Development, optimisation and validation of molecular tools for assessment of biodiversity in forest trees
European Union DGXII Biotechnology FW IV Research Programme 
Molecular Tools for Biodiversity

Which DNA Marker for Which Purpose?

Final Compendium of the Research Project

Table of Contents

Objectives and concepts
The objectives of "Which DNA Marker for Which Purpose?"  -  E.M. Gillet, F. Scholz 
DNA markers - Concepts and characteristics - E.M. Gillet 
Purposes - Classification and desired marker characteristics - E.M. Gillet 

Inference of family relationships and mating system
Comparison of microsatellites and AFLP markers for parentage analysis  -  S. Gerber, S. Mariette, R. Streiff, C. Bodénès, A. Kremer 
DIG-labelled AFLPs in oaks - A DNA marker for reconstruction of full- or half-sib family relationships?  -  B. Ziegenhagen, V. Kuhlenkamp, R. Brettschneider, F. Scholz, B.R. Stephan, B. Degen 
Microsatellite analysis of anonymous seedlot samples from oak: a promising approach to monitor the number of different seed parents and pollen donors  -  C. Lexer, B. Heinze, S. Gerber, H. Steinkellner, B. Ziegenhagen, A. Kremer, J. Glössl 
Nuclear microsatellites as a tool in the genetic characterization of forest reproductive material. A case study in sessile oak (Quercus petraea Matt., Liebl.)  -  S. La Scala, R. Schubert, G. Müller-Starck, K. Liepe 

Distribution of within-species genetic variation over space and time
Microsatellite markers as a tool for the detection of intra- and interpopulation genetic structure  -  I. Scotti, G. Paglia, F. Magni, M. Morgante
Chloroplast microsatellites for analysis of the geographic distribution of diversity in conifer species  -  M. Anzidei, A. Madaghiele, C. Sperisen, B. Ziegenhagen, G.G. Vendramin 
10. Mitochondrial DNA variation provides a tool for identifying introduced provenances: A case study in Norway spruce  -  C. Sperisen, U. Büchler, G. Mátyás, L. Ackzell 

Phylogeny reconstruction
Limitations to the phylogenetic use of ITS sequences in closely related species and populations - a case study in Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.  -  G. Muir, C. Schlötterer
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms and Microsatellites: A phylogenetic perspective  -  J.P. Robinson, S.A. Harris

Identification of expressed genes
Isolation and sequence analysis of oak and spruce cDNA clones  -  M. Berenyi, S. Fluch, K. Hohl, K. Burg, R. Schubert, R. Riegel, G. Müller-Starck
Application of the AFLP® technique in marker assisted breeding  -  J. Peleman

Which DNA Marker for Which Purpose? Final Compendium of the Research Project Development, optimisation and validation of molecular tools for assessment of biodiversity in forest trees" in the European Union DGXII Biotechnology FW IV Research Programme Molecular Tools for Biodiversity.  Gillet, E.M. (ed.). 1999.   URL

© Institut für Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzüchtung, Universität Göttingen, 1999