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Dakar, 116, 117, 362, 404
Danckwerts, Admiral V. H., 370n, 391
Davis, Dwight F., 18
"Declaration of American Principles," 96
Defense Aid Committees, 331
Defense Aid Division, 321, 328, 331, 334
Denfeld, Admiral Louis A., 377
Department of National Warfare, 297
Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of
    as co-ordinating agency for new ideas on warfare, 52-54
    powers, 69-71
Dern, George H., 18-21
Destroyers-for-bases transaction, 306, 368-69, 368n, 477-79, 482. See also Lend-Lease.
Development Division, 52
DeWitt, Lt. Gen. John, 505


"Digest of United States-British Staff Conversations," 388
Dill, Gen. Sir John, 114, 402, 404
Division, 5th, 490
Division, 29th, 262
Division, motorized, 159-60
Division, triangular, 148n, 158, 238. See also Infantry division.
Divisional chiefs of staff, appointment of officers to, 274-75
Donovan, Maj. Gen. William J., 47n, 189
Draft Act. See Selective Service Act.
Drum, Maj. Gen. Hugh A., 40, 41, 209n, 229
Dutch East Indies. See Netherlands East Indies.
Dutch Guiana, 491


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