Volume 9 Number 6
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the June 2003 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Donald Beagle joined the faculty of Belmont Abbey College in 2000, having previously served as Head of the Information Commons and as Associate University Librarian at UNC Charlotte. He also consults in association with Informed Strategies (InformedStrategies.com). Beagle did his graduate work at the University of Michigan where he won the Hopwood Writing Award, and was later the first recipient of NCLA's Doralyn J. Hickey Award. His research and Web-publication projects have received support from the Benton Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Apple Library of Tomorrow, and LSTA Digitization grants. Beagle's twenty-two published articles include studies of Information Commons management models that are among the most widely cited in the field.
To return to Donald Beagle's article, click (here).
Karen Bonthron, a chemistry graduate, is now a Duty Librarian at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. The dissertation topic for her Masters in Information and Library Studies was based around her work in the University's Biological Sciences Library. David Ellis was Karen's dissertation supervisor.
Christine Urquhart, Rhian Thomas, Chris Armstrong, Jean Everitt, Roger Fenton, Ray Lonsdale, Elizabeth McDermott, Helen Morris, Rebecca Phillips, Siân Spink, and Alison Yeoman are part of the JUSTEIS project, which monitors and evaluates use of electronic information services in UK further and higher education institutions. The project also includes action research projects.
The photo at top right is of Karen Bonthron. The photo at lower right is of Christine Urquhart.
To return to the Bonthron, Urquhart et al. article, click (here).

David Dawson is the Senior ICT Adviser within the Libraries and Information Society Team (LIST) of Resource. He studied Archaelogy at Durham University. He completed the Museum Studies Course at Leicester in 1985, later becoming an Associate of the Museums Association in 1988. David is currently working on a range of projects and strategic developments, and represents Resource on many different Groups and initiatives (see http://www.peoplesnetwork.gov.uk/about/daviddawson.asp).
To return to David Dawson's article, click (here).
Lance Heidig is Information Literacy Librarian for Instruction, Research,
and Information Services at Cornell University Library. His work there is concentrated on the integration of traditional and digital reference and instruction services, with a focus on web-based library instruction.
To return to Lance Heidig's article, click (here).
Anne R. Kenney is Associate University Librarian for Instruction, Research, and Information Services at Cornell University Library and Director of Programs, Council on Library and Information Resources (http://www.clir.org). For the past five years, her research interests have focused on digital preservation through such projects as establishing a central depository for Cornell's digital image collections, Risk Management of Digital Information, Project Harvest, and Project Prism. Among her duties is responsibility for public services, including reference. She is co-author of three award-winning monographs, including Moving Theory into Practice: Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives and numerous reports and articles. She is the past president and Fellow of the Society of American Archivists, and co-editor of RLG DigiNews.
To return to Anne Kenney's article, click (here).
Ida T. Martinez is Reference Librarian at Cornell University's John M. Olin Library. She recently received her MLIS degree from Dominican University in Illinois and holds a BA degree from the University of Notre Dame. She is a 1999 American Library Association Spectrum Scholar and is in her second year as Library Fellow at Cornell.
To return to Ida Martinez's article, click (here).
Nancy Y. McGovern heads the Research Department (http://www.library.cornell.edu/iris/research) within Instruction, Research, and Information Services (IRIS) of Cornell University Library. The core research areas of the group are digital preservation with a particular focus on Web archiving and digitization, and organizational evaluation and assessment for libraries and archives. She is co-editor of RLG DigiNews with Anne R. Kenney. She is working on her Ph.D. in digital preservation at University College London.
To return to Nancy McGovern's article, click (here).
Paul Miller holds the post of Interoperability Focus at UKOLN. This post is jointly funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee of the United Kingdom's Further and Higher Education Funding Councils, and by Resource, the government agency responsible for libraries, museums and archives.
In his current work, Paul is responsible for encouraging and facilitating the development of interoperable solutions across a range of domains, principally museums, libraries, archives, and government. Paul sits on a wide range of committees and working groups related to this
area, both internationally (for example, the executive committee of the CIMI
Consortium) and within the UK.
To return to Paul Miller's article, click (here).
Norman Paskin became the first Director of the International DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Foundation in March 1998, which was established to support the needs of the intellectual property community in the digital environment.
Norman has led the DOI Foundation in its development of the DOI as a standardised identifier for the intellectual property communities (including text, music, images, and multimedia), which can work with existing identifiers and Internet technology.
Prior to this, he worked for twenty years in the scientific publishing industry in both the U.S. and Europe, in roles including editorial, management, and information technology development.
To return to Norman Paskin's article, click (here).
John Perkins is Executive Director of the Consortium for the Interchange of Museum Information (http://www.cimi.org>) an international group of museums, technology companies, and libraries working to advance museum digital intelligence through standards, research, testbeds, training and international collaboration. Current interests are in the area of digital information object management and interchange for museums, metadata harvesting, and distributed searching, mobile computing, digital cultural heritage online, and content architecture for Semantic Web applications.
To return to John Perkin's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2003 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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DOI: 10.1045/june2003-authors