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Callan, Maj. Gen. R. E., 30, 40
Camp construction, 183, 184, 196, 196n, 204, 213-14
Canada, co-ordination of defense effort with U. S., 119, 119n, 479, 479n. See also Newfoundland.
Canal Zone. See Panama Canal Zone.
Cape Verde Islands, 362, 389
Carolina maneuvers. See Maneuvers.
Caribbean Air Force, 491
Caribbean Defense Command, 462, 463, 464, 465, 491, 505
Carnegie Institution, 49
Caroline Islands, 506
Case, Rep. Francis, 216
Cater, H. W., 31n
Cavalry reorganization, 159
Cavite, 471


Chancy, Maj. Gen. James E., 327, 338n, 385, 386, 404n, 409. 473
Chavez, Sen. Dennis, 151
Chemical Warfare Service, 49
Chemidlin, Paul, 133
Chiang Kai-shek, 504
Chief of Staff, Office of
    administrative burdens of, 10-11, 70, 81
    all-inclusiveness of responsibility, 7, 75-76
    organizational charts, 65
    powers, 64-69
    reorganization of March 1942, 69, 81
Chile, 303, 304
China, 3, 113, 117, 153, 327, 328, 396 398, 407, 503, 504, 506, 507, 518
Churchill, Winston, 7, 107, 117, 124, 305, 348, 370, 375, 399, 400-06, 411, 477, 478, 479, 480n, 487, 507
Citizens' Military Training Camps, 24
Civilian Conservation Corps, 112, 153
Civilian Volunteer Effort, 184, 184n, 190-91
Clagett, Brig. Gen. H. B., 328
Clark, Capt. A. W., 370n
Clark, Brig. Gen. Frank S., 98, 103, 109, 112
Clark, Grenville, 189, 189n, 190, 191-92, 195
Clark, Gen. Mark W., 237n, 239
Coastal Frontier Defense, 515
Cole, Maj. Gen. William E., 242n
Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 71n
Color plans, 87, 91, 103-04. See also Orange War Plan; Rainbow Plans.
Combined Chiefs of Staff, 281, 297, 376
Command and General Staff School, 187, 269n
Commission on Chaplains, 235
Congress, 126. See also Pearl Harbor, Congressional inquiry on.
    active co-operation with Army when need for it was clear, 7-9
    allows scant funds for new weapons in prewar Period, 30-35
    committee report blames War Department for lack of preparedness (1946), 18-22
    eager to provide funds for national defense (1940), 166-71
    interest in defense of Panama Canal, 96
    isolationist sentiment in early 1940, 164-66
    Marshall's role in legislative battle for draft extension, 222-31
    pacifists active in, 34 and public opinion regarding a strong defense policy, 5, 15-17
    seeks strengthening of antiaircraft defense, 150-51
    supports peacetime draft but extends it only by narrowest possible margin, 191, 230
Convoys, 216, 387-91
Co-ordinator of National Defense Purchases, 203
Cornwall-Jones, Maj. A. T., 370n
Corps area organization, 149, 149n, 158-59
Corps troops, lack of, mid-1939, 149
Council of National Defense, 50n, 202
Craig, Gen. Malin, 22n, 37-38, 50n, 55, 70, 83, 85, 90, 94, 101, 133, 146-47, 149, 203, 210, 242, 272, 285, 302, 337, 485
    directs preparation of study of steps to be taken in event of war, 153-54, 156
    favors selling planes abroad, 300-01
    encourages study of "triangular division," 158
    mobilization plan considered by, 29
    names board to study role of air power, 100
    orders study of Ground Forces' need for augmentation, 101-02
    recommends new Basic War Plan, 92
    succeeded by George C. Marshall, 155
    warns against inadequate military expenditures, 31
Crawford, Maj. Gen. R. W., 176, 178n, 363
Critical materials. See Strategic materials.
Crowell, Benedict, 63, 283
Crowell Board, 283
Cunningham, Admiral Sir Andrew, 370
Curacao, 491


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