D-Lib Magazine
The Magazine of Digital Library Research
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To browse the contents pages of back issues of D-Lib Magazine, select the appropriate item from the list below. You may also browse alphabetized lists of stories, editorials, and briefings by author or title or you may search the contents of the monthly magazine and reference pages.


January 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 1Full Contents ]

Article: Geographic Names: The Implementation of a Gazetteer in a Georeferenced Digital Library
Authors: Linda Hill, James Frew, Qi Zheng

Article: A Common Model to Support Interoperable Metadata: Progress report on reconciling metadata requirements from the Dublin Core and INDECS/DOI Communities
Authors: David Bearman, Eric Miller, Godfrey Rust, Jennifer Trant, Stuart Weibel

Article: Mapping Entry Vocabulary to Unfamiliar Metadata Vocabularies
Authors: Michael Buckland, Aitao Chen, Hui-Min Chen, Youngin Kim, Byron Lam, Ray Larson, Barbara Norgard, Jacek Purat, Frederic Gey

Article: What is Social Informatics and Why Does it Matter?
Author: Rob Kling

Article: Armageddon on the Potomac: The Collections of Information Antipiracy Act
Author: Jonathan Band


February 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 2Full Contents ]

Article: The CIC: Using Collaboration to Advance High Technology Initiatives
Author: Barbara McFadden Allen

Article: ICAAP eXtended Markup Language: Exploiting XML and Adding Value to the Journals Production Process
Author: Mike Sosteric

Article: E-commerce Catalog Construction: An Experiment with Programmable XML for Dynamic Documents
Authors: Robert Thibadeau, Jorge Balderas, Andrew Snyder, John Nestor


March 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 3Full Contents ]

Article: The Getty Information Institute: A Retrospective
Author: Eleanor E. Fink

Article: The Mathematics Archives: Making Mathematics Easy to Find on the Web
Authors: Earl D. Fife, Calvin College, Lawrence Husch

Article: Collaboration as a Key to Digital Library Development: High Performance Image Management at the University of Washington
Authors: Geri Bunker, Greg Zick

Article: Smart Objects, Dumb Archives: A User-Centric, Layered Digital Library Framework
Authors: Kurt Maly, Michael Nelson, Mohammad Zubair

Article: The California Digital Library
Author: John Ober


April 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 4Full Contents ]

Opinion: Reality and Chimeras in the Preservation of Electronic Records
Author: David Bearman

Article: The National Engineering Education Delivery System: A Digital Library for Engineering Education
Authors: Brandon Muramatsu and Alice M. Agogino

Article: Reference Linking in a Hybrid Library Environment, Part 1: Frameworks for Linking
Authors: Herbert Van de Sompel, Patrick Hochstenbach

Article: Reference Linking in a Hybrid Library Environment, Part 2: SFX, a Generic Linking Solution
Authors: Herbert Van de Sompel, Patrick Hochstenbach

Article: The State of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative April 1999
Author: Stuart Weibel

Article: Distributed Information and Computation in Scientific and Engineering Environments
Authors: Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, Paul J. Fortier, Yannis E. Ioannidis, Christos N. Nikolaou, Allan R. Robinson, Jarek R. Rossignac, Alvar Vinacua, Stephen L. Abrams


May 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 5Full Contents ]

Article: DOI: Current Status and Outlook May 1999
Author: Norman Paskin

Article: The Virtual Naval Hospital: Lessons Learned in Creating and Operating a Digital Health Sciences Library for Nomadic Patrons
Authors: Michael P. D'Alessandro, Donna M. D'Alessandro, Mary J.C. Hendrix, Richard S. Bakalar, Denis E. Ashley

Article: Interoperability for Digital Objects and Repositories: The Cornell/CNRI Experiments
Authors: Sandra Payette, Christophe Blanchi, Carl Lagoze, Edward A. Overly

Article: Education for Digital Libraries
Authors: Amanda Spink, Colleen Cool


June 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 6Full Contents ]

Article: The Joint NSF/JISC International Digital Libraries Initiative
Authors: Norman Wiseman, Chris Rusbridge, Stephen M. Griffin

Article: Personalized Information Environments: An Architecture for Customizable Access to Distributed Digital Libraries
Authors: James C. French, Charles L. Viles

Article: A Report on the PEAK Experiment: Context and Design
Authors: Maria S. Bonn, Wendy P. Lougee, Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason, Juan F. Riveros


July/August 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 7/8Full Contents ]

Article: Perspectives on DLI-2 - Growing the Field
Author: Michael Lesk

Article: Digital Libraries Initiative - Phase 2: Fiscal Year 1999 Awards
Author: Stephen M. Griffin

Article: Reference Linking for Journal Articles
Authors: Priscilla Caplan, William Y. Arms

Article: Creating a Large-Scale Digital Library for Georeferenced Information
Authors: Bin Zhu, Marshall Ramsey, Tobun D. Ng, Hsinchun Chen, Bruce Schatz

Article: A Report on the PEAK Experiment: Usage and Economic Behavior
Authors: Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason, Juan F. Riveros, Maria S. Bonn, Wendy P. Lougee


September 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 9Full Contents ]

Article: e-Skeletons®: The Digital Library as a Platform for Studying Anatomical Form and Function
Authors: John Kappelman, Timothy Ryan, Myriam Zylstra

Article: Canonicalization: A Fundamental Tool to Facilitate Preservation and Management of Digital Information
Author: Clifford Lynch

Article: The ISI® Web of Science® – Links and Electronic Journals: How links work today in the Web of Science, and the challenges posed by electronic journals
Author: Helen Atkins

Article: MPEG-7: Behind the Scenes
Author: Jane Hunter

Article: Long-term Preservation of Electronic Publications: The NEDLIB project
Author: Titia van der Werf-Davelaar

Article: The LIBLICENSE Project and How it Grows
Author: Ann Okerson


October 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 10Full Contents ]

Article: Digital Image Distribution: A Study of Costs and Uses
Author: Howard Besser

Article: Reference Linking in a Hybrid Library Environment. Part 3: Generalizing the SFX solution in the "SFX@Ghent & SFX@LANL" experiment
Authors: Herbert Van de Sompel, Patrick Hochstenbach

Article: Semantic Research for Digital Libraries
Author: Hsinchun Chen

Article: Multilingual Information Discovery and AccesS (MIDAS): A Joint ACM DL'99 / ACM SIGIR'99 Workshop
Authors: Douglas Oard, Carol Peters, Miguel Ruiz, Robert Frederking, Judith Klavans, Páraic Sheridan

Article: Evaluation of Usage and Acceptance of Electronic Journals: Results of an Electronic Survey of Max Planck Society Researchers including Usage Statistics from Elsevier, Springer, and Academic Press
Authors: Diann Rusch-Feja, Uta Siebeky,

Article: The International Summer School on the Digital Library: Experiences and Plans for the Future
Authors: Jola G.B. Prinsen, Hans Geleijnse


November 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 11Full Contents ]

Article: The NASA ADS Abstract Service and the Distributed Astronomy Digital Library
Authors: Michael J. Kurtz, Guenther Eichhorn, Alberto Accomazzi, Carolyn S. Grant, Markus Demleitner, Stephen S. Murray

Article: Project Soup: Comparing Evaluations of Digital Collection Efforts
Authors: Michael L.W. Jones, Geri K. Gay, Robert H. Rieger

Article: Cross-Organizational Access Management: A Digital Library Authentication and Authorization Architecture
Author: David Millman

Article: BibRelEx: Exploring Bibliographic Databases by Visualization of Annotated Content-Based Relations
Authors: Anne Brüggemann-Klein, Rolf Klein, Britta Landgraf

Article: Semantics-sensitive Retrieval for Digital Picture Libraries
Authors: James Ze Wang, Jia Li, Desmond Chan, Gio Wiederhold

Article: Encoded Archival Description: An Introduction and Overview
Author: Daniel V. Pitti


December 1999 – Volume 5 Issue 12Full Contents ]

Opinion: Free at Last: The Future of Peer-Reviewed Journals
Author: Stevan Harnad

Article: Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property: Synopsis and Views on the Study by the National Academies' Committee on Intellectual Property Rights and the Emerging Information Infrastructure
Author: Henry M. Gladney

Article: The ERCIM Technical Reference Digital Library: Meeting the Requirements of a European Community within an International Federation
Authors: Antonella Andreoni, Maria Bruna Baldacci, Stefania Biagioni, Carlo Carlesi, Donatella Castelli, Pasquale Pagano, Carol Peters, Serena Pisani

Article: International Information Gateway Collaboration: Report of the First IMesh Framework Workshop
Authors: Lorcan Dempsey, Tracy Gardner, Michael Day, Titia van der Werf

Article: The Standards Fora for Online Education
Authors: Paul Bacsich, Andy Heath, Paul Lefrere, Paul Miller, Kevin Riley

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