DARWIN Digitale Dissertationen German Version Strich

FU Berlin
Digitale Dissertation

Werner Polster :
European Monetary Integration - From the Payments Union to the Monetary Union
Europäische Währungsintegration -Von der Zahlungsunion zur Währungsunion

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|Abstract| |Table of Contents| |More Information|


European Monetary Integration - From the Payments Union to the Monetary Union


This thesis attemps to systematically comprehend the European monetary integration after 1945. Hereby it proceeds from two basic considerations (part I). 1. Monetary integration is part of political integration so that primarily the specific European approach to integration must be reflected upon. 2. Monetary integration in itself follows a logic connection of different stages of monetary integration.

During the reflection upon political integration (chapter 1) the premisses of integration are well to the fore. These are political odds given which determine monetary integration. It is distinguished between general premisses (e.g. solidarity between states, equality of states, willingness to renounce of sovereignty) as determining every process of integration and specifically European premisses (e.g. the national state method of integration, the real economic method of integration, the hierarchy of integration) which crystallize in connection with the Treaty of Rome.

Monetary integration, according to a further assumption of this thesis, takes place in specific monetary stages or monetary orders (chapter 2). In this step of analysis the thesis distinguishes between closed currency areas, the payments union, the order of exchange rates, the monetary system, the monetary union and the unified monetary order. In each case the different stages excel by a distinct functional mechanism and differing degrees of renunciation of sovereignty. The elaborated premisses of integration enter into the monetary stages in that the general premisses structure the respectiv monetary order while the specifically European premisses determine the course of monetary integration.

Within this frame of analysis European history of monetary unification is then explored, as far as it has manifested in treaties and plannings (part II). In detail these are the European Payments Union (EPU), the European Monetary Agreement (EMA), the Treaty of the European Economic Community (EECT), the so called Snake, the European Monetary System (EMS), the cross-border capital movements, plannings on a monetary system, the Werner Plan and the Maastricht Plan.

The EPU is shown as a monetary order which was successful because of the consideration of the premisses of integration, the potential of which with regard to a further monetary integration was not made use of, however (chapter 3). Europeans? difficulties with the different orders of exchange rates are attributed to unsatisfactory consideration of the premisses of integration and a lacking coordination in the politics of capital movements (chapter 4). The fact that the proposals concerning the establishing of a monetary system were not taken up is explained by the thesis with a missing willingness of co-operation of the Federal Republic of Germany (chapter 5). Finally an explanation is offered for the fact that the Maastricht Plan was successfully transfered into action while the Werner Plan failed (chapter 6).

The thesis concludes with reflections upon its coherent findings with regard to monetary integration and draws theoretical conclusions in a discussion of the neofunctionalist theory (part III, chapter 7).

Table of Contents

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Einleitung 6
Die europäische Währungsintegration als Problem 6
1. Gegenstand und Ziel der Arbeit 6
2. Grundannahmen und theoretischer Ausgangspunkt 11
3. Der Aufbau der Arbeit 14
Die politische Integration als Grundlage der monetären Integration 17
1.1 Überlegungen zum Integrationsbegriff 17
1.2 Die allgemeinen Integrationsprämissen 22
1.3 Die spezifisch europäischen Integrationsprämissen 27
1.4 Integrationsstrategien 31
Monetäre Integrationsstufen 36
2.1  Das Modell 36
2.2  Währungsordnungen und Integrationsprämissen 40
2.3  Die Stadien im einzelnen 45
Die Europäische Zahlungsunion (EZU) 68
3.1  Die Vorgeschichte 69
3.2  Die institutionelle Konstruktion 73
3.3  Die EZU als monetäres Integrationsstadium 82
3.4  Das Ende der EZU und das Auslaufen eines monetären Integrationsfadens 90
Die Phase der Wechselkursordnungen 95
4.1  Das Europäische Währungsabkommen (EWA) 96
4.2  Die fragmentarische Wechselkursordnung des EWGV 101
4.3  Die fragile Wechselkursordnung des Europäischen Wechselkursverbunds (EWV) 118
4.4  Die stabile Wechselkursordnung - Das Europäische Währungssystem 123
4.5  Die Kapitalverkehrspolitik der Gemeinschaft in der Wechselkursphase (1958-1990) 158
4.6  Die Phase der Wechselkursordnungen - mühsamer Anfang, abruptes Ende 179
Das Währungssystem 182
5.1  Von der Zahlungsunion zum Währungssystem - Die Diskussion um die Weiterentwicklung der EZU 183
5.2  Von der Wechselkursordnung zum Währungssystem - Die Diskussion um das EWS 184
5.3  Vom Währungssystem zur Währungsunion - Die Diskussionen um ein währungssystemisches Übergangsstadium 197
5.4  Zusammenfassung: Das Währungssystem als Integrationsschwelle 206
Die Währungsunionsplanungen 212
6.1  Die Währungsunion von 1971 213
6.2  Der Währungsunionsplan von Maastricht 240
6.3  Die beiden Währungsunionspläne im Vergleich 287
Die europäische Währungsintegration im Zusammenhang 297
7.1  Währungspolitische Ergebnisse 297
7.2  Integrationstheoretische Schlußfolgerungen 317
Literaturverzeichnis 329

More Information:

Online available: http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/2001/193/indexe.html
Language of PhDThesis: german
Keywords: Europe, Monetary Integration, Payments Union, Monetary Union
DNB-Sachgruppe: 17 Wirtschaft
Date of disputation: 04-Jul-2001
PhDThesis from: Fachbereich Politik- u. Sozialwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin
First Referee: Prof. Dr. Alparslan Yenal
Second Referee: Prof. Dr. Michael Bolle
Contact (Author): Josten-polster@bigfoot.de
Date created:05-Oct-2001
Date available:17-Oct-2001


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