DARWIN Digitale Dissertationen German Version Strich

FU Berlin
Digitale Dissertation

Anne-Marie Elbe :
Women and Competitive Sports - a Cross-Cultural Comparison between Germany and the USA
Frauen und Leistungssport im interkulturellen Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und den USA

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|Abstract| |Table of Contents| |More Information|


Women in competitive sports are a cross-cultural phenomenon that exhibits specific cultural features in Germany and the United States. The goal is to identify the similarities and differences in the women of these two countries using theoretical aspects of cross-cultural comparisons as well as BRONFENBRENNER`s socio-ecological developmental psychological model. First, the sport orientations of young women in competitive sports as well as the influence and support they experience from their environment which are relevant to their sport participation are identified on the different levels of BRONFENBRENNER`s model and dimensioned and analyzed in respect to the two cultures. The underlying presumption of the analysis is that the close connection between the educational and the competitive sport systems existent in the USA has a positive influence on the achievement orientation and sport participation of young women. Furthermore, this connection is believed to cause a more positive perception of the sport environment. In addition, it is hypothesized that young American women have a higher achievement orientation in sports as well as a higher level of physical activity. Therefore, their achievement orientation as well as their physical activity are assessed. In addition, the environmental stereotypes towards women in sports are analyzed as well as parents' and peers' orientations and support. The main focus is on an evaluation of the sport climate at schools and universities. From a sport pedagogical perspective, those factors relevant for the sport climate are dimensioned on the basis of the school climate research and then analyzed. The study furthermore takes a look at the sport media consumption of young women. Based on a survey of 679 German and American middle school and university students in the urban areas of Berlin and San Francisco, the evaluations take into account the variables nationality, age and sport status (competitive athlete / non-competitive athletes). The results of the survey correspond to the hypotheses. They show that predominantly cross-cultural similarities can be identified concerning the perception of the sport environment as well as the sport specific orientations of competitive athletes. In addition, some cultural specific features concerning how competitive and non-competitive athletes perceive their environment can be identified. In conclusion, the results extensively describe the situation of female competitive athletes in Germany and the United States.

Table of Contents

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0. Titelblatt, Gliederung, Danksagung

1. Vorwort und Einleitung

2. Interkultureller Vergleich

3. Theoretischer Rahmen: Entwicklungspsychologie

4. Soziale Umwelt von Frauen im Sport in Deutschland und den USA

5. Forschungshypothesen

6. Empirische Untersuchung

7. Ergebnisse: Soziales Umfeld - Vorurteile zum Leistungssport von Frauen

8. Ergebnisse: Soziales Umfeld - Eltern

9. Ergebnisse: Soziales Umfeld - Freundinnen und Freunde

10. Ergebnisse: Soziales Umfeld - Schulumwelt bzw. Hochschulumwelt

11. Ergebnisse: Soziales Umfeld - Medien und Spitzensport

12. Ergebnisse: Leistungsorientierung

13. Ergebnisse: Allgemeine Informationen zum Sporttreiben

14. Fazit / Ausblick

15. Literaturverzeichnis

16. Anhang A Statistische Auswertungen

17. Anhang B Fragebogen (Version für deutsche studentische Leistungssportlerinnen)

More Information:

Online available: http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/2001/179/indexe.html
Language of PhDThesis: german
Keywords: competitive sports, women, cross-cultural comparison, achievement motivation, environment
DNB-Sachgruppe: 50 Sport, Spiele
Date of disputation: 13-Jul-2001
PhDThesis from: Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie, Freie Universität Berlin
First Referee: Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerhard Sack
Second Referee: Prof. Dr. Dr. Gertrud Pfister
Contact (Author): Anne-Marie.Elbe@t-online.de
Contact (Advisor): paedpsys@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Date created:10-Sep-2001
Date available:13-Sep-2001


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