
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    Y

Hagood, Maj. Gen. Johnson, 62-63
Haislip, Gen. Wade H., 265-66, 295, 438, 500n
Handy, Gen. Thomas T., 406, 450, 513
Harbord, Lt. Gen. James G., 59, 61
Harbord Board, 64
Harriman, W. Averell, 338, 338n, 403n
Hart, Admiral Thomas C., 392, 394, 400, 451
Hasbrouck, Maj. Gen. R. W., 176
Havana Conference of Foreign Ministers, 96
Hawaiian Islands, 186, 453, 492, 508-09. See also Pearl Harbor.
    defense situation in, 465-67, 474-75
    Marshall orders alert in, 108, 468-69
Hawaiian Naval Coastal Frontier, 472, 475-76, 477
Hayden, Sen. Carl, 166
Hearings before the joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack. See Pearl Harbor, Congressional inquiry on.
Helfrich, Vice Adm. C. E. L., 392-93
Hemisphere Defense Force, 94
Hepburn, Rear Adm. A. J., 454
Hepburn Board, 454
Herron, Lt. Gen. Charles D., 242n, 467-69, 471, 472
Hershey, Maj. Gen. Lewis B., 190n
Hilldring, Maj. Gen. J. H., 268
Hillman, Sidney, 202n, 324
Hines, Col. Charles, 315, 317
Hines, Maj. Gen. John L., 21
Hollis, Col. C. C., 403, 404
Hoover, Herbert, 23
Hoover, Rear Adm. J. H., 491
Hopkins, Harry L., 136, 137-38, 185n, 228, 337n, 339, 339n, 347, 348, 387, 403n, 485
Hornbeck, Stanley K., 397
Horses, use in Army discontinued, 159, 238-39, 239n
Hughes, Maj. Gen. John H., 242n
Hull, Cordell, 97, 118, 121, 123, 368, 413n, 446, 447, 450, 503, 506-7, 513
    concern over Fascism in Latin America, 86-87
    proposes creation of Standing Liaison Committee, 89-90, 93
Hurley, Maj. Gen. Patrick J., 18


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