hill fell on 8 April
after two bloody assaults. Tomb Hill, so named after the numerous burial vaults
along its sides, held out until the 9th, when infantry and tanks, closely
supported by artillery and planes, managed to seize and hang onto the crest
of the hill. Its capture enabled the Sad to seize finger ridges east of Tomb
Hill that dominated the approaches to Ouki. Japanese clung tenaciously to
the reverse slope of Tomb Hill, and direct enemy observation from Hill 178,
now only 1,500 yards to the southwest, hindered the efforts to clean out the
area south of Tomb Hill.
- An ambitious flanking maneuver around
the Japanese right (east) was tried on the loth, but it was a dismal failure.
The 7th Division had come up against the hard rim of the Shuri fortified zone,
and maneuver was impossible. The 7th now paused, while the XXIV Corps made
its main effort in the Kakazu area.
- The Japanese outpost units had done
their work well. They had held the XXIV Corps off from the Shuri fortified
zone for eight days. For its work during this and later periods, the 14th
Independent Infantry Battalion was cited by Lt. Gen. Takeo Fujioka, commander
of the 62d Division, who stated: "Burning with the determination
to annihilate the enemy, the soldiers carried
- [112]
- out counterattacks, followed by close
combat, and crushed the continuously reinforced enemy who was attacking with
fierce artillery and bombardment." 12
By the night of 8 April, XXIV Corps had suffered 1,510 battle casualties and
had accounted for 4,489 Japanese killed and 13 captured.13
The 96th had taken the bulk of the American casualties and was about to suffer
further serious losses in abortive attempts to reduce the Kakazu positions.
- On 8 April Colonel May ordered the
1st and 3d Battalions of the 383d Infantry to seize the Kakazu hill mass the
next day, and on the morning of 9 April the two battalions were drawn up in
position for the attack. (See Map No. IX.)
- The Japanese-held area in front of
the 383d Infantry offered the enemy an ideal combination of defensive features.
A deep moat, a hill studded with natural and man-made positions, a cluster
of thick-walled buildings behind the hill these were the basic elements of
Kakazu stronghold. The enemy had exploited each one of them. Moreover, Kakazu,
unlike such outposts as the Pinnacle, was an integral element of the Shuri
fortified zone and a vital rampart that could expect reinforcements and heavy
fire support from within the ring of positions that surrounded the 32d
Army headquarters, only 4,000 yards to the south.
- The 1st and 3d Battalions were drawn
up on the high ground several hundred yards northeast of the main hill of
Kakazu. Between the Americans and Kakazu lay a deep gorge, half hidden by
trees and brush, which could be crossed only with difficulty. The Kakazu hill
mass itself, on the other side of this gorge, stretched northwest-southeast
for 2,000 yards, sloping on the west toward the coastal flat and ending on
the east at Highway 5. Kakazu was made up of two hills connected by a saddle.
On the east was the larger of the two hills, about 500 yards long and topped
by a fairly level strip of land averaging 25 yards in width; it came to be
known to the American troops as Kakazu Ridge. At the western end of this ridge
was a north-south saddle, sloping gently up toward the south. This saddle
was dotted with tombs, as were the sides of Kakazu Ridge. West of the saddle
was another portion of the Kakazu hill mass, forming the head of a T in relation
to Kakazu Ridge, and stretching north-south for about 250 yards. This hill
was later called "Crocker's Hill" by the 27th Division, but to the
- [113]
- KAKAZU WEST and the west end of Kakazu Ridge, viewed
from high ground north of the gorge. tombs used by the 1st Battalion,
381st Infantry, 96th Division, and a Japanese cave position can be seen.
Below are caves along north slope of Kakazu West used by the 2d Battalion,
381st, while entrenched on the reverse slope of the knob.
- [114]
- it came to be known as "Kakazu
West." On the northern slope of Kakazu West the ground fell away sharply
in a steep cliff pockmarked with caves; on the east it was steep but not precipitous.
- Kakazu was not formidable in appearance.
It was not high, nor jagged, nor especially abrupt. Kakazu was overshadowed
by the Urasoe-Mura Escarpment, 500 yards to the south, which, from the position
of the American forces, seemed like a towering, insurmountable cliff, preventing
passage beyond. Compared to Urasoe-Mura, Kakazu was simply an ugly, squat
hill, originally covered with vegetation but soon left only with bare tree
trunks standing gaunt against the skyline. Just below Kakazu Ridge on the
southeast was the town of Kakazu, a compact group of tile-roofed structures,
each surrounded by hedges and stone walls and somewhat in defilade to the
adjoining open fields.
- In and around the Kakazu hills the
Japanese had created one of their strongest positions on Okinawa. Mortars
dug in on the reverse slope were zeroed-in on the gorge and on vulnerable
areas between the gorge and the crest of Kakazu. Several spigot mortars also
protected the hill. In an intricate system of coordinated pillboxes, tunnels,
and caves Japanese machine guns were sited to cover all avenues of approach.
The enemy was also supported by many artillery pieces within the Shuri fortified
zone. The heavy walls and the hedges of the town of Kakazu-and eventually
its rubble-afforded the Japanese countless defensive positions.
- The 1st Battalion of the 383d, commanded
by Lt. Col. Byron F. King, was to capture Kakazu Ridge; the 3d Battalion,
commanded by Lt. Col. Edward W. Stare, was to take Kakazu West.14
The companies were to attack before dawn without an artillery preparation
in order to surprise the enemy. The men had only a vague conception of the
ground over which they were to attack. The air photographs and maps were inaccurate
or lacking in detail. From the jump-off position the gorge between the men
and Kakazu was not visible.
- Rifle Companies Storm Kakazu
- The predawn darkness hid the movement
of the troops as they moved out. From east to west the companies were C and
A of the 1st Battalion and L and 1 of the 3d Battalion. Companies C and A
crossed the gorge, picked their way up the slopes of Kakazu Ridge, and were
on the top by dawn without being discovered. Company L's forward elements
killed several Japanese on the way up Kakazu West without arousing the bulk
of the defenders. Company 1 on
- [115]
- the far west was delayed in its jump-off
and by daylight was in open ground 150 yards south of Uchitomari.
- Shortly after 0600 the enemy was alerted.
A lone Japanese in a pillbox spotted Company A and opened fire. Almost immediately
a terrific hail of mortar fire fell along the entire front, punctuated by
staccato bursts from machine guns. The Americans were in poor positions. Most
of Companies A and C were on the ridge, but they had separated in the approach
and had not yet regained contact. Likewise there was no contact between Company
A and Company L, which was part way up Kakazu West. Company L at first escaped
most of the fire, which blanketed the gorge after L had crossed it, but the
same fire cut off Company 1 in the open ground to the west and thus left L
isolated on Kakazu West.
- While the men of Companies A and C
huddled in holes on the crest and forward (northeast) slopes of Kakazu Ridge
to escape the murderous fire, Company L made a dash to gain the top of Kakazu
West. In the face of machinegun fire 1st Lt. Willard F. Mitchell, commander
of Company L, a stocky Louisianian whose favorite expression was "Watch
out! Here comes `the Hoss' and God's on the Hoss's side," urged his men
to the top. They made it with fixed bayonets and immediately became engaged
in a close-quarters fight that was to last all morning.
- Just as Company L gained the top of
Kakazu West the situation was becoming desperate on Kakazu Ridge. The Japanese
charged through their own mortar barrage into the American lines. Hand-to-hand
fighting, especially in Company A's section, raged without a lull until 0745.
Since the support platoons were pinned down in the open ground between the
gorge and the hill, reinforcement was impossible; yet more and more of the
enemy closed in.
- Capt. Jack A. Royster, commander of
Company A, reported that it would be forced to withdraw or would be wiped
out unless reinforcements could be brought up or the 3d Battalion could come
abreast on the right (west).15
He evidently did not know that only Company L of the 3d Battalion had made
the top of Kakazu West and that it was now fighting for its life. Company
B was ordered to move up behind A but was stopped by the fire blanketing the
gorge. The enemy was keeping over the gorge a curtain of steel and explosive
which prevented more Americans from moving up, while Japanese counterattacking
elements were attempting to finish off the small force on the top.
- [116]
- "Hold the Ridge at All Costs!"
- At 0830 Company C was being heavily
attacked on its exposed left (east) flank. Colonel King, 1st Battalion commander,
had ordered Captain Royster to hold at all costs, but now knew that the game
was up. He radioed Colonel May:
- Have 50 men on ridge. Support elements
pinned down. Heavy concentrations of mortars and artillery being laid down
on troops beside MG crossfire. If we do not get reinforcements, we will have
to withdraw.16
- Colonel May was acting under a division
field order which called for a "vigorous" attack to the south.17
He was unwilling to relinquish his toe hold on Kakazu; to do so meant giving
up vital high ground. Furthermore, he felt that the 1st Battalion would lose
as many men in attempting a retreat as in trying to hang on. Colonel May therefore
radioed to the 1st Battalion:
- Sending G Company to reinforce you
. . . if the Battalion CO is jumpy, have the executive officer take over.
Hold the ridge at all costs.18
- He then ordered the ad Battalion to
fill the gap between the 1st and 3d Battalions by sending Company G forward.
Company G, however, was 1,000 yards to the rear and did not arrive in time
to help the 1st Battalion out.
- Up on Kakazu Ridge, Captain Royster
felt his position was untenable. Although almost blind from a mortar burst,
he kept rallying his men until a smoke barrage gave them concealment for the
move back. The first smoke from a chemical company blew over the lines, but
at 1000 it was effective enough for C and A to begin their withdrawal. A rear
guard held the crest while the wounded men were carried out. The remaining
troops on Kakazu, along with those who had been pinned down in the open ground
near the gorge, moved back through mortar fire.
- The first members of A and C to reach
the gorge were met there at 1030 by Capt. John C. Van Vulpen of Company B,
who had been trying to move up to reinforce them. Under orders from battalion
to attack, Captain Van Vulpen led the forty-six able-bodied men of his company
up the south bank of the gorge onto the open ground. They had gone only a
few yards when a hail of mortar shells and machine-gun fire wounded seven
of the men. Advance was impossible as the enemy had both the gorge and the
area north of the gorge under artillery and mortar fire. During the afternoon
the survivors of the three companies
- [117]
- straggled back to the battalion lines.
For many the trip was a nightmare of hairbreadth escapes; the battalion surgeon
considered none of the survivors fit for further duty.
- Company L Fights On
- With the withdrawal of Companies C
and A during the morning of 9 April, Company L was the sole American unit
on Kakazu. Lieutenant Mitchell and his men held the northernmost of two knolls
that made up Kakazu West. Although Mitchell and his men had seized enough
of the saddle to set up machine guns in its slight defilade, they were unable
to seize the southern knoll. The Japanese, who were making their main effort
against Companies C and A on Kakazu Ridge, were unable to push the Americans
off the northern knoll of Kakazu West, although they drove in close enough
to engage in hand-grenade and even satchel-charge duels.
- About noon the enemy apparently realized
that the American force on Kakazu West was not as strong as its fierce resistance
had seemed to indicate. He launched four hard counterattacks during the afternoon
with forces of from platoon to company strength. The Japanese infantry attacked
through their own mortar fire, throwing potato mashers and satchel charges.
Lieutenant Mitchell's booming voice could be heard above the din of battle
as he directed the defense.
- Heroism was commonplace on Kakazu
West that afternoon. Both machine gunners took their weapons out into the
open for better fields of fire; one of them, Sgt. James Pritchard, fired six
boxes of ammunition and killed many Japanese charging up the west slopes of
Kakazu West before he was mortally wounded. When ammunition was exhausted
in the mortar section, which was supporting the company from a position at
the base of the steep cliff on the north of Kakazu West, S/Sgt. Erby L. Boyd,
section leader, volunteered to go to the rear through the fire-swept gorge
for more ammunition. He was killed in the attempt. Pfc. Joseph Solch stood
up in full view of the enemy and emptied three BAR clips into their midst,
killing fifteen Japanese. Solch was the only survivor of six men who earlier
in the day had knocked out a spigot mortar at the base of the reverse slope
of Kakazu West, after watching four enemy soldiers pull the huge launcher
out of a cave on a 40-foot track, fire the mortar, and pull the launcher back
into the cave.
- Desperate efforts to relieve the pressure
on Company L were fruitless. Colonel May had ordered the ad Battalion to send
Company G on Kakazu
- [118]
- between L on Kakazu West and A on
Kakazu Ridge. Company G did not reach the gorge until midafternoon. By this
time Company 1, which had been pinned down in the open area just south of
Uchitomari, had managed to work its way forward by one's and two's to more
covered positions. Together Companies 1 and G tried at 1400 to reach L's left
(east) flank. But because of heavy Japanese fire they were not able to cross
the ravine. The enemy's curtain of fire along the gorge was still impassable.
- Retreat From Kakazu West
- By 1600 Lieutenant Mitchell realized
that his position was hopeless. Of eighty-nine men who had reached the top
of Kakazu West, fifteen had now been killed and only three were uninjured.
One man had just been blown thirty feet into the air by what Lieutenant Mitchell
suspected was American naval gunfire. Worst of all, the company was almost
out of ammunition. Those who still had a few rounds had obtained them by stripping
the dead and wounded of ammunition; others had none at all. The machine guns
stood idle, their belts empty. The last counterattack at 1530 had been launched
by from 100 to 150 Japanese, and Lieutenant Mitchell knew that his small force
could not withstand another such onslaught.
- Deciding to withdraw, Lieutenant Mitchell
called for supporting fires, and these were expertly handled. The 4.2-inch
chemical smoke on the south side of Kakazu West was interspersed with high
explosive artillery shells to keep the enemy pinned down. Under cover of the
smoke the survivors of Company L pulled back off the hill to the gorge, carrying
their wounded with them. Lieutenant Mitchell then had the concentration moved
to the top and north slopes of Kakazu West. Nevertheless Japanese machine
gunners, firing blindly into the smoke, killed two of the men on the way back.
- It had been a black day for the 383d
Infantry. The regiment had suffered 326 casualties-23 killed, 256 wounded,
47 missing.19
The 1st Battalion was at half strength and was considered ineffective. Colonel
May had relieved Colonel King of the 1st Battalion and had placed the battalion's
executive officer, Maj. Kenny W. Erickson, in command. Company L had only
thirty-eight men left, including the company headquarters. The regiment had
gained no ground. However, it had killed about 420 of the enemy. Company L
was later awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation for its tenacity in holding
on against great odds. 20
- [119]
- "Powerhouse Attack" on
Kakazu, 10 April
- Even before the attack of 9 April
disintegrated, Brig. Gen. Claudius M. Easley, assistant division commander,
Colonel May, commander of the 383d, and Col. M. E. Halloran, commander of
the 381st, had met at the 383d command post to plan a "powerhouse attack"
for 10 April 21
One regiment had assailed Kakazu unsuccessfully on 9 April; now two regiments
were to do the job, under the direction of General Easley. The 381st was to
assault Kakazu West from positions south of Uchitomari; the 383d was to attack
Kakazu Ridge from positions north of the gorge. (See Map No. X.)
- No tanks wore to move out with the
assault battalions. They could not negotiate the gorge at the base of Kakazu;
if the tanks tried to make a wide flanking move on the right (west) south
of Uchitomari, they would encounter a jumble of rice paddies and terraced
fields under direct fire from the enemy; similarly a wide sweep on the left,
east of the deepest part of the gorge, would bring the tanks into the open,
fire-swept ground where the 382d was inching ahead. As a result, the infantry-tank
team, which proved to be so indispensable a weapon in the final reduction
of the Shuri defenses, could not be used in the attack on Kakazu. The two
regiments, however, were to have exceptionally heavy artillery support from
seven battalions of field artillery, including Marine battalions attached
to the 96th. 22
Naval gunfire and three squadrons of Navy fighter planes were also on call.
- Artillery opened a t5-minute preparation
at 0645 on 10 April, but, as General Easley felt that it had not fallen close
enough to the lines to be effective, he ordered another i5-minute bombardment.
The 2d Battalion, 381st Infantry, then jumped off from the outskirts of Uchitomari
toward Kakazu West; it soon came under intense mortar and machine-gun fire.
The 1st Battalion, 381st, moved up behind the ad. At first the 383d met little
resistance; thus during the morning the attack on Kakazu revolved around the
efforts of the 381st.
- A part of the 2d Battalion, 381st
Infantry, soon was pinned down by fire in the open area north of the gorge-about
the same place where Company 1, 3834, had been stopped on the previous day-but
some troops managed to reach it. Already the enemy had his curtain of fire
established along the length of the gorge, and the men of the 2d Battalion
were forced to cling to overhanging rocks on the south side to escape the
fire. A heavy mortar barrage dropped on the gorge as more troops moved up.
- [120]
- At 0805 leading elements of the 2d
Battalion moved out of the gorge and started up the north slope of Kakazu
West in a skirmish line. Resistance was not strong; machine guns on the crest
of Kakazu West were knocked out by small flanking movements. By 0930 the troops
were on the crest of Kakazu West, where they hastily consolidated their position,
knowing that Company L of the 383d had been forced off this very height on
the previous day. Soon two companies were on the hill. Here they waited for
the 383d to move up on their left (east) flank onto Kakazu Ridge.
- Checkmate at Kakazu Ridge
- The 383d, however, was not making
much progress. Both battalions, the 3d on the right (west) and the 2d on the
left, advanced until they were stopped by enemy fire just short of the gorge,
which on 10 April, as on 9 April, was the dominant element of the action.
Although Colonel May believed that enemy fire was negligible and radioed both
battalions to move forward toward Kakazu Ridge, the battalions could not advance.23
As a result, both battalions became involved in flanking movements. Part of
the 2d Battalion never left the area north of the gorge, but other elements
moved southeast along the Uchitomari Kaniku road, turned right (south) on
Highway 5, and infiltrated through houses along the highway to flank the gorge.
They were still no better off, however, for the enemy had the open area here
under control by fire. The 2d Battalion stayed in this position, at the eastern
end of the gorge in front of Kakazu Ridge, for the rest of the day.
- When stopped at the gorge, the 3d
Battalion, 383d Infantry, made a flanking move in a direction opposite to
that taken by the 2d Battalion, moving west toward the 381st regimental sector.
The 3d Battalion managed to cross the gorge at the north base of Kakazu West
in the 381st sector. It then attacked up the north slopes of that hill, connecting
with the 2d Battalion, 381st, in the latter's sector on the northeast side.
By 1100 elements of the 381st and 383d held the top of Kakazu West, its northern
slopes, and part of the saddle between Kakazu West and Kakazu Ridge. The hold
was none too secure, for the enemy had troops available for counterattack
and was placing intermittent machine-gun and mortar fire on Kakazu West.
- Kakazu Ridge was still unconquered.
About noon the 2d Battalion, 383d, attacked east along the saddle connecting
Kakazu Ridge and Kakazu West, in an effort to take the ridge. The attempt
was abortive; the troops advanced about
- [121]
- KAKAZU GORGE from the saddle between Kakazu Ridge and Kakazu West,
giving an idea of its depth. Path shown was used by the 381st Infantry,
96th Division, to reach Kakazu hills. (Photo taken some time after action.)
- [122]
- 100 yards and then were pinned down
by machine-gun and mortar fire from Kakazu Ridge. It was now raining, and
movement was more difficult than ever. The 2d Battalion, 381st, tried to push
south along the crest of Kakazu West in order to gain ground dominating the
town of Kakazu and the reverse slope of Kakazu Ridge. The troops made a small
gain; then quickly a vicious counterattack drove them back to their original
positions on the north knob of Kakazu West.
- At this point the struggle for Kakazu
had become a stalemate. The Japanese had stopped the American troops, but
they could not mount enough power to drive them off Kakazu as they had done
the previous day. The Americans were facing a situation that was to be repeated
many times on Okinawa: the enemy had more strength on the reverse slope of
the hill than on the crest or forward slope, since on the reverse slope he
had considerable concealment and cover from hostile fire.
- The situation was now critical, for
the 3d Battalion, 383d, had suffered many casualties during the day, especially
among the small-unit commanders, and was now being vigorously attacked. At
1345 General Easley attempted to break the deadlock. He ordered the 1st Battalion,
381st Infantry, to pass through the right (west) flank of the 383d in the
saddle, and instructed the latter to hold on until help arrived.
- By 1400 the 1st Battalion, 381st,
was on the move in a column of companies, following the same route of approach
that had been used by the ad Battalion in the morning. About half the battalion
was across the gorge when the enemy again placed his prearranged mortar concentrations
and machine-gun fire on this vulnerable point. Cut off from some of their
supporting elements, the forward troops of the 1st Battalion made their way
up the steep slopes of Kakazu West in the pouring rain. Some of the near elements
later joined them; others never reached Kakazu West that day.
- At about 1530 the 1st Battalion of
the 381st finally arrived to relieve the 3d Battalion of the 383d in the saddle.
But it was too late for an effective relief. A part of the 3d Battalion had
given way before the fierce enemy attack, and the relieving troops discovered
a horde of Japanese where they had expected to find only Americans. Nevertheless,
the 1st Battalion attacked southeast along Kakazu Ridge. The attack was not
delivered -in strength, however, and it failed. Later, some of the elements
of the 1st Battalion which were cut off at the gorge rejoined the unit, and
by darkness the troops had worked their way up the north slopes of Kakazu
Ridge to within twenty yards of the crest.
- [123]
- The Enemy Clings to Kakazu Ridge,
11-12 April
- Under regimental orders to seize Kakazu
Ridge, the 1st Battalion, 381st Infantry, attacked across the saddle at 0700
on 21 April. The troops worked up the western slope of the ridge but then
came under severe flat trajectory gunfire from the area south of Kakazu and
under high-angle mortar fire from the reverse (southern) slope of Kakazu Ridge.
The Japanese also threw satchel charges at them from the crest of Kakazu Ridge.
Although the attacking troops were supported by fire from the top of Kakazu
West, they finally were forced to dig in short of the crest of the ridge.
Here the enemy made two sharp counterattacks, which were stopped mainly by
one man, T/Sgt. Alfred C. Robertson. With BAR, rifle, grenades, bayonet, and
trench knife Robertson killed about twenty-eight of the enemy, and in addition
directed mortar fire when his radio operator was seriously wounded.
- The 3d Battalion, 383d Infantry, spent
the morning in its position on the north slope of the saddle, receiving rations
and ammunition brought through the gorge under heavy fire. At 1300 this battalion,
with the 1st Battalion, 381st, on the right (southwest), drove up the northwest
slopes of Kakazu Ridge. Since the commander of the 1st had been unable to
cross the gorge, Colonel Stare, commander of the 3d Battalion, directed the
- After advancing about 150 yards the
attacking troops came under severe mortar and machine-gun fire from the crest
and reverse slope of Kakazu Ridge. Even heavier fire was coming from the reverse
(south) slope of Kakazu West, which was still in enemy hands. Colonel Stare
decided that his assault could continue only if the ad Battalion of the 381st,
occupying the northern part of the top of Kakazu West, attacked and destroyed
the Japanese who still clung to the southern portion of Kakazu West.
- Through heavy fire Colonel Stare made
his way to the 2d Battalion command post to plan this attack with Lt. Col.
Russell Graybill, ad Battalion commander. Just as the attack was about to
be launched the Japanese counterattacked on Kakazu West, and Colonel Graybill's
men had all they could do to hold their positions. Colonel Stare then called
off further attacks on Kakazu Ridge and ordered casualties evacuated under
a smoke screen. The two battalions on the northwest slopes of Kakazu Ridge
drew back to their original positions. Once again the enemy had retained his
grip on the main portions of Kakazu.
- During the night of 11-12 April the
Japanese bombarded the Uchitomari Kakazu area with huge mortar shells, some
of them 320-mm. One fell squarely on the aid station of the 1st Battalion
of the 381st, killing the two medical
- [124]
- officers and eleven soldiers and wounding
nine others. On 12 April the 96th Division made its final attempt to take
Kakazu. After planes bombed and rocketed the crest and reverse slope of Kakazu
Ridge, the 1st Battalion, 381st, attacked up the northwest slopes of the ridge.
The Japanese waited for the planes to leave and then opened up with one of
the heaviest mortar concentrations the 96th had ever met. For over an hour
mortar shells burst on the rocky slopes at a rate faster than one a second.
Three times the troops of the 381st attacked; each time, in the face not only
of this mortar fire, but also of machine-gun and rifle fire, grenades, and
satchel charges, the attack disintegrated. The battalion lost forty-five men.
Although the mortar fire stopped as soon as the Americans pulled back, the
enemy was still very much in control of the situation on Kakazu Ridge.
- In the midst of the bitter struggle
for the Shuri line the troops received almost unbelievable news. Early on
12 April word flashed through the bivouac areas and along the front lines
on Okinawa that President Roosevelt had died. The enemy also heard the news,
and attempted to capitalize on it. Shortly afterward a Japanese propaganda
leaflet was found which stated:
- We must express our deep regret over
the death of President Roosevelt. The "American Tragedy" is now
raised here at Okinawa with his death. You must have seen 70% of your CV's
and 73% of your B's sink or be damaged causing 150,000 casualties. Not only
the late President but anyone else would die in the excess of worry to hear
such an annihilative damage. The dreadful loss that led your late leader to
death will make you orphans on this island. The Japanese special attack corps
will sink your vessels to the last destroyer. You will witness it realized
in the near future.24
- American Attack on the East Flank
Halted, 10-12 April
- While elements of the 96th Division
were attempting fruitlessly to take Kakazu Ridge, other elements of that division,
together with units of the 7th Division, were trying to continue the advance
on the east flank that had begun with the success of the 184th Infantry on
8-9 April. The capture of Tomb Hill by the 184th on 9 April, after an infantry
attack supported by the massed fire of mortars and guns, made it possible
for the 7th Division to advance several hundred yards on 9 and 10 April. The
32d Infantry continued to push ahead on the east along the flat coastal plain,
while the 184th moved along the rough high ground farther inland. Despite
bad weather conditions the troops were supported by naval gunfire and artillery.
Enemy resistance was stiffening.
- [125]
- Japanese artillery fire increased
in intensity, and the 7th experienced several small but well-organized counterattacks.
(See Map No. XI.)
- On 10 and 11 April the Sad Infantry
tried to advance into the town of Ouki, while the 184th on the heights warded
off small counterattacks, sealed up caves, and consolidated its positions.
The Japanese had made Ouki into a strong point, covered by their artillery
and protected on the north by a well-laid mine field, pillboxes, and trenches.
A chill, penetrating rain made advance difficult and the troops miserable.
The 2d Battalion of the Sad, coordinating with the 184th Infantry on the west,
moved slowly over a series of small spurs overlooking the plain, while the
1st Battalion of the Sad advanced against Ouki below.
- On 11 April troops of the 1st Battalion
entered Ouki on the heels of an artillery preparation, killing forty-five
Japanese soldiers in the attack. The supporting tanks, however, were held
up by a mined antitank ditch north of Ouki. Japanese heavy weapons opened
up on the tanks and mine-clearing squads, cutting off the troops in Ouki from
their supporting elements just as they had done in the Kakazu fight when they
covered the gorge with fire. The troops in Ouki had to retreat from their
exposed position. On is April the 1st Battalion sent patrols into Ouki, and
the 2d Battalion reconnoitered Ishin, 400 yards to the west, but neither made
advances. The 7th Division lines were now stabilized a few hundred yards northeast
of Hill 178, a strongly held enemy position.25
- The 382d Infantry of the 96th Division,
in the center of the XXIV Corps line, also came to a standstill during 9-12
April. The 382d had three battalions on line by 10 April-the 2d on the right
(west), the 1st in the center, and the 3d on the left. On the west the 2d
Battalion tied in loosely with the 383d Infantry on Highway 5; on the east
a large gap lay between the 184th Infantry of the 7th Division and the 382d.
The terrain fronting the 382d was notable for its irregularity but had a few
prominent features lending themselves to defense. The enemy had fortified
Tombstone Ridge, a long low hill running northeast southwest just south of
Kaniku, as well as high ground south of Nishibaru. Kakazu Ridge extended across
much of the regiment's right (west) front; and the upper part of the gorge,
east of Highway 5, was an effective obstacle even if less precipitous here
than on the other side of the highway north of Kakazu.
- The main effort of the 382d during
this period was made on 10 April, while the 381st and 383d on the west were
attempting their "powerhouse" attack on
- [126]
- Kakazu. The 382d attacked southwest
with three battalions in line. On the west the ad Battalion advanced several
hundred yards and crossed the gorge, only to halt in the face of heavy fire
from its front and flanks. On the regimental left (east) the 3d Battalion
gained one of the knobs east of Tombstone Ridge, but continual rain, which
bogged down the tanks and decreased visibility, combined with heavy enemy
mortar, machine-gun, and 47-mm. fire to force the battalion to withdraw to
its original position north of the Ginowan road.
- The 382d suffered its worst setbacks
of 10 April in the center of its line. The 1st Battalion, commanded by Lt.
Col. Charles W. Johnson, attacked Tombstone Ridge, which dominated the ground
across the entire regimental front. By 0840 Company A had seized the northern
nose of the ridge, but it was stopped by small-arms fire from the steep slopes
of the ridge and by heavy artillery and mortar fire. Colonel Johnson then
swung Companies B and C around west of Kaniku for an assault on the ridge
from the northwest. The Japanese were unusually quiet while Companies B and
C advanced to the crest, but shortly afterward they delivered a 15-minute
concentration of mortar and artillery fire, at the conclusion of which they
swarmed out of pillboxes, trenches, and caves.
- A furious struggle followed. From
the reverse slope of Tombstone machine guns opened up on the Americans at
almost point-blank range. The Americans used portable flame throwers, but
the Japanese brought forward flame throwers of their own. Spigot mortar shells
burst on the hill. Colonel Johnson, who had previously extricated Company
A from its deadlocked position on the north of Tombstone, now committed it
on the right (southwest) of the other two companies. It was of no avail. On
the northeast flank, now open, the Japanese overran a machine-gun position;
only one man was able to escape. The American troops on the right made a few
more yards in a desperate effort to gain a firm foothold on the ridge. By
1415 it was obvious to Colonel Johnson that further attack would be fruitless,
and he secured permission from regiment to pull out of the fire-swept area.
The men made an orderly retreat to high ground north of Kaniku. More spigot
mortar fire fell during the withdrawal, but the troops remained calm; they
were "too tired to give a damn." 26
- The abortive attacks of the 382d Infantry
on 20 April were its last attempts to move forward until the Corps' offensive
opened on 19 April. On 11 and 12 April this regiment, like the 7th Division
to the east, mopped up small bypassed
- [127]
- TOMBSTONE RIDGE AREA (photographed 10 July 1945).
- [128]
- groups of the enemy and sent out patrols
to probe enemy positions on the front and flanks. Intelligence sections of
the combat units redoubled their efforts to discover the strength and the
weaknesses of the Shuri defensive system.
- From 8 to 12 April the enemy had delivered
intense fires, concentrating on the American front lines, observation posts,
and forward command posts. The 7th Division reported that more than 1,000
rounds of 75-mm., 105-mm., and 150-mm. artillery fell in its sector on 8 April,
and more than 2,000 rounds on 10 April. Evidently in order to minimize counterbattery
fire, artillery units received orders from General Ushijima to cooperate "secretly"-that
is, with all precautions to conceal their location-in the 62d Division
Some of the enemy's fires were extremely accurate. He knocked out one medium
tank with a series of direct hits, damaged the control tower at Kadena airfield
seven miles from his front lines, and dropped a concentration on a battalion
command post and aid station that took a toll of forty-one casualties. The
Japanese showed themselves fully aware of the value of artillery in supporting
a coordinated attack. A captured map, showing artillery position areas, indicated
a well conceived plan for use of artillery and mortars. However, because of
the great dispersion of their pieces and the inadequacy of their communications,
they did not show themselves capable of massing the fires of more than one
battery. Moreover, the Japanese did not exploit the capabilities of their
heavy artillery by delivering persistent harassing or interdictory fires deep
within opposing lines.28
- Despite the effective defensive fighting
of the enemy during 9-12 April, his strategy, as he was fully aware, was essentially
a negative one. He was losing men faster than the Americans; by 1600 on 12
April about 5,750 of the enemy were estimated to have been killed, as against
451 of the XXIV Corps. The Corps had suffered approximately 2,900 casualties,
including 2,198 wounded and 241 missing. The enemy had lost heavily in some
of his key combat units. The 12th Independent Infantry Battalion
had been reduced to 475 effectives by 12 April, little more than one-third
of its original strength.29
XXIV Corps had captured or destroyed 17 artillery pieces, 40 mortars, including
32 knee mortars, 20 antitank guns, 79 machine guns, 262 rifles, and moderate
amounts of ammunition and supplies. Although these losses represented only
a small
- [129]
- decrease in over-all strength, they
were irreplaceable, whereas American losses both in personnel and in equipment,
though moderately heavy, could be replaced.
- American control of the air and sea
meant that the enemy's capabilities rested on an ever-diminishing supply of
men, weapons, and ammunition. Probably it was this consideration which in
April, and again in May, strengthened the hands of the aggressive members
of the 32d Army staff with their visions of victory through all-out
- Eager for offensive action, aggressive-minded
members of the staff of the Japanese 32d Army proposed at a conference
on 6 April that an all-out attack be made to drive the Americans out of southern
Okinawa. In the proposed plan, the 62d Division was to spearhead the
attack and advance northeast of Yontan airfield. The 24th Division
was to drive up the east coast, and the 44th Independent Mixed Brigade
would be held in reserve. The plan was vigorously opposed by Colonel Yahara
and other cooler heads among the staff officers. They reasoned that, even
if the attacks should succeed initially, the Japanese troops would be at the
mercy of American bombardment since no positions had been prepared in the
area. Furthermore, the south would be left defenseless against new landings.
The majority of the staff members were convinced that only a madman could
envision the success of such a venture. Accordingly the plan was dropped-reluctantly
by the so-called radical element.30
- The decision did not dispose of the
basic issue between the radicals and the conservatives in the 32d Army
staff. The "fire-eaters," as Colonel Yahara called them, continued
to chafe at the static defensive strategy followed by the Japanese during
early April. When, on 9-10 April, the Americans came to a virtual standstill
at the approaches to the Shuri defenses, those who had favored aggressive
action continued to advocate an all-out offensive despite their earlier rebuff
at the hands of the more cautious staff members. At a staff meeting on the
night of 9 or 10 April, General Ushijima gave in, over Colonel Yahara's protests,
to this aggressive element. It was decided that three battalions of the
62d Division and three of the 24th would attack toward Kishaba
on the evening of 12 April.31
- [130]
- The enemy's choice of the time of
attack seemed a shrewd one. The American forces had suffered heavy casualties,
and reinforcements were not yet in line. The events of 9-12 April, not only
at Kakazu but across the entire front, had seen the American drive lose momentum
in the face of the Shuri defenses. The failure of the American attack and
the unyielding Japanese defense set the stage for an enemy counteroffensive
during 12-13 April.
- The Enemy Prepares to Attack
- The main obstacle to a successful
attack, the 32d Army staff believed, would be American field artillery
and naval gunfire. In previous campaigns Japanese offensives had failed largely
because the area over which the troops advanced was smothered with gunfire
within a few moments of the opening of the attack. As a result, the enemy
plan for 12-13 April called for a mass infiltration in force through American
lines across almost the entire front. After a bombardment by Japanese artillery,
three battalions of the 62d Division on the west and three of the
22d Regiment of the 24th Division on the east were to penetrate
the American lines during the night of 12-13 April; then the troops were to
scatter through the American-held area as far north as Kishaba, one and a
half miles northeast of Futema, each battalion taking an assigned area. The
Japanese were to hide in caves and tombs, awaiting an opportunity to fall
upon Tenth Army rear elements on 13 April. They would then be able to engage
the Americans in hand-to-hand combat, at which they considered themselves
superior. American guns would be silent since their fire would endanger friendly
troops as much as Japanese.32
(See Map No. XII.)
- The 62d Division, already
in line, pulled some of its units to the west to enable the 22d Regiment
to move into position. The 22d was located on Oroku Peninsula south
of Naha. Moving into line was in itself a major effort since the entire route
was exposed to bombardment. Lt. Col. Masaru Yoshida, commander of the 22d,
on 10 April instructed his troops on the importance of secrecy:
- Although you will be traveling in
darkness over bad roads and under severe shelling, the secrecy of our plans
must be maintained to the last. March in a sinuous "eel line." Although
you are going to an unfamiliar place, do not make any noise when you arrive,
but dig foxholes in hard ground, and camouflage them skillfully by dawn tomorrow.
- Carrying 110-lb. packs and hiding
in canefields during the day, the troops pushed east and north along slippery
roads in heavy rain.33
- [131]
- The 62d Division was ordered
to maintain its existing line from Kakazu to Ouki "at all costs."
While the 22d Regiment passed through the 62d Division positions
on the east for a "sweeping attack" toward Kishaba, the 63d
Brigade was to "advance the Army's attack by recapturing and holding
front-line positions after the Army's offense had developed." 34
By this means the enemy presumably hoped to maintain pressure on American
forward combat elements while his infiltration units went to work on rear
echelons. Meanwhile, the 272d Independent Infantry Battalion, attached
to the 62d Division, together with other elements of that division,
were to attack in the Kakazu area in coordination with the move of the
22d Regiment.
- At the last minute there was a change
in plans. Colonel Yahara and the other conservatives, considering the entire
scheme too bold, succeeded in reducing the forces participating to four battalions.
There was also some fear that the Americans might attempt a landing in the
Yonabaru area, and it was therefore considered necessary to hold forces in
reserve near that town.35
Nevertheless, Colonel Yoshida's order to his 22d Regiment on the
eve of the attack showed no change in the objective of the audacious plan.
At 1900 on is April Japanese artillery was to open up a 30-minute bombardment.
Supported by a "maximum of infantry fire power," forward infiltration
squads were to penetrate American lines.and seize strategic points on the
ridge line along Buckner Bay. Other infiltration squads were to follow. By
dawn the Japanese would be infiltrating into American bivouac areas as far
north as Kishaba, and the close-quarters combat would be under way.36
- Enemy Attack Crushed, 13 April
- Brilliant enemy flares exploded over
the battle lines shortly after dusk on 12 April. Two of them were red parachute
flares; another seemed to be a dragon flare. American intelligence officers
consulted a Japanese signal code, captured a few days before. The red bursts
meant, "We are attacking with full strength tonight"; the dragon
flare stood for, "Make all-out attack." 37
- Shortly after the first flare Japanese
artillery opened up an intense bombardment. Hundreds of enemy 105-mm. and
150-mm. shells burst throughout areas just behind the American lines-most
of them around command posts,
- [132]
- observation posts, and artillery positions.
Regiments reported receiving the heaviest barrages in their experience. In
the 96th Division area, more than 1,000 rounds fell on the 381st Infantry,
approximately 1,200 on the 383d. The troops were well dug in, however, and
losses were light. The 3d Battalion of the 184th Infantry, 7th Division, estimated
that 200 rounds of 105-mm- fire landed in front of them within the space of
five minutes, but no casualties resulted.
- The attack on the 32d and 184th Infantry
was not in regimental strength, as planned. Two infiltration attempts by about
a squad each were repulsed by the 184th before midnight. Two squads also attacked
the 3d Battalion of the 382d Infantry, just to the west of the 184th, and
a savage fight ensued, during which an American private killed a Japanese
officer with his bare hands, but the enemy did not follow through with this
assault. While groups of two or three tried to infiltrate behind the 7th Division
front, the only attack of any weight came shortly after midnight against Company
G of the 184th. By the light of flares it discovered to its front from thirty
to forty-five Japanese, carrying rifles and demolitions; the company opened
fire and sent the enemy running for the cover of caves and trenches. Perhaps,
as Colonel Yahara later said, the 22d Regiment, which was not familiar
with this part of the island as was the 62d Division, was bewildered
by the terrain and became too broken up for a coordinated attack. Perhaps
another change of plans further weakened the enemy's attack on the east. Possibly
the 22d Regiment moved by design or by chance to the west and ended
by taking part in the attacks on the 96th Division.
- The assault on the 96th was heavy,
sustained, and well organized. The enemy artillery and mortar preparation
began promptly at 1900 as planned and continued in heavy volume until about
midnight, when it lifted over the center of the division line. Japanese in
groups ranging from platoon to company size, with radio communications to
their own command posts, began to infiltrate in strength into the American
lines in the general area between Kakazu Ridge and Tombstone Ridge. (See Map
No. XIII.)
- The 96th Division front in the area
under attack was thinly held by the 382d and 383d Regiments. There was a large
bulge in the lines where the 382d had been held up by strong enemy positions
in the Nishibaru Kaniku Tombstone Ridge area. A series of fire fights broke
out as the Japanese closed with elements of the 382d strung along Highway
5 and with troops of the 383d just west of the highway. Troops of the 2d Battalion,
383d Infantry, saw a group of sixty soldiers coming down the highway in a
column of two's. Thinking they were
- [133]
- troops of the 382d, the 383d let twenty
of them through before realizing that they were Japanese; then it opened fire
and killed most of the enemy group. At 0100 the 2d Battalion of the 382d,
calling for artillery fire, repulsed an attack by a group estimated as of
company strength. Although troops of the two regiments in this sector killed
at least a hundred Japanese during the night, a number of the enemy managed
to make their way into the Ginowan area.38
Japanese proved to be the only ones who attained any measure of success in
the entire offensive of 12-13 April.
- By far the heaviest blow was delivered
by the 272d Independent Infantry Battalion, commanded by Captain Shimada
and operating under control of the 62d Division. The 272d
had the mission of attacking Kakazu and breaking through at that point. This
was no banzai charge; the battalion had a precise knowledge of American positions
and a carefully drawn-up plan. It was a fresh unit, having moved up for the
attack from the Shuri area on 10 and 11 April. Composed of three rifle companies
and a machine gun unit, the 272d was smaller than the other independent
infantry battalions. The men were well supplied with grenades and carried
sacks of food.39
- From dusk of 12 April until past midnight
a terrific artillery and mortar barrage blanketed the 1st Battalion, 381st
Infantry, on the north slopes of Kakazu Ridge, and the 2d Battalion, 381st,
on Kakazu West. The barrage knocked out the dual wire communication of the
1st Battalion but casualties were slight. At 0300 the enemy fire intensified
on the north slopes of Kakazu West and Kakazu Ridge. This was the signal for
the 272d Battalion to move out of Kakazu town up into the draw separating
Kakazu Ridge from Kakazu West, in an effort to break through the American
lines, while smaller groups tried to flank Kakazu West on the west.
- Naval illumination was asked, but
because of an air raid alert an hour passed before it was provided. During
that hour, as the Japanese advanced up the south slopes of Kakazu and through
the draw, a handful of men guarding the draw on its lower northern end fought
off the attackers until heavier fire power could be brought to bear.
- As the enemy, carrying knee mortars
and machine guns, advanced down the draw into the American lines on the northwest
slopes of Kakazu Ridge, a
- [134]
- mortar squad of the 1st Battalion
of the 381st, led by S/Sgt. Beauford T. Anderson, holed up in a tomb where
it commanded the draw. Ordering his men to stay under cover, Anderson went
out into the dark to face the enemy alone. He grenaded the enemy column until
his supply of grenades was exhausted, but the Japanese kept advancing. In
desperation Anderson turned to his squad's mortar ammunition. He tore a mortar
shell from its casing, pulled the safety pin, banged the projectile against
the wall to release the set-back pin, and threw it football-fashion into the
midst of the enemy. Its explosion was followed by screams. Anderson threw
fourteen more shells and the enemy advance in this area came to a halt. In
the morning twenty-five dead Japanese were found here, weighted down with
ammunition and explosives. For this feat Anderson was later awarded the Congressional
Medal of Honor.
- Other Japanese infiltrated into the
lines of the 2d Battalion on Kakazu West. A BAR man was in position along
its rocky crest when a Japanese officer approached him and asked whether he
was a Jap. The BAR man said "No," then shot the Japanese officer
and ten more of the enemy who were following single-file behind him. Personnel
of a company command post sallied forth from their position in a tomb to kill
twenty of the enemy. On the west slopes of Kakazu West, an American killed
twenty-three more Japanese with his heavy machine gun.
- Bright naval illumination robbed the
enemy of protective darkness and allowed effective use of support fire on
the general Kakazu area in front of the Americans. The 1st Battalion brought
the fire of its 81-mm. mortars to bear on the positions of its own forward
elements, hoping that American troops would remain in their holes. More than
Boo rounds of high explosive were successfully used in this fashion. The 2d
Battalion ordered fire from its attached Marine artillery to within 150 yards
of its front, successfully risking a clearance of 15 feet.
- A member of the 272d Independent Infantry
Battalion who tried to storm Kakazu during the night and later escaped by
cutting back across American territory east of Kakazu wrote in his dairy:
- We started to move again at 0800,
and entered the shelter on Hill 70, after advancing individually under enemy
aerial attack. The other side of the hill is enemy territory . . . . Two platoons
were organized, including the wounded, etc., for infiltration. Before we crossed
the hill, the master sergeant was killed and two others were wounded. 1 was
leader of the first team of the platoon and started out with four other men.
Since the company commander got lost on the way, we were pinned down by concentrated
- [135]
which enemy advanced on the night of 12-13 April. Tomb (left) was used
by S/Sgt. Beauford T. Anderson and his mortar squad. Sergeant Anderson
is shown below (center) displaying trophies of the battle.
- [136]
- fire before we could cross the hill.
Continuous mortar and machine-gun fire lasted until dawn, when we, having
suffered heavy casualties, withdrew, taking heavy punishment from concussions
.... Only four of us . . . were left.... The Akiyama Tai (1st Company, 272d)
was wiped out while infiltrating. The Shimuzu Tai (2d Company also suffered
heavy losses. The company fell apart during withdrawal.40
- After several hours of fighting, during
which a few Japanese tried to come in across the sea wall near Uchitomari,
the remnants of the enemy force withdrew. In the morning 317 enemy dead were
counted in the 381st and 383d areas. Patrols sent to the crest of Kakazu,
which had been a target for American artillery and mortar fire, reported that
"dead were stacked up like cordwood." Nine light machine guns, 4
knee mortars, 125 rifles, and 1 radio were captured in the Kakazu area. Casualties
in the 381st and 383d during the fight totaled about 50.41
- During the day of 13 April the 7th
Division noted several large concentrations of Japanese in front of its lines
but it was not attacked. The 96th continued to hunt down and destroy Japanese
who had infiltrated into its rear areas; some enemy soldiers blew themselves
up when cornered. Just before midnight the 9th Company, 22d Regiment,
which that day had been held in reserve in the Kuhazu area, attacked the 184th
after an artillery preparation. The assault was quickly broken up by artillery,
mortars, and machine guns. The enemy intensified his artillery fire on Kakazu
at dusk and launched an attack in the same direction as on the previous night,
but this attempt also was soon frustrated by artillery. At 0315 on 14 April
the enemy attacked for the last time. The attackers, estimated at company
strength, had heavy supporting fire but were repulsed, 116 Japanese being
killed. Infiltration attempts were made across the Corps line, with little
- By dawn of 14 April the Japanese counterattack
on the XXIV Corps was over. It had been almost a total failure and had confirmed
the worst fears of the 32d Army staff. Its chief effect had been to
bring the enemy out of his stout positions and render his troops vulnerable
to the enormous fire power of the Americans. On the 14th there was practically
no enemy activity; it was clear that the Japanese had reverted to the defensive.
A survivor of the 272d Battalion well summarized the situation in his
diary entry for that day: "Back to the trenches," he wrote. "Heavy
mortar fire continues as usual." 42
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page created 10 December 2001