Dinsmore Documentation  presents  Classics of American Colonial History

Author:Adams, James Truslow.
Title:The Founding of New England.
Citation:New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1921.
Subdivision:Directory of Files
HTML by Dinsmore Documentation * Added July 24, 2003

Directory of Files

Front Matter
I.The American Background
II.Staking Out Claims
III.The Race for Empire
IV.Some Aspects of Puritanism
V.The First Permanent Settlement
VI.New England and the Great Migration
VII.An English Opposition Becomes a New England Oligarchy
VIII.The Growth of a Frontier
IX.Attempts to Unify New England
X.Cross-Currents in the Confederacy
XI.The Defeat of the Theocracy
XII.The Theory of Empire
XIII.The Reassertion of Imperial Control
XIV.The Inevitable Conflict
XV.Loss of the Massachusetts Charter
XVI.An Experiment in Administration
XVII.The New Order


1.New England in 1640
2.Manuscript Map of the New England Coast, 1607-8 (believed to have been drawn by Champlain)
3.Page from Bradford’s History, on which is the Mayflower Compact
4.Streams of Emigration from England, 1620-1642
5.An Original Share in the Massachusetts Bay Company
6.Document Signed by Uncas and his Squaw
7.Page from John Winthrop’s Journal
8.Letter from the Earl of Clarendon to the Governor of Connecticut
9.Warrant Signed by Governor Winslow of Plymouth for the Sale of Indian Captives as Slaves
10.Reverend John Cotton’s opinion that Philip’s Son should be put to Death
11.Demand for Surrender of Sir Edmund Andros
12.Original Draft of Indented Bills of 1690
13.Testimony to the good character of Rebecca Nourse, executed as a Witch

Dinsmore Documentation  presents  Classics of American Colonial History

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