D-Lib Magazine
January/February 2010
Volume 16, Number 1/2
Table of Contents
Thank You
Laurence Lannom
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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Those of you who read the editorial in the Nov/Dec issue of this magazine know that Bonnie Wilson is stepping back from the Editor position that she has so capably filled for close to a decade. Over that time she put out 80 issues of the magazine and edited hundreds of articles, all on schedule and in good order, which is quite an achievement. We are pleased that she has agreed to stay on in the role of Contributing Editor responsible for News & Events and the Featured Digital Collection. Cathy Rey and I will be managing the rest of the work as Managing Editor and Editor-in-Chief respectively.
It has traditionally been the job of the chief editor of D-Lib, and the job has had a variety of titles over the years, to write the editorial for each issue. This is my first and it is primarily a thank you note. Thanks to Amy Friedlander and Bill Arms, who started all of this, thanks to Bob Kahn who has patiently supported the magazine with CNRI resources over its entire existence, thanks to Bonnie for a long and successful run, and thanks to the other CNRI staff, especially Cathy Rey, for helping to reliably put out a high quality and useful magazine for all of these years and in a variety of changing circumstances. And, of course, we wouldn't have a magazine without the many authors who have worked with D-Lib over the years, a large and loyal readership, the early financial contributions of DARPA and NSF, and the current contributions of the D-Lib Alliance.
So we start a new year at D-Lib with a new editorial configuration and a new look (comments welcome and be sure to try it on your mobile device), but with the same goal we had in 1995, which is timely and efficient delivery of news and information about projects and other developments of interest and importance to the digital library community.
Thanks and please stay tuned.
Laurence Lannom
About the Editor
Laurence Lannom is Director of Information Management Technology and Vice President at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), where he works with organizations in both the public and private sectors to develop experimental and pilot applications of advanced networking and information management technologies.