
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    Y

B-17's, 300, 306, 307, 308, 309, 440, 443, 444, 506, 515
B-24's, 443
Bahamas, 478, 484
Bailey (Sir Sidney) committee, 107, 113
Baker, Newton D., 40, 59, 60, 61, 62, 62n, 63, 283, 284
Baker Board, 40, 127, 132n, 284


Bases-for-destroyers transaction. See Destroyers-for-bases transaction.
Basis for Immediate Decisions Concerning the National Defense, 110, 113
Batt, W. L., 338n
Battlefields, military missions to, 47, 47n
Bazooka, 33
Belgium, 169
Bellairs, Rear Adm. R. M., 370n
Bellinger-Martin warnings, 499
Bermuda, 478, 479, 480, 480n, 481-82, 493
Biennial Report of the Chief o/ Staff . . . July 1, 1939 to June 30, 1941, 219-20, 223
Biggers, John D., 334, 338n
Bismarck, 480
Blitzkreig, 104-07, 165, 167, 169, 185, 193, 202, 204, 305, 311. See also Germany.
Bloch, Rear Adm. C. C., 472, 476, 477
Blue War Plan, 87. See also Orange War Plan; Rainbow Plans.
Bombardment Group, 19th, 443
Bomber, long-range, controversy over, 35-36, 44-45, 47
Bombing policy affecting Germany, views on, 402-03,408-10
Bonesteel, Maj. Gen. C. If., 489
Booth, Maj. Gen. E. E., 415
Borchard, Edwin, 368n
Borden, Brig. Gen. William A., 52
Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 71n, 199
Brazil, 94, 95, 106, 188, 389
Brees, Lt. Gen. H. J., 205, 205n
Brennan, Col. R. H., 32,3
Brett, Lt. Gen. George H., 287, 290, 291, 292, 307, 308, 327, 327n, 404n, 424
"Brief of Strategic Concept of Operations Required to Defeat Our Potential Enemies," 353-57
Brigadier generals, selection of, 257
Briggs, Herbert W., 368n
Britain. See Great Britain. British Chiefs of Staff Committee, 386
British Commander-in-Chief Far East, 394
British Guiana, 478, 484, 485
British Joint Staff Mission in Washington, 385, 386, 391 , 395, 396, 397, 400
British Military Mission. See British Joint Staff Mission in Washington.
British Navy, 95, 107, 109
Brooks, Lt. Gen. Edward H., 71 n, 312
Brooks, Rep. Overton, 198
Brown, Col. W. D., 322
Bryden, Maj. Gen. William, 176, 196n, 200, 215n, 239, 271, 276, 388, 438, 440, 448
Buckner, Lt. Gen. Simon B., Jr., 456, 457
Budget Advisory Committee, 41
Budget Director, 24
Budget and Legislative Planning Branch, 40-41, 161, 178-79
Budget office. See Bureau of the Budget.
Bull, Lt. Gen. Harold R., 71n
Bullard, Gen. Robert L., 59
Bullitt, William C., 131-32, 134
Bundy, Harvey, 352
Bundy, Lt. Col. Charles W., 335, 347, 351, 388, 390, 401, 450
Bureau of the Budget, 47-49, 180, 191, 198
Burke, Sen. Edward R., 191
Burke-Wadsworth bill, 112, 191-93, 197. See also Draft Act; Selective Service Law.
Burma Road 504, 510
Burns, Maj. Gen. James H., 132n, 136-37, 169, 170, 178, 287, 302, 314, 317, 322, 323, 324-25, 328, 332, 333-34, 337, 337n, 338n, 339, 339n, 347, 367, 403n, 405n
    as adviser to Louis Johnson, 128
    aids in preparation of memorandum on Army and Navy needs, 174-76
    contributes to formation of munitions program of 30 June 1940, 182
    study of munitions problem, 115
    study of time factor in preparing for war, 173
Bush, Dr. Vannevar, 49, 50, 201


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