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WWW Sources

The WWW can provide a great deal of information, specifically government generated information, as well as information supplied by organizations and associations. Some information may be relevant for your research, and some may not. You need to critically evaluate the material you find on the net.

Samples of Web

There are several ways to Find Web Sources. Use the sources below to find relevant Web Sites for your paper.

Once relevant Web Sites have been found, copy the url and paste into the windows below.

To Learn how to copy and paste click here

1st Web Site

(to get a description of a URL click here)

 Title of the Web Site

Author of the Web site (individual, association, club, school or college, etc.)

Evaluate the Web Site
  • Currency
    Is there an indication of when the information was created or updated?
  • Authority/Credibility
    Is there information on the author/producer of the source?
    Is there information on the author/producer’s credentials?
    Is there contact information (*e.g. email address for author/producer)?
  • Coverage
    Does the site cover the topic extensively?

    Does the site cover the topic accurately?
    Is the information presented as fact (vs. opinion?)
    If the information is presented as fact, can it be assessed for accuracy?
    Does the information appear to be biased?
  • Design
    Is the page layout visually pleasing?
    Are the buttons or icons easy to understand?
    Are hot links provided to additional information?

    Do the images enhance the information?

Cite this Web Cite properly in the window below.
To learn what citing is and how to cite properly click here.

