DARWIN Digitale Dissertationen German Version Strich

FU Berlin
Digitale Dissertation

Katja Erdmann :
Evoking false memories among children
Potency and limitation of statement psychology in case of suggested reports
Induktion von Pseudoerinnerungen bei Kindern

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|Abstract| |Table of Contents| |More Information|


There have been numerous suggestibility studies in recent years which have demonstrated that reports of children and adults about a real event can be suggestivly influenced to such an extent that the statements are no longer reliable. It also has been shown that it is possible to evoke false memories about entire events that never occurred. Other relevant forensic issues - especially when judging statements of child witnesses about sexual abuse - are how statements develop over a course of various interviews, if there are quality differences between true and suggested accounts und to what extent experts of statement psychology are able to distinguish reliably between true and suggested statements. To answer these issues a study was designed taking into account relevant forensic factors. Sixty-seven children (aged between six and eight years) were interviewed individually six times about one real and one fictitious event. The events, individually selected for each child, were negative participant activities, wich involved the own body of the children and contained a loss of control (such as being bitten by an animal, falling off of a bicycle, cutting oneself etc.). The first four interviews served to evoke coherent statements about the fictitious event, applying various suggestive techniques. The fifth interview was conducted by different interviewers who did not know which of the events were true and which were fictitious. They questioned the children about both events in a non-suggestive manner. The sixth interview, conducted by a new informed interviewer, served to partially debrief the children, and to find out to what extent false memories had been created. Five blind experts were asked to jugde the quality and the credibility of the reports on the basis of different amounts of information (personal impression by interviewing the child, videotape of the interview, transcripts of the interview). Results show that over the course of the interviews there was a considerable increase of assents to the fictitious events. Moreover, the quality of suggested reports had increased substantially, so hardly any quality differences between true and suggested statements could be demonstrated in the fifth interview. Accordingly, experts had difficulties in discriminating between true and suggested reports, especially in identifying suggested statements. This was especially the case when they only used transcripts of the interviews. Furthermore, several children apparently were convinced of the truth of their reports and had developed false memories of the fictitious event. Results are discussed with regard to relevance to the practice of statement psychology and credibility assessment.

Table of Contents

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Titel, Vorwort, Inhaltsverzeichnis
1. Einleitung 1
2. Theoretischer und empirischer Hintergrund 3
2.1 Stand der Forschung zu suggestiven Wirkfaktoren 3
2.2 Verschiedene Paradigmen im Bereich der Suggestionsforschung 14
2.3 Empirische Untersuchungen zur Induktion von Pseudoerinnerungen über fiktive Ereignisse 16
2.4 Theoretische Ansätze zur Erklärung von Suggestionseffekten 45
2.5 Implikationen für die aussagepsychologische Begutachtung: Zur Differenzierung zwischen erlebnisbegründeten und suggerierten Schilderungen 48
3. Ableitung der Fragestellungen und Formulierung der zu überprüfenden Annahmen 57
4. Methodik und Durchführung der Untersuchung 61
4.1 Auswahl und Gewinnung der Stichprobe 61
4.2 Auswahl der relevanten Ereignisse 62
4.3 Befragungen der Kinder 63
4.4 Nachbefragung der Eltern 70
4.5 Auswertung der Interviews und Beschreibung der Datenbasis 72
5. Darstellung der Ergebnisse 77
5.1 Stichprobenvariablen und Auswahl der verwendeten Ereignisse 77
5.2 Suggestionsübernahme und Suggestionsresistenz 77
5.3 Inhaltliche Qualität der kindlichen Schilderungen 94
5.4 Beurteilung des Realitätsgehalts der Schilderungen 111
6. Zusammenfassende Diskussion der Befunde und Ausblick 129
6.1 Fragestellung 129
6.2 Untersuchungsdesign 129
6.3 Suggestionsübernahme und Suggestionsresistenz 131
6.4 Inhaltliche Qualität der Schilderungen 137
6.5 Experteneinschätzungen zur Wahrscheinlichkeit des Realitätsgehalts der Schilderungen 141
6.6 Ausblick 146
7. Zusammenfassung 151
Literaturverzeichnis 153
Anhang 167

More Information:

Online available: http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/2001/137/indexe.html
Language of PhDThesis: german
Keywords: False Memories, Suggestion, Child Witness, Credibility Assessment
DNB-Sachgruppe: 11 Psychologie
Date of disputation: 10-Jul-2001
PhDThesis from: Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie, Freie Universität Berlin
First Referee: Prof. Dr. Max Steller
Second Referee: Prof. Dr. Dieter Kleiber
Contact (Author): kerdmann@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Contact (Advisor): msteller@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Date created:02-Aug-2001
Date available:06-Aug-2001


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