
Digital Preservation – A Long Journey by
Bonita Wilson
To the Editor:

Scrolling Forward: Making Sense of Documents in the Digital Age
by David M. Levy, Arcade Publishing, October 2001
Reviewed by: Laurence Lannom, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
"...a highly readable book full of both interesting snippets...and useful analysis..."
Vegetable seed packets. Courtesy of
Vegetable MD. Used with permission. The composite image above has been created from images at Vegetable MD Online, D-Lib
Magazine's featured
collection this month.

A Metadata Registry for the Semantic Web
Rachel Heery, UKOLN, and
Harry Wagner, OCLC / Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
Meta-Design of a Community Digital Library
Michael Wright and Mary Marlino, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research; and Tamara Sumner, University of Colorado at Boulder
Levels of Service for Digital Repositories
William G. LeFurgy, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights: A Digital Library Context
Robert Sullivan, University of Auckland, New Zealand
 Vegetable MD Online
Thomas A. Zitter, Cornell University

FISH Launches New Web Site William Kilbride, Archaeology Data Service
The Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library David Germano, University of Virginia
Scholars Portal Project Launched Mary E. Jackson, Association of Research Libraries
Archiving the Avant Garde: Documenting and Preserving Variable Media Art Richard Rinehart, University of California, Berkeley
Remaking Libraries for the Global Knowledge Renaissance Mary Lee, National Library Board, Singapore
African Journals Online Carol Priestley, International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications
In the News:
Recent Press Releases and Announcements

In Print
Point to
Calls for
- Cross Language Information Retrieval: A Research Roadmap, Workshop at
SIGIR-2002: 22nd Internationl Conference On Research And Development in Information Retrieval, 15 August 2002, Tampere Finland. Call for Papers. The submission deadline for electronic submission of papers is 24 May 2002.
- 13th ASIS&T SIG/CR Workshop, Reconceptualizing Classification Research, ASIS&T 2002 Annual Meeting, 17 November 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Call for Papers. The submission deadline for full papers is 15 July 2002.
- ASIS&T 2002 International Paper Contest on International Digital Libraries and Information Science & Technology Advances in Developing Countries, for the 2002 Annual Meeting, 18 - 21 November 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Call for Contest Papers. The submission deadline for full papers is 31 July 2002.
- Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, San Diego State University, San Diego, California, USA. Call for Manuscripts. The submission deadline for the coming issue is 1 August 2002.
- Central Asia-2002 International Conference, Internet and Libraries - Information Resources in Science, Culture Education and Business, 14 - 18 October 2002, Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Call for Papers. The submission deadline for full papers is 1 September 2002.
Goings On
- PORTALS 2002: An Institutional Imperative, 1 July 2002, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
- 2002 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2002), 6 - 7 July 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- AUSWEB02, 6 - 10 July 2002, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.
- 2nd DELOS International Summer School on Digital Library Technologies (ISDL 2002), 8 - 12 July 2002, Pisa, Italy.
- Digital Library -- IT Opportunities and Challenges in the New Millennium, An International Conference, 9 - 11 July 2002, Beijing, China.
- Digital Cultural Heritage IV: Networked Virtual Museums and Memory Institutions, Media Studies and Information Science, 10 -13 July 2002, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- CATaC'02 - The Net(s) of Power: Language, Culture and Technology, International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication, 12 - 15 July 2002, Montréal, Canada.
- SCI 2002: The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 14 - 18 July 2002, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- JCDL 2002, ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 14 - 18 July 2002, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Usability for Digital Libraries, a workshop at JCDL 2002, 18 July 2002, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Second International Workshop on Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries, a workshop at JCDL 2002, 18 July 2002, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Document Search Interface Design and Intelligent Access in Large-scale Collections, a workshop at JCDL 2002, 18 July 2002, Portland, Oregon.
- Developing Digital Libraries Education and Training Programs, a workshop at JCDL 2002, 18 July 2002, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- The Challenge of Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR 2002), 18 - 19 July 2002, London, United Kingdom.
- CoLIS4, The Fourth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science: Emerging Frameworks and Methods, 21 - 25 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA.
- Eighth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 23 - 26 July 2002, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- New Directions in Humanities Computing, Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, and the Association for Computers and the Humanities, 24 - 28 July 2002, Tübingen, Germany.
- International Summer School on the Digital Library: The Management of Change, 28 July - 1 August 2002, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
- Museums, Libraries, and Archives: Summer Institute for Knowledge Sharing, 29 July - 1 August 2002, Los Angeles, California, United States.
- Association of Management/International Association of Management 20th Annual International Conference, Reinventing Work: Interlocking Relationships between Management, Education, Cybertechnology and Leadership, 31 July - 3 August 2002, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
- ACM CIKM 2002, Eleventh International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
- Fourth All-Russian Scientific Conference RDCL 2002 - Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections
- Scottish Library Association 88th Annual Conference
- AMIA 2002 Spring Congress Program
- XML Europe 2002 Conference and Exposition - Down to Business: Getting Serious About XML
- Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) - Tracks: Integrating Information Seeking and IR, and Information Services - Practice and Research
- The 140th ARL Membership Meeting - Building Capacities: New Strategies for Fund Raising & Recruitment
- Multimedia Archive Preservation: a practical workshop
- Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng'02)
- International Digital Libraries Collaborative Research and Applications Testbeds
- Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
- ICTs and Development: New Opportunities, Perspectives & Challenges - Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries
- Society for Scholarly Publishing 24th Annual Meeting - Collaboration, Controversy, and Common Sense
- CAIS/ACSI 2002 - Advancing Knowledge: Expanding Horizons for Information Science
- Off the Wall and Online: Providing Web Access to Cultural Collections
- ACRL 11th National Conference
- Preservation and Conservation Issues Related to Digital Printing and Digital Photography, Second International Conference
- Evaluating Human Language Technology: General Applications to Information Access and Management
- Workshop on Document Search Interface Design and Intelligent Access in Large-scale Collections
- Workshop on Developing Digital Libraries Education and Training Programs
- Peer-reviewed Monograph About Educational Digital Libraries for the K-12 Community
- 2002 International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science (DCABES 2002)
- 23rd IATUL Annual Conference - Partnerships, Consortia, and 21st Century Library Service
- ICDM '02, the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
- 4th DELOS Workshop - Evaluation of digital libraries: Testbeds, measurements, and metrics
- Critical Issues in Arts and Technology for Arts Managers - An Extended Discussion of Art, Artists and Technology
- 2002 International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS'02): Social Implications of Information and Communication Technology
- IX International Conference (Crimea 2002): Electronic Resources and the Social Role of Libraries in the Future
- Grindstone Island Summer Programs
- 1st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2002)
- Web Content Mapping: A Challenge to ICT
- Introduction to Copyright
- IASSIST 2002 - Accelerating Access: Enhancing Collaboration and Dissemination
- ACM SIGWEB 2002 Hypertext Conference
- 2nd Annual SCURL/SLAMIT e-books seminar
- Working with Open Source Software
- ACRL Legislative Advocacy Workshop
- ALA 2002 Annual Meeting and Exhibition
- The Fifth International Conference on Virtual Communities
- IT Leadership in the 21st Century
- Canadian Library Association 2002 Annual Conference and Trade Show - Inventing Our Future
- ICADL 2002 - Digital Libraries: People, Knowledge & Technology
- UKOLUG Biennial Conference - Finders Keepers, Loosers Weepers: Exploiting the Online Environment for Maximum Advantage
- NASIG 2002 - Transforming Serials: The Revolution Continues, North American Serials Interest Group
- 20th Brazilian Congress of Librarianship, Documentation and Information Science
- 7th Biennial Participatory Design Conference - Participation and Design: Inquiring into the politics, contexts and practices of collaborative design work
- Hand helds in the Museum Landscape: A CIMI Symposium
- Web Development with XML: Design and Application
- Choices and Strategies for Preservation of the Collective Memory
- HEDS Conference 2002: Developing the Digital Collection
- 4th International JISC/CNI Conference
- Expanded conversations: Collaborating for Student Learning
- ASIS&T Content Management Symposium
- DLESE Annual Meeting 2002 - Digital Library for Earth System Education
Sites for D-Lib Magazine:
Corporation for
National Research Initiatives, Reston, Virginia, U.S.A.
(originating site) UKOLN: The UK
Office for Library and Information Networking, Bath, England
(mirror site)
The Australian
National University Sunsite, Canberra, Australia
(mirror site) State Library of
Lower Saxony and the University Library of Goettingen,
Goettingen, Germany (mirror site)
Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos
Aires, Argentina (mirror site)
Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (mirror site) Masthead | Guidelines for Authors |
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D-Lib Magazine is produced by
the Corporation for National
Research Initiatives (CNRI), has been sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Project
Agency (DARPA) on behalf of the Digital Libraries
Initiative under Grant No. N66001-98-1-8908, and is currently
being funded by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. IIS-0122832. Please send questions or comments to: dlib@cnri.reston.va.us
Copyright© 2002 Corporation for
National Research Initiatives D-Lib has been registered to CNRI in the U.S. Patent
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