LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research
Electronic Journal ISSN 1058-6768
1996 Volume 6 Issue 3; September

Appendix Two


Citation Analysis of the Texas Tech University's Statistics Faculty: A Study Applied to Collection Development at the University Library

Nonbibliographic Citations

Title                                                        # of Times Cited

Hermitian operator                                                      21
Appel polynomials                                                       19
Laplace transform                                                       16
Euclidean space                                                         15
Drichlet polynomials                                                    14
Lebesgue measure                                                        12
Hilbert space                                                           10
Taylor expansion                                                        10
Bennett's inequality                                                    9
Volterra expansion                                                      8

Bernoulli polynomial                                                    7
Gaussian distribution                                                   7
Hellinger distance                                                      7
Stiefel manifolds                                                       7
Three Modules Theorem                                                   7
Binary Coherent Systems                                                 6
Boolean algebra                                                         6
Borel-Cantelli lemma                                                    6
Borel set                                                               6
Holder continuity                                                       6

Fourier transform                                                       5
Turine machines                                                         5
Kolmos-Major-Tusnudy approximation                                      4
Sobolev space                                                           4
ARMA                                                                    3
Bahadur-kiefer representation                                           3
Brownian bridge                                                         3
Cauchy distribution                                                     3
Grassman manifolds                                                      3
Markov sequence                                                         3

Abel operator                                                           2
Banach space                                                            2
Cartesian product                                                       2
Cramer's rule                                                           2
Euler polynomial                                                        2
Fourier-Plancherel transform                                            2
Keplan-Meier process                                                    2
Kriging's problem                                                       2
Leibnitz's rule                                                         2
Multistate Coherent Systems                                             2

Poisson variables                                                       2
Radon-Nikodym theory                                                    2
Richard von Mises                                                       2
Singular Value Decomposition SVD                                        2
Vandermond type determinant                                             2
Vapnik-Cervonenkis number                                               2
Zernike polynomials                                                     2
Abel-Gontschoroff conditions                                            1
Bessel function                                                         1
Bohman's inequality                                                     1

Cauchy-Schwartz inequality                                              1
Chebyshers inequality                                                   1
Chernoff-Savage L-Statistic                                             1
Complexity of Description Measure                                       1
Cramer-VonMises statistic                                               1
Dirac function                                                          1
Euler-MacLaurin formula                                                 1
Hopital's rule                                                          1
Integral Mean Squarred Error IMSE                                       1
Klein-Gordon equation                                                   1

Kolmogorov complexity                                                   1
Kromecker symbol                                                        1
Kronecker delta                                                         1
Modular Factorization of a System                                       1
Non-Bayesian approach                                                   1
Riemannian volume                                                       1
Rozenblatt-Parzen estimator                                             1
Schwartz distribution                                                   1
Stone's formula                                                         1
Tikhonov's regularization scheme                                        1

Wicksell's particle size estimation problem                             1

71 "titles                                                    293 citations

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with the following statement included in its entirety:

Copyright Johnson 1996.

This article was originally published in
_LIBRES: Library and Information Science
Electronic Journal_ (ISSN 1058-6768) September, 1996
Volume 6 Issue 3.
For any commercial use, or publication
(including electronic journals), you must obtain
the permission of the author:

Bill Johnson

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