Dinsmore Documentation  presents  Classics of American Colonial History

Author: Greene, Evarts Boutell
Title: Provincial America, 1690-1740.
Citation: New York, N.Y.: Harper and Brothers, 1905
Subdivision:Table of Contents
HTML by Dinsmore Documentation * Added February 3, 2003


Front Matter , including
Editor’s Introduction, and
Author’s Preface

I.England and the Colonies (1689)
II.Provincial Reorganization (1689-1692)
III.Extension of Imperial Control (1689-1713)
IV.Administrative Control of the Provinces (1689-1713)
V.Constitutional Tendencies in the Colonies (1689-1713)
VI.Puritans and Anglicans (1689-1714)
VII.French and English Interests in America (1689)
VIII.King William’s War (1689-1701)
IX.Queen Anne’s War (1700-1709)
X.Acadia and the Peace of Utrecht (1709-1713)
XI.Imperial Policy and Administration (1714-1742)
XII.Provincial Politics (1714-1740)
XIII.Provincial Leaders (1714-1740)
XIV.Immigration and Expansion (1690-1740)
XV.Founding of Georgia (1732-1754)
XVI.Provincial Industry (1690-1740)
XVII.Provincial Commerce (1690-1740)
XVIII.Provincial Culture (1690-1740)
XIX.Critical Essay on Authorities


1.North America, Showing European Claims, Occupation,
and Settlements (1689)
2.Types of Colonial Governments (1682-1730)
3.Intercolonial Wars (1689-1713)
4.Frontier Warfare of New England (1689-1713)
5.Eastern North America (1715)
6.Part of North America, Simplified from Popple’s Map (1733)
7.Settlement of Georgia (1732-1763)

Dinsmore Documentation  presents  Classics of American Colonial History