DARWIN Digitale Dissertationen German Version Strich

FU Berlin
Digitale Dissertation

Helmut Degen :
Development of a performance model for a need-centered software production
Entwicklung eines Wirkmodells für eine anspruchszentrierte Softwareproduktion

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|Abstract| |Table of Contents| |More Information|


In the thesis a needs-centered software product-model (called performance model) is developed. The bibliographical research showed that the consumer of software products, the consumer software product as a market object, and emotionalizing performances of software products were so far not covered by research efforts. In particular, there was not found a software product model that takes consumers´ needs into account and which can be used as a basis for market studies, in so far that their results are relevant for the software production.
The performance model is to fulfill this interface function between market research and software production.
The model is based on the product model by Koppelmann, developed for material products.
With the help of the performance model software product performances offered on the market (content analysis of software product information in the WWW) and profiles of user´s needs of a lifestyle market segmentation model (the so called SINUS-Milieu-Modell) are established. The comparison between the established needs and the performances of software products shows that the marketing of software products is partly not geared to the target groups. Consequences for the price, product, communication, and staff policy (introduction of concepter) are pointed out.

Table of Contents

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Inhaltsverzeichnis (42 KByte)

1 Einleitung (516 KByte)

1.1 Hinführung zum Thema
1.2 Problemstellung und Ziel der Arbeit
1.3 Methodik und Aufbau der Arbeit
1.4 Zentrale Begriffe
1.5 Einordnung in die wissenschaftliche Literatur
2 Menschen, Produkte, Märkte (1352 KByte) 2.1 Verhaltensprägende Faktoren
2.2 Lebensstil-Modell
2.3 Produkte
2.4 Besonderheiten von Softwareprodukten als Marketing-Objekt
2.5 Märkte
3 Wirkmodell für Softwareprodukte (1765 KByte) 3.1 Grundmodell
3.2 Kategorien des Wirkmodells
3.3 Zusammenhänge zwischen den Kategorien
4 Fallstudie zur empirischen Evidenz des Wirkmodells (1222 KByte) 4.1 Nachweis der Anspruchs-Evidenz
4.2 Nachweis der Marketing-Evidenz
4.3 Vergleich von Anspruchs- und Leistungsprofilen
5 Zusammenfassung und Diskussion (92 KByte) 5.1 Problemstellung und Ziel der Arbeit
5.2 Methodik
5.3 Ergebnisse
5.4 Ausblick
6 Anhänge 6.1 Anhang A: Codebuch (91 KByte)
6.1 Anhang B: Kategoriensystem (72 KByte)
6.3 Anhang C: Indikatoren (142 KByte)
6.4 Anhang D: Anwendungsgruppen in den SINUS-Milieus (153 KByte)
6.5 Anhang E: Kaufkriterien/ansprüche an Produkt-Leistungen in den SINUS-Milieus (129 KByte)
6.6 Anhang F: Ergebnisse der Inhaltsanalyse (1035 KByte)
7 Literaturverzeichnis (139 KByte)

More Information:

Online available: http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/1999/11/indexe.html
Language of PhDThesis: german
Keywords: software-marketing, software production, software design, software engineering, software market research, lifestyle model
DNB-Sachgruppe: 28 Informatik, Datenverarbeitung
Date of disputation: 18-Dec-1998
PhDThesis from: Fachbereich Politik- u. Sozialwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin
First Referee: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gernot Wersig
Second Referee: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Horst Völz
Contact (Author): helmut@degen.com
Contact (Advisor): wersig@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Date created:18-Feb-1999
Date available:24-Feb-1999


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