DARWIN Digitale Dissertationen German Version Strich

FU Berlin
Digitale Dissertation

Carmela Lorella Ausilia Bosco :
The Frighteningly Beautiful Gorgon Head of the Classics
German Images of Classical Antiquity (1755-1875)
Das furchtbar-schöne Gorgonenhaupt des Klassischen

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|Abstract| |Table of Contents| |More Information|


This dissertation attempts to investigate about one century of the history of the reception of Classical Culture in Germany. It does so mainly from the point of view of the gradual change of the image of Classical Antiquity. At first, the image of antiquity is characterized by the ideals of goodness, truth and beauty and is then gradually transformed - this took place against the background of the strange god, Dionysus - to express inhumanity. The writer has consciously referred to results and methodical approaches from the history, theoretical construction and reflection on methods of classical philology in order to be better able to outline the reception process of ancient subjects, motifs and authors in the period investigated here. In fact, the reciprocal or mirror-image connections between literature, philosophy and the science of antiquity can often be ascertained in an epoque in which the concept of "classical education" is the same as that of "education" tout court.

The dissertation has thus given a lot of space to the investigation of the educational conditions for all the authors (Goethe, Kleist, Heine, Nietzsche etc.). The modalities of acquiring a classical education presuppose the reception, more or less directly, of Classical Antiquity and dealing with antique subjects. With a view to that, the writer has constantly focussed on the developments in the history of education and the concept of "education" itself in the course of the 19th Century.

In this context, "antiquity" means almost exclusively Greek Antiquity, of which, in the course of 19th Century, at first the "classical" period, then the "dark beginnings" and the archaic epoque play an exemplary role for Modern Times. In spite of the transformation of the image of antiquity and the discovery of an archaic and anti-classical Greece, this model function holds and is barely questioned, even in the case of authors such as Heine or Nietzsche, although it is differently accounted for than before, that is by inhumanity and barbarity.

This exemplariness is not least because of the mythopoetic aptitude as an expression of the holistically conceived Greek philosophy of life. The myth has a communicative function, which can also be discovered again for Modern Times ("New Mythology") and is symbolized by the mythical figure of the god, Dionysus. This myth-renaissance would, however, be barely conceivable without the emergence and development of modern historical science which began to research formerly unnoticed or unknown areas of Classical Antiquity. The science deepens the awareness of the distance to the Ancient World, which German writers, on the other hand, attempt to bridge by means of the myth (c.f. F. Nietzsche).

German reception of Classical Antiquity has been characterized in a clearly Utopian way from the very beginning and does not get lost in the paradigmatic exchange from "humane" to "inhumane" antiquity. The Greek past and the Greek myth serve to set the perspective on Modern times, as a counterfoil to the present. The mythologisation and the idealisation of Classical Antiquity develop, just like historicism, a complex series of crisis experiences which have been the force behind Modern Times. Above all there was the desire ("Sehnsucht") for holistic inclusive life experiences in the face of the radical change of traditional, political, religiously legitimated rules and regulations at the end of the 18th Century.

Table of Contents

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Vorwort 1


I. Die Rezeption der klassischen Antike in Deutschland um 180019

  1. Winckelmann und die Folgen 19
  2. Lessings Antikebild 30
  3. Weimarer Klassik: Mythos und Legende 41

    3.1 Schillers ästhetische Schriften 48

    3.2 Das "verteufelt Humane" der Iphigenie auf Tauris 54

  4. "Abglanz eines Unwiederbringlichen" (Adorno): Hölderlins 61


  5. Griechenland zwischen Geschichtlichkeit und 74

    Metatemporalität: Goethes "Faust. Zweiter Teil"

  6. Zusammenfassung 92


II. Penthesilea, das "Weib halb Furie, halb Grazie"98

  1. Einleitung 98
  2. Die Lustspiele: Vom "Guiskard" zum "Zerbrochenen Krug" 99
  3. "Der zerbrochene Krug" und "König Odipus" 107
  4. "Amphitryon" 112
  5. Die "Penthesilea" 121

5.1 Die Quellen 122

5.2 Die Prämissen und die Folgerungen 127

5.3 Das "dionysische Phänomen" in Kleists "Penthesilea" 144

5.4 "Penthesilea" und Kleists Auseinandersetzung mit Goethe 158


III. Die Antike und ihre Nachtseite: Mythenforschung und Altertumswissenschaft in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts163

  1. Die Entdeckung des "fremden" Gottes und Friedrich Schlegel 163
  2. Schellings "Philosophie der Mythologie" und der 181


3. Creuzers Symbolik 194

4. Vom Umgang der klassischen Philologie mit dem neuen 205

Mythos- und Antikeverständnis

5. Bachofen 218

6. Fazit 230


IV. Die Götter im Exil238

  1. Klassizismus und klassische Bildung in der ersten Hälfte 238

des 19. Jahrhunderts

2. Heines "Nordsee"-Zyklen 253

3. Platen und die Plataniden 270

4. Vom Hellenentum und Nazarenentum 282

5. Getanzte Dichtung: "Die Göttin Diana" und 305

"Der Doktor Faust"


V. Nietzsche, die klassische Philologie und die tragische


1. Ein unzufriedener klassischer Philologe? 322

1.1 Nietzsches Bildungsgang 322

1.2 Die frühen Jahre in Basel 337

2. "Die Geburt der Tragödie" 349

2.1 Entstehung 349

2.2 Theorie des Apollinischen und des Dionysischen 353

2.3 Aufstieg und Niedergang der griechischen Tragödie 356

2.4 Wiedergeburt des tragischen Mythos 367

3. Der Streit um "Die Geburt der Tragödie" 373

4. Die Philologie zu Ende bringen: Über den Nutzen und 381

Nachteil der Wissenschaft für das Leben


Bildquellen 403


More Information:

Online available: http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/2001/244/indexe.html
Language of PhDThesis: german
Keywords: classical antiquity german literature reception
DNB-Sachgruppe: 53 Deutsche Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Date of disputation: 11-Jul-2001
PhDThesis from: Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin
First Referee: Prof. Dr. Gert Mattenklott
Second Referee: Prof. Dr. Bernd Bräutigam
Contact (Author): lorbosco@gmx.de
Contact (Advisor): umwege@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Notes: Die Arbeit ist nur mit dem Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Reader zu lesen
Date created:29-Nov-2001
Date available:07-Dec-2001


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