
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R   S    T    U    V    W    Y

Radar, development of, 49, 50n
Rainbow Plans, 90, 95, 96, 101, 103-04, 106-07, 109, 122, 124, 125, 188, 197, 378, 445, 476, 482, 491, 517
Ramsey, Admiral DeWitt C., 370
Rearmament, effort to accomplish too many objectives, 143-45
Reclassification Board. Sec War Department Personnel Board.
Reclassification of officers, 241, 243, 244, 245-46
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 203, 203n, 481
Recreation. See Morale.
Reed, Maj. Gen. Walter L., 242n
Regimental commanders, appointment of, 275
Regular Army
    advance planning for 4,000,000 men, 172-77
    authorizations for garrison, 364-65
    begins revision of its ordnance planning, 134-36
    controversy over sending soldiers overseas, 193
    and defense of Latin America, 141-42
    division strength, mid-1939, 148-49


    effect of reduced appropriations on efficiency, 4, 15-26, 36-38, 85, 143-44, 145-46, 148, 160
    effort to build up antiaircraft establishment, 1939, 150-51
    effort to modernize field artillery, 1939, 152
    improved organization, 1940, 238-39, 239n
    infantry organization, 148-49, 149n, 158-60, 238
    land tasks assigned to, 379
    Marshall's efforts to prevent reduction of forces, September-October 1941, 362-66
    Mobilization plans I, II, and III (1933), 26-29
    organization, 26-29, 148-49, 149n. 158-60, 238-39, 239n
    plans for a balanced development, 1938, 139-43
    program for five trained divisions worked out, 102
    provision limiting Army to 165,000 average repealed, 154
    restatement of plan for expansion, February 1941, 318-21
    revised interest in Ground Force development, November 1938, 101-102
    role in training, 185-89, 190, 197-98
    strength, 24-25, 25n, 29, 148, 155n, 156-60, 17n
    strength sought, 24, 101-02, 139-43, 144n, 149, 154-55, 157, 163, 168-69 169n, 172, 173, 175-76, 177-82, 185, 190, 198-201, 318-20, 343-45 361, 362
    study of Ground Forces' need for augmentation, 1938, 101-02
    suggestions for reducing with minimum injury, September 1941, 363-65
    tank establishment, mid-1939, 148
    training, 118, 183-240
    triangular infantry division, 158, 238
    weaknesses revealed by maneuvers, 204-05, 209-10, 211, 237-38, 239-40
Removal Board. See War Department Personnel Board.
Reorganization Act of Congress, 1939, 202
Replacement training camps, officer candidate school quotas allotted to, 271
Report of the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack. See Pearl Harbor, Congressional Inquiry on.
Report of the Survey of the Military Establishment (1929), 23-24
Research and development
    co-ordinating power asserted within General Std. 54-55
    General Staff officer to be placed in each civilian research and development agency, 55
    hampered by fiscal methods of the Bureau of the Budget, 47-49, 55
    Marshall's interest in, 50-56
    new weapons and equipment, 38-42
    reduction in expenditures for (1936), 42-44
    reluctance to spend money on, 32
Reserve officers: See Officers, Reserve.
Reserve Officers' Association, 244n, 263
ROTC, 24, 186, 226, 254, 269, 270
Reybold. Brig. Gen. Eugene, 317, 325, 331
Richardson, Admiral J. O., 92, 119, 470
Ridgway, Lt. Gen. Matthew B., 105
Roberts committee, report on Pearl Harbor, 54. See also Pearl Harbor, Congressional inquiry on.
Robin Moor, 218.
Robinett, Brig. Gen. Paul McD., 71n, 322, 388
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 78, 89, 90, 92, 214, 315, 355-56, 495, 512n
    aid to Allies, 97, 99, 107, 110-13, 117, 124-25, 138-39, 139n, 282, 301, 304-05, 306, 307-08, 309, 316, 316n, 318-19, 321-23, 324, 347-49, 368, 477-78
    air autonomy, 296
    air expansion, 45, 100, 126-27, 132-33, 135 136-39, 144, 175, 278, 278n, 299-300
    Army appropriations, 144n, 1161, 1164, 166, 1167, 169, 170, 179-80
    as Commander in Chief, 5-7, 66, 91, 93, 103, 109, 110, 126, 130-31
    Atlantic bases, 486, 487-88, 489-90
    co-ordination with Britain, 113-14, 338, 347, 367, 368-69, 370-71, 372, 373, 375, 382, 383, 384, 387, 399, 400-06, 411
    defense of Hawaii, 507, 507n, 510
    defense of Philippines, 414, 418-119, 421, 422n, 423, 426, 431, 432-33, 434, 435-36 450, 495
    effort to avoid hostilities with Japan, 105-06, 504-07
    Hemisphere defense, 89, 96, 105-06, 111, 411, 471-72, 479, 479n, 480, 482, 483. 484, 485, 86, 491-92
    industrial production, 110-113, 179-80, 202-03, 334, 342 343, 351-52, 352n
    National Guard, 217-18


    neutrality, 86, 304, 387-91
    rearming, 126, 126n, 130-32, 144-45, 144n, 167. 333, 338-41, 342, 343, 346-49, 350, 351, 352, 354
    relations with Marshall, 1, 6-7, 228
    research, 49-50, 50n
    Selective Service, 112, 113, 184, 184n, 185, 190-91, 195-96, 219, 221, 222-24, 225, 227-28
    selection and promotion of officers, 247, 266
    "shooting orders" in Western Hemisphere and Atlantic, 383, 411
    size of Army, 5-7, 102, 156, 156n, 157-58, 226-28, 362, 481
    view on aid to Allies, 7, 111, 124-25, 132-33, 138-39, 13911, 282, 301, 304-05, 306, 307-08, 309, 322, 347-49, 362, 368
    view on air expansion, 45, 126, 127, 132-33, 135, 137-39, 144, 175, 299-300
    view on arms production, 167, 334, 338-39
    view on co-ordination with Britain, 113, 119n, 370, 371, 372, 373
    view on hemisphere defense, 105-06, 111-12, 124-25, 480
    view on Navy, 92, 315
    view on neutrality, 164, 304, 387, 390, 411
    view on priority of Atlantic war, 111, 124-25
    view on rearming, 7, 97, 112, 130-32, 144, 164, 167, 179-80
    view on Selective Service, 7, 112, 190, 195, 222-23, 227-28
    view on size of the Army, 7, 157-58, 170, 227-28, 362
Root, Elihu, Jr., 57-58
Royal Air Force, 281


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