D-Lib Magazine
April 2004
Volume 10 Number 4
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the April 2004 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Chris Awre works as a Programme Manager within the Development Group of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the UK. He is responsible for overseeing development projects within the FAIR (Focus on Access to Institutional Resources) programme, covering e-prints and the use of the Open Archives Initiative, as well as portals and digital library infrastructure projects. He is a systems librarian by background, having previously worked at Imperial College, London and the University of Leeds.
To return to Chris Awre's conference report, click (here).
Ellie Buckley is Digital Research Specialist for the Instruction, Research, and Information Services Department, Cornell University Library. Her current focus is on digital preservation issues within Project Prism, part of NSF's DLI2 program, and Cornell's Digital Preservation Management workshop. She comes from a medical science background and has experience with developing Web-based evidence-based health care initiatives and tele-medicine research projects.
To return to Ellie Buckley's article, click (here).
Susanne Dobratz is head of the Electronic Publishing Group (edoc.hu-berlin.de), a joint effort of the Library and the Computer and Media Services, at Humboldt University. She graduated in Computer Science and has been responsible for several e-publishing projects at the Computer and Media Services at Humboldt University since 1997, e.g., Digital Dissertations, Germany-wide Dissertation Online project, XML Portal, and the Open Archives Forum. She worked within the UNESCO Guide on Electronic Theses and Dissertations and works for Humboldt University within NDLTD.
To return to Susanne Dobratz's article, click (here).
Richard Entlich is Digital Projects Librarian in the IRIS Research Dept. of Cornell University Library. He has fourteen years experience in electronic publishing, digital imaging, and digital preservation initiatives, including the Chemistry Online Retrieval Experiment (CORE), Core Historical Literature of Agriculture, Making of America I, and TEEAL (The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library). In addition to his work on Project Prism, he is a co-author of Cornell's Digital Imaging and Digital Preservation Management tutorials and a regular contributor to RLG DigiNews.
To return to Richard Entlich's article, click (here).
Jonas Holmström has a M.Pol.Sc. degree from Åbo Akademi University in Finland. He is working as a research assistant at the Swedish school of Economics and Business Administration in Helsinki, Finland. His main responsibilities relate to the OACS (Open Access Communication for Science) project (http://oacs.shh.fi/). He is also involved in research regarding e-print servers, institutional repositories and grey literature sponsored by the Nordic Council for Scientific Information, NORDINFO. Mr. Holmström has been associated lecturer at the Department of Information Studies at Åbo Akademi University.
To return to Jonas Holmström's opinion piece, click (here).
Bill Kehoe is a Programmer/Analyst in the Cornell University Library system. After contributing to several of Cornell's digital libraries, including the USDA Economics & Statistics System and the Cornell Geospatial Information Repository, he became involved with digital preservation research in 1998. Recently he has participated in the Digital Preservation Management Workshops and Tutorial, and on the technical team for a multi-institution Political Communication Web Archiving project. He is currently helping the Cornell Library build a federated archive of mathematical journals in collaboration with the Göttingen SUB.
To return to William Kehoe's article, click (here).
Anne R. Kenney is Associate University Librarian for Instruction, Research, and Information Services at Cornell University Library. For over a decade, her research interests have focused on digital imaging and digital preservation and, most recently, information services in a digital environment. She is co-author of three award-winning monographs, including Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives (http://www.rlg.org/en/page.php?Page_ID=429) and numerous reports and articles. She is the past president and a fellow of the Society of American Archivists, and co-editor of RLG DigiNews (http://www.rlg.org/preserv/diginews/).
To return to Anne Kenney's article, click (here).
Brian Lavoie is a Research Scientist in the Office of Research at OCLC
Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Since joining OCLC in 1996, he has
worked on projects in many areas, ranging from expanding and updating the
Cutter tables, to analyzing the content of the Web. Brian's research
interests include the economics of information, digital preservation, and
the development of harvesting and content analysis tools for the Web.
To return to Brian Lavoie's article, click (here).
Nancy Y. McGovern heads the Research Department (http://www.library.cornell.edu/iris/research) within Instruction, Research, and Information Services (IRIS) of Cornell University Library (CUL). The core research areas of the group are digital preservation with a particular focus on Web archiving and digitization, and organizational evaluation and assessment for libraries and archives. She is co-editor of RLG DigiNews with Anne R. Kenney. She is also the Digital Preservation Officer at CUL. She has worked on digital preservation topics since 1986 and is working on her Ph.D. in digital preservation at University College London.
To return to Nancy McGovern article, click (here).
Paiki Muswazi participated in the CELI project. He has in the past worked for the National Archives of Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority as Archivist/Librarian and Chief Executive's Assistant, respectively. Since 1994, he is Special Collections librarian at the University of Swaziland Libraries, Kwaluseni. His articles on Internet applications and general librarianship appear in several journals. Paiki has an MLIS degree from Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Boston, Massachusetts, USA and is a member of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) and Swaziland Library Association (SWALA).
To return to Paiki Muswazi's article, click (here).
Heike Neuroth holds a Ph.D in Geology and is the head of the department
Research and Development at Göttingen State and University Library (SUB),
Germany. She is engaged in several national and international working
groups dealing with digital libraries. She is also the secretary of DINI (German Initiative for Network
Information) which was originated from the Coalition of Network Information
(CNI) in the USA.
To return to Heike Neuroth's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2004 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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DOI: 10.1045/april2004-authors