Vasco da Gama's successful voyage around the Cape of Good
Hope in 1497 and the foundation of the Portuguese Estado
da India in the following decades has long been identified
as a development of enormous global significance, marking
as it did the beginning of direct and continuous contact between
the civilizations of Western Europe and the Indian Ocean.
Much less well known to modern scholarship, by contrast, is
the rival and contemporaneous expansion of the Ottoman Empire
into the lands of the Indian Ocean littoral, a process which
began with Sultan Selim I's conquest of Egypt in 1517, and
which would continue throughout the rest of the sixteenth
century. Because the Ottoman state and the merchant
communities of the Indian Ocean shared the same religion,
most modern scholars have simply assume that they enjoyed
a kind of de facto familiarity with one another as
well. In reality, the early sixteenth century
Ottomans were in many ways even less aware of the geography,
history and civilization of the Indian Ocean than were their
contemporary Portuguese rivals. The subsequent development
of direct contact between the Ottoman Empire and the Muslim
principalities and trading communities of the Indian Ocean
thus represents a kind of Ottoman 'discovery' of an entirely
new part of the globe, and one which corresponds in many ways
to the much better documented European discoveries of the
same period.
Like its Western counterpart, the Ottoman discovery of the
Indian Ocean included economic, military and diplomatic components
that are all subjects in need of further in-depth research.
Due to limitations of time and space, however, the present
study will focus only on the cultural and intellectual characteristics
of Ottoman expansion during this period. Specifically,
this paper argues that the growth of Ottoman intellectual
interest in the Indian Ocean during the course of the sixteenth
century closely mirrors, both qualitatively and chronologically,
developments in Europe at the same time. Before addressing
this issue directly, however, let us briefly compare the state
of Medieval Western and Islamic geographical knowledge of
the Indian Ocean before the voyages of exploration,
and consider how the Ottomans fit into this overall picture.
European and Islamic Geographic and Cartographic Science
as a Background to Ottoman Discovery:
To a large extent, both the civilizations of the Medieval
Christian West and the Islamic Middle East originally shared
a similar basis for their body of knowledge about the Indian
Ocean: the geographical traditions of the Greco-Roman world,
and in particular its synthesis embodied in Ptolemy's Geographia.
During the centuries following the first Muslim conquests,
however, geographers in the lands of Islam were able to improve
significantly on this body of knowledge.1
In part, this was achieved thanks to a number of technical
advances that improved the accuracy of land surveys,2
but by far the most important factor in this process was the
emergence, beginning in the eighth century, of a vast Muslim
trading network that spanned the entire length of the Indian
Ocean. Given the heavy traffic along these routes, travelers
soon began authoring a variety of works about the places they
had visited, while pilots and ships' captains compiled itineraries
and other navigational guides for practical use on the sea
lanes.3 Furthermore, although the earliest
such works date back as far as the ninth and tenth centuries4,
their production would continue virtually uninterrupted right
up to periods contemporary with early Ottoman history.
Well known examples of such latter works include Ibn Battuta's
celebrated fourteenth century travel narrative5 as well as the famous sailing book of
Ibn Mjd,
a guide to navigation composed only a few years before the
first Portuguese voyages around the Cape of Good Hope.6 Thus, on the eve of the European
discoveries, Islamic geographers had access to a large and
constantly expanding body of literature dedicated specifically
to the Indian Ocean and its border lands, and enjoyed a much
deeper understanding of and familiarity with this vast world
area then their predecessors from the ancient world ever could
In Europe, by contrast, the state of geographic knowledge
during the Middle Ages seems to have developed in almost exactly
the opposite direction. For example, the Medieval mappaemundi
which have come down to us, although based in principle
on precedents from the classical Greco-Roman world, seem to
have served more as an ideal representation of the cosmic
order of the medieval Christian universe rather than an attempt
to represent the world realistically.7
Such maps display a profound ignorance of the Indian Ocean
or indeed any region of the world east of Jerusalem. To a
large extent, the same can also be said of the portolan charts
which first emerged in the late thirteenth century.
Although technically much more sophisticated than the mappaemundi,
and of obvious practical use to navigators, portolan charts
were even more circumscribed geographically, making no attempt
at all to depict the world outside the familiar confines of
the Mediterranean basin.8
Collectively, they serve as perhaps the most graphic representation
of the characteristically inward looking and isolated state
of Western civilization during this period.
This situation changed somewhat after the year 1375, when
a new type of world map began to be produced, first on the
island of Majorca and then throughout Mediterranean Europe,
in which Asia and the Indian Ocean started to appear in a
somewhat realistic and recognizable form for the very first
In the earliest of these, the influence of Arab geographers
is obvious, and they may even have provided the inspiration
for the creation of this new kind of map in the first place.
Over the course of the 1400's, however, the authority of Islamic
geography was progressively undermined by the growing influence
of Italian Humanism, an intellectual movement committed to
advancing knowledge through the recovery of texts from the
ancient world.
This process began in the year 1400, when a version of Ptolemy's
geography was brought from Constantinople to Florence by the
famous humanist Palla Strozzi. With his encouragement
and under the direction of the Byzantine scholar Manuel Chrysolorus,
a translation of the text into Latin was completed in 1406,
followed by the maps themselves a few years later. By
mid-century no less that four cartographers were engaged in
multiplying copies of the Geographia and its maps,
and in 1477 one of these versions became the first map to
be published as an engraving.10
By the mid 1480s literally thousands of copies of Ptolemy's
maps were being printed and diffused throughout Europe, and
such was the prestige and authority of these classical texts
in the minds of Humanist scholars that they rapidly superseded
and replaced maps of the "older" variety, even though these
earlier versions, based on the work of Arab scholars, often
contained much more recent and accurate information about
the geography of Asia.11 As a result, the body of geographical and cartographical
knowledge to which the Western European intellectual tradition
had access on the eve of the discoveries, especially with
regard to the Indian Ocean, was far inferior to its Islamic
The newly recovered classical texts contained information
that was literally more than a thousand years old, and had
been largely surpassed by the work of Muslim scholars centuries
before. Meanwhile, the West remained totally ignorant
of more recently composed Arab accounts like those of Ibn
Battuta and Ibn Majid until after the discoveries had already
Ottoman Ignorance of the Islamic Geographical Tradition:
Since the Ottoman Empire conquered nearly the entire Muslim
Middle East during the course of the sixteenth century and
became, in some respects, the world Islamic state par excellence
of the early modern period, most scholars have tended to assume
that the Ottomans, in contrast to their European contemporaries,
were well acquainted with the achievements of Islamic geographers
from a very early date.13 However, given
the almost total lack of detailed modern studies on the subject,
such an assumption remains unsubstantiated by any empirical
evidence. To be sure, there is no lack of early works
of Islamic geography to be found in the libraries and manuscript
collections of Istanbul. Many of these, in fact, are
so old as to predate the founding of the Ottoman state itself
by several centuries. Yet until we know more about these
manuscripts and under what circumstances they were acquired,
it remains an open question how many of them were actually
available to Ottoman scholars during the fourteenth and fifteenth
centuries, and how many were brought back from the Arab lands
only much later, following the conquests of the 1500's.
For the time being, what we can say with certainty is that,
at least with reference to the Indian Ocean, the Ottomans
were decidedly unfamiliar with the relevant Islamic
corpus. A review of the inventories of the major Ottoman manuscript
collections shows that a surprising number of well known and
widely circulated Islamic works on the subject seem to have
been completely unknown in Ottoman learned circles prior to
the sixteenth century.14 There is no sign in any Ottoman
collection, for example, of any of the most important early
travel narratives or itineraries, such as those of Ibn Khurdadhbih,
Abu-Zayd al-Hasan or Ibn Jubayr,15
while al-Biruni's classic Avl
al-Hind [The Conditions of India] exists only in a single,
undated version from which no copies or translations seem
to have ever been made.16 It also seems extremely unlikely that
any Ottoman in this period ever read the early fourteenth
century narratives of Ibn Battuta, even though this famous
traveler is perhaps unique in having visited both India and
the Ottoman lands during the course of his extensive journeys.17 Similarly, although
Marco Polo and later Portuguese explorers reported having
examined nautical charts of the Indian Ocean drafted by local
Muslim navigators, we have no evidence that any such maps
ever reached Istanbul.18 In fact, from the entire classical
Islamic geographical corpus there are only a handful of works
which we can confidently conclude were copied in large numbers
and widely circulated among Ottoman learned circles prior
to the sixteenth century, of which by far the most popular
was Zakariyya al-Kazvini's ΔAca'ib al-Mal⋲āt
[The Wonders of Creation], a thirteenth century Arabic
encyclopedia of zoology, botany and cosmography of questionable
authority and of extremely limited practical use as a geographical
By contrast, Ibn Majid, the Arab mariner and contemporary
of Vasco da Gama, tells us that he consulted more than forty
different works in the compilation of his guide to navigation
on the Indian Ocean. Perhaps unsurprisingly, his text
too was unknown to the Ottomans until the 1560's.20
Further evidence for this trend can be measured by examining
the rate at which relevant texts in Persian and Arabic were
translated into Turkish, an important gauge of the breadth
of audience a given work could reach. Here the figures
are stark indeed: From the entire fourteenth century,
just one such translation exists, from the fifteenth, only
two, and all three of these were in fact translations of the
very same work: al-Kazvini's ΔAca'ib al-Mal⋲āt
mentioned above.21 The sixteenth
century, on the other hand, witnessed the translation of literally
dozens of different works, in addition to the creation of
original compositions in Turkish that were based entirely
or in part on these sources. Thus, despite the lack
of detailed research on this subject, all of the available
evidence points to just one conclusion: with the possible
exception of a very small circle of medrese scholars,
the Ottomans had virtually no access at all to Islamic geographical
information about the Indian Ocean before the sixteenth century.
Given this state of affairs, and considering the relative
superiority of Islamic geographers during this period, one
would expect the Ottomans to have been even less interested
in contemporary Western works, but in reality quite the opposite
seems to have been the case. In fact, pre-sixteenth
century maps in Ottoman collections are almost without exception
of the principle types most characteristic of contemporary
European production: portolan charts, including one
by the Majorcan master Johannes de Villadestes,23
Catalan-style world maps, including a fragment of an extremely
early work dating from the 1370's,24 and several versions of Ptolemy's
Geographia. Of this last type, the oldest example
is an undated Byzantine manuscript, probably from the late
fourteenth century, from which the scholar George Amirutzes
of Trabzon completed a translation into Arabic by order of
Sultan Mehmed II in 1465.25
A later version, dated from 1481 and including 30 color maps,
is a copy of the printed Italian edition by the Florentine
Humanist Francesco Berlinghieri.26 It includes a
personal dedication to Sultan Mehmet from Berlinghieri himself,
although it seems not to have reached Istanbul until 1482,
a year after the Sultan's death.
In short, on the eve of the great discoveries of the sixteenth
century the Ottoman Empire was in a singular position.
An Islamic state on the verge of a series of conquests that
would bring it for the first time into contact with the Muslim
civilization of the Indian Ocean, it was nevertheless almost
totally ignorant both of this civilization itself and of any
of the Islamic works dedicated to it. Meanwhile, it
remained extremely well informed about the latest advances
in Western geography that remained, despite its dynamism,
equally ignorant of the outside world, and particularly of
Asia. As we shall see, this parallel development of
the expanding cultural and intellectual horizons in the West
and the Ottoman Empire would continue throughout the next
First Contact: The Conquests of Selim the Grim and the Beginnings
of Ottoman Exploration:
Just as it did for contemporary Europeans, the Ottomans' discovery
of the Indian Ocean began at the start of the sixteenth century,
and was made possible by a series of unprecedented military
successes. In this process, the primary protagonist
was undoubtedly Sultan Selim I who, in addition to orchestrating
the crucially important conquest of Egypt in 1517, was also
an avid collector of maps and geographical texts. Like
his grandfather Mehmet II, Selim sponsored local scholars
while at the same time actively seeking out the latest productions
from Western Europe, and seems to have been particularly interested
in works relating to the world outside the familiar confines
of the Mediterranean basin. Examples from his collection
include a Venetian planisphere (no longer extant), 27 and the itaynāme
of Ali Akbar, a first-hand account of a voyage to China by
an Ottoman merchant. 28
By far the most important geographer to emerge under his patronage,
however, was the Mediterranean sea captain Piri Reis.29
Ironically, Piri Reis' world map of 1513, his first known
work and the one that has received the most attention from
modern scholars, has come down to us only in fragmentary form,
and the portion which included the Indian Ocean is regrettably
no longer extant. Nevertheless, the connection between
this map's creation and the prospect of future Ottoman expansion
in the Indian Ocean is explicit, as it was presented by its
author to the Sultan in Cairo just a few short weeks after
Selim's victorious entrance into the city, and diplomatic
records reveal that Selim subsequently entered into negotiations
with Sultan Muzaffar Şah II of Gujarat about a possible
joint strike against the Portuguese in Goa.30
This has led at least one modern scholar to speculate that
the missing portion of the map may have even been separated
intentionally, so that Selim could make more convenient use
of it in planning future military campaigns in that direction.31
Such plans, if they did exist, died with the Sultan in 1520,
but Piri Reis was to continue his work under the patronage
of the powerful Ibrahim Pasha, Grand Vezier to Selim's son
and successor Suleyman I. Ibrahim, like Selim, was know
for his interest in geography32
and was also introduced to Piri while on his way to a military
campaign in Egypt. The work that he commissioned, an
expanded edition of Piri Reis's Mediterranean atlas, the
Kitāb-ı Bariye, included as an introduction
the first written text in Ottoman Turkish to contain specific
and detailed information about the geography of the Indian
Ocean. It appears to have been based on a combination
of both Western and Islamic sources, but the relative importance
of the former is clear, and a great deal of the text is also
devoted to explaining the navigational techniques of the Portuguese,
as well as the history of Vasco da Gama's circumnavigation
of Africa and its significance. Composed in rhyming
verse and written in clear, easy-to-understand language, the
work seems above all designed to convey to a wider audience
the author's intellectual excitement about the geographical
advances generated by the discoveries. In reference
to his earlier world map, for example, he writes: "Before
this Imade maps in which I was able to show twice the number
of things contained in the maps of our day, having made use
of new maps of the Chinese and Indian Seas which no one in
the Ottoman lands had hitherto seen or known. In the
same way the information presented here is a summary."33
Both as a whole and individually, the works of Piri Reis are
undoubtedly masterpieces of Ottoman geography. At the
same time they are, despite their obvious originality, completely
in keeping with a by now long established Ottoman geographic
tendency. It is most definitely not the case, as more
than one modern scholar has argued, that there was something
incongruous or extraordinary about Piri Reis's openness to
Western geography, or that he was shunned by the conservative
Ottoman establishment because of the originality of his ideas.34 As we have seen, Piri Reis's
works were consistently commissioned by no less than Grand
Veziers and the Sultan himself, and there was certainly nothing
new about his use of European sources. In fact, the
Ottomans had relied primarily on Western intermediaries for
their information about the outside world at least since the
time of Mehmet the Conqueror, and the principal difference
of Piri Reis lies not in the nature of these intermediaries,
but in the vastly improved breadth and accuracy of information
with which they could supply him.
In this respect, perhaps the most original Ottoman work on
the geography of the Indian Ocean to be produced during this
period came not from Piri Reis, but instead from his much
less well known contemporary, Selman Reis.35
Although his origins are obscure, Selman, like Piri, seems
to have made his start as a Muslim corsair in the Mediterranean,
but later entered the service of the Mamluk Sultan Kansuh
Gawri, who sent him to the Red Sea with a fleet of ships in
order to protect Jeddah and the Muslim holy sites from the
incursions of the Portuguese. He was still there when
the Mamluks were overthrown by Sultan Selim, and it was almost
certainly during this period, in which he lived more or less
as a buccaneer and soldier of fortune, that he gathered information
for the report that he presented to Ibrahim Pasha in Egypt
in 1524, just a little over a year before Piri Reis, also
at the request of Ibrahim Pasha, was to present the expanded
fine copy of his Kitāb-ı Bariye to
Sultan Suleyman.
This report, Selman Reis' only known composition of any length,
is the first eye-witness account of the Indian Ocean and its
geography composed by an Ottoman author.36 Although concise (106 lines of text), it describes,
in varying detail, all of the major areas of the Indian Ocean
littoral, from the Swahili Coast and Yemen, to Hormuz, Diu,
and Goa, to Ceylon and Malacca, although it is doubtful that
Selman could have visited all of these places personally.
It also includes estimates of the strength of Portuguese military
garrisons, and makes careful note of the economic resources
in various regions, the general level of technology and military
strength, and the ease with which particular areas could be
conquered and held. It is in this sense strikingly similar
to contemporary Western accounts of the discoveries, and can
thus be seen as the product of a genuine Ottoman voyage of
exploration. With the delivery of this document, the
Ottoman Age of Discovery had truly begun.
Ottoman Military Expansion in the Indian Ocean:
In its essence, the report sent by Selman Reis is a "policy
paper," informing the Ottoman administration of conditions
in the Indian Ocean and advising the central authorities on
the possibilities for future involvement in the area.
Although we have no direct evidence as to how the document
was received by his superiors or how influential it was in
their thinking, the next three decades would witness rapid
and almost continuous Ottoman expansion into the north-western
littoral of the Indian Ocean. Military campaigns included
the occupation of Aden, Mocha, Basra, the coasts of Sudan
and Eritrea, the destruction of the Portuguese fortress in
Moscat, and less successfully, abortive sieges of Bahrein,
Hormuz and the Portuguese stronghold of Diu in northwestern
Ironically, this period of determined Ottoman military expansion
did not correspond with a comparable rise in Ottoman geographical
production, which for the most part was confined to campaign
reports whose circulation seems to have been limited to the
most restricted government circles. By the early 1550's
however, the largest of these campaigns came to an end and
something approaching a new modus vivendi was achieved
with the Portuguese. Trade between the Ottoman Empire
and India expanded to unprecedented levels, travel between
the two regions became routine, and as a result, a new generation
of Ottoman scholars turned their interest towards the Indian
Ocean as they never had before. Their activities included
the importation on an increased scale of the latest works
of European cartography, the distribution of new editions
of previously unknown or untranslated Arabic and Persian texts,
and the compilation of entirely original Ottoman works based
on a combination both of these sources and of first-hand accounts
of travel in the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, although
Imperial patronage continued to play, as in times past, a
significant role in this process, the real driving force appears
to have been a genuine and wide-spread growth of interest
in the Ottoman learned classes, curious about what was for
them an entirely new and unfamiliar world area.
Ottoman Scholarship on the Indian Ocean 1550-1600:
Of all of the works to appear during this period, those with
the most explicit Western influence are for the most part
maps. Some of these are in fact quite conservative in
design, although often a visible attempt has been made to
include new information about the discoveries into what is
a very traditional form. One such example is the beautifully
drawn map of El Hajj Ebu'l asan,38
which dates from mid-century and is in essence a standard
portolan chart, in Arabic, with one surprising innovation:
the bottom margin has been extended to show the coast of Africa
in its entirety, including the Cape of Good Hope and the southern
Swahili coast. In order to fit the traditional contours
of a portolan chart, the form of the African continent has
been distorted significantly, the Horn of Africa has been
truncated, and many of the meticulously labeled place names
along the southern coast are hard to identify and possibly
imaginary. Clearly of little use as a guide to navigation,
the chart instead serves a didactic purpose: to demonstrate
visually the opening of the Mediterranean world and the existence
of new geographical knowledge about the circumnavigability
of Africa that could not be adequately expressed by traditional
cartographic forms.
As a result, a large number of entirely new maps soon began
to appear which completely abandon these older forms.
In fact, several of these conform so closely to the highest
standards of contemporary European mapmakers that it remains
unclear whether they were produced in Europe for sale to Ottoman
clients or made directly by Ottomans based on European prototypes.
One such example, taken from the relatively recently discovered
Atlas-ı Hmāyūn,39 features a map of the Arabian peninsula
and the northern half of Africa which is quite similar in
conception to the chart of El Hajj Ebu'l asan discussed above,
although noticeably more accurate in its topography and of
obvious practical use in navigation. Another remarkable
chart, from the Walters Deniz Atlası, is a depiction
of the entire Indian Ocean that, although obviously based
on recent European sources, has no direct parallel in any
known contemporary European atlas.40
Since both of these examples are taken from Ottoman atlases
of Europe and the Mediterranean which conform very closely
to Western models, the addition of these original maps of
the Indian Ocean, which by contrast have no Western parallel,
clearly shows the particular importance this new world area
held for purchasers of maps in the Ottoman market.
The enthusiastic importation of the latest Western cartography
was accompanied by an equally marked interest in the work
of Islamic geographers. This resulted not only in the
translation of a large number of Arabic texts, such as Istahri's
Mesālik al-Memālik41 or Ibn Zunbul's ann
but also the creation of synthetic works by Ottoman scholars,
like Mahmud Sipahizade's Evzah-l-mesalik ilā ma'rifet-il
and Mehmet Aşık's Manazır l-avālim,
whose bibliographies reveal a deep and unprecedented familiarity
with the accomplishments of classical Islamic geographers.44 Interestingly enough, this movement also has
a parallel in the intellectual development of the contemporary
West, for it was during precisely the same period that European
scholars began to publish systematic compilations of the new
geographical knowledge gained from the discoveries,45 and to a surprising extent, the systems they devised
for organizing this information were inspired by examples
from classical Islamic geography. The Venetian Giovanni Battista
Ramusio, for example, openly advocated adopting the Arab geographers'
method of cataloguing information, which he described in the
preface to his famous Navigationi as an "ordine
verament bellissimo."46
Ultimately, all of the texts discussed to this point were
translations or syntheses based primarily on foreign sources.
But this period of intense and expanding economic and diplomatic
ties with the Indian Ocean also saw the production of a large
number of works much more focused on specific Ottoman interests
and based on information garnered from the Ottomans' own experiences.
First among these is certainly the Abār
al-Yemanī, an historical narrative of the Ottoman
penetration of the Yemen, the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea
completed in the year 1580. Authored by Kutbeddīn
Mekki, the son of a Muslim immigrant from Gujarat and a prominent
member of Mecca's religious establishment who was intimately
familiar with the political world of the western Indian Ocean,
the work remains even to this day the most comprehensive account
of the exploits of Ottoman military and naval commanders in
the area.47 Of similar significance
is the monumental Munşaāt as-Salāīn,
completed in 1575 by Feridun Beg, then head of the Ottoman
chancery. This work, an enormous compendium of primary
documents of importance to various aspects of Ottoman history,
is also the first to include verbatim copies of all the diplomatic
correspondence between the Ottoman Sultans and political leaders
throughout the Indian Ocean, including the Mughals and the
Sultans of Gujarat and Aceh.
Works like these, which were commissioned and authored by
Ottoman officials with privileged access to government documents,
complemented a number of more popular treatises intended for
wider audiences and based on verbal accounts from merchants
and other travelers. One such a work is Seyfī elebi's
history of Asia, composed in 1582. Written in accessible
language and organized geographically, it includes several
chapters dealing specifically with the recent political history
of India and gives a brief description of the most important
contemporary rulers on the subcontinent, in Ceylon and on
Sumatra.48 Also of note
is Mustafa b. Ali al-Muvakkit's I∆lām
al-∆Ibād fī A∆lām
al-Bilād, a curious little work that simply presents
a list of one hundred important cities between Morocco and
China, and gives their geographical co-ordinates and their
distances from Istanbul. In its introduction, the author
provides an excellent, if anecdotal, illustration of the general
cultural atmosphere in which this work and others like it
were produced. He writes: