
A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    Y

M-day acquires reality in computations, 172
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 400, 415, 418, 420, 421, 437n, 439, 440, 442, 443, 444, 445-46, 448, 450-52, 496, 507, 515
    blames Congress for inadequate armored forces, 22
    concerned over equipment shortages, 30
    on lack of preparedness, 18
    large plan for defense of Philippines 425-33
    mobilization plans, 26-29, 38
    named Commanding General, United States Army Forces in the Far East, 434-38
McBride, Col. Allan C., 395
McCabe, Brig. Gen: E. R. W., 70n
McCloy, John J., 239, 322-24, 337n, 342, 343. 350, 351, 352, 363. 364
McDonnell, Commander E. O., 328
McDowell, Commander L. C., 370
McIntyre, Brig. Gen. James D., 161
MacMillan, Rep. John L:, 255n
McNair, Maj. Gen. Lesley J., 43n, 52, 205, 206­07, 208, 211, 212, 239, 295, 365, 366
McNarney, Gen. Joseph T., 140, 370, 378, 380­82, 388, 390, 479n
McSherry, Maj. Gen. Frank J., 185n
McVeagh, Lincoln, 489
"Magic" intercepts, 497, 499, 499n, 502
Magruder, Maj. Gen. John, 328, 503
Malaya, 114, 510
Malony, Maj. Gen. H. J., 295, 340, 341
Maneuvers, 49, 159, 204-05, 209-12, 234, 236­40, 243
Manila Bay, 413, 415, 416, 418, 445, 446, 466
March, Gen. Peyton C., 59-61, 60n
Marines, 225-26, 456, 488, 490
Marshall, Gen. George C.,
    and the organization of the Office of Chief of Staff, 1-2, 7, 13, 57-84, 102, 219-20, 272-74
    view on aid to Britain, 306, 307-o8, 309-10, 313, 315-16, 319-21, 325-26, 331, 360-61
    view on aid to China, 326-27, 350
    view on aid to France, 302
    view on aid to Russia, 329-30, 404-05
    view on air autonomy, 8, 280, 281, 286-87, 292, 294-95
    view on avoidance of hostilities with Japan, 117­18, 503-04, 506-07, 510
    view on defense of Hawaii, 108, 315, 468, 470, 471-72, 473, 475, 498n, 500, 501, 507-08, 509, 510, 512, 514
    view on defense of Philippines, 315, 414, 416, 422, 423, 424, 425, 432, 434, 435-36, 438­39, 441, 442, 445-46, 450, 503, 505
    view on the draft, 172, 176, 179-80, 184, 187, 189, 190-91, 192, 192n, 193, 194, 194n, 195, 196, 196n, 197n, 198, 199-200, 215, 216, 217, 219-27, 228-29, 488, 490
    view on imminence of America's involvement in war, 105


    view on Latin American defense, 94, 96-97, 102, 108, 304
    view on military co-ordination with Britain, 120, 369, 37-71, 372-13, 374 375-82, 383, 384, 385-86, 393, 394 395, 397, 398-99, 404-05, 407-08
    view on the National Guard, 155-56, 157, 188, 189n, 192-94, 196, 212, 215-17, 219-20, 224-25, 231, 235, 258, 260-61, 262, 264, 267-69, 272, 365-66
    view on national policy, 353-55
    view on priority of war in Atlantic, 108, 121­22, 124-25, 397, 438-39
    view on promotion and selection of officers, 222, 226, 231, 242, 243, 244, 244n, 245, 246, 247-49, 254, 267-69, 270, 271-77, 365­66
    view on rearmament appropriations, 37, 39, 15-51, 162, 164-65, 166, 168, 169-70, 178, 179, 180, 181
    view on research and development, 43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 54, 151
    view on sale of surplus weapons, 302, 303, 305, 309-10, 313, 315, 318, 319
    view on the size of the Army, 25-26, 102, 142, 144n, 148, 157-58, 169, 170, 171, 172, 177­78, 187, 188-89, 198, 199-201, 227-28, 319­20, 334, 361, 362, 363-65
    view on troop training, 13, 183, 188-89, 200, 206, 207, 210, 212, 213-14, 222, 228-29, 230, 232-33, 234, 235-36, 239, 271, 36-62
    view on unity of command, 294-95, 451-52 458, 461-64
Marshall Islands, 506
Martin, Maj. Gen. F. L., 475, 506
Materiel program, in conflict with training program, 360-62
Materiel time factor, 55
Mauborne, Maj. Gen. J. O., 48-49
Maxwell, Lt. Col. Russell L., 169, 328
May, Rep. Andrew J., 161
Mead committee, 18, 22
Menoher, Maj. Gen. Charles T., 283
Mexico, 105
Mickelsen, Brig. Gen. Stanley R., 71n
Middle East, 382, 386, 404-05, 405n, 407
    mission to, 327, 328
Miles, Gen. Nelson A., 58
Miles, Maj. Gen. Sherman, 370, 496, 497n, 498n, 513
Militarism, fear of, 58, 63, 194, 214
Military Intelligence. See G-2.
Military Intelligence Division, 503
Military missions to battlefields, 47, 47n
Military Training Camps Association, 189-90, 189n, 191
Minton, Sherman, 231
Mitchell, Brig. Gen. William ("Billy"), 222, 283
Mobilization plans I, II, and III (1933), 26-29
Mobilization Regulations, 266
Monnet, Jean, 337n
Monroe Doctrine, 86, 88, 97, 102, 103, 353, 357­See also Latin America.
Moore, Capt. C. J., 109, 112
Moore, Maj. Gen. Richard C., 168, 169, 171, 176, 177, 178n, 239, 289n, 310, 317n, 319, 320­21, 324, 326, 329, 388. 447, 448
Morale, 232-36, 264-65, 271
Morale Branch of the Army, 233
Morale Division, Adjutant General's Office, 232
Morgenthau, Henry, 133, 136, 300, 305, 307, 308, 312, 324, 387
Morris, Maj. Gen. E. L., 370n
Motor transportation, shortage in mid-1939, 149
Motorized divisions, 159-60, 344
Manargo, 486
Munitions, 446. See also G-4; Great Britain and other nations; Industrial production; Re­search and development; Weapons.
    Congress forbids expending relief funds for, 34
    Louis Johnson's memorandum on, 128-29, 128n
Munich Pact, 97, 126, 128n, 152


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