User Evaluation of the Montana Natural Resource Information System (NRIS): In-Depth Evaluation of Digital Collections Using Snowball Sampling and Interviews Elaine Peterson and Vicky York, Montana State University-Bozeman
Report on the Third ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL): 27 - 31 May 2003, Houston, Texas
Michael Nelson, Old Dominion University
Electronic Theses and Dissertations Worldwide:
Highlights of the ETD 2003 Symposium
John H. Hagen, West Virginia University; and Susanne Dobratz and Peter Schirmbacher, Humboldt University

University of California Museum
of Paleontology (UCMP)
Colleen Whitney, University of California Museum
of Paleontology

Building a More Meaningful Web: From Traditional Knowledge Organization Systems to New Semantic Tools
Gail Hodge, Information International Associates, Inc.
Information Visualization Interfaces for Retrieval and Analysis (IVIRA) Workshop Summary
Javed Mostafa, Indiana University, Bloomington
Report on the "OAI Metadata Harvesting Workshop" at JCDL 2003
Simeon Warner, Cornell University
Cross-cultural Considerations in Digital Library Research: Report from the JCDL 2003 Workshop
Nadia Caidi, University of Toronto and Anita Komlodi, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
New Preservation Metadata Working Group
Priscilla Caplan, Florida Center for Library Automation
MetaTest: Putting Metadata to the Test
Elizabeth D. Liddy, Syracuse University
Cinema Context Collection (CCC)
Renze Brandsma, University of Amsterdam
Seminar on Application of the Dublin Core Metadata Model in Spain
Eva Méndez, Carlos III University of Madrid
VTT Publications Register is now OAI Compatible
Timo Hellgren, VTT Information Service
In the News:
Recent Press Releases and Announcements

In Print
Point to
Calls for
- NASIG 2004 Annual Conference, Growth, Creativity, and Collaboration: Great visions on a Great Lake, North American Serials Interest Group, 17 - 20 June 2004, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Call for Ideas
- E-Learn 2003, 7 - 11 November 2003, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Call for Participation. The deadline for submissions is 29 August 2003
- CUMREC 2004: Spicing Up Technology, 9 - 12 May 2004, Austin, Texas, USA. Call for Proposals. The Call for Proposals will open in early September
- Fifth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC), 18 - 22 January 2004, Dunedin, New Zealand. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 5 September 2003
- ICDL 2004, International Conference on Digital Libraries, Knowledge Creation, Preservation, Access, and Management, 24 - 27 February 2004, New Delhi, India. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 15 September 2003
- ISKO 2004, 8th International Conference of International Society of the Knowledge Organization, Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society, 13 - 16 July 2004, London, United Kingdom. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2003
- IUI/CADUI 2004, Intelligent User Interfaces and Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces, 13 - 16 January 2004, Island of Madeira, Portugal. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 1 October 2003
- WSCG 2004, 12th International Conference in Central Europe on
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2004, 2 - 6 February 2004, Plzen, Czech Republic. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 9 October 2003
- IS&T Archiving Conference, 18 - 21 April 2004, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 15 October 2003
- EEE 2004, International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (EEE-04), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 29 - 31 March 2004, Taipei, Taiwan. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 1 November 2003
- ECIR'04, 26th European Conference on Information Retrieval, 5 - 7 April 2004, Sunderland, United Kingdom. Call for Participation. The deadline for submissions is 1 November 2003.
- AVI 2004, Advanced Visual Interfaces, 25 - 28 May 2004, Gallipoli (Lecce), Italy. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 14 November 2003
- SIS 2004, 22nd Annual Convention and Conference of Society for Information Science, Digital Information Exchange: Pathways to Build Global Information Society, 21 - 23 January 2004, Chennai, India. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 30 November 2003
- JCDL 2004, Joint Conference on Digital Libraries,
Global Reach and Diverse Impact, 7 - 11 June 2004, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 15 January 2004
Goings On
- DEXA 2003 Events - DEXA 2003, DaWaK 2003, EC-Web 2003, EGOV 2003, HoloMAS 2003, 1 - 5 September 2003, Prague, Czech Republic
- INTERACT 2003, 9th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Bringing the Bits Together, IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), 1 - 5 September 2004, Zürich, Switzerland
- 4th Open Archives Forum Workshop, In Practice, Good Practice: the Future of Open Archives, 4 - 5 September 2003, Bath, United Kingdom
- 2003 Conference on Users in the Electronic Information Environments, Toward a User-Centered Approach to Digital Libraries, 8 - 9 September 2003, Espoo, Finland
- WebSearch University, 8 - 9 September 2003, Washington, D.C., USA
- ALT-C 2003, 10th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology, 8 - 10 September 2003, Sheffield, United Kingdom
- DAFx-03, 6th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, 8 - 11 September 2003, London, United Kingdom
- ICHIM 2003, 7th International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting, 8 - 12 September 2003, Paris, France
- VLDB 2003, 29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 9 - 12 September 2003, Berlin, Germany
- 12th ALIA National Library Technicians Conference, Bridging services embracing reality, Australian Library and Information Association, 9 - 12 September 2003, Queensland, Australia
- Indexing the World of Information, Australian Society of Indexers (AusSI), 12 - 13 September 2003, Sydney, Australia
- CCI Symposium 2003 - Preservation of Electronic Records: New Knowledge and Decision-making, Canadian Conservation Institute, 15 - 18 September 2003, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- 1st International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, 15 - 18 September 2003, Hamburg, Germany
- ECKM 2003, 4th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 18 - 19 September 2003, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Changing Images: The role of photographic collections in a digital age, 18 - 20 September 2003, Helsinki, Finland
- CLEF 2003, Cross Language Evaluation Forum, 19 - 20 September 2003, Rome, Italy
- Libraries Without Walls 5, The Distributed Delivery of Library and Information Services, CERLIM, 19 - 23 September 2003, Lesvos, Greece
- ASIDIC Fall 2003 Meeting, 21 - 23 September 2003, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- I3E2003, 3rd IFIP Conference on E-Commerce, E-business, and E-government, 21 - 24 September 2003, Sän Paulo, Brazil
- IALL 2003, 22nd Annual Course on International Law Librarianship, New Rights - New Laws: Legal Information in a Changing World, International Association of Law Libraries, 21 - 25 September 2003, Cape Town, South Africa
- Online Learning Conference & Expo, 22 - 24 September 2003, Los Angeles, California, USA
- International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, 24 - 26 September 2003, Dublin, Ireland
- DC2003, 2003 Dublin Core Conference, 28 September - 2 October 2003, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Thesauri and Taxonomies: an international conference and workshop, Multisystems, 29 - 30 September 2003, London, United Kingdom
- LIANZA 2003, 7 - 10 October 2003, Napier, New Zealand
- KMWorld & Intranets 2003, 14 - 16 October 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
- RESONANCES 2003, International Convention on Technologies for Music (IRCAM), 15 - 24 October 2003, Paris, France
- ASIS&T 2003 Annual Conference, Humanizing Information Technology: From Ideas to Bits and Back, 19 - 22 October 2003, Long Beach, California, USA
- ISWC2003, 2nd International Semantic Web Conference, 20 - 23 October 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
- Pocket PC Summit, 20 - 23 October 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- K-CAP 2003, 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Capture, 23 - 25 October 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
- ISMIR 2003, 4th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, 26 - 30 October 2003, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- 8th International Conference on Interlending and Document Supply, 28 - 31 October 2003, Canberra, Australia
Deadline Reminders
- ICADL 2003, 6th International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries
- SCI 2003, 7th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
- Syllabus 2003, Exploring Technology Solutions for Higher Education Professionals
- SIGGRAPH 2003, 30th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
- Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries
- ACM SIGIR 2003
- PISTA 2003 & CCCT 2003
- Workshop on the Evaluation of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) Systems
- Defining Evaluation Methodologies for Terabyte-Scale Collections
- IFLA 2003, World Library and Information Congress
- ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute
- Digital Preservation Management: Implementing Short-Term Strategies for Long-Term Problems
- IJCAI-03, 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- RENCON, a Workshop on Methods for Automatic Music Performance and Their Applications in a Public Rendering Contest
- DL2003, 19th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning
- ALISE 2004
- IEEE TCDL Bulletin
- ECDL 2003, 7th European Digital Libraries Conference
- 3rd ECDL Workshop on Web Archives
- KDD 2003
- Creating Electronic Texts and Images
- Hypertext '03, 14th International Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
- World Information Technology Forum, International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
- DRH 2003 Conference, Digital Resources for the Humanities
Sites for D-Lib Magazine:
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National Research Initiatives, Reston, Virginia, U.S.A.
(originating site)
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Canberra, Australia (mirror site)
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Goettingen, Germany (mirror site)
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