Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship
| Winter 1998
Chemistry Resources on the Internet
Charles F. Huber
Davidson Library
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Chemistry, as the American Chemical Society is wont to say, is the central science;
central enough that many important resources in chemical information are among the
most valuable -- and most costly -- in scientific information. Yet a significant number
of resources highly useful to chemists are available free of charge on the Internet.
Following are lists of some of the most useful, with commentary where appropriate.
Page 1:[Chemical Data Sources] [Materials Safety Data Sheets] [Chemistry Departments] [Super Sites]
Page 2: [Awards and Prizes] [Professional Societies] [Conferences, Meetings and Symposia]
Page 3: [Commercial Information Providers] [Publishers] [Electronic Journals]
Page 4: [Chemical Suppliers] [Chemical Equipment Suppliers] [Chemical Software Suppliers]
Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants (1986)
[Note: Link moved; URL changed 4/23/98 by ald]
This list, provided by the National Institute for Science and Technology
(NIST) gives values for about 100 of the major physical constants.
- SI
Units, Fundamental Constants and Conversion Factors
This list gives the fundamental and derived SI units, a list of the
standard unit prefixes (e.g. milli-, kilo-) and selected physical
constants and English unit/SI conversion factors.
- The Laws
This collection of laws, rules and constants in physics, compiled by Erik
Max Francis, includes a number of interest in physical chemistry, e.g. the
gas laws, Rydberg formula, etc.
WebElements [Note: Link moved; URL changed
3/28/02 by ald]
WebElements is a hypertext-linked collection of property data on the first
112 elements including (where available): general, chemical, physical,
nuclear, electronic, biological, geological, crystallographic, reduction
potential, isotopic abundances, electronic configurations, ionization
enthalpy data and additional textual information, especially on
the history of the elements.
- Table Of The Nuclides
[Note: Broken link removed 3/28/02 by ald]
The Table of the Nuclides first presents a map of all known nuclides. Each
horizontal row represents one element; colored dots indicate the known
isotopes of that element. A vertical column represents the nuclides with
same neutron numbers. By clicking on a region of the chart, you may see a
more detailed chart section. From the colors on the chart, you can get an
idea of the life time of a nuclide. By clicking on a cell, you can get
properties of the nuclide or atom.
Online Physical Data
This site contains links to the NIST collections of physical data which
have so far been made available over the web, plus a catalog of other NIST
data collections.
- NIST Chemistry Webbook
The NIST WebBook will provide access to the full array of data compiled
and distributed by NIST under the Standard Reference Data Program. The
current edition, the Chemistry WebBook, contains, among other data:
(1) Thermodynamic
data on an extensive set of organic and small inorganic compounds -
Enthalpy of formation, Heat capacity and Entropy for over 5000
(2) A large set of ion-energetics data - Ionization
potential and Appearance potential for over 14,000 compounds.
(3) IR spectra, mass spectra and heat of reaction data for thousands of compounds.
Data on
specific compounds may be located by name, formula or CAS Registry Number.
- ChemFinder WebServer [Note: Link moved; URL
changed 3/28/02 by ald]
This database, from
CambridgeSoft, provides basic physical
data and links to websites containing other data for a large number of chemical
compounds. It is searchable by name, molecular weight, molecular formula,
CAS Registry Number or structure (uploaded in SMILES string format).
- WWW Chemical Structures Database
[Note: Broken Link removed 3/28/02 by ald]
The WWW Chemical Structures Database, created by the Computer
Chemistry Center at the University of Erlangen, contains more than 2250
automatically collected chemical structures from the Internet, complete
with information about the referring HTML pages. It is searchable by name,
CAS Registry Number, molecular formula and other data, as well as by
structure (uploaded in SMILES string format).
- Organic Compounds Database
This database, compiled at Virginia Tech and made available by Colby College,
provides physical data on a large number of organic compounds, including
molecular weight, melting point, boiling point, index of refraction and
UV absorption peaks. It is searchable by name, molecular formula or by
data values for the above properties.
SOLV-DB is a database of physical, chemical, health and safety,
regulatory and environmental fate data on over 100 common organic
solvents, provided by the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences.
It is searchable by name, formula, CAS Registry Number, property data
values and so forth.
- IUPAC Chemical
Nomenclature [Note: Link moved; URL changed
7/20/00 by ald]
This site, housed at
Queen Mary and Westfield College,
contains a number of IUPAC documents on organic and biochemical nomenclature,
in many cases including sample structure diagrams.
- Hazardous Chemicals
This database, created at the University of Akron, will allow the user to
retrieve information for any of over 1300 hazardous chemicals based on a
keyword search. Potential keywords include names, formula and registry
numbers (CAS, DOT, RTECS and EPA).
Environmental Chemicals Data Information Network [Note: Broken link
removed 7/20/00 by ald]
ECDIN is a
factual databank, created under the Environmental
Research Programme of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the Commission of European
Communities at the Ispra Establishment. Chemicals are searchable by name,
molecular formula or CAS Registry Number. Possible available data
include: Identification, Physical-Chemical Properties, Production and Use,
Legislation and Rules, Occupational Health and Safety, Toxicity,
Concentrations and Fate in the Environment, Detection Methods, Hazards and
Emergency. Not all chemicals listed will have data in all fields.
- Thermodex [Note: Link moved; URL changed
7/20/00 by ald]
While this web site does not actually list thermophysical or thermochemical data,
it is an extremely useful index to such data available in a host of printed data
collections (excluding Beilstein, Landolt-Bornstein, the CRC Handbook and Perry's
Handbook), searchable by name of property, class of compound, specific compound or
combinations of the above. Thermodex is the creation of the Library of the
University of Texas at Austin.
To Table of Contents
Materials Safety Data Sheets contain basic safety information on the
storage, handling and use of chemicals. Manufacturers are required to
provide them on request for any chemical products they sell. There are a
number of Internet sites which provide electronic collections of MSDS's
for quick reference.
- MSDS from University
of Utah
This site at the University of Utah contains a collection of
materials safety data sheets from a variety of sources. Chemicals are
listed alphabetically by common or product name. The database is not
- MSDS from Vermont
[Note: Broken link removed 5/12/98 by ald]
This site from Vermont Safety Resources on the Internet contains a
searchable collection of MSDS from a variety of chemical
manufacturers. It also includes a large collection of links to other Web MSDS sites. Vermont SIRI also maintains a good collection of
links to other health and safety sites on the Vermont SIRI Web Site at .
- MSDS from PTCL in Oxford,
This Web site contains an alphabetically grouped collection of MSDS from a
variety of sources. The collection is maintained by the Physical and
Theoretical Chemsitry Laboratory at the University of Oxford.
To Table of Contents
- ACS Chemical
Sciences Graduate School Finder [Note on the
site: "The ACS Graduate School Finder is no longer available online" -- 7/20/00]
This American Chemical Society site contains detailed information on North
American graduate schools, with browsable and searchable lists
of chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry and related departments.
- The U.S. News and
World Report rankings [Note: Broken
link removed 7/20/00 by ald]
Contains rankings of graduate chemistry programs in the U.S., last updated for
chemistry in 1996.
- Peterson's
Guide to Graduate and Professional Study [Note:
Link moved; URL changed 3/3/01, 3/28/02 by ald]
This Web site, from the creators of the popular Peterson's college
guides, covers graduate programs in the U.S. and Canada.
- Peterson's Guide to
Undergraduate Colleges [Note: Link moved;
URL changed 3/28/02 by ald]
Similar information on undergraduate programs in the U.S. and Canada.
- Academic Chemistry Departments in the United States
- Academic Chemistry Departments
Outside the United States
The sites above contain a comprehensive collection of links to the web sites of academic chemistry departments
(and some national laboratories and national academies) from the United States and the rest of the world, respectively.
The U.S. list is grouped both alphabetically and by state, while the world list is grouped by country. North American
universities with a listing in the ACS Graduate School Finder also have a direct link to their listing in that web source.
To Table of Contents
These are major collections of World Wide Web information in chemistry.
Some of the sources they link to may duplicate each other or this list,
but you will also find unique resources.
- Analytical Chemistry Springboard from Umeå University
[Note: Broken link removed 3/28/02 by ald]
This is an excellent collection of Internet resources dealing
specifically with analytical chemistry.
- Australian Chemistry Network -- OzChemNet
[Note: Broken link removed 3/28/02 by ald]
- Biochemistry: WWW Virtual
Library at Harvard [Note: Link moved;
URL changed 3/3/01 by ald]
This biochemistry resource collection is part of the excellent "WWW
Virtual Library" alliance of sites.
- Biomolecular &
Biosequence Databases (Harvard)
[Note: Link moved; URL changed 7/21/00 by ald]
On the same server as the above, this is one of the best lists of the
ever-growing libraries of biosequence information available on the Web.
- ChemCenter [Note: Link
moved; URL changed 3/3/01, 3/28/02 by ald]
This is a pooling of Web resources from the American Chemical Society and
Chemical Abstracts Service, including STNEasy, the ACS Graduate School
Finder, Chemcyclopedia and more. It will eventually feature unique
resources as well.
- ChemDex from the
University of Sheffield [Note: Link moved; URL changed 7/20/00 by
ChemDex is one of the premier collections of chemistry sites on
the Web, extremely comprehensive and well organized. See also ChemWeb below.
An excellent recently developed site with a huge collection of links organized by subject class
(unfortunately, the links are identified by the page title, which isn't always very descriptive),
as well as a nice collection of online tools like a molecular mass calculator, chemical software links,
and job and conference listings.
- ChemInfo from Indiana University: CIS-IU
This site, created by Gary Wiggins, chemistry librarian at Indiana University, is excellent, especially for
chemical information instruction resources.
- Chemistry : The
World-Wide Web Virtual Library from UCLA
Another WWW Virtual Library site.
- Chemistry : Yahoo [Note: Link moved; URL
changed 7/20/00 by ald]
Yahoo's hierarchical collection of chemistry resources is extremely large, if not very
selective or well-maintained.
- Chemistry Resources on the Internet from RPI
An extensive, well-organized and searchable collection of Net resources.
[Note: "...Since instruction in chemical information is no longer
offered regularly at Rensselaer, the resources required for timely
updates of this site cannot be justified. -- from the web site]
- [Note: Link moved; URL changed 7/20/00 by
This site is an "Internet club for chemists", containing chat rooms, forums, a
"shopping mall" with links to suppliers, a "library" with full-text journals from
various publishers and databases from MDL Information Systems, Inc., job postings,
its own online magazine for chemists (The Alchemist) and other
services. ChemWeb now includes ChemDex Plus, a searchable version of the excellent
Sheffield ChemDex site. Members must register, but membership is free.
- Crystallography: The
World Wide Web Virtual Library from University of Geneva, Switzerland
[Note: Broken link removed 4/23/98 by ald]
Another good WWW Virtual Library site.
- EInet:
Another hierarchically organized collection; like Yahoo, it is large but not well maintained.
- German Chemical Resources: WWW Virtual Library from Karlsruhe
As the name implies, this site focuses on Internet chemical resources based in Germany. Available in both German and English versions.
- The Homepage for
Chemists [Note: Link
moved; URL changed 7/20/00, 3/28/02 by ald]
A large collection of links to Web chemistry resources, well-classified and
updated. Also available in a German language version.
- INFOMINE Physical
Sciences from UC-Riverside [Note: Link
moved; URL changed 7/20/00, 3/28/02 by ald]
Not one of the largest physical science sites, but notable for its use of assigned
subject headings and keywords for better searching of the resource database.
- Latinamerican
Chemistry Web (English version)
This site is sponsored by the Organization of American States and hosted
by CINVESTAV in Mexico. It is especially good for addresses and contacts
for Latin American universities and has a host of useful links. It is
also available in a Spanish language version.
- Magellan: The McKinley Internet Directory [Note: Broken link removed 3/28/02 by ald]
This directory of
Internet resources in many fields is searchable and
browsable by subject and rates its entries for completeness, ease of use,
etc. Does not contain a huge number of links under Chemistry.
- NIST Virtual
Library Chemistry Subject Guide
This guide to chemistry Web resources from the National Institute of
Standards and Technology is not huge, but does contain a few unique links.
- Rolf Claessen's Chemistry
Index [Note: Link moved;
URL changed 3/3/01 by ald
This is a very comprehensive, frequently updated collection of links
covering all areas of chemistry.
- SciQuest
[Note: Link moved; URL changed 4/23/98 by ald]
SciQuest provides a searchable and browsable collection of links to a
vast number of chemical and equipment suppliers. Users may enter as
guests, or register as members free of charge.
- Thermodynamic
Data and Property Calculation Sites on the Web
[Note: Link moved; URL changed 3/28/02 by ald]
An extensive collection of thermodynamic data Web sites
from the Thermodynamics Research Lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
- WebChemistry from La
Trobe Univ., Melbourne, Australia. parent site
[Note: Link moved; URL changed 7/20/00 by ald]
U. S. mirror site U. K.
mirror site
A large, well-organized collection; unfortunately it apparently hasn't
been updated since October, 1996.
- Wendy Warr & Co.
This web site for the consulting firm operated by renowned chemical
information specialist Wendy Warr includes links to excellent collections
of information on current meetings, combinatorial chemistry
and chemical structure information on the Web.
To Table of Contents
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