Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship
Fall 2000

Physical Sciences Journals

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Aldrichimica Acta

"The Aldrichimica Acta features review articles on research of current interest to chemists. It is published 3 to 4 times annually, and is read by about 100,000 chemists worldwide. Subscription to the Acta is free."

The Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering

"To publish papers reporting on basic and applied research and innovation in the field of chemical engineering and related areas."

HYLE: an International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry

Indexed in: Chemical Abstracts

"HYLE is a refereed international journal for the philosophy of chemistry dedicated to all philosophical aspects of chemistry. Articles deal with epistemological, methodological, foundational, and ontological problems of chemistry and its subfields; the peculiarities of chemistry and relations to technology, other scientific and non-scientific fields; aesthetical, ethical, and environmental matters in chemistry; as well as philosophically relevant facets of the history, sociology, linguistics, and education of chemistry."

Internet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy

"The IJVS is a journal published free-of-charge exclusively on the World Wide Web. The six editions appearing each year are divided into two parts. The first contains three or four articles on a theme, of graded sophistication, aimed to assist, interest and also improve the performance of the non-specialist through to the dedicated experienced spectroscopist, news, views and an unusual feature - hot sources on an ever expanding body of spectroscopic subjects, and spectroscopists' bookshelf, a list of recommended books."

Química Nova

Indexed in : Chemical Abstracts

To publish the results of original researches, review articles, notes on new methods and technics, education and general issues in the area of chemistry.

Earth Science

G-Cubed: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

"Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3) publishes original scientific contributions pertaining to understanding the Earth as a system, including relevant observational, experimental, and theoretical investigations of the solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Areas of interest for this interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed electronic journal include, but are not limited to:
  • the physics and chemistry of the Earth, including its structure, composition, physical properties, and dynamics;
  • the physical properties, composition, and temporal evolution of the Earth's major reservoirs and the coupling between them;
  • the dynamics of geochemical and biogeochemical cycles of global scale;
  • physical and cosmochemical constraints on the composition, origin, and evolution of the Earth and its neighbors;
  • the chemistry and physics of solar system materials that are relevant to the formation, evolution, and current state of the Earth and the planets;
  • advances in modeling, observation, and experimentation that are of widespread interest in the earth sciences."

Revista Brasileira de Geofísica

"To publish technical and original articles in the areas of Solid Earth Geophysics, Spatial Science and Applied Geophysics."

Solstice: an electronic journal of Geography and Mathematics

"The purpose of Solstice is to promote interaction between geography and mathematics. Articles in which elements of one discipline are used to shed light on the other are particularly sought. Also welcome are original contributions that are purely geographical or purely mathematical. These may be prefaced (by editor or author) with commentary suggesting directions that might lead toward the desired interactions."


Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics is a bimonthly publication of the International Press, publishing papers on all areas in which theoretical physics and mathematics interact with each other. Some applicable areas in physics are:
  • Atomic Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Conformal Field Theory
  • Disordered and Random Systems
  • Dynamical Systems (Classical and Quantum Mechanical)
  • Field Theory
  • General Relativity
  • Integrable Models
  • Quantum Gravity
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • String Theory

Some applicable areas of mathematics are:
  • Analysis (applied to physical systems)
  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Algebraic Topology
  • Hopf Algebras
  • Knot Theory
  • Non-Commutative Geometry
  • Quantum Groups
  • Symplectic Geometry

These lists are not meant to restrict the publication of papers to only the areas listed above. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics publishes papers and reviews articles which promote the understanding of theoretical physics in general."

Brazilian Journal of Physics

Indexed in: INSPEC

"The Brazilian Journal of Physics, edited each three months by the Sociedade Brasileira de Física, publishes regular papers and reviews in Physics. Published from 1992, the journal replaces the former Revista Brasileira de Física, and accepts articles that should be timely and present original and significant results."

Journal of High Energy Physics

Indexed in: Web of Science, MathSciNet

"The Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) is a scientific journal written, run, and distributed by electronic means. It is made possible by the existence of the World Wide Web on Internet which is widely used by the international community of physicists. The purpose of the journal is to explore the new media and take advantage of their innovative qualities: the rapidity of communication, broad diffusion, and low costs. We believe that it is possible to guarantee the same high standard of present day leading scientific journals, but at a much lower cost. In the first experimental period of a few years, the cost will be covered by sponsoring agencies."

Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Indexed in: Web of Science, INSPEC

"The Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology reports NIST research and development in those disciplines of the physical and engineering sciences in which the Institute is active. These include physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and computer sciences. Papers cover a broad range of subjects, with major emphasis on measurement methodology and the basic technology underlying standardization. Also included from time to time are survey articles on topics closely related to the Institute's technical and scientific programs. Issued six times a year."

Journal of Physical Studies

"The scope of Journal of Physical Studies covers different fields of physics including:
  • condensed matter physics,
  • nuclear physics,
  • atomic and molecular physics,
  • field theory and physics of elementary particles,
  • astrophysics,
  • physics of plasma,
  • cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology."

"Journal of Physical Studies publishes both review and research articles devoted (but not restricted) to the above mentioned subjects. Papers are published in Ukrainian or in English."

Living Reviews in Relativity (also

"Living Reviews in Relativity is a solely WWW-based, peer reviewed journal, publishing as the name suggests, reviews of research in all areas of relativity. The journal is offered as a free service to the scientific community. Articles are solicited from specialists in their fields and are directed toward physicists at the graduate student level and beyond. Articles appearing in Living Reviews provide current and insightful overviews of what's happening in the fields they cover as well as annotated insights (and where possible, active links) into the key literature and online resources pertaining to these fields. One of the most important features of Living Reviews is that its articles are kept up to date by their authors. This is the significance of the word 'Living' in the journal's title."

Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal

Indexed in: MathSciNet

"The intention of the journal is to publish papers in Mathematical Physics and related areas that are of the highest possible quality. Research papers and review articles are selected through a normal refereeing process, overseen by an editorial board. The research subjects will be primarily on Mathematical Physics; but this should not be interpreted as a limitation, as the editors feel that essentially all subjects of Mathematics and Physics are in principle relevant to Mathematical Physics."

New Journal of Physics

Indexed in: INSPEC

"New Journal of Physics (NJP) is a peer-reviewed, all-electronic journal publishing original research in all areas of physics. The journal's Editors and staff are committed to building NJP into the leading scientific journal in its field by publishing articles of outstanding scientific quality that merit the attention and interest of all physicists. NJP is available without charge to readers around the world via the Internet. NJP is funded by article charges from authors of published papers."

Optics Express

Indexed in: Web of Science, INSPEC, Chemical Abstracts

"Optics Express, the international electronic journal of optics, reports new developments in optical science and technology on a biweekly basis. As an all-electronic, peer-reviewed journal, Optics Express provides the fastest means to publication and the opportunity for publishing color graphics and multimedia."

Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams (PRST-AB)

Indexed by: INSPEC

"This journal covers the full range of accelerator science and technology: subsystem and component technologies; beam dynamics; applications of accelerators; and design, operation and improvement of accelerators used in science and industry. It includes high energy and nuclear physics, synchrotron radiation production, spallation neutron sources, medical therapy, and intense beam applications, among others."

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