D-Lib Magazine
October 1998ISSN 1082-9873
From the Publisher
A Change of editor
This is the final issue of D-Lib Magazine to be produced by Amy Friedlander, who has edited the magazine since its inception. In July 1995, when the first issue appeared, the NSF/DARPA/NASA Digital Libraries Initiative and other efforts around the world were bringing together people with different backgrounds to work on shared problems. The vision in founding D-Lib Magazine was to provide a focus for these efforts and an opportunity for specialists to learn of work in related areas. Amy's achievement has been to give substance to this vision. In doing so, she almost defined the field of "digital libraries". D-Lib Magazine has become a model for a new type of scholarly publication: consistent, reliable, and entirely on-line, with open access, author-retained copyright, and high production values.
Amy is leaving, and the editor's decision is final. But D-Lib Magazine continues. We are currently searching for a new editor. (See http://www.cnri.reston.va.us/jobs.html for more information.) Meanwhile, Bonnie Wilson and I will be acting as interim editors. The goal of D-Lib Magazine has always been that each edition should be better than the last, and this is our target too. We have some good material in the pipeline, but there is always room for more. Let us know if there are topics that you would like to see covered, if you have ideas for stories, or if you have material to include in Clips & Pointers.
William Y. Arms
dlib@cnri.reston.va.usCopyright (c) 1998 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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