Volume 15 Number 11/12
ISSN 1082-9873
Upcoming Changes at D-Lib Magazine
Eleven years ago, I joined the staff of D-Lib Magazine, first as Ready Reference editor, later as Managing Editor, and then, in July 2001, as the sole Editor of the magazine. I've enjoyed the work more than I can say, especially being part of the team at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) that produces D-Lib, but also the contact I've had with the hundreds of article authors and other contributors to the magazine, some of whom I've had the pleasure of meeting face-to-face and others whom I've only known via our email correspondence. However, this is the last issue of D-Lib Magazine for which I will serve as Editor.
In early 2007, I moved to the Northern Neck of Virginia, to a charming little house a mile by water from the Chesapeake Bay. Although I continued my work on D-Lib, I also became engaged in other things I love doing, such as gardening, birding, and beekeeping, and a few months ago, I decided I wanted to spend more time doing those things. My first thought was to join my husband in full retirement, but after discussions with my colleagues at CNRI, an agreement has been reached whereby I will continue work on D-Lib in a part time capacity, but will turn the editing tasks over to others. This editorial, then, is not exactly a farewell, and I am happily looking forward to continuing with the magazine and interacting with my CNRI colleagues and other members of the digital library community, albeit in a somewhat different role.
D-Lib Magazine may look different in the future, and there may be other changes in due course as well. What will remain the same is the primary goal of the magazine: timely and efficient information exchange for the digital library community.
Bonita Wilson
Copyright© 2009 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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