DARWIN Digitale Dissertationen German Version Strich

FU Berlin
Digitale Dissertation

Katja Ulrike Heintzenberg :
Comparison of the mechanical solidity of soldered and differently laser welded test specimens from a Palladium based alloy before and after six months of chemical stress.
Vergleich der mechanischen Festigkeiten gelöteter und lasergeschweißter Prüfkörper aus einer Palladiumbasis-Legierung nach chemischer Belastung.

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|Abstract| |Table of Contents| |More Information|


The submitted study is about the comparison of the mechanical solidity of soldered and differently laser welded test specimens from a Palladium based alloy before and after six months of chemical stress. By vacuum-pressure-technique 80 DIN meeting test specimens have been produced from the Palladium alloy BegoPal® 300. 3 of the 10 series originated from five times cast reused metal, the remaining from pure new metal. After visual check of the test specimens, separating and linking took place for the respective method of fusion to tested. Series 3 and 4, both from metal, was soldered with the help of the flame and solder. Series 5 and 6 from new metal were welded together (butt joint) under application of a laser with in pilot tests found laser-parameter-combination of 0,6 mm diameters, tension of 310 V, and impulse-duration of 11,5 ms. The series 7 and 8 were equally treated like the 5 and 6 series, but consisted of reused metal however. The series 9 and 10 from new metal were cut symmetrical too, but also roof-ridge like, and a gauge was used as well as additional material for welding. The laser parameter were not changed for this fusion. All series were tested in the zone of fusion through an EDX-analysis, determined with micro-temper-stress-marks after Vickers with 10 measuring points. After the series 4, 6, 8, and 10 were stored for 6 month in artificial saliva, these series were again tested through EDX-analysis after this chemical stress. Altogether 100 EDX test results were established. First of all, a tension test after DIN EN 10002: 1991 was applied to the genuine series 1 (new metal) and 2 (reused metal) to establish a standard of comparison. The tension-resistance-factor for the series 1 and 2 reached an average of 829 MPa and 838 MPa. The soldered series achieved 42 % of these results (349 ± 64 MPa), respectively after treatment with artificial saliva 40 % of the results of the genuine series1. All soldered test specimens broke in the soldered seam. The series 5 and 6 (new metal) achieved not only before, but also after the treatment with artificial saliva very good tension-test results of 77 % - 82 %, as well as the additional material laser welded test specimens, which achieved 77 % before and 69% after chemical stress (artificial saliva). The light-microscopic examinations of the fracture-surface after the tests showed surfaces with shrinkholes on the soldered series, but no corrosion. The laser-welded series showed gas-shrinkholes and zones of incomplete welding. However, homogeneous surface could be found too. The resistance was not essentially lowered despite gas-shrinkholes in comparison to homogenous surfaces. All by laser welded test specimens broke, however, in the seam also. The applied EDX-analysis showed on the laser-welded specimens after the chemical treatment (artificial saliva) basically no change of the adhesive oxides on the surface. The element-distribution on the soldered surface showed considerably differences in comparison to the genuine test specimens already before the chemical treatment with artificial saliva. With reference to the tensile strength, the laser welding, and here above all the butt joint method, has to be preferred to soldering, under consideration that even the untrained use of laser welding results in higher and not only with standards complying tensile strength.

Table of Contents

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  Inhaltsverzeichnis IV
1. Einleitung 1
2. Schrifttum 3
3. Material und Methode 26
4. Ergebnisse 14
5. Diskussion 65
6. Zusammenfassung 73
7. Summary 75
8. Literaturverzeichnis 77
9. Anhang 87
  Danksagung 108
  Curriculum vitae 109

More Information:

Online available: http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/2002/148/indexe.html
Language of PhDThesis: german
Keywords: Comparison mechanical solidity laser test Palladium
DNB-Sachgruppe: 33 Medizin
Date of disputation: 13-Sep-2002
PhDThesis from: Fachbereich Humanmedizin, Freie Universität Berlin
First Referee: PD. Dr. Roland Strietzel
Second Referee: Prof. Dr. Klaus Dermann
Contact (Author): uliheintzenberg@aol.com
Contact (Advisor): strietzel@bego.com
Date created:10-Aug-2002
Date available:10-Sep-2002


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