Volume 10 Number 7/8
ISSN 1082-9873
The Changing Landscape of Scholarly Publication
As we have in this issue of D-Lib Magazine, we frequently publish conference reports about events that might be of interest to the broad digital library community. However, one meeting we missed reporting was this year's International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) Public Conference held May 17 in London, UK. Fortunately, I found an excellent report on the ICSTI Public Conference [1], written by Jim Ashling and published in Information Today. Although Ashling's report is not available via open access (OA), the presentation slides for the meeting are. They can be found at the ICSTI web site [2] in the June 2004 issue of icsti forum [3].
Slides from all the conference sessions are of potential interest to D-Lib readers, but I found the slides from Session One: Open Access to be of particular interest. Speakers for the session included: Hugh Look, Senior Consultant, Rightscom Limited; Jan Velterop, Publisher, Bio Med Central; Mark Furneaux, Managing Director European Operations, CSA Europe; and Charles Oppenheim, Professor of Information Science, Loughborough University. Sally Morris, CEO of the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers served as moderator.
Each speaker acknowledged that the increasing amount of OA content, whether available from OA journals or institutional repositories, is having an impact (described by one speaker as a disruptive one) on traditional scholarly publishing models. The speakers also emphasized the importance of business models for recovering costs, because no matter what future models may predominate for scholarly publishing, "someone has to pay".
For those who are tracking the changing landscape of scholarly publishing, Ashling's report and the icsti forum covering the 2004 ICSTI Public Conference should make interesting reading.
Bonita Wilson
[1] Ashling, Jim. "ICSTI Public Conference", Information Today, 21(7), July/August 2004, pp. 29 - 30.
[2] International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) home page, <http://www.icsti.org/>
[3] icsti forum, No. 46, June 2004, available at <http://www.icsti.org/forum/46/index.html>.
Copyright© 2004 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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