DARWIN Digitale Dissertationen German Version Strich

FU Berlin
Digitale Dissertation

Astrid Schulz :
Chemical ozone loss in the Arctic and sub-Arctic stratosphere
Bestimmung des Ozonabbaus in der arktischen und subarktischen Stratosphäre

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|Abstract| |Table of Contents| |More Information|




With the Match technique, which is based on the coordinated release of ozonesondes from a network of sounding stations in the Northern Hemisphere in order to obtain a large number of double probed air parcels, the chemical ozone loss inside the stratospheric polar vortex was quantified during the winters 1996/97, 1997/98, and 1998/99.

Large interannual differences regarding the amount of chemical ozone loss were detected. In winter 1996/97, the coldest winter examined here, ozone loss was detected in February and March, with maximum vortex averaged loss rates around 40 ppbv/day. Overall, the ozone loss was lower than in the two preceding years, because only the inner part of the polar vortex was affected by major ozone loss. Despite this, the total ozone column densities that where observed in spring 1997 were lower compared to both years before, which indicates a large dynamical contribution. In winter 1997/98, temperatures were higher than in preceding years, and only slight ozone loss was detected, which was probably connected to lee wave formation at the edge of the polar vortex. In winter 1998/99, the warmest winter examined with Match so far, no chemical ozone loss was detected. These results demonstrate clearly that, given the present chlorine loading, the amount of ozone destruction in the Arctic stratosphere is determined by the temperature distribution.

In this work, the dependence of the ozone loss rates on the temperature histories of the air parcels was analysed for the first time. Using all Match data that were obtained inside the polar vortex in an isentropic level of 475 K during the years 1995-2000, it was shown that chemical ozone loss in February occurred solely within those air parcels that experienced temperatures below 193-195 K either between the two soundings or up to ten days before the first sounding. According to the present understanding of the seasonal ozone loss in polar regions, stratospheric chlorine is activated below certain threshold temperatures, which then initiates ozone destruction. The results obtained in this work give experimental evidence for the existence of such a threshold temperature being of significance for the ozone destruction. For the altitude under consideration, the threshold temperature determined in this work agrees with the threshold temperature for chlorine activation that was observed by others.

Table of Contents

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Titel und Inhalt
1. Einleitung 3
2. Grundlegende Größen und Zusammenhänge 5
2.1. Der vertikale Aufbau der Atmosphäre und die Dynamik 5
2.2. Chemie in der Stratosphäre 14
2.3. Ozonmessungen 26
3. Die Match Methode 30
3.1. Dynamisch bedingte Ozonvariabilität in der Arktis 30
3.2. Methoden zur Bestimmung des chemischen Ozonabbaus 32
3.3. Die Match Kampagnen 34
3.4. Match Auswertung 38
4. Ozonverluste im Polarwirbel 46
4.1. Winter 1996/97 46
4.2. Winter 1997/98 58
4.3. Winter 1998/99 66
4.4. Vergleich der verschiedenen Jahre 71
5. Temperaturabhängigkeit der Ozonverlustraten 75
5.1. Temperaturabhängigkeit in einzelnen Jahren 76
5.2. Generelle Temperaturabhängigkeit 79
5.3. Möglicher Einfluß von Leewellen im Winter 1997/98 83
6. Match in mittleren Breiten 87
6.1. Ozonabbau in mittleren Breiten 87
6.2. Experimenteller Ansatz in mittleren Breiten 89
6.3. Ergebnisse und ihre Einschränkungen 90
6.4. Diskussion 100
7. Zusammenfassung 101
Liste der Ozonsondenstationen 103
Häufig verwendete Symbole und Abkürzungen 105
Literaturverzeichnis 106
Danksagung 118
Lebenslauf 120

More Information:

Online available: http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/2001/33/indexe.html
Language of PhDThesis: german
Keywords: ozone loss, ozone depletion, stratosphere, Arctic, temperatures, polar vortex, Match
DNB-Sachgruppe: 31 Geowissenschaften
Date of disputation: 23-Jan-2001
PhDThesis from: Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin
First Referee: Prof. Dr. Karin Labitzke
Second Referee: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Justus Notholt
Contact (Author): aschulz@awi-potsdam.de
Contact (Advisor): labitzke@strat01.met.fu-berlin.de
Date created:02-Mar-2001
Date available:07-Mar-2001


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