Chapter IX:
Project 80: The Hoelscher Committee Report
Of all Secretary McNamara's
study projects the one known as Project 80 entitled Study of the
Functions, Organization, and Procedures of the Department of the Army
was the most important for the Army. In substance, it took up the
question of functionalizing the technical services where previous
studies and reorganizations had left it.
As in the case of Project 100
Secretary McNamara assigned responsibility for this study to Cyrus R.
Vance, who appointed Solis S. Horwitz, the Director of Organizational
Planning and Management, to supervise the project directly under him.
They agreed and informed the new Secretary of the Army, Elvis J. Stahr,
Jr., that the Army would be allowed an opportunity to study and evaluate
its own organization and procedures. On the recommendation of the Chief
of Staff, General Decker, Secretary Stahr selected the Deputy
Comptroller of the Army, Leonard W. Hoelscher, as the project director
to work directly with Horwitz's office.1
Mr. Hoelscher brought to his
task greater knowledge, experience, familiarity, and professional
accomplishment in the area of Army administration, organization, and
management than anyone, civilian or military, associated with the Army's
previous reorganizations as far back as Secretary Root. He had come to
Washington in 1940 as a colleague and protégé of Luther Gulick and John
Millett from the Public Administration Service in Chicago where he had
been a specialist in municipal administration after a decade as city
planner and city manager of Fort Worth, Texas. He had joined the Bureau
of the Budget after its transfer to the Executive Office of the
President in 1940 as a consultant on the organization and management of
federal agencies. During the war he had as-
sisted the Army Air Forces in
its reorganization under the Marshall plan and later worked with General
Gates in developing the concept of program planning. He also assisted in
improving the War Department's manpower statistics through the Strength
Accounting and Reporting Office. After the war he became Chief of the
Management Improvement Branch of the Bureau of the Budget at a time when
it was actively seeking to rationalize the federal bureaucracy along
functional lines. From 1950 on, as Special Assistant to the Army
Comptroller, and from November 1952, as Deputy Comptroller, he was
actively involved in developing the Army's functional program and
command management systems, in attempting to secure the adoption of
modern cost-accounting systems, and in improving the Army's management
procedures generally. With General Decker he had also worked to develop
a mission-oriented Army budget. Over a period of twenty years he had
developed an unparalleled, intimate working knowledge of Army
organization and management and its problems both as a planner and as an
The Deputy Secretary of Defense,
Roswell L. Gilpatric,
gave Mr. Hoelscher some broad,
informal instructions. He suggested. the study should first determine
what major changes had taken place in the defense environment since the
Army's last reorganization in 1955 and, second, outline what basic
considerations or standards the Army should meet in the light of these
changes. The study should then recommend changes required in the
functions, organization, and procedures of the Department of the Army to
meet these basic considerations.
The committee, Mr. Gilpatric
went on, should assume no further major changes in the National Security
Act of 1947 or in the Army's current assigned missions and functions to
train and support forces assigned to the unified and specified commands.
The Army's Chief of Staff would continue to be a member of the joint
Chiefs of Staff, and the assistant secretaries of defense would remain
advisers supposedly without operating responsibilities.3
Mr. Horwitz and his staff wanted
other areas investigated. A perennial question was whether the General
Staff should be involved in operations, how responsive it was to demands
from higher echelons, and what should be its relations to other Army
elements. Was CONARC necessary as a kind. of "second Department of
the Army?" Should the technical services be subordinated to a
"Service Command" or replaced by a "Research and
Development" or "Materiel Command?" Should the Army
continue to perform such "non-military" tasks as managing the
Panama Canal or the civil functions of the Corps of Engineers? 4
On the basis of these
instructions, assumptions, and questions Mr. Hoelscher drew up an
outline showing how he proposed to conduct the study. He recommended
that there be a project director with full executive authority to
conduct the study and make its final proposals, assisted by a Project
Advisory Committee and supported by a working staff divided into task
forces assigned to investigate particular areas, organizations, or
functions. General Decker approved this plan on 17 February and, as
already noted, appointed Mr. Hoelscher as Project Director.
He was to report periodically
through him to Mr. Stahr and through Mr. Horwitz's office to Mr. Vance
on his progress.5
Hoelscher had a small project
headquarters staff which organized the several task forces, co-ordinated
their activities, and helped prepare the final report. The Project
Advisory Committee consisted of representatives of the General Staff and
CONARC. The seven task forces, or study groups, were assigned to
investigate the Secretary of the Army's Office and the General and
Special Staffs and to evaluate the general management of the Army:
CONARC, including training and combat developments; Office of the Deputy
Chief of Staff for Logistics (ODCSLOG), the technical services and Army
logistics; Research and Development; personnel management; Reserve
Components; and the Army's nonmilitary functions. No action was ever
taken on the recommendations of the group studying Reserve functions,
and the study group on nonmilitary functions was never formed. Later
another study group was organized at the request of the Chief of Staff
to investigate Army aviation.6
Hoelscher considered the
selection of personnel so critical that he obtained special permission
from General Decker to examine the personnel files of qualified persons
rather than rely upon the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for
Personnel's (ODCSPER) resumes, the usual procedure. Hoelscher was
looking particularly for people whose records indicated they had
inquiring, analytical minds and the kind of broad-gauged training at the
Army War College or the Command and General Staff School which
emphasized the Army as a whole rather than the interests of a particular
arm or service. For each task force he sought a combination of officers
and civilians with a general background, management analysts, and
functional specialists.
DCSPER sent him the records of
more than four hundred officers and civilians who met these
qualifications. Following two months of examining these records,
Hoelscher and his staff selected fifty officers and thirteen
civilians, exclusive of clerical
assistance. Most officers were
colonels, but two were general officers. Perhaps the most important was
Brig. Gen. Ralph E. Haines, assistant commander of the 2d Armored
Division, who was chief of the task force on logistics. He was an armor
officer who had spent nearly all of his career in military operations.
Hoelscher's headquarters staff came largely from the Comptroller's
Directorate of Management Analysis and were chosen for their knowledge
of this area and because they were available and would remain so after
completing the study to follow up the committee's work.7
Second to selecting properly
qualified personnel, Hoelscher stressed what he considered the proper
methods of analyzing the Army's problems rather than compulsively
drawing organization charts at the outset. As he saw it, this should be
the very last item on the agenda after methodical analysis. To a
management expert like Hoelscher, organization charts were a red herring
leading people away from the real problems, the methods and procedures
by which an organization conducted its affairs. If the management of the
Army was inefficient, merely redrawing organization charts would not
solve the problem. That was one lesson to be learned from studying
previous Army reorganizations.8
The study groups spent
considerable time assembling facts and analyzing them. They studied
nearly four hundred reports and conducted approximately six
hundred interviews. They
made sixty field trips including
a visit overseas to investigate the U.S. Army's European Command. By
June they began discussing the basic considerations or standards the
Army should meet. After defining these objectives they developed,
evaluated, and chose among alternative patterns of organization and
In investigating changes in the
defense environment since 1955, the study groups concluded that there
were two Paramount trends which affected the Army's operations. The
first was the observable trend toward assigning all combat forces to the
unified and specified commands, operating directly under the joint
Chiefs of Staff. As a result, in the future the role of the services
would be to organize, train, and supply these commands. Second was the
equally obvious trend toward centralizing control over most programs in
the Department of Defense. In these circumstances, the Secretary of the
Army had more and more become an extension of the Office of the
Secretary of Defense, instead of being a spokesman for Army interests
and objectives. Centralization was most apparent in the areas of
research and development, common supplies and services, and financial
management. The increasing cost and complexity of new weapons systems
had led to increasing emphasis on systems or project management which
cut across service lines. The new program packages required the
development of uniform management information and control systems
throughout the Department of Defense for purposes of budgeting and
The study groups by mid-June had
settled on two dozen basic considerations for improving the Army's
performance in the areas of financial management, Army staff
co-ordination and control, personnel management, supervision and
co-ordination of training, control of combat developments, research and
development, management of the Army's logistic systems, and the Army's
relations with industry and academic life. The ultimate objective was an
Army capable of meeting the requirements of "cold, limited or
general war." 10
The committee began by pointing
out what Army reformers had been saying since World War II. In two world
wars the Army had had to change its organization, particularly its
supply system, after the outbreak of war. A properly organized Army
should be able to function in peace and war without such upheavals. A
further consideration was that another major war probably would not
allow the Army the luxury of reorganizing in the midst of combat.
Therefore, if any changes were necessary, they should be made now.11
The improvements recommended in
financial management had also been an Army objective for a decade: more
effective long-range planning and programing, integration of planning,
programing, and budgeting, and the development of programs and budgets
in terms of missions performed. The development of new weapons required
some form of project or systems management outside normal command
channels. The Army should integrate its various programs for review and
analysis and for measuring performance more effectively with less
emphasis on minor details and more on anticipating future developments.
The committee suggested also creating a single automatic data processing
authority to assist the Army staff in controlling, integrating, and
balancing its growing array of information systems..12
The committee's proposals for
improving Army staff coordination indicated the need for some
organizational readjustments. There was an apparent duplication of
effort between the Secretary of the Army's staff and the General Staff
which should be corrected. The Army staff should get out of operations.
"There is an inevitable conflict between staff and command
viewpoints," it said, indicting the technical service chiefs.
"Placing both staff and command responsibilities on a single
officer detracts from his capability to perform either job well."
If he were responsible for a particular segment of the Army under his
command, he could not see a problem from the viewpoint of the Army as a
Personnel management had not
been the subject of previous general studies of Army organization. Here
the emphasis
was on the need to utilize
military personnel on the basis of their capabilities rather than their
branch of service. There should be broader career opportunities for both
military and civilian personnel. Referring to the technical services,
the report pointed out that the increasing complexity of weapons systems
made greater flexibility necessary in the assignment of people with
specialized talents. The major problem in training was that
responsibility was fragmented among too many agencies, including the
technical and administrative services. On Reserve matters the committee
suggested greater participation by CONARC in command, supervision, and
support of Reserve units along with an overhaul of the ROTC program. 14
The committee found
responsibility for combat developments similarly fragmented. Long-range
planning of new doctrinal concepts and materiel requirements was
inadequate. Essentially a planning function, combat developments
required an environment free from operating responsibilities and from
the conservative outlook of those who distrusted changes. The emphasis
in combat developments as in operations research, the committee said,
should be on the application of research and development techniques to
concrete military requirements. Research and development within the Army
required an environment that would attract qualified scientists,
engineers, and other professional experts.
The Army's logistics systems
still needed greater integration and co-ordination. Finally, the Army
should improve its relations with businessmen and professional
scientists who were impatient with its red tape and delay.15
Following agreement on these
twenty-three "Basic Considerations" the study groups discussed
alternative solutions, including alternative organizational patterns. By
the end of August general agreement was reached on most major issues.
During September the study groups wrote their reports, while Hoelscher
and his immediate staff drafted an over-all report and dealt with
criticisms made by senior members of the Army staff.
Hoelscher presented his
recommendations orally to Secretary Stahr, General Decker, and the
General Staff on 11
October and to the Deputy Chief
of Staff for Logistics, General Colglazier, and representatives of the
technical service chiefs two days later.16
The Army as a whole was
especially interested in the organizational changes the committee
proposed. The most drastic was its proposal to functionalize the
technical services. To perform the Army's major research, development,
production, and supply functions, the Hoelscher Committee recommended
creation of a Systems Development and Logistics Command, a concept
dating back at least to General Goethals in World War I. It recommended
transferring the training functions of the technical services to CONARC,
reorganized as a Force Development Command. Responsibility for military
personnel management, it said, should be transferred, with certain
exceptions, to a new Office of Personnel Operations (OPO) . In line with
this the committee recommended abolishing The Adjutant General's Office
with its personnel functions going to OPO and its administrative
functions reorganized under a new Chief of Administrative Services. An
entirely new functional command, the Combat Developments Agency, later
designated the Combat Developments Command (CDC), would assume
responsibilities for this program formerly fragmented among CONARC, the
technical services, and the Army staff.
The Hoelscher Committee and its
task force on Army headquarters (Group B) also proposed important
improvements in the organization and procedures of the Army staff. These
included the addition of a Director of the Army Staff under the Chief
and Vice Chief of Staff and splitting the Office of the Deputy Chief of
Staff for Military Operations (ODCSOPS) into two agencies, a Deputy
Chief of Staff for Strategy and International Affairs and one for Plans,
Programs, and Systems. It proposed to regroup the Army's special staff
agencies in order to reduce the number of separate organizations
reporting directly to the Chief of Staff. The technical services would
continue under different titles as staff agencies relieved of their
field commands. The Office of the Chief of Ordnance and the Chief
Chemical Officer would be abolished entirely. The proposed organization
of Headquarters, Department of the Army, is outlined in Chart 25.
* Chief of Public Information also serves as Chief of Information.
1 General Staff Agency.
2 No change contemplated in status of Army Audit Agency.
Source: Hoelscher Committee Report, II, p.120.
A Director of the Army Staff,
the committee said, was necessary to co-ordinate the activities of the
General Staff for two reasons. Neither the Chief nor the Vice Chief of
Staff could perform this function effectively because they did not have
the time to devote to it. They were too busy with activities of the
joint Chiefs of Staff and other agencies outside the department. Second,
co-ordinating the activities of the General Staff had become a serious
problem in recent years, serious enough to justify such a position as a
full-time job. The increase in the size of Army staff agencies, their
expanding operations, and the frequent overlapping of their
jurisdictions created conflicts which the secretariat of the General
Staff could not resolve. Making the director senior to the deputy chiefs
would prevent many of these conflicts from reaching the overburdened
Chief and Vice Chief.17
In recommending splitting DCSOPS
into a Deputy Chief for Strategy and International Affairs and another
for Plans, Programs, and Systems, the committee asserted that DCSOPS
responsibilities for joint staff activities were so great that it did
not have time for its other assigned functions. Responsibility for
organization and training was fragmented among numerous Army staff
agencies. This required so much co-ordination that DCSOPS had little
time for policy planning. Joint staff activities and organization and
training were really two different functions that ought to be treated
The Deputy Chief of Staff for
Strategy and International Affairs would be responsible to OSD and JCS
for all joint staff activities and for international and civil affairs
concerning the Army. It would relieve the rest of the General Staff of
these functions and so eliminate some of the delay required to obtain
concurrences from many different agencies. As the Army's operations
deputy the DCSOPS would continue to run the Army War Room.18
The Deputy Chief of Staff for
Plans, Programs, and Systems would take over the other functions of
DCSOPS including organization and training, Army long-range planning,
combat developments, and Army aviation. This office would be respon-
sible for eliminating the gap
between plans, programs, and budgets. Creating a Systems (Management)
Directorate would provide for supervision of this new technique within
the Army staff.19
Financial management,
committee thought, could be improved by strengthening the authority of the
Comptroller, the Budget Officer of the Department of the Army, as an independent
review and analysis agency for the Army staff, and as the department's
Chief Management Engineer. It also recommended the adoption of
mission-oriented budget packages and improved review and analysis
procedures. It recommended that the Comptroller co-ordinate and integrate
the development of automatic data processing systems within the department
as well as systems analysis functions which relied heavily on the use of
automatic data processing.20
The Army staff was bogged down
in excessive co-ordination involving lengthy procedures of concurrences
and nonconcurrences.
Action officers complained they
must spend many hours seeking out those who may have an interest in a
particular problem-and then waiting long intervals for formal
concurrence from the other agencies. The system emphasized the formality
of concurrence as opposed to the substance of the problem. Partly by
custom, partly by the tradition of leaving no stone unturned to assure
that the staff action is complete, agencies having only minor interest
in a particular problem still must be shown as concurring formally
before the paper can be forwarded to the top officials of the
Department. 21
The committee proposed a system
of "active co-ordination" which would abolish the
time-consuming, traditional system of formal concurrences. The action
agency responsible for a particular project would be required to
determine and develop all the possible considerations, ramifications,
and consequences affecting its proposed solution, whether for or
against. It would submit alternative courses of action to
decision-makers along with the information needed on which to base their
decisions. This system would have the further advantage of reducing the
incentive to produce meaningless compromises for the sake of agreement.
Such a plan, while it resembled
the decision-making techniques of General Marshall and Secretary
McNamara, meant a radical break not only with traditional Army
procedures but those of the entire federal bureaucracy. In this sense
the proposal made by the Hoelscher Committee for active co-ordination
was far more revolutionary and radical than the more publicized
organizational changes it recommended.22
The task force which
investigated CONARC's training and combat developments program found
that the greatest weakness was fragmentation of responsibility for these
two functions among too many agencies. The situation was bad in regard
to training. It was even worse in the area of combat developments. The
independent technical services were major obstacles to effective
integration of these programs, but too many Army staff agencies were
involved as well. They complicated matters further not only by causing
additional delay, but their deliberations and compromises also made it
difficult to obtain clear policy decisions and instructions.
A particular weakness of the
combat developments program was the failure to develop any adequate
long-range planning, a natural consequence of mixing responsibility for
planning with operations at all levels in the Army.23
The CONARC task force
recommended integrating training. (Chart 26) CONARC would become a Force
Development Command responsible for induction and processing (functions
of The Adjutant General's Office), individual military training, the
organization, training, and equipment of units for assignment to
operating forces, and for supporting them and designated Reserve units
at required levels of mobilization or readiness. The Force Development
Command would also take over CONARC responsibilities for the CONUS
If individual training remained
a function of the Force Development Command's headquarters, it would
have to compete for attention with unit training and installation
support functions. Transferring to the Force Development Command the
schools and training centers of the technical and administra-
Source: Hoelscher Committee Report
tive services would add further
responsibilities to an overburdened headquarters.
A separate but subordinate
Individual Training Command could concentrate singlemindedly on
integrating the Army's individual training activities. It would also
supervise the Army's service schools, training centers, and personnel
processing activities. Specifically exempted because of their special
nature would be West Point and its Preparatory School, the Army War
College, certain intelligence schools, the Army Logistics Management
Center, and "courses of instruction of a professional medical or
non-military character." 24
The task force, in discussing
problems of installation support under the Force Development Command,
emphatically rejected any resurrection of the housekeeping command
concept that had caused so much trouble before the CONARC reorganization
of. 1955. The chief problem remaining in this area was financial
management. Installation support funds came under the amorphous,
catchall category designated "Operations and Maintenance of
Facilities." There was no such category in
the Army's appropriations
structure. Most of the funds to support installations came not only from
the Operations and Maintenance budget but also from the Operating
Forces, Training Activities, and Central Supply Activities
appropriations. Here again Congressional limitations on transferring
funds from one appropriations category to another were the principal
cause of the trouble and led to illegal transfers among appropriations
categories, as indicated earlier. The task force recommended making
Operations and Maintenance of Facilities a separate and legally distinct
category as the most efficient way of solving these problems.25
In recommending the integration
of combat developments under a single agency the CONARC task force
followed recommendations made by Project VISTA in 1952, the Haworth
Committee in 1954, and the Armour Research Foundation in 1959. In its
analysis, the task force suggested that four separate functions or
stages were involved: long-range planning, the development of materiel,
combat arms testing, and implementation, meaning the incorporation of
new doctrines and weapons in military training. The combat developments
agency proposed would cover only the first or planning stage. The CONARC
task force suggested assigning development and user acceptance tests to
the proposed logistics command, while training and doctrine would remain
under the Force Development Command. The "Combat Developments
Agency" would be responsible for preparing detailed military
specifications for new weapons and equipment, for developing new
organizational and operational concepts and doctrines, for testing these
ideas experimentally in war games and in field maneuvers, for conducting
combat operations research studies, and for analyzing the results in
terms of cost-effectiveness. The proposed agency would include all such
functions and personnel currently located at USCONARC headquarters and
its school commands as well as in the technical and administrative
services, the Army staff (principally the Office of the Assistant Chief
of Staff for Intelligence and DCSLOG), and the Army
Source: Hoelscher Committee Report, III, p.87.
War College. (Chart 27) Under
its command would be the Office of Special Weapons Development at Fort
Bliss, Texas, concerned with tactical nuclear operations, and the Combat
Developments Experimentation Center at Fort Ord, California. Combining
these elements in a separate Department of the Army staff agency,
designated as such rather than as a field command, was suggested as the
best means of emphasizing that its function was planning as distinct
from current operations. "This agency would emphasize creative
activity requiring imagination and the ability to focus on the future.
It would be a challenger of current doctrine and an innovator of new
concepts, which, in turn, demand new hardware."26
The most important Project 80
task force was the one under General Haines responsible for studying
DCSLOG, the technical services, and Army logistics in general. The
central issue, as in previous reorganizations, was how to assert
effective executive control over the operations of the services. The
services themselves had continued to deny the need for controls limiting
their traditional freedom of action either through placing them under a
logistics command or by breaking them up along functional lines. The
Palmer reorganization of 1955 which tried to place them under the
"command" of DCSLOG simply had not worked. DCSLOG had never
been able to assert effective control over them because it had to share
this authority with the rest of the Army staff. In 1961 they remained
seven organizationally autonomous commands. They employed nearly 300,000
military and civilian personnel at approximately four hundred
installations inside the United States with an estimated real estate
value of $11 billion and a current annual budget of $10 billion.
General Haines' task force
initially identified thirteen problem areas requiring detailed
investigation. Approximately half involved DCSLOG and the Army's
logistics systems only. The rest involved other Army staff agencies,
including personnel management, training, and intelligence.27
important task was to conduct interviews and obtain the opinions of a
broad spectrum of individuals inside and outside the Army.
One was the new Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Installations and Logistics, Thomas D. Morris,
a career civil servant with intimate knowledge of financial management
and logistics. His deputy, Paul Riley, who had worked on logistics
management problems in the Department of Defense since 1958 was another.
Both criticized the Army for excessive delay in making decisions. They
also felt that while the Air Force and Navy came up with firm,
long-range logistics programs the Army generally presented only one-year
projections which merely summarized the technical services annual
programs. Dr. Richard S. Morse, the new Assistant Secretary of the Army
for Research and Development, asserted the Army must cut red tape and
make decisions more promptly. All three thought the independence and
conservatism of the technical services caused most of these problems.28
After investigating the thirteen
logistics problem areas General Haines' group concluded by making a
number of recommendations, many of which had been made before. Effective
management of Army logistics, it said, required that the Army staff
should confine itself to planning and policy-making and divorce itself
from the details of administration. The Office of the Deputy Chief of
Staff for Logistics, the principal offender, was so involved in
overseeing administrative operations that it neglected its planning
functions. It could not function effectively as commander of the
technical services because of the concurrent jurisdiction exercised by
other Army staff agencies over the technical services. Second, below the
Army staff there should be "positive, authoritative control over
the wholesale Army logistic system." Third, both in the Army staff
and in the field, development and production must be closely related.
Fourth, the argument of commodity versus functional organization
oversimplified the problem. Whatever logistics system was adopted, both
elements would have to be present at one level or another. The principal
aim should be to eliminate the duplication, unnecessary staff-layering,
and rigid compartmentalization of the existing. system. Such an
organization should also be adaptable to "systems management"
which cut across
traditional command lines.
Finally, the Army must overcome the "divisive influence"
caused by the relative autonomy and self-sufficiency of the technical
The whole Hoelscher Committee
generally agreed that the technical services should be functionalized.
It agreed that the General Staff should get out of operations and that
training, combat developments, and personnel functions within the Army
logistics system could be more effectively performed if these functions
were transferred to the proposed Force Development Command, Combat
Developments Agency, and the Office of Personnel Operations. Other
Army-wide services of the technical services could be transferred to
special staff agencies without harming the Army's logistics system.30
The logistics task force
considered three alternative organizational patterns for managing Army
logistics. The first involved two functional field commands, one for
research, development, and initial production and a second, the Army
Supply and Distribution Command, for the later phases of the materiel
cycle. The second alternative was to create two commodity commands, one
for military hardware, including all major weapons systems, and another
for general supplies and equipment, many of which were under single
managerships. Finally, the task force considered setting up a single
Systems and Materiel Command responsible for the entire spectrum of
supply from research and development through distribution and
The Haines task force and the
Hoelscher Committee, except the task force considering research and
development, believed that two separate functional commands would create
complex problems of co-ordination in addition to splitting the materiel
cycle. Two separate commodity commands would deal with research and
development and with distribution. Here, the likely transfer of the
single manager agencies to the newly created Defense Supply Agency made
it questionable whether a separate supply command was really necessary.
quently they preferred a single
"Systems and Materiel Command." 31
The research and development
task force protested that such a command would subordinate research and
development to production and operations. World War II demonstrated that
successful research and development resulted from a separation of
research and development from supply activities, while industrial
production and military supply were not adversely affected to a material
degree by such a separation. "Furthermore, historical events reveal
the suppressive effect of the prevailing social order on innovating
activities, which on that account must be removed from the control of
day-to-day operations for maximum results." As an alternative this
group preferred an organizational pattern in which research and
development was separated from other supply functions. The pattern
proposed by General Haines' group, they believed, was worse than the
existing organization. They also wanted to strengthen the role of
research and development at the Army staff level by reverting to a
three-deputy chiefs of staff concept, one for joint plans, another for
operations and readiness, and a third for Army programs and resources.32
The Hoelscher Committee replied
by pointing out that the Army's research and development program would
continue to be headed by an Assistant Secretary for Research and
Development and on the General Staff by the Chief of Research and
Development. Important elements of the Army's research and development
program would be under the new Combat Developments Agency. The Haines
group added that under its proposed organization the new Systems and
Materiel Command would place sufficient emphasis on research and
development by appointment of a Chief Scientist as adviser to the
commanding general, a Director for Research and Development, and by
providing a special office for Project Management.
The overriding reason that the
Hoelscher Committee and General Haines' logistics task force selected a
single logistics command was that they considered it both unwise and
impractical to separate research and development from production because
of the need for close co-ordination between these func-
Source: Hoelscher Committee Report, IV, p.72.
tions at the operating level. To
confirm this opinion, Hoelscher conducted additional interviews with
logistics management experts and made special field trips in August to
several technical service industrial installations.
The basic organization proposed
for the Systems and Materiel Command, later to be called the Army
Materiel Command (AMC), consisted of a headquarters with three
functional directorates for research and development, production and
procurement, and supply and maintenance plus a supporting staff. (Chart
28) The Haines task force had deliberately placed Project Management,
Plans and Programs, and a Chief Scientist inside the office of the
commanding general to emphasize the importance and priority of these
functions. The principal field agencies were a series of
commodity-oriented development and production commands similar to the
existing Ordnance Department's field agencies and a functional supply
command responsible for both transportation and distribution.33
The Personnel Management report
was a unique feature of Project 80 because previous Army organization
studies had paid little attention to this subject. They had said little
beyond asserting that in any functional reorganization the technical
services should lose their personnel as well as other nonlogistical
The Personnel Management task
force asserted that responsibility for this function continued to be
fragmented among twenty different agencies on the basis of historical
accident rather than rational design. There had been little improvement
since 1945 when Drs. Learned and Smith had complained: "No single
agency in the War Department General Staff has adequate responsibility
or authority to make an integrated Army-wide personnel system
The mixture of staff and
operating responsibilities within these agencies made integrated control
even more difficult. The agencies primarily responsible for personnel
management were DCSPER, The Adjutant General's Office (TAGO), and the
technical services. But nearly all other Army staff agencies were
involved, and all combined staff and operating responsi-
bilities. For practical purposes
responsibility for personnel management in the Reserve Components was a
separate area with its own personnel management program. TAGO also
supervised Army recruiting, induction, and personnel processing in the
field. It ran the Army's welfare and morale programs. Finally TAGO was
the Army's chief administrative officer, records keeper, postman, and
Improvements in personnel
management since World War II had been piecemeal. Personnel and manpower
statistics had greatly improved, especially after TAGO obtained the use
of a large computer in the 1950s. As a consequence, manpower controls
were more effective. Personnel classification and career management,
both military and civilian, had also improved. Combat arms officers, in
particular, were receiving much broader educations, both within and
outside the Army. This was less true for technical service
The Personnel Management task
force did not believe that further major improvements in Army personnel
management were possible under the existing system. Co-ordination and
control were extremely difficult when twenty agencies shared
responsibility for the program. Second, the Army staff and DCSPER in
particular were too heavily involved in operations, and the Army staff's
long-range personnel planning had suffered as a consequence. A third
major criticism was that career management, especially in the technical
services, tended to be narrowly tailored to serve branch or service
According to Mr. Hoelscher, the
most difficult area in reaching final agreement among the committee as a
whole concerned the initial or basic military training of the individual
soldier. This area extended from planning the Army's enlisted military
personnel requirements in terms of individual military occupations,
througFl induction, basic training, and ultimate assignment to specific
units or services. This was precisely the area where current
responsibilities were most fragmented and
Source: Hoelscher Committee Report, VI, p.57.
confused among the major Army
staff agencies and the technical services who were often at loggerheads
with each other. Known as the "Flow of Trainees through the
Training Base," this problem would continue to cause trouble.37
The Personnel Management task
force's principal recommendation was to consolidate control over Army
military personnel management in a single Office of Personnel Operations
and transfer to it all such functions performed by the Army staff,
including TAGO and the technical services, except for such professional
groups as the Army Medical Corps, the Judge Advocate General's Corps,
and the Chaplains Corps. DCSPER would retain responsibility for general
officer assignments. It also recommended organizing officer personnel
management within OPO along "branch" lines for technical
service as well as combat arms officers with brigadier generals assigned
as branch chiefs to provide proper top-level supervision. (Chart 29)
OPO would operate under the
General Staff supervision of DCSPER, and the Hoelscher Committee
stressed that the DCSPER and the Chief of OPO should not be the same
person since the purpose of OPO was to relieve DCSPER of all operating
responsibilities. TAGO would be abolished and its personnel
responsibilities transferred to OPO, including welfare and morale
services. Its personnel research function would be transferred to the
Army Research Office. The Hoelscher Committee also recommended
transferring responsibility for induction and recruiting, examination,
reception, transfer, and separation of enlisted personnel to the
proposed Individual Training Command tinder CONARC as mentioned
Civilian personnel management
received little attention. The Hoelscher Committee simply recommended
transferring this function from the technical services and from the Army
staff to OPO, stressing
that it remain a separate and distinct operation from military personnel
When Mr. Hoelscher's over-all
report and those of the task forces had been drafted, he submitted them
to the Secretary of the Army's staff and to the General Staff
representatives on the Project Advisory Committee for comment.40
technical services, the agencies most vitally affected by the proposed
reorganization, were not consulted. General Colglazier, the Deputy Chief
of Staff for Logistics, informed technical service chiefs in late
September that their comments were not wanted at this time and cautioned
them against revealing information on Project 80 to
"unauthorized" persons.41
General Colglazier's office had
kept the technical service chiefs reasonably well informed of
developments. Brig. Gen, James M. Illig, Chief of DCSLOG's Office of
Management Analysis, and his assistant chief, Dr. Wilfred J. Garvin, as
members of the Project Advisory Committee, were the principal contacts
between the Hoelscher Committee and the technical services. At the end
of July General Illig and Dr. Garvin learned of the alternative
organization patterns being considered and developed a set of DCSLOG
The "Illig-Garvin"
proposals and the criticisms of the final Hoelscher Committee report,
also made by General Illig and Dr. Garvin, represented a rough consensus
among DCSLOG and the technical services. They accepted the Hoelscher
Committee concept of one or more logistics commands, but insisted the
technical service chiefs should remain as such on the Army staff with
responsibility for personnel management and training.42
The creation of a logistics
command, General Illig and Dr. Garvin said, was preferable to the
situation that had developed since the Palmer reorganization of 1954-55
were there was no effective direction and control over the technical
services short of the Chief of Staff himself. The evil, as they saw it,
and the great "divisive" influence within the Army was the
progressive "functionalization" of Army operations, programs,
and budgets.
"The preoccupation of multiple Army staff agencies
with specialized functional areas and related programs and budgets had
impaired the command integrity of the Technical Services and prevented
effective management of their several functions towards a common
end." The technical services were the victims rather than the cause
of the trouble. Illig and Garvin believed a Systems and Materiel Command
such as the Hoelscher Committee proposed was clearly preferable to the
evil consequences of the creeping functionalization of the past decade.
They did not agree with the
Hoelscher Committee's contention that the Army staff should divorce
itself from operations. The technical services had long and successfully
exercised both staff and command functions. Detailed control by the Army
staff was necessary to answer questions and meet criticisms from the
Bureau of the Budget, the General Accounting Office, and Congress.
Increasing costs, decreasing appropriations, and technical problems
encountered in the earlier stages of research and development were other
reasons why DCSLOG and other Army staff agencies had to exercise
detailed controls over operations.43
Concerning the organization of
the Army staff General Illig and Dr. Garvin opposed continued separation
of research and development from production, preferring an arrangement
which separated development and production from supply and distribution.
They opposed a separate Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategy and
International Affairs, suggesting instead creating an operating deputy
for JCS affairs within the Office of the Chief of Staff. They objected
to the proposal for a Director of the Army Staff as an additional
unnecessary staff layer. This
was the Vice Chief of Staff's
responsibility. An assistant to the Vice Chief of Staff who would direct
Army staff programing and systems management was preferable to the
proposed deputy for these functions. The heads of Army staff agencies
also should retain their right of personal access to the Chief of Staff.
No change in traditional Army staff procedures which eliminated this
right was acceptable.44
General Illig and Dr. Garvin
agreed on the creation of a separate combat developments agency. They
opposed making CONARC responsible for all technical training because
technical service specialists, including civilian experts, not only
worked with the combat arms but also within the Army's wholesale
logistic system and in jointly staffed defense agencies like the new
Defense Supply Agency on functions unrelated to CONARC's training
mission. For similar reasons Illig, Garvin, Colglazier, and the
technical service chiefs opposed transferring technical service military
officer personnel management to the proposed Office of Personnel
Operations where the influence of the combat arms would be predominant.
They simply did not believe combat arms oriented agencies like CONARC or
OPO could produce the kind of skilled technicians required in an era of
rapid technological change .for service throughout the Army and
Department of Defense. It was clear from all their comments that DCSLOG
and the technical service chiefs objected more to losing responsibility
for military training and officer personnel management than any other
features of the Hoelscher Committee report.
Under the alternative
organization proposed by Illig and Garvin, responsibility for individual
training and personnel management would remain under the technical
service chiefs as Army staff agencies. To the new Systems and Materiel
Command they proposed also transferring "career management and
personnel operations" of the Army's wholesale logistic
establishment as part of "the command function of the Technical
Services" it would inherit. In summary, they recommended that
the Army assure the retention at
departmental headquarters of a strong technical staff to perform all
staff functions currently prescribed
for the Chiefs in the Technical
Service [sic] in AR 10-5, to manage the careers of all military
personnel assigned to Army technical corps, to direct and control Army
technical schools, and to furnish those currently assigned Army-wide
services which are not transferred to the Systems and Materiel Command 45
The Hoelscher Committee made
some minor adjustments as the result of Army staff criticisms. The final
report as submitted to the Chief of Staff on 5 October 1961 and on 16
October to Secretary McNamara included the following principal
The technical services and The
Adjutant General's Office were to be functionalized. The agencies
primarily affected were the offices of the chiefs of the technical
services which were either abolished or reorganized functionally as Army
staff agencies except for the Surgeon General and the Chief of
Engineers. The field installations of the technical services were to
remain, although their exact relations to the new field commands were
undecided. Technical service personnel would still retain their branch
insignia and designation just as the combat arms had after the abolition
of the chiefs of the combat arms under the Marshall reorganization in
The principal logistics agency
of the Army in place of the technical services was to be a single
Systems and Materiel Command. It would be responsible for the entire
materiel cycle from research and development through distribution and
major maintenance activities, except for combat development functions.
It would inherit most of the personnel and field installations of the
technical services.
A second new major field command
would be a Combat Developments Agency. It would be responsible for
integrating this function, fragmented until then among the several
technical services and CONARC, and its personnel would be drawn largely
from these agencies.
CONARC would be reorganized as a
Force Development Command, a designation later dropped, to include all
the technical service schools and training facilities, while losing its
combat development functions to the Combat Developments Agency. A new
major field command under CONARC would be responsible for training
individuals, including their
induction and processing,
functions currently assigned to The Adjutant General's Office.
Another new field agency rather
than a command was to be the Office of Personnel Operations responsible
for all Army personnel management functions previously performed by
DCSPER, The Adjutant General's Office, and the technical services. The
management of general officer careers would remain a DCSPER function.
The real change centralized the
personnel management of technical service officers under OPO because
personnel management of technical service enlisted personnel had already
been centralized in The Adjutant General's Office.
Less noticed was the
reorganization of Army headquarters proposed by the Hoelscher Committee
because this feature was largely eliminated in the final reorganization
plan approved by Secretary McNamara. The principal changes proposed were
to create a Director of the Army Staff with the rank of lieutenant
general to act as the deputy of the Vice Chief and Chief of Staff in
supervising the work of the Army staff. Second, the committee proposed
to separate the operational planning and training functions of DCSOPS
into two agencies, a Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategy and
International Affairs and another for Plans, Programs, and Systems,
which would include responsibility not only for organization and
training but also for co-ordinating Army plans, programs, and budget
functions in these areas.
The Adjutant General's Office
was to be abolished with its personnel functions going to OPO and CONARC,
while its administrative functions would be reorganized under a new
Chief of Administrative Services. The Office of the Chief of Military
History would be abolished also and its functions transferred to the
latter agency.
While public attention focused
on the organizational changes proposed by the Hoelscher Committee, the
latter made two major recommendations for improving Army staff
procedures. First, it recommended that the General Staff divorce itself
from operating responsibilities by transferring personnel responsible
for such functions to the new major field commands. The principal agency
affected would be DCSLOG, which as a
result of the Palmer
reorganization in 1955 had greatly increased its staff. Second, it
proposed to reform the General Staff's "staff actions"
procedures by cutting down on the number of formal concurrences required
in favor of procedures which were aimed at producing quicker and clearer
decisions and actions.46
Six months of detailed research
by a carefully selected staff which balanced professional and military
talent in many areas made the Hoelscher Committee report the most
thorough and detailed investigation of Army organization and management
since World War I. Following submission of his report, Hoelscher and his
headquarters staff conducted special briefings at Carlisle Barracks in
mid-October for Secretary Stahr, General Decker, the General Staff, and
representatives of the technical services. General Decker then disbanded
the Hoelscher Committee, except for a small headquarters staff.
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