LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research
Electronic Journal ISSN 1058-6768
1997 Volume 7 Issue 2; September.


1. BUBL now at ----------------------------------------------------------------------

BUBL: A national information service for the higher education community

BUBL has moved from UKOLN at Bath University to Strathclyde University Library. The new BUBL service is now available at:

Please update any links and bookmarks to BUBL, and pass this message on to anyone at your site who maintains links.

The new BUBL service has eight main components:

BUBL LINK: Catalogue of classified Internet resources, BUBL Journals: Abstracts or texts of 220 current journals and newsletters. BUBL Search: Several options for searching BUBL or the Internet. BUBL News: Library jobs, events, surveys, general news links. BUBL UK: Fast but detailed index to institutions in the UK. New. BUBL Mail: Mailing lists run or archived by BUBL. BUBL Archive: Thousands of files from the old BUBL service. BUBL Admin: Information about BUBL itself.

All material from the Web and Gopher servers of the old BUBL service has been integrated and reorganised. Most of the old gopher-based information is now stored in the BUBL Archive.

The journals service has been greatly enhanced, with all titles searchable individually, collectively or by subject.

The subject tree is now available via the BUBL LINK service, though some areas of LINK require further development.

The old BUBL service is no longer being updated. It will continue to be available until 31st March 1997 but may be withdrawn any time after that date.

Please send any comments on the new service to


-- Alan Dawson BUBL Information Service Manager Andersonian Library, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 0NS, Scotland Email: Phone: 0141 548 4752 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

[from: Return-path: <> From: Subject: BUBL now at To: Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 10:48:25 +0100 (BST)]

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**The Law of Internet Commercial Transactions**

**by Jane Vaughan, Tanya Sewards & Ross Kelso**


Laws, regulations and codes of practice are currently in place which serve the conventional processes of information access, the ways in which services are delivered and the ways that business is transacted. This includes electronically delivered transactions involving plastic credit or debit cards with magnetic strips, ATMs, EFTPOS and EDI which have long been accepted into business and society at large. The Internet, however, constitutes a relatively 'open' system that is directly accessible by ordinary consumers as well as businesses to or from any country. New intermediaries arise creating sites on the World Wide Web that may mirror commercial offerings of others, act as agents on commission, or directly tender their services. Hence, jurisdictional issues could become of paramount concern, in addition to questions of security of communications made over the Internet.

CIRCIT has recently completed a project, The Law of Internet Commercial Transactions with two key reports being produced: i) Literature Review and the ii) Issues Analysis. The prime was on the legal context of commercial transactions conducted over the Internet between Australian-based Web site entrepreneurs and their customers, who are both local and overseas consumers. The Issues Analysis report examines jurisdictional issues, evidentiary and contractual issues, payment systems, relevant business models, sale of goods and consumer protection, as well as security and privacy issues. It concludes with a number of areas where reform should be considered. These reforms would increase Australia's competitiveness in the rapidly evolving Internet market place by eliminating uncertainty and closely tracking overseas developments in technology adoption, recognition of payment mechanisms, broad legislative treatment and industry codes of practice.

The project was conducted by Jane Vaughan, a qualified solicitor with a particular interest in law and the telecommunications field and Tanya Sewards, a researcher at CIRCIT, who generally focuses on telecommunications in the international arena. Ross Kelso, whose background is in telecommunications business planning, managed the overall project. The Canberra office of solicitors Dunhill Madden Butler provided a critical evaluation.

Issues Analysis - $75 Literature Review - $25 Set of Two Papers - $90

If you are interested in these publications or would like to know about other CIRCIT Publications please do not hesitate to return email for more information.

========================================================================= Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technologies Rachel Abrahams, Office Manager CIRCIT, 14/300 Flinders St Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia phone: + 61 3 9248-1178 fax: + 61 3 9248 1170 email: url:

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Dear cni-announce subscribers:

A new publication, "Issues and Innovations in Electronic Scholarly Publication," published by the ARL Office of Management Services, offers a snapshot of current electronic scholarly publishing initiatives. The publication is based on a series of interviews with professionals in 20 libraries, consortia, and publishing enterprises and takes a broad look at the issues associated with electronic scholarly publication. "Reports from the Field" examines the innovative ways in which electronic materials are being acquired and distributed, and individual library and publishing projects are showcased. The "Issues and Trends" section highlights overarching topics associated with electronic publication ventures including: staffing,licensing and copyright, changing roles, archiving, and collection management.

For more information, or to order "Issues and Innovations in Electronic Scholarly Publication," call 202-296-2296 or email <>.

Louise Ann Fisch Coordinator of Communications Coalition for Networked Information 21 Dupont Circle, NW Washington, DC 20036 202.296.5098 <>

[from: Return-path: <> Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 14:34:25 -0500 From: "Sloan, Bernie"]

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The National Metadata Seminar held at the National Library of Australia on 6 March 1997 attracted an audience of almost 300 people. Those attending were from all sectors of the community who are interested in progressing the use of metadata for the Internet. They gathered to hear international experts in the field speak on the following topics:

* The origins and objectives of the Dublin Core (Stuart Weibel, Senior Research Scientist, OCLC Office of Research)

* The Warwick Framework: providing a context for the Dublin Core and other metadata (Carl Lagoze, Digital Library Research Group, Cornell University)

* Metadata projects and activities in Australia (Renato Iannella, DSTC)

* Metadata developments and eLib and European projects (Rachel Heery, UKOLN)

* Metadata, MARC and the Dublin Core (Rebecca Guenther, Library of Congress)

* Use of Dublin Core by the Museum Community (John Perkins, Consortium of the Computer Interchange of Museum Information, CIMI)

* GILS - what it is and where is it going (Eliot Christian, United States Geological Survey)

* PICS and the Dublin Core (Philip DesAutels, World Wide Web Consortium).

Brief presentations about the EdNA Vocational Education and Training project and the Nordic Metadata Project were also given to the Seminar by Jack Gilding (EdNA) and Juha Hakala (National Library of Finland).

The summing-up talk entitled 'Metadata in action - the way ahead' was given by Eric Wainwright, Deputy Director-General, National Library of Australia and Chair of the Information Management Steering Committee of OGIT. Mr Wainwright said that to move forward it would be necessary to communicate and foster cooperation, use common procedures and standards, and build partnerships. To achieve this all sectors (publishers and creators, collecting institutions, bibliographic agencies and technical developers) would need to be brought together and action be taken at all levels - organisation, sector and cross sector. Mr Wainwright suggested a number of ways in which Australia could move forward in metadata implementation. These included using:

* existing sectoral mechanisms to focus on new metadata issues (e.g. libraries - the successor to the Australian Committee on Cataloguing; archives - Australian Society of Archivists)

* lead agency roles for information, standards involvement etc. (National Library of Australia, Australian Archives, National Museum of Australia, AUSLIG etc.)

* cross-sectoral technical groups formed through cultural agencies and the Commonwealth Government, e.g. the Australian Cultural Network, OGIT, Information Management Steering Committee

* research and development organisations such as DSTC (Distributed Systems Technology Centre).

Australia should continue to be involved in and take advantage of international metadata activities and developments such as the Dublin Core and Warwick Framework, PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection), GILS (Government Information Locator Service), registries and resolvers.

Following this talk, Warwick Cathro (Assistant Director-General, Services to Libraries Division, National Library of Australia) chaired a discussion on the continuing process for metadata implementation in Australia. During the discussion a number of suggestions were made which are currently under consideration by the National Library. These included:

* continue Australia's contribution to international developments including participation at conferences such as the Dublin Core workshops;

* involve commercial organisations in activities;

* convene joint meetings of representatives of all sectors - cultural, government, and commercial, to guide the process of metadata harmonisation and implementation in Australia;

* set up an Australian metadata email discussion list involving all sectors;

* establish a metadata web site which will provide Australian information and point to other sites such as IFLA and DSTC;

* develop a template to facilitate metadata creation based on a similar template development e.g. the Nordic Metadata Project (the archival community is already using similar templates which assist in records management and retrieval); and

* use the registration details from this seminar to communicate decisions and activities to interested parties.

An unsolicited comment from received afterwards from John Tipler, Dept of Primary Industries, Queensland said: "There was value in the whole day and if you asked "more?" I would queue up. I attended the workshop with certain goals in mind: to determine if meta was *the* way; will DC become, if not *the* standard, at least a standard which would allow me to catalogue and index information on our web server; what 3rd party support will there be, if any; etc., etc. I came away well satisfied."

The National Library of Australia will endeavour to keep all delegates aware of progress in the implementation of the recommendations from the Seminar and in any other metadata developments in Australia.

Further information on the National Metadata Seminar can be found at URL The Dublin Core home page is located at URL

This report of the Seminar is based on material supplied by Rachel Jakimow, National Initiatives and Collaboration Branch, National Library of Australia.

Warwick Cathro National Library of Australia

[from: Return-path: <> Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 16:26:40 +1000 From: Rachel Jakimow]

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Commissioned Report No 54, Author, Dr Fiona Q Wood, dated January 1997, ISBN 0 644 47319 3, published by the Australian Government Publishing Service.

This report is published as one of the (Australian) National Board of Employment, Education and Training, Australian Research Council (ARC) Commissioned Report series, the main purpose of which is to stimulate interest in, and public debate on, issues within the employment, education and training portfolio.

The Executive Summary outlines how the

“Report examines the peer review process as used by government competitive research schemes to determine funding support. Of particular interest are the strengths and weaknesses of this process in:

identifying the ‘best’ research;

demonstrating efficiency in the use of public funds (i.e. the direct and indirect costs of the process are in reasonable proportion to the total funding allocated;

providing accountability for the public investment in the research base;

supporting innovative, multidisciplinary, high risk, unorthodox or emerging areas of research;

accommodating equity considerations through, for example, providing entry points for early career researchers; and

responding to changes in both the internal conditions of research and the external policy and funding contexts.

(Executive Summary, pxiii).

(summary provided by Kerry Smith, DIS, Curtin University, Perth western Australia. email:

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6 RLG and CARL Corporate Plan: New Information Service

[as announced in The Research Library Group News, Issue 42, Winter 1997.]

RLG and the CARL Corporation have signed a letter of intent to create an unprecedented information service to the academic community. The resultant service will package access to one-stop shopping for a broad array of resources. it will offer a single point of entry and cross-file searching for a large family of data resources.

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Version 12 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography is now available. This selective bibliography presents over 600 articles, books, electronic documents, and other sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks.

HTML: <URL:> Acrobat: <URL:> Word: <URL:>

The HTML document is designed for interactive use. Each major section is a separate file. There are live links to sources available on the Internet. It can be can be searched, and it includes a collection of links to related Web sites that deal with scholarly electronic publishing issues.

The Acrobat and Word files are designed for printing. Each file is over 160 KB.

(Revised sections in this version are marked with an asterisk.)

Table of Contents

1 Economic Issues* 2 Electronic Books and Texts 2.1 Case Studies and History 2.2 General Works* 2.3 Library Issues 3 Electronic Serials 3.1 Case Studies and History* 3.2 Critiques 3.3 Electronic Distribution of Printed Journals 3.4 General Works* 3.5 Library Issues* 3.6 Research 4 General Works 5 Legal Issues 5.1 Intellectual Property Rights 5.2 License Agreements* 5.3 Other Legal Issues* 6 Library Issues 6.1 Cataloging, Classification, and Metadata 6.2 Digital Libraries* 6.3 General Works* 6.4 Information Conversion, Integrity, and Preservation 7 New Publishing Models* 8 Publisher Issues 8.1 Electronic Commerce/Copyright Systems Appendix A. Related Bibliographies by the Same Author Appendix B. About the Author

Best Regards, Charles Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Assistant Dean for Systems, University Libraries, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-2091. E-mail: Voice: (713) 743-9804. Fax: (713) 743-9811. <URL:> <URL:>

****************************************************************** * IFLA-L is provided by the International Federation * * of Library Associations (IFLA). For further information * * about IFLA activities, including organization and/or * * personal affiliate information, contact: * * * * URL: *

[from: Return-path: <owner-ifla-l@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA> X-Sender: Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 18:21:11 -0400]

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SCARECROW PRESS ANNOUNCES NEW SERIES: Society, Culture and Context: The Library Reframed

This new series is intended to be a venue for expanding what is traditionally meant by "the library" and intends to encourage research in areas where society and the library intersect. The intention is to publish work that will lead to a more critical, analytic understanding of both society and library. The series will look for and accept submissions from the library and information science research community, from outside this research community, from first authors as well as from established authors. There are as well no prior assumptions regarding style and format: Series titles may be textbooks, monographs or collected papers. A wide variety of research methodologies and research sites, macro and micro, are sought as well.

What Scarecrow Press seeks are authors who see the library primarily as a social institution-as an artifact that both reflects and reinforces particular readings of the social order. The series editors are interested in studies that look at libraries and library practice as a production (or reproduction) of culture, society and history. Taking this stance will allow us to support and publish work of all kinds. The only proviso is that social and cultural enactment must be seen as central to an understanding of what the library is. We are less interested in works that assume, not discover, what the library means. To put it another way, this series will offer alternatives to reading the library in individualist or cognitive terms. Nor will it support work that makes uncritical transpositions between library and context and, say, information and information systems. This new series will publish work that is micro or macro in nature. It is also catholic in respect to analytical perspectives. In short, neither level nor theoretical model will be an issue for the series. What authors must attend to and work through is a notion of social context in reference to the study of the library. However it is left to the author to define both *context* and *library* in his or her terms. Analytic frames may be drawn from, but are not limited to, anthropology, communication studies, history, philosophy and sociology. Of particular interest are approaches, however defined, that bring discourse, language and human interaction to the study of "library." What determines what the series will publish is the extent to which a manuscript looks at the library in and as social and institutional context. The series editors believe that considering the library from a social perspective offers significant opportunity and yield (both intellectual and pragmatic) in an area that so far has had little publication support. Scarecrow with this new series intends to change this.

Letters of inquiry or a prospectus for a title in the series should be sent to

Mary K. Chelton and James Nyce, Co-editors, The Library Reframed School of Library and Information Management Emporia State University 1200 Commercial Emporia, KS 66801 Phone: (316) 341- 5320 (Nyce) or (5071) Chelton Fax: (316) 341- 5233 E-mail: or

[from: Return-path: <> Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 10:52:41 -0500 Reply-To:]

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For information A large conference was held, for the first time, in Belgrad entirely devoted to the use of Internet in Yugoslavia (May 28-30, 1997). The title of the Conference was : INTERNET IN YUGOSLAVIA, YUGOSLAVIA ON INTERNET. The conference was very successful and demonstrated the very huge developement of Internet in the country. The various acdemic, scientific, engineering and business communities as well as the information professionals are really willing to restart the relations with the rest of the world after an embargo of 5 years. One can have a look at the English abstracts of the : Conference on my own site (I was invited as key note speaker and helped for the organization of an WFEI International Seminar just after teh Conference) : One can also hace access to the proceedings (in Serbian) sending a mail to SITJ (the Union of Engineers Yugoslavia) : internet@EUnet.yu

Best regards. Jean MICHEL

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Jean MICHEL Conseiller du Directeur / Adviser to the Director ENPC, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees 28, rue des Saints-Peres 75343 PARIS CEDEX 07 Tel: 01 44 58 28 67 International: +33 1 44 58 28 67 Fax: 01 44 58 28 68 International: +33 1 44 58 28 68 e-mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [from: Return-path: <> From: Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 18:14:27 +0100]



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This article was originally published in
_LIBRES: Library and Information Science
Electronic Journal_ (ISSN 1058-6768)
September 1997 Issue 2

For any commercial use, or publication
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Kerry Smith
Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia

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