Dinsmore Documentation presents Classics of American Colonial History

Author: Fiske, John
Title: New England and New France
Citation: Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1913; Cambridge, Eng.: the Riverside Press, 1902
Subdivision:Table of Contents
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Front Matter:
Title Page,  Publisher’s Note, Detailed Table of Contents
I.From Cartier to Champlain
II.The Beginnings of Quebec
III.The Lords of Acadia. — Later History of Champlain
IV.Wilderness and Empire
V.Witchcraft in Salem Village
VI.The Great Awakening
VII.Norridgewock and Louisbourg
VIII.Beginnings of the Great War
IX.Crown Point, Fort William Henry, and Ticonderoga
X.Louisbourg, Fort Duquesne, and the Fall of Quebec
Map 1.Map showing the British Colonies and Northern New France, 1750-1760
Map 2.Map of the Gulf of the St. Lawrence by Champlain, 1632
Map 3.Map of North America
Map 4.Map of Louisbourg
Map 5.Map of Lake George
Map 6.Map of the Siege of Quebec
Index (to be digitized)

Dinsmore Documentation  presents  Classics of American Colonial History