DARWIN Digitale Dissertationen German Version Strich

FU Berlin
Digitale Dissertation

Rainer Ernst Schneider-Wilkes :
Engagement and failure in citizens' action groups
Political learning processes of Berlin traffic citizens' action groups
Engagement und Misserfolg in Bürgerinitiativen

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|Abstract| |Table of Contents| |More Information|


The number of the initiatives has increased steadily since 1973 - the answer-to-seize ratio has sunk continuously within these twenty years: If the number increased on the one hand the answer-to-seize ratio of the initiatives, this one considerably - on the other hand is the traffic initiatives in Berlin since the seventies in the time period 1973 - for himself 1993 had been based sunk from 34% (seventies) more than 16% (eighties) less than 11% (nineties) in Berlin. For success and failure the factors sub-document cunnings or protest postcards, cooperation with representatives are in a significant coherence or district ordained making contact with the administration, mobilization of the population and technical competence. The engagement into traffic citizens' action groups hasn't become only increasingly more unsuccessfully, it is also connected to a high degree of frustrations and disappointments for the active besides an immense time expenditure. It is the talk to to to fatalistic remarks as of "a depressing fight against windmills" "everything doesn't have any meaning anyway". The whole disappointment culminated in her traffic citizens' action group after do lasting for years, unsuccessful in the yell of an older activist already mentioned: "What else shall one do? Shall one throw bombs "?. A further result gives information about typical "political personalities": 94% of the examined interview partners, had already politically or socially been active before. Much active voice start with the immediate or step-by-step retreat from the political engagement - this a further result the share essay 2: Perhaps political and economic faint feelings of millions of people are con-con-reason for this, that an authoritative atmosphere concoction hostile to strangers has developed at a part of the German population to be not neglected already since some time any more (cf. Stöss 2000). More democracy would be no more risk but a chance in Germany today. The expiries experienced by citizens' action groups as "bill democratic" and the real influence possibilities at the so-called citizen participation have to be so reformed that the "spectator democracy" already diagnosed years ago, (water sprite 1986), of this republic is stood up into the situation, participation and discussion democracy develop into a real and self-confident. Democracy desire could place politics (him) for frustration spread in the country. The faint feelings determined in this work and faint experiences of engaged female citizens are at all events quiet but effective grave-diggers of the democracy.

Table of Contents

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Kapitel I. Einführung

Kapitel II. Theorieteil

Kapitel III. Erfolg und Mißerfolg von Berliner Verkehrsinitiativen 1973 - 1993 (Teilstudie 1)

Kapitel IV. Erfahrungen im politischen Engagement und subjektive Konsequenzen (Teilstudie 2)

Kapitel V. Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerungen für das demokratische System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland


Abkürzungen, Tabellen- und Abbildungsverzeichnis


Zehn goldene Regeln


Interviewleitfaden zu den Experteninterviews

Operationalisierung der Thesen von Teilstudie 1

Fragebogen für die 113 Initiativen

Interviewleitfaden für die Interviews mit den Aktivisten

Erläuterungen zu den Biographie- und Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen

More Information:

Online available: http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/2001/166/indexe.html
Language of PhDThesis: german
Keywords: basic groups, success, failure, democracy
DNB-Sachgruppe: 16 Politik
Date of disputation: 07-Jul-2001
PhDThesis from: Fachbereich Politik- u. Sozialwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin
First Referee: Professor Dr. Roland Roth
Second Referee: Professor Dr. Peter Grottian
Contact (Author): Rainer.Schneider-Wilkes@t-online.de
Contact (Advisor): lenhart@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Date created:27-Aug-2001
Date available:30-Aug-2001


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