LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research
Electronic Journal ISSN 1058-6768
1996 Volume 6 Issue 3; September

Appendix One


Citation Analysis of the Texas Tech University's Statistics Faculty: A Study Applied to Collection Development at the University Library

Citation Analysis Fall 1994
Department of Mathematics: Statistics Group

Title                   # of Times      Av. Age Format          TTU
                        Cited           Years                   Owned

Annals of statistics
                        73              9.3             j               y
Annals of probability
                        15              11.5            j               y

Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
                        14              28.0            j               y
Applied mathematics and computation
                        14              1.0             j               y
Journal of multivariate analysis
                        13              6.8             j               y
Journal of statistical planning and inference
                        12              3.8             j               y
IEEE transactions on information theory
                        10              17.5            j               y
Journal of time series analysis
                        8               3.8             j               n
Acta applicandae mathematicae
                        8               2.6             j               y
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
                        7               5.0             proceedings     y
Information and control
                        6               26.8            j               y
Journal of applied probability
                        6               8.3             j               y
Advances in electronics and electron physics
                        5               4.0             j               y
Emperical processes with applications in statistics
                        5               7.6             m               y
Stochastic processes and their applications
                        5               7.2             j               n
International statistical review
                        5               4.8             j               y
Annals of mathematical statistics
                        5               23.6            j               y
The radon transform
                        5               13.0            m               y
Nonparametric functional estimation
                        5               10.0            m               n
Journal of the American Statistical Association
                        5               21.2            j               y
Spectral analysis and time series vol.1
                        4               12.5            series          n
Finite difference equations and simulations
                        4               25.0            m               y
Theory of probability
                        4               20.0            m               y
Censoring and stochastic integrals
                        4               13.0            m               n
Elektronische informationsverdbeitung und kybernetik
                        4               16.0            j               n
Statistica sinica
                        3               2.0             j               n
Mathematical biosciences
                        3               9.3             j               y
Stationary sequences and random fields
                        3               8.0             m               y
Encyclopedia of statistical sciences (5)
                        3               8.0             series          y
Encyclopedia of statistical sciences (7)
                        3               7.0             series          y
Linear Integral equations
                        3               4.0             m               y
Theory of Bessel functions
                        3               35.0            m               y
Computers and mathematics with applications
                        3               3.0             j               y
Polynomial expansions of analytic functions
                        3               29.0            m               y
Selected translations in mathematical statistics and probability
                        3               25.0           series           y
The statistical analysis of time series
                        3               23.0            m               y
Physik der selbstorganisation und evolution
                        3               11.0            m               n
Advances in applied probability
                        3               11.0            j               y

38 Titles  (31.0%)                      285 citations   11.3 av yrs

                # of Titles             TTU Owned               TTU Non-owned
Journals        21  (55.3%)             17  (81.0%)             4  (19.0%)
Monographs      12  (31.6%)              9  (75.0%)             3  (25.0%)
Series           4  (10.5%)
Proceedings      1  (2.6%)

Average age for journals in this set - 10.3 years, and monographs - 16.1 years.

Methods of modern mathematical physics I functional analysis
                        2               21.0            m               y

Journal of complexity
                        2               2.0             j               n

Proceedings of the royal society of London series A mathematical and physical
                        2               11.0            j               y
Asymptotic optimality for inverse estimation problems
                        2               1.0             report          n
Advances in applied mathematics
                        2               1.0             j               y
Stochastic models in reliability theory
                        2               9.0             m               n
Journal of probability
                        2               9.0             j               n
Algorithmic information theory
                        2               6.0             m               n
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (b) Methodological
                        2               6.0             j               y
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
                        2               53.0            j               y
Matematica aplicadae computacional
                        2               5.5             j               n
Probability theory and related fields
                        2               5.0             j               y
Stochastic complexity in statistical inquiry
                        2               4.0             m               n
Special functions
                        2               33.0            m               y
Mathematical theory of probability and statistics
                        2               29.0            m               y
Communications on pure and applied mathematics
                        2               27.0            j               y
Russian mathematical surveys
                        2               23.0            j               y
Journal of computer system sciences
                        2               20.0            j               n
Conditional empirical, quantile, and difference processes for a large class
of time series with applications
                        2               2.0             report          n
Interpolation and approximation
                        2               18.0            m               y
Theory of probability and its applications
                        2               16.5            j               y
International journal of general systems
                        2               16.0            j               n
Zeitwende  monatsschrift
                        2               12.0            j               n
Methods of numerical integration
                        2               10.0            m               y
                        2               15.0            j               y
Lecture notes in statistics
                        1               9.0             series          y
Probability theory with applications
                        1               9.0             m               n
Zeitschrift fuer wahrescheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte gebiete
                        1               9.0             j               y
Contemporary mathematics
                        1               7.0             j               y
Statistical science
                        1               7.0             j               n
Statistical estimation and optimal recovery
                        1               4.0             report          n
Gaussia deconvolution via differentiation
                        1               3.0             report          n
Maximum entropy and the nearly black object
                        1               3.0             report          n
Proceedings of the NATO-ASI conference on nonparametric  functional
estimation and related topics
                        1               3.0             Proc            n
New developments in survey sampling
                        1                24.0           m               y
Independent and stationary sequences of random variables
                        1               23.0            m               n
Solutions of ill-posed problems
                        1               16.0            m               y
Society for industrial and applied mathematics journal on numerical analysis
                        1               16.0            j               y
Direction in time series
                        1               15.0            series          n
Problemy peredachi informatsii
                        1               13.0            j               n
Estimation of dependence based on empirical data
                        1               11.0            m               n
Journal of mathematical systems estimation and control
                        1               1.0             j               y
Communication in statistics part A Theory and methods
                        1               9.0             j               n
Effective observations of random fields
                        1               8.0             m               n
Mathematische operations forschung und statistik series statistik
                        1               7.0             j               n
Attainment of the least upperbound for the modified segments complexity
                        1               6.0             report          n
                        1               6.0             j               y
American journal of mathematics
                        1               57.0            j               y
Time series lecture notes in statistics
                        1               5.0             series          n
Higher transcendental functions
                        1               38.0            series          y
Linear operators part 1 general theory
                        1               37.0             m              n
An introduction to combinatorial analysis
                        1               35.0             m              y
Finite difference methods for partial differential equations
                        1               33.0             m              y
                        1               32.0             j              y
Probabilities on algebraic structures
                        1               31.0             m              n
Skandinavistik  aktiv
                        1               30.0             j              n
A stochastic heat equation for freeway traffic flow
                        1               3.0             thesis          n
Applications of kolmogrov complexity in the theory of computations in
complexity theory  retrospective
                        1               3.0              m              n
The classical moment problem and some related questions in analysis
                        1               28.0             m              y
Computation: Finite and infinite machines
                        1               26.0             m              y
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
                        1               25.0             j              y
Advanced calculus
                        1               24.0             m              n
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery
                        1               24               j              y
An introduction to probability theory and its application vol.12
                        1               22.0             m              y
Nonparametric statistical inference
                        1               22.0             m              n
Trends in general systems theory
                        1               21.0             m              y
Soviet mathematics doklady
                        1               20.0             j              y
Real and complex analysis
                        1               19.0             m              y
Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare
                        1               16.0             j              n
Mathematics of operations research
                        1               15.0             j              y
Probability theory
                        1               14.0             m              y
The central limit theorem for real and banach valued random variables
                        1               14.0             m              y
Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances academie des sciences (Paris)
serie A et B
                        1               14.0            j               y
Lectures in applied  mathematics
                        1               14.0            j               n
Multicomponent systems
                        1               13.0            series          n
Sequences of polynomials of exponentials
                        1               13.0             m              n
Nonparametric statistical inference
                        1               12.0            proceedings     n
Boolean algebra and switching circuits
                        1               11.0             m              n
Essential computer mathematics
                        1               11.0             m              n
Spectral theory of random fields
                        1               10.0             m              y
Statistics on spheres
                        1               10.0             m              y
The radon transform and some of its applications
                        1               10.0             j              n
Programa para estimar la compejiad gramatica de una secuencia
                        1               1.0              report         n
Comptes rendus hebdomodaires des seances academie des sciences (Paris)
series A
                        1               2.0              j              y
122 titles overall                      394 citations   12.3 av yrs

                        # of Titles     TTU Owned       TTU Non-owned
Journals                57  (46.7%)     39  (68.4%)     18  (31.6%)
Monographs              45  (36.9%)     27  (60.0%)     18  (40.0%)
Series                   9  (7.4%)
Reports                  7  (5.7%)
Proceedings              3  (2.5%)
Thesis / Dissertations   1  (0.8%)

The overall age of a journal citation was 11.0 years and that of a monograph 17.0 years.

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with the following statement included in its entirety:

Copyright Bill Johnson 1996.

This article was originally published in
_LIBRES: Library and Information Science
Electronic Journal_ (ISSN 1058-6768) September, 1996
Volume 6 Issue 3.
For any commercial use, or publication
(including electronic journals), you must obtain
the permission of the author:

Bill Johnson

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